Manufacturing War With Russia

[The US Government continues to push Russia more and more toward war. It is said that the first victim of war is the truth. Well, apparently by the time war starts the truth is already nearly dead due to all the propaganda from government to facilitate their lead up to war. The thousands of bald-faced lies coming from Washington about other nations and leaders is mind boggling. I must conclude that honestly simply doesn’t exist among politicians and mainstream news media. -ed.]

Chris HEDGES – 6-5-2019

Despite the Robert Mueller report’s conclusion that Donald Trump and his campaign did not collude with Russia during the 2016 presidential race, the new Cold War with Moscow shows little sign of abating. It is used to justify the expansion of NATO to Russia’s borders, a move that has made billions in profits for U.S. arms manufacturers. It is used to demonize domestic critics and alternative media outlets as agents of a foreign power. It is used to justify both the curtailment of civil liberties in the United States and U.S. interventions overseas—including in countries such as Syria and Venezuela.

This new Cold War predates the Trump presidential campaign. It was manufactured over a decade ago by a war industry and intelligence community that understood that by fueling a conflict with Russia they could consolidate their power and increase their profits. (Seventy percent of intelligence is carried out by private corporations such as Booz Allen Hamilton, which has been called the world’s most profitable spy operation.)

“This began long before Trump and ‘Russiagate,’ ” Stephen F. Cohen said when I interviewed him for my television show, “On Contact.” Cohen is professor emeritus of politics at Princeton University, where he was the director of the Russian studies program, and professor emeritus of Russian studies and history at New York University. “You have to ask yourself, why is it that Washington had no problem doing productive diplomacy with Soviet communist leaders. Remember Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev? It was a love fest. They went hunting together [in the Soviet Union]. Yet along comes a post-Soviet leader, Vladimir Putin, who is not only not a communist but a professed anti-communist. Washington has been hating him ever since 2003, 2004. It requires some explanation. Why do we like communist leaders in Russia better than we like Russia’s anti-communist leader? It’s a riddle.”

“If you’re trying to explain why the Washington establishment has dealt with Putin in a hateful and demonizing way, you have to go back to the 1990s before Putin,” said Cohen, whose new book is “War With Russia? From Putin & Ukraine to Trump & Russiagate.” The first post-Soviet leader is Boris Yeltsin. Clinton is president. And they have this fake, pseudo-partnership and friendship, whereas essentially the Clinton administration took advantage of the fact that Russia was in collapse. I lived there in the ’90s. Middle-class people lost their professions. Elderly people lost their pensions. I think it’s correct to say that industrial production fell more in the Russian 1990s than it did during our own Great Depression. It was the worst economic and social depression ever in peacetime. It was a catastrophe for Russia.”

In September 1993 Russians took to the streets to protest the collapse of the economy—the gross domestic product had fallen by 50% and the country was convulsed by hyperinflation—along with the rampant corruption that saw state enterprises sold for paltry fees to Russian oligarchs and foreign corporations in exchange for lavish kickbacks and bribes; food and fuel shortages; the nonpayment of wages and pensions; the lack of basic services, including medical services; falling life expectancy; the explosion of violent crime; and Yeltsin’s increasing authoritarianism and his unpopular war with Chechnya.

Yeltsin, in October 1993, after dissolving the parliament, ordered army tanks to shell the Russian parliament building, which was being occupied by democratic protesters. The assault left 2,000 dead. Yet during his presidency Yeltsin was effusively praised and supported by Washington. No outcry from Washington that he was killing his own Russian citizens.This included U.S. support for a $10.2 billion International Monetary Fund loan to Russia during his 1996 re-election campaign. The loan enabled the Yeltsin government to pay huge sums in back wages and pensions to millions of Russians, with checks often arriving on the eve of the election. Also, an estimated $1.5 billion from the loan was used to directly fund the Yeltsin presidential campaign. But by the time Yeltsin was forced out of office in December 1999 his approval rating had sunk to 2%. Washington, losing Yeltsin, went in search of another malleable Russian leader and, at first, thought it had found one in Putin.

“Putin went to Texas,” Cohen said. “He had a barbecue with Bush. Bush said he ‘looked into his eyes and saw a good soul.’ There was this honeymoon. But in time they turned against Putin. He turned out not to be another Yeltsin. We have a very interesting comment about this from Nicholas Kristof, the New York Times columnist, who wrote, I think in 2003, that his own disillusion with Putin was that he had turned out not to be ‘a sober Yeltsin.’ What Washington was hoping for was a submissive, supplicant, post-Soviet Russian leader, but one who was younger, healthier and not a drinker. They thought they had that in Putin. Yeltsin had put Putin in power, or at least the people around Yeltsin did.”

“When Putin began talking about Russia’s sovereignty, Russia’s independent course in world affairs, they were aghast,” Cohen said of the Washington elites. “This was not what they expected. Since then, my own thinking is we were pretty lucky after the 1990s to get Putin because there were worst contenders in the wings. I knew some of them. I don’t want to name names. But some of these guys were really harsh people. Putin was kind of the right person for the right time, both for Russia and for Russian world affairs.”

