Author Archives: Ben


Erik Prince, Founder And Former Owner of Blackwater, Renames And Expands His CIA-Like Private Armies March 25, 2016 Founder of the CIA-affiliated mercenary group Blackwater, Erik Prince, is under investigation for allegedly using his current Hong Kong-based corporation to illegally … Continue reading



Washington, Kiss Your Silly Missile Defense Goodbye F. William Engdahl – 3-22-16 Americans rarely excel at the game of chess in the manner that many Russians do. The last great world-class chess master from the United States was Bobby Fischer … Continue reading

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A Mafia Don with a Pompadour F. William Engdahl – 3-20-16 QUOTE: “If voting could make a difference they would make it illegal.” Every four years Americans are allowed to vote for a President (which is an exercise in futility … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Emails Expose More Of What Happened In Libya

Critics have long questioned why violent intervention was necessary in Libya. Hillary Clinton’s recently published emails confirm that it was less about protecting the people from a dictator than about money, banking, and preventing African economic sovereignty. by Ellen Brown, … Continue reading

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Saudi Oil Price Dumping Has Backfired Big Time

Petr Lvov – 3-11-2016 There is an old saying that still remains true to the present day: “when you plot mischief for others, you’re preparing trouble for yourself.” This saying describes perfectly what has happened to Saudi Arabia and a number … Continue reading

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The US Government Just Killed 150 People In A Country They Aren’t Even At War With

by John Vibes March 9, 2016 – This week, the US government used drones and airstrikes to fire missiles and drop bombs in a country that they aren’t at war with, killing at least 150 people. This act of aggression … Continue reading

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Vladimir Putin’s Address On The Cessation Of Hostilities In Syria

(I hope the result of Kerry’s December meeting with Putin in Moscow results in the positive outcome as Putin explains it. However, I am reluctant to believe that Kerry, Obama and the US Military are as honest and well-meaning as … Continue reading

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The US Reassesses Its Actions In Syria: Kerry and Nuland Meet With Putin

Kerry makes end run around Neocons Eric Zuesse offers his take on US Secretary of State Kerry’s concession of neocon positions toward Russia in his meeting yesterday with Russian leaders. Kerry was very agreeable and complimentary toward the Russian government … Continue reading

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Erbil: Western Propaganda and Two Parallel Realities

Andre Vltchek – 2-18-2016 I thought about writing this essay when I was working in Iraqi Kurdistan, not far from the city of Mosul, one of the areas overrun by ISIS. Since my last visit at the end of 2014, … Continue reading

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A Dramatic Escalation Appears Imminent

Week Eighteen of the Russian Intervention To Save Syria From The Jackals The Saker February 15, 2016 The situation in Syria has reached a watershed moment and a dramatic escalation of the war appears imminent. Let’s look again at how … Continue reading

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Kerry Calls For Peace As NATO Proxies Lose Ground In Syria

By Brandon Turbeville February 12, 2016 The pattern is almost unmistakable for any observer with an adequate attention span – when the terrorists are gaining ground, the calls from the NATO corners are a united chorus of “Assad must go!” … Continue reading

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The Zika and H1N1 Scare

  2-11-2016 – Konrad Stachnio In my article published in July last year entitled ‘Why Does Pentagon Need Laboratories in Ukraine? I wrote: ‘The next stage of development of Ukrainian democracy might be an accidental outbreak of a virus’. And here we go: ‘More … Continue reading

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U.S., Russia “Base Wars” In Syria As Turkey Allegedly Prepares For Invasion

By Brandon Turbeville –February 5, 2016 The chess pieces are continuing to be set by the world’s two superpowers in Syria in steps that are slowly leading to the possibility of a direct military confrontation between them. That is, if … Continue reading

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Syria: NATO’s Last Desperate Options in Lost Proxy War

By Tony Cartalucci –February 6, 2016 As Syrian forces and their allies complete the encirclement of Syria’s largest city, Aleppo, the United States and its regional allies have signaled a sudden increased interest in ground operations in Syria, including US … Continue reading

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Cosmic Cycles, not Carbon Dioxide, Control Climate

It’s the Sun, Stupid! Viv Forbes -January 21, 2016 Please feel free to publish, forward, post or quote from this. Those who think the political war on carbon will lower Earth’s temperature or keep climate stable need to study climate … Continue reading

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