Proof That U.S. Is Supporting al-Qaeda

The US Is Using al-Qaeda, And Others, To Overthrow Syrian Government


The U.S. Government creates its own “enemies” for the sake of disrupting and controlling the nations of the world.

The U.S. Government created and used the Soviet Union to implement a “Cold War” which enalbed the U.S. to develop its Military Industrial Complex.

The U.S. Government created the Iran Contra wars against Central and South America in the ’80s for the purpose of controlling the economies of those countries.

The U.S. Government created the Vietnam conflict for the purpose of destabilizing S.E. Asian countries and making it possible for western corporate interests to move in and profit from Asia’s troubles.

The U.S. Government created and funded al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during the ’80s to resist takeover by the Soviet Union. Osama bin Laden was their champion CIA asset. It was all good … until the U.S. needed another “enemy” to blame for all the mischief in the Middle East.

The U.S. Government created Israel to destabilize and undermine the nations in the Middle East. This has been a very successful effort.

The U.S. Government is, no doubt, the biggest terrorist organization… and creator of terrorist organizations … in the world.

The U.S. Government not only created al-Qaeda years ago, it now supports al-Qaeda in the opposition against the Syrian government. The US Government used al-Qaeda also in the recent overthrow of the Libyan government. This also led to the recent debacle in Benghazi, where U.S. involvement with al-Quada created a scene that has exposed its connections. The U.S. Media is trying to cover it up, but the truth is coming out.

The U.S. Government was using al-Qaeda to funnel arms out of Libya (munitions collected from the recent overthrow of the Libyan government) into Turkey, and across the border into Syria to supply the so-called “Syrian Resistance.”

Today, the US claims to be fighting al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, Yemen and Pakistan. But the mystery goes deeper.

If al-Qaeda works for the US, and if al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization, then that means that the US Government creates and supports terrorists.




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