Author Archives: Ben

Coronavirus Hoax, Martial Law, And Wealth Transfer In America

3/28/2020 Among all the panic and misinformation being spewed by politicians at all levels and the complicit mainstream media, under the radar something is going on that will greatly harm Americans much more than this virus ever could? First, all … Continue reading

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Corona: if they lied then, why wouldn’t they lie now?

Jon Rappaport – 3/27/2020 In recent articles, I have used and quoted public health stats on ordinary flu compared to COVID-19, and showed the insane contradictions in numbers and in government containment strategies. Now let me take another angle.  The … Continue reading

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UK downgrades COVID-19; no longer a high consequence infectious disease

  “The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID (high incidence infectious disease).” Where is the media roar all over the world—blasting out the news that the … Continue reading

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Corona Cases: The Numbers Game

  John Rappaport – 3/26/2020 In this episode of public health bureaucrats go crazy, let’s look at their numbers.  Let’s accept their reality for the moment—the reality they claim to be working from—and trace the implications.  Buckle up. Start with … Continue reading

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Here’s what the CDC says about the test for the Coronavirus

Jon Rappaport – 3/24/2020 Straight from the horse’s mouth—both sides —The CDC (US Centers for Disease Control) admits the coronavirus test is flawed.  That’s the overview and the takeaway— As my readers know, I’ve described why the widespread diagnostic test … Continue reading

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“Travel Papers” and the Pandemic Patriot Act 2.0

Daisy Luther – 3/ 24/ 2020 Did you ever think we’d reach the point in the United States where you had to have papers to travel from one place to another? It appears we’re at the point. [The precedent was … Continue reading

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Corona Is a Very Mild Virus, No More Deadly Than Many Others We Don’t Make a Fuss About

Marko Marjanović – 3/23/2020 Let’s get one thing straight. In terms of capacity to kill you SARS-CoV-2-19 is an extraordinarily weak virus. The fatality rates being thrown around are all over the place, 8% for Italy, 3.4% from WHO, 2% … Continue reading

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The Only Pandemic in America Is That of Unbridled Fear and a Total Lack of Intelligent Thought

Gary D. Barnett – 3/19/ 2020 “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when … Continue reading

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Coronavirus Case Reports in The U.S. Are Exploding Out of Nowhere?

  Bill Sardi – 3/23/ 2020 Ron Klain, the ex-federal EBOLA CZAR, issued a warning that coronavirus cases are going to “explode” in the U.S.  On Thursday, March 19, 4,940 new cases were reported. Coronavirus deaths are also predicted to … Continue reading

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This Is Madness, and You Will Now Be Required to Build Your Own Prisons!

  Gary D. Barnett – March 21, 2020 “The mediocre masses make very few demands of the mediocrities of a higher order, submitting stupidly and cheerfully to their guidance” ~ Alfred de Vigny, Stello. The newest pandemic to strike America, … Continue reading

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Coronavirus … Panic or Pandemic?

Ty & Charlene Bollinger – 3/20/2020 Does anyone remember the words of FDR:  “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”? I wonder what he’d say today in light of the current state of PANIC over the coronavirus… The … Continue reading

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Pandemic: Is It Real Science?

  Jon Rappaport – 3/20/2020 This article is about fake science and the medical professionals who are hypnotized by it. 32 years ago, just after my first book, AIDS INC., was published, I was speaking with a doctor friend, a … Continue reading

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Is The Panic Worse Than The Virus?

  Tyler Durden – 3/20/2020 The Great Panic of 2020 is already one for the history books.  Yet the damage has only just begun.  We suspect the stock market crash, economic destruction, and forfeiture of freedoms will persist long after … Continue reading

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Iran ready to provide aid to US in fight against coronavirus

Earlier in response to Donald Trump’s offer of help in mitigating the disease, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the US can assist by withdrawing sanctions TEHRAN – 3/19/2020 – Tehran is ready to … Continue reading

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Corona Bologna Italy: The Truth begins to leak out

Jon Rappaport – 3/17/2020 The government of Italy, as everyone knows, has locked down the whole country of 60 million people.  So how many Italians have died from COV?  Even by the standards of the useless and misleading diagnostic tests? … Continue reading

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