Author Archives: Ben

It’s Not About Your Health – What’s Really Going On with the Economic Lockdowns?

  Jim Holt – 4/24/2020 When the State tells you it’s safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it’s not about your health. When the State shuts down millions … Continue reading

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Ben Williams – 4/24/2020 All indications are that the COVID-19 pandemic is a complete fraud. The virus may actually exist, but the “pandemic” is fabricated. Yes, there are deaths. But deaths ALWAYS increase in the winter, particularly among the elderly … Continue reading

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Crackdown lockdown downtown: fiddling with case numbers while America burns

4/22/2020 – Jon Rappoport In today’s episode of CDC/WHO holds the world hostage and builds a new wing on its mystical temple of lying science, while trance-induced billions stare at their TV sets for the latest fabrications, we begin here— … Continue reading

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Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense – April 09, 2020 Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vaccination ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial … Continue reading

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Dr. Buttar Explains The Problem


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“Pandemics” In Recent Years

The CDC would never launch a fake pandemic; certainly not… And meet our old friend, Dr. Anthony Fauci, in another context… History matters. So I take you back to the summer of 2009, when the CDC and the World Health … Continue reading

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MAJOR: Plans To Re-Open – U.S. Surgeon General Adams DUMPS GATES ‘Predictive Contagion’ Model

Bill Gates’ father (Bill Gates Senior) was the head of Planned Parenthood. Thus, the cold-blooded murder of innocents and depopulating the world is an obsession that continues to inspire Bill. WASHINGTON DC – In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon … Continue reading

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Ten U.S. States On East and West Coasts Developing ‘Reopening’ Plans

4/15/2020 – Two groups of governors on America’s east and west coasts declared they would form regional alliances to coordinate a reopening of their respective economies. Together the ten states represent approximately one-third of the U.S. population and roughly 35 … Continue reading

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A Rockefeller Foundation Paper Showing Their Plans For This Pandemic

David Icke – 4/12/2020 Would it surprise you to know that the Rockefeller Foundation predicted and planned for the exact type of pandemic scenario in which we find ourselves right now with the COVID-19 coronavirus. Unlike Bill Gates’ Event 201 … Continue reading

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Response To Bill Gates’ Statements On A Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccine

4/11/2020 During Gates’ 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates’ operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50 and 500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for the drug makers.” Nelson Mandela’s … Continue reading

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Never Has So Little Done So Much Harm to So Many

  Scott C. Tips, NHF President – 4/6/ 2020 NEWS RELEASE: Last year I was invited to speak once again at the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (IAOMT) Conference to be held in early March 2020 in Dallas, … Continue reading

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Trump is called the “king of Israel” to Israeli Jews

4/4/2020   In case you might not fully see the nexus between Trump and the Israelis, here are the facts.   Trump looks to Jewish/Israeli leadership and support for his presidency. He is more loyal to Israel than he is … Continue reading

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COVID: It’s not a disease. It’s an illusion with several masks.

Jon Rappaport – 4/2/2020 I keep pounding on this, because it’s the main illusion, and it’s the hardest illusion to dispel. People hang on to it like a life raft. The stage magicians present the “pandemic” as one disease with … Continue reading

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“The Eyes of Darkness”

Coronavirus Was Eerily Predicted in a 1981 Novel: …Throughout his career, [Dean] Koontz wrote under several pen names including David Axton, Deanna Dwyer, K.R Dwyer, Brian Coffey, and Leigh Nichols. It is with this last pen name that Koontz wrote … Continue reading

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Officials are lying about coronavirus test results

  3/30/2020 Nailed them, with their own words. Here are quotes from official sources about their own diagnostic test for the coronavirus.  There are huge flaws in the test. Because case numbers are based on those tests (or no tests … Continue reading

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