Is Jesus God?
by Ben Williams

– Have the Catholics been right all along about Mary being “the Mother of God”?
– When you say “Father” do you really mean “Son”? - or does it make any difference?
– If Jesus is Yahweh, can we pray in either name? - or does it make any difference?
– Who died on the cross ... Yahweh or Jesus? or does it make any difference?
– If Yahweh can’t die, then is it possible that no one really died on the cross?

Don’t be too quick to answer, especially if you are counting on church tradition to help you. Some of the most essential elements of this issue are often glossed over by the churches.

By the time you’ve finished this study, you will have the pertinent data you need to draw your own conclusions.

Since I have dared to expose these elements, some have labeled me irreverent, heretical and even blasphemous. Religions have certain taboos that cannot be broached without offending the brethren of Priestcraft. However, if you are not a timid religious slave, you should find this interesting reading.

If popularity were my goal, my message would be useless. I’d tell you only what you already believe. I’d make you feel good. But, I’m not a con man so I’ll leave that to others. I may not be building up a retirement, but as Paul said, “I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.”

Rev. Robert (Profit At Any Cost) Shuller, of the Crystal Cathedral, conducts seminars on building church groups. He claims that any doctrine which could offend anyone and keep them out of your church should be avoided. He says, “When truth offends, don’t preach it!”

I cannot agree with Mr. Shuller.

Shuller reasons that to help people you must bring them into the church, and you can’t bring them in if you offend them with truth. Church builders want churches and profit – not truth.

My esteemed former colleague, Sheldon Emry, once asked, “Can churches help people by teaching them false doctrine?” I guess Sheldon would have flunked Schuller’s course too.

We also hear the siren call to “unite and compromise!” Again, Sheldon asked, “Why is it that the person who preaches the truth is always the one who is expected to compromise?” It seems that truth must be seasoned with lies to be palatable.

Churches have loaded us down with useless baggage (invented myths). Most of us are still packing some of that old baggage we brought with us out of our old churches. All that old baggage must be reexamined and scrutinized for error! We must not be squeamish about it, nor should we fear the loss of pet doctrines and idols.

The “Is Jesus God?” question is one of those “old baggage” issues which needs fair examination. We are all still learning, and we must be individuals – not herd followers and groupies – if we are to avoid the pitfalls of popular “democratic” doctrine determined by consent of the herd. Such doctrine is almost always wrong.

We are on the move. We are not static and dead like the old churches we have left. Those who join the march to freedom must be ready to keep moving and learning, or they will be left behind clinging to their old idols and sacred cows. Each person must grow and change independently, following Christ – not some group or preacher.

This study begins at, centers on, and revolves around the One with whom it will also end: Jesus – the center of all Christian thought. The life of Jesus shines brighter and brighter the more we understand it. There is no better subject to ponder, and I guarantee this one will make you think. So, put on your thinking cap, and let's begin.

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