Category Archives: Articles

Ecuador sold out Julian Assange to get US approval for lavish IMF loan

29 Apr, 2019– Ecuador traded Julian Assange for a loan from the International Monetary Fund, which can only be handed out with the approval of Washington, John Shipton, the WikiLeaks co-founder’s father, has said. “Ecuador doesn’t have its own … Continue reading

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Google Tracks Your Location and Shares It With Police, Even When Your Phone is Off

April 29, 2019 – Derrick Broze Even if you disable GPS, deactivate phone location tracking, and turn off your phone, it’s still possible for Google and the NSA to monitor your every move. Over the last two decades, cellphone use … Continue reading

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4, 27,2019 This March marked the 16th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. In 2003, President George W. Bush and his advisers based their case for war on the idea that Saddam Hussein, then dictator of Iraq, possessed weapons of mass … Continue reading

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Iranian parliament labels entire US military as terrorist

Iranian Parliament Express Web Desk April 23, 2019 As per the ISNA news agency, 173 out of 215 lawmakers voted for the bill. The legislation also demands the Iranian government take unspecified action against other governments that formally back the US … Continue reading

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“I Was The CIA Director – We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole”

By Tyler Durden April 22, 2019 “Information Clearing House” –   Former CIA director and now Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has long accused WikiLeaks of being a “non-state hostile intelligence agency”, usually manipulated by Russia. Since Pompeo first made this … Continue reading

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Rumors of War: Washington Is Looking for a Fight

Philip M. GIRALDI | 18.04.2019 It is depressing to observe how the United States of America has become the evil empire. Having served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War and in the Central Intelligence Agency for the … Continue reading

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The Triumph of Evil

By Paul Craig Roberts – 4 – 18-2019 April 18, 2019 “Information Clearing House” – Today (April 17) I heard a NPR “news” report that described the democratically elected president of Venezuela as “the Venezuelan dictator Maduro.” By repeating over … Continue reading

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40 Facts That Prove That America’s Moral Collapse Is Spinning Wildly Out Of Control

  April 7, 2019 – Michael Snyder We should all be deeply concerned, because we can see evidence of the cancerous moral decay that is eating away at the foundations of our society all around us. In life, each one … Continue reading

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Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Critical History of Jews in Russia

April 2, 2019 – Ron Unz   This is an excerpt from a much longer article by Ron Unz originally entitled Oddities of the Jewish Religion, which we highly recommend. We reproduce it here because there is so very little … Continue reading

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Is Washington Preparing the Groundwork for a New Maidan Scenario in Venezuela?

Robert BRIDGE | 01.04.2019 [The Ukranian Maidan refers to the overthrow of the lawful Ukranian government in 2014 by actions fomented by the US Government. Maidan is a Ukrainian word for “square, open space.” The coup was started in the … Continue reading

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Kakistocracy… A Word You Should Know

“Kakistocracy: Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled element of a society; superlative of kakos (bad).  In ancient Greek, kakonomia is a noun meaning “a bad system of laws and government,” hence the adjective kakonomos “with bad laws, ill-governed.” “Kakistos” … Continue reading

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Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly strips opposition leader Guaido of immunity

RT – 3 Apr, 2019 Venezuela’s National Constituent Assembly has backed a Supreme Court request to strip Juan Guaido of his immunity, paving the way for possible legal proceedings against the US-backed opposition leader calling for regime change. The decision … Continue reading

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Stop interfering in Venezuela, Russia warns US

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro asks Trump to stop issuing intervention threats against his government. [The US team of Donald Trump, John Bolton, Elliot Abrams, and the Military-CIA Complex continue to falsify claims and issue threats to Russia. They want to … Continue reading

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New Cold War Heating Up – Sabers Are Rattling

Aaron Kesel – April 1, 2019 U.S. and Russian tensions are picking up, and several geopolitical moves have been made in the past week with much of the press mum on what’s happening between the U.S. and Russia over Venezuela … Continue reading

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Trump’s Golan gift to Israel condemned by UN, Gulf & European allies

26 Mar, 2019 Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Israel’s annexation of the Syrian Golan has been met with condemnation by the international community, with the UN and Washington’s Gulf and European allies slamming the move. The US president signed a … Continue reading

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