Category Archives: Articles

New Facts Change Everything, the Sickening Truth About Why Iran “Schooled” America

Resigned Iraqi Prime Minister Mahdi New Eastern Outlook – 1, 11, 2020 Information has come to light that indicts the United States not just for the Soleimani killing but also for the over 300 killings during the Iraqi protests in … Continue reading

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Was Iranian Government’s Missile Strike Only A Show To Save Face With Iranians? Is That Why They Called Iraq To Warn Them Ahead Of The Attack?”

  Commercial satellite imagery of military bases in Iraq targeted by Iranian missile strikes show only minor damage, bolstering theories that Tehran was aiming for a flashy show of force rather than to actually kill US troops. RT News – … Continue reading

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Soleimani’s Assassination may Drive the US Out of the Region & Trump Out of Office

1-6-2020 – Salman Rafi Sheikh While General Qasim Soleimani’s death in a US air strike may not seem big enough a development to start an all-out war, there is no denying that this deliberate attempt to escalate tensions in the … Continue reading

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Mossad Targeted Soleimani, Trump Pulled the Trigger

  Jefferson Morley – 1, 3, 2020 Last October Yossi Cohen, head of Israel’s Mossad, spoke openly about assassinating Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, the head of the elite Quds Force in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. “He knows very well … Continue reading

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Trump Continues America’s Reign of Terror

  The Palmer raids under the Wilson regime constituted a horrific, shameful episode in American history.     Paul Craig Roberts – 1-4-2020 A hundred years ago—on January 3, 1920—Americans woke up to discover just how little their own government … Continue reading

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Trump Foments Perpetual War By Assassinating Iran’s Beloved General In His Car At Baghdad International Airport

  January 4, 2020 Putin’s Hour Is At Hand Paul Craig Roberts Vladimir Putin is the most impressive leader on the world stage.  He survived and arose from a Russia corrupted by Washington and Israel during the Yeltsin years and … Continue reading

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US backs ISIS using them as a ‘scarecrow’ to intimidate others, Syrian FM tells RT

Syrian Arab Republic H.E. Mr. Walid Al-Moualem Deputy Prime Minister UN General Assembly 12, 30, 2019: Tony Cartalucci   Despite claiming to fight jihadists in Syria, the Americans are gladly using them and giving them a helping hand to further … Continue reading

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Europeans Lead in Every Field, Jewish Brilliance a Myth, Einstein Over-Rated, Hyped by Jewish PR

Eric Striker – The New York Times recently published an opinion piece asserting that Ashkenazi Jews are an elite race by nature of their superior hereditary, culture and soul. For sure, there are Jews of exceptional intellect and ability, but this … Continue reading

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US and Syrian Troops Come Face to Face, SAA Tells US to Leave

It was only a matter of time. December 28, 2019 Fresh on the heals of a warning issued to Washington yesterday by President Assad’s advisor that the US should cease its theft of Syrian oil and leave the country – a new … Continue reading

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Trump warns Russia, Syria, Iran against Interference in Idlib

WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (Xinhua) — U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday warned Russia, Syria, and Iran against violence in Idlib province of northwestern Syria, the stronghold of Syrian rebels. “Russia, Syria, and Iran are killing, or on their way to … Continue reading

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Morales claims US orchestrated ‘coup’ to tap Bolivia’s lithium

25 Dec 2019 – Aljazeera Former Bolivia president Evo Morales has claimed he was forced from office by a US-backed coup aimed at gaining access to the South American country’s vast lithium resources. The remarks came in an exclusive interview … Continue reading

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WW2 War Crimes of Churchill and the Americans Were Far Worse Than Hitler’s

Dec 9, 2019 Here is Ron Unz weighing for us the historical evidence on who was the worst war criminal. The emphasis is added: “… the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of … Continue reading

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The Afghanistan Papers: Too Little Too Late

A confidential trove of government documents obtained by The Washington Post reveals that senior U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan. Philip Giraldi – 12-19-19 A devastating investigative report was published in the Washington Post … Continue reading

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Complete Destruction Of Syria’s Raqqa, a ‘2nd Dresden’ After US Saturation Bombing

Raqqa, Syria destroyed – over 13,000 civilian Syrians killed by Israel and US bombs.   Russian military correspondents are welcomed as heroes as they go where no Western journalist will go. Western journalists would probably be strung up from the … Continue reading

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US Police Get ‘Holocaust’ Training Trips to Israel, Funded by Uncle Sam

“Uncle Sam.” Philip Giraldi – Dec 7, 2019 Jewish groups in the United States are adept at creating mechanisms that benefit themselves and Israel at the expense of everyone else. The proliferating holocaust museums are a good example, sometimes built … Continue reading

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