Author Archives: Ben

Proof The Russians Did Not Hack Or Disrupt The U.S. Elections

July 15, 2018 William Binney, former NSA technical director, dispels the Russian wire taps in the following video. I’m going to let Mr. Binney explain the shenanigans pulled off, as he’s the expert data detective. Binney says it’s a “local” … Continue reading

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Two U.S. Soldiers Overheard JFK Assassination Plans

Jerry Kroth – July 11, 2018  “Information Clearing House” In November, 2017 President Trump released 35,000 documents the Kennedy assassination that were withheld for half a century. He wanted to release more, but the CIA requested more time. He gave … Continue reading

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‘No Nerve Agents’ in Douma: OPCW – Trump And US Media lied

9-7-2018 [“The Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Found No Evidence of Chemical Weapons Use in Douma Can anyone remember the last time Washington told the truth about anything? Is Putin really going to make a deal with people … Continue reading

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Two Views of the Putin/Trump Summit

Paul Craig Roberts – June 28, 2018 – The meeting that the Deep State strived to make impossible with fabricated “Russiagate” assertions and an orchestrated “investigation” by Mueller has now been set in place by no less that Deep State neocon … Continue reading

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The ‘Murder’ Of Julian Assange

6/23/2018 – by Kurt Nimmo It was a fool’s errand. On the day Donald Trump was elected his supporters asked him to pardon the founder and frontman of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange. They flooded social media demanding Assange be allowed to … Continue reading

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The World Transformed and No One in America Noticed

By Martin Sieff – Global Research, June 23, 2018 The world transformed and nobody in the West noticed. India and Pakistan have joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The 17 year-old body since its founding on June 15, 2001 has quietly … Continue reading

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Trump’s Military Drops a Bomb Every 12 Minutes, And No One Is Talking About It

By Lee Camp – June 21, 2018 “Information Clearing House” We live in a state of perpetual war, and we never feel it. While you get your gelato at the hip place where they put those cute little mint leaves … Continue reading

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MEDIA LIES: Remember the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting?

Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence that Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed months before ‘massacre’    June 20, 2018               We are told that on December 14, 2012, a lone gunman, Adam Lanza, went … Continue reading

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EVIDENCE – They’re Lying about the Syrian Gas Attacks

April 28, 2018 The ruling elite think you’re stupid. As a matter of fact, they’re counting on it. When they wanted to invade Iraq, the excuse was weapons of mass destruction. Turns out, those weapons didn’t exist. Oops. When they … Continue reading

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Eurasian Economic Union: Steady Progress Towards Eurasian Integration

6-18-2018 Author: Dmitry Bokarev Eurasian integration and developing relations with Asian countries are important items on Russia’s present-day political agenda.  One of the platforms for moving forward on these issues is the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU or EEU), which includes … Continue reading

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The SCO and G7 Meetings Point to Different Worlds

6-16-2018 Author: James ONeill Two meetings of considerable geopolitical significance took place last weekend. They could not have been more different in tone and outcome. Each in their way were representative of the fundamental realignment that is taking place in … Continue reading

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To the G7: Russia Did Not Invade Crimea, or any Part of Ukraine!

6-15-2018 Author: Deena Stryker Since I left France for a return to the US almost twenty years ago, I’ve noticed that both the French and the Italian so-called progressive press repeat the same lies as the US, in stark contrast … Continue reading

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Politicians Say They Live In Fear As Threats Against Congress Increase

Mac Slavo June 14th, 2018 Threats against politicians have been skyrocketing lately. Many in Congress are now living in fear, purchasing body armor and hiring armed guards to protect themselves against the people they should be serving rather than controlling. Members are … Continue reading

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CFR admits all governments use propaganda to “control the narrative” to enslave their own populations

CIA Has Interfered With Over 81 Foreign Elections in the Past Century June 10, 2018 by: Jayson Veley Speaking before an audience during an event held by the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Stengel, a former high-level U.S. government official, head … Continue reading

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Court finds Lithuania & Romania in breach of torture ban while hosting CIA black sites

31 May, 2018 Alleged former CIA black site in Lithuania.   Lithuania and Romania, which hosted secret CIA prisons for terrorist suspects, are responsible for knowingly allowing the torture of prisoners, a European court ruled. It comes after the appointment … Continue reading

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