Author Archives: Ben

The Clinton Foundation Is Closing Down

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton walks on stage at the Clinton Global Initiative. (The Clinton Foundation had recruited a large part of Capitol Hill denizens, adding to the criminal corruption of the power structure in Washington DC. At the Capitol … Continue reading

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Is Trump Already Finished?

January 13, 2017 Paul Craig Roberts It did not take long before we knew there was no hope of change from President Obama. But at least he went into his inauguration with an unprecedented number of Americans on the Mall … Continue reading

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Thousands of US troops on Russia’s doorstep in Poland deployment

(ed- The above illustration shows NATO forces installed within a few hundred miles from Moscow. How do you think the US Government would react if Russia put its military forces this close to Washington DC? Over the last few days, … Continue reading

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10 richest U.S. presidents before Trump takes top spot

January 8, 2017 When President-elect Donald Trump is sworn into office on Jan. 20, he will become the richest president in U.S. history. Forbes estimates Trump’s net worth at around $3.7 billion. Based on a list compiled by 24/7 Wall … Continue reading

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Murdering the Innocent in Order to Support the Lie

Paul Craig Roberts – January 5, 2017 Paul Craig Roberts As my readers know, I reported, factually, on the Boston Marathon alleged bombing case. I interviewed carefully the pro bono attorney, John Remington Graham, who intervened in behalf of the … Continue reading

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ACM, 1-7-2017 For eight years Obama has occupied the White House as President of a noticeably twisted government … and nation, apparently. Now, in the last days of his occupation he has thrown a huge bash in the White House … Continue reading

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ISIS Is Using American Missiles Against Turkey Too

Martin Berger – 1-3-2017 It came as a big surprise that Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently labeled the members of the US-led coalition as promise breakers and supporters of terrorists. According to the Turkish leader, this coalition provides support … Continue reading

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Obama’s Parting Shot: Gun-Ban For Social Security Beneficiaries

The White House released a fact-sheet Jan. 4 which previews the executive gun control Obama will unveil Tuesday and one aspect of the new controls is the inclusion of “information from the Social Security Administration in the background check system … Continue reading

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2016: How Truth Was Destroyed So You’d Buy The Government’s Propaganda

By Claire Bernish,  January 2, 2017 “We’re an empire now,” Karl Rove nefariously asserted in 2004, “and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality —  judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, … Continue reading

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The Biggest Killer Of US Troops In The Middle East Is Not ISIS — It’s Suicide

December 31, 2016 By Matt Agorist Confirming once again that war, to those who are sent to fight them, is absolute hell, newly released Pentagon statistics show that suicide — not combat — is the leading killer of US troops … Continue reading

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Al-Nusra fighters leave arsenal of US weapons

12-29-2016   In Aleppo fighters have left stores with great quantity of weapons, significant part of which was made in the US. Weapons could have been supplied under the guise of humanitarian aid as well. As a high-level source in … Continue reading

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Trump’s strategy will be to set Russia against China

  12-29-.2016 The current state of affairs in Ukraine, Iraq and Libya suggests that the United States runs silly and inconsistent foreign politics. Yet, a more global approach shows that chaos and mess in these countries appear as petty sacrifices … Continue reading

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What is Henry Kissinger Up To?

Kissinger and Trump appear to be forming a friendship. Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has described the election of Trump as an opportunity to redefine US foreign policy. What does Kissinger have up his sleeve? Paul Craig Roberts … Continue reading

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Erdogan Says He Has “Confirmed Evidence” The US Supports ISIS

Dec 28, 2016 – by Tyler Durden One year after this website demonstrated that Turkey was cooperating with the Islamic State, in the very least trading cash in exchange for crude oil sold to various Turkish outposts (a trade which … Continue reading

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Journalist Eva Bartlett DESTROYS Mainstream Journalist Over Syria, Aleppo

December 15, 2016 By Brandon Turbeville Having spent a number of months on the ground in Syria, traveling all across the country and, specifically, Aleppo, journalist Eva Bartlett has finally returned to the Western world with yet another round of … Continue reading

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