Author Archives: Ben

US Meddles Abroad, Accuses Others of Meddling at Home

 8-7-2017  –  Joseph Thomas The latest round of sanctions levelled by the United States government against Russia are predicated on allegations that Moscow interfered in the 2016 US presidential elections. Alleged interference includes leaking e-mails obtained from the US Democrat … Continue reading

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So You Don’t Want the Russians Interfering Then “Why Trade With India?”

14.07.2017 –  Seth Ferris The dispute over alleged Russian interference in the US-election is less about whether Trump broke US law by accepting donations from foreign nationals during his election campaign, and more about whether you can be on two … Continue reading

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It Seems that everyone with a moral conscience is on the side of the Russians

July 3, 2017   by Stephen LendmanSyrian and allied forces, greatly aided by Russian air power, are relentlessly smashing US-supported terrorists. Washington, NATO, Israel and their rogue allies want things reversed to regain the upper hand, escalating aggressive war their strategy. … Continue reading

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7 Secrets about the World – Revealed through Syrian War

Chris Kanthan June 23, 2017 By Chris Kanthan Usually one has to read hundreds of books to fathom how the puppet masters of the world work, but once in a while, there is a single event that explains it all. … Continue reading

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The World Is Going Down With Trump

June 23, 2017 Paul Craig Roberts On June 21 the editorial board of the Washington Post, long a propaganda instrument believed to be in cahoots with the CIA and the deep state, called for more sanctions and more pressure on … Continue reading

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We Have Met the Evil Empire and It is Us

Gordon Duff- 7-6-17 When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I hope you aren’t going to claim you are doing this to defend your country. Nobody attacked us, … Continue reading

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Independent Journalists Reveal America’s Sinister War in Syria

By Tony Cartalucci May 29, 2017 –  Syria is not experiencing a “civil war.” It is being targeted by both proxy and direct military force organized by the United States and its allies for the explicit purpose of dividing and … Continue reading

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When Will Washington Quit the Business of Killing Syria’s Civilians

Martin Berger 3-5-2017 It’s hardly a secret that through a series of actions in Syria, Washington is provoking an ever increasing frustration across the international community. The civilian death toll resulting from US attacks is simply shocking. But somehow nobody … Continue reading

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Egyptian President Calls Out Trump And Saudi Arabia For Aiding And Abetting Terrorism

May 24, 2017 By Isaac Davis Speaking at the high-profile Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, president of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi made comments directly to Mr. Trump and Saudi King Salman, which in effect call out Saudi Arabia … Continue reading

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The Digital Revolution Is A Catastrophe

May 12, 2017 – Paul Craig Roberts Why did the US National Security Agency develope a hacking tool to install malware? Why is the US Security agency so incompetent that it could not prevent itself from being hacked and the … Continue reading

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The REAL Reason Trump Fired Comey – (Worse Than You Think)

On May 9th, 2017 Trump fired FBI director James Comey. The timing and the official justification for the move bordered on the absurd, and set off a firestorm of speculation and accusations. This is intentional. They want you chasing red … Continue reading

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Maniacs Rule in Washington

Paul Craig Roberts  5-5-2017 “The problem is that the world has listened to Americans for far too bloody long.”  — Dr. Julian Osborne, from the 2000 film version of Nevil Shute’s 1957 book, On the Beach A reader asked why … Continue reading

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Washington’s Chaoskeeping in Syria

Martin Berger   5-4-2017 What is the US up to in Syria? – This question is not simply bugging the Arab world … the whole international community asking. This matter became especially relevant after the so-called “chemical attack” in the … Continue reading

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9/11 Was America’s Undoing

Paul Craig Roberts The events on September 11, 2001, changed the world. It was the pretext used by the US government to launch military attacks on seven Middle Eastern countries, causing civilian casualties in the millions and pushing waves of … Continue reading

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US and UN Still Refuse To Investigate Idlib ‘Chemical Incident’ Site

4 \ 20 Apr, 2017 “We formally sent a letter to the United Nations, we asked them in that letter to send a delegation in order to investigate what happened in Khan Shaykhun,” Assad said. “Of course till this moment … Continue reading

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