Author Archives: Ben

U.S. Presidential Lying Is Nothing New

Donald Trump does lie, and sometimes for the most trivial or ego-driven reasons. But, thankfully, his lies are small compared to the ones that came from Hillary. But presidential prevaricating is a common tactic. After escalated provocations with Mexico until … Continue reading

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Senate Quietly Passes Bill Outlawing Independent Media

(Here we go! Orwell’s “Ministry Of Truth” is alive and well in Washington DC – the deception capital of the world. The kings of fake news and deception (the mainstream media and Washington DC) are trying to block the small … Continue reading

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If You Are For Peace You Are A Russian Agent

Paul Craig Roberts Speaking of fake news, the latest issue of the National Enquirer at the supermarket checkout is giving the mainstream presstitute media a run for the money: “Castro’s Deathbed Confession: I Killed JFK. How I framed Oswald.” That’s … Continue reading

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The Coming War on China

(The US spends more on military than the next eight nations combined (China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, United Kingdom, India, France, Israel, Japan). Yet Trump is proclaiming that our military has been neglected and needs to be built up again. The … Continue reading

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Aleppo has sent the West into Panic Overdrive

12-3-2016: Martin Berger Till the very end of November both the EU and Washington sought to convince international community that none of the parties to the Syrian conflict are strong enough to have a decisive advantage over the opponent on … Continue reading

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Breakthrough in Aleppo saves 80,000 civilians by Russian & Syrian military

Nov, 29, 2016  Syrians who evacuated the eastern districts of Aleppo are gathered, in a government-held area in Aleppo, Syria. “Over the past few days, well-planned and careful action by the Syrian troops resulted in a radical breakthrough. Half of … Continue reading

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War Crimes Accusations: Guess Who’s Talking

11-20-2016  –  Martin Berger As voices demanding the sitting US administration be brought to justice grow louder, Washington is literally in panic, since it may soon be held responsible for hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths. These concerns have recently … Continue reading

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The biggest ammo shipment in 20 years arrives in Germany

(Let’s hope Trump will reverse the Neocons’ mad push for war with Russia – ed.)    By Sgt. 1st Class Jacob McDonald, November 8, 2016 A container full of ammunition is offloaded from the U.S. Naval Ship Lance Cpl. Roy … Continue reading

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Putin: Russia is not going to attack anyone

10-27-2016 Pravda.Ru Russia is not going to attack anyone – this is silly and unimaginable, said Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking Thursday at the final plenary session of the annual meeting of Vaildai International Discussion Club. The topic of the … Continue reading

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Libya is a Complete Western Disaster, Finds a British Parliamentary Report

10-28-2016 Three years ago, NATO declared that the mission in Libya had been “one of the most successful in NATO history.” Today, this statement is a proven lie that was fed to the public at large in the West. … Continue reading

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Israeli investors arrive in Crimea to assess venues for future investment projects

(An unexpected turn of events points to Israeli interest in forming ties with Russia. If this happens it will create a rift between Israel and the US. This is a surprise since Israel usually stays in lock step with the … Continue reading

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Russia Says It’s Joining China to Counter U.S. Missiles

(Russia’s military bases are all within Russia’s borders except for ten located in former Soviet republics: Armenia, Belarus, South Ossetia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Syria, Tajikistan, Crimea, Vietnam … all near Russia. By contrast, the US has 800 – 1000 bases … Continue reading

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Rigged Elections Are An American Tradition

Paul Craig Roberts Do Americans have a memory? I sometimes wonder. It is an obvious fact that the oligarchic One Percent have anointed Hillary, despite her myriad problems to be President of the US. There are reports that her staff … Continue reading

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Abusive US Continues to Drive Friendly Countries Away

Philippines’ Duterte has had enough US bullying; turns to China. RT.  20 Oct, 2016 President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte attends a news conference during his visit in Beijing, China. . It’s “time to say goodbye” to the United States, … Continue reading

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Russia Declares Aleppo Humanitarian Pause In Fighting

Aleppo, Syria, October 12, 2016 Aleppo, Syria’s 2nd largest city, (shown above) is near the border to Turkey. Its citizens are being decimated by terrorists (al Qaeda, ISIS, etc. The terrorists are being supplied with bombs and arms from American … Continue reading

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