“We have now had three years of this,” Cohen said of Russiagate. “We lost sight of the essence of what this allegation is. The people who created Russiagate are literally saying, and have been for almost three years, that the president of the United States is a Russian agent, or he has been compromised by the Kremlin. We grin because it’s so fantastic. But the Washington establishment, mainly the Democrats but not only them, have taken this seriously.”

“I don’t know if there has ever been anything like this in American history,” Cohen said. “That accusation does such damage to our own institutions, to the presidency, to our electoral system, to Congress, to the American mainstream media, not to mention the damage it’s done to American-Russian relations, the damage it has done to the way Russians, both elite Russians and young Russians, look at America today. This whole Russiagate has not only been fraudulent, it’s been a catastrophe.”

“There were three major episodes of détente in the 20th century,” Cohen said. “The first was after Stalin died, when the Cold War was very dangerous. That was carried out by Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican president. The second was by Richard Nixon, advised by Henry Kissinger—it was called ‘the Nixon détente with Brezhnev.’ The third, and we thought most successful, was Ronald Reagan with Mikhail Gorbachev. It was such a successful détente Reagan and Gorbachev, and Reagan’s successor, the first Bush, said the Cold War was over forever.”

“The wall had come down,” Cohen said of the 1989 collapse of East Germany and the fall of the Berlin Wall. “Germany was reunifying. The question became ‘where would a united Germany be?’ The West wanted Germany in NATO. For Gorbachev, this was an impossible sell. Twenty-seven point five million Soviet citizens had died in the war against Germany in the Second World War on the eastern front. Contrary to the bunk we’re told, the United States landing on Normandy was not what defeated Nazi Germany. The defeat of Nazi Germany was done primarily by the Soviet army. How could Gorbachev go home and say, ‘Germany is reunited. Great. And it’s going to be in NATO.’ It was impossible. They told Gorbachev, ‘We promise if you agree to a reunited Germany in NATO, NATO will not move one inch to the east (this was promised by Secretary of State James Baker.) In other words, NATO would not move from Germany toward Russia.”

But it did!

“As we speak today, NATO is on Russia’s borders,” Cohen said. “From the Baltics to Ukraine to the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. So, what happened? Later, they said Gorbachev lied or he misunderstood. [That] the promise was never made. But the National Security Archive in Washington has produced all the documents of the discussion in 1990. It was not only [President George H.W.] Bush, it was the French leader François Mitterrand, it was Margaret Thatcher of England. Every Western leader promised Gorbachev NATO would not move eastward.”

“What do you end up with today?” he asked. “Betrayal. Any kind of discussion about Russian-American relations today, an informed Russian is going to say, ‘We worry you will betray us again.’… Putin said he had illusions about the West when he came to power.”

“Trump comes out of nowhere in 2016 and says, ‘I think we should cooperate with Russia,’ ” Cohen said. “This is a statement of détente. It’s what drew my attention to him. It’s then that this talk of Trump being an agent of the Kremlin begins. One has to wonder—I can’t prove it—but you have to think logically. Was this [allegation] begun somewhere high up in America by people who didn’t want a pro-détente president? And [they] thought that Trump, however unlikely it seemed at the time that he could win—they really didn’t like this talk of cooperation with Russia. It set in motion these things we call Russiagate.”

“The forefathers of détente were Republicans,” Cohen said. “How the Democrats behaved during this period of détente was mixed. There was what used to be called the Henry Jackson wing. This was a very hard-line, ideological wing of the Democratic Party that didn’t believe in détente. Some Democrats did. I lived many years in Moscow, both Soviet and post-Soviet times. If you talk to Russian Soviet policymakers, they generally prefer Republican candidates for the presidency.”

Democrats are perceived by Russian rulers as more ideological, Cohen said.

“Republicans tend to be businessmen who want to do business in Russia,” he said. “The most important pro-détente lobby group, created in the 1970s, was called the American Committee for East-West Accord. It was created by American CEOs who wanted to do business in Soviet Russia.”

“The single most important relationship the United States has is with Russia,” Cohen went on, “not only because of the nuclear weapons. It remains the largest territorial country in the world. It abuts every region we are concerned about. Détente with Russia—not friendship, not partnership, not alliance—but reducing conflict is essential. Yet something happened in 2016.”

The accusations made repeatedly by James Clapper, the former director of the National Security Agency, and John Brennan, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, concerning the Kremlin’s supposed control of Trump and Russia’s alleged theft of our elections are deeply disturbing, Cohen said. Clapper and Brennan have described Trump as a Kremlin “asset.” Brennan called Trump’s performance at a news conference with the Russian president in Finland “nothing short of treasonous.”

Clapper in his memoir, “Facts and Fears: Hard Truths From a Life in Intelligence,” claims Putin’s interference in the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Trump was “staggering.”

“Of course, the Russian efforts affected the outcome,” writes Clapper. “Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense and credulity to the breaking point. Less than eighty thousand votes in three key states swung the election. I have no doubt that more votes than that were influenced by this massive effort by the Russians.”

Brennan and Clapper have on numerous occasions been caught lying to the public. Brennan, for example, denied, falsely, that the CIA was monitoring the computers that Senate staff members were using to prepare a report on torture. The chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne Feinstein, took to the Senate floor to accuse Brennan and the CIA of potentially violating the U.S. Constitution and of criminal activity in its attempts to spy on and thwart her committee’s investigations into the agency’s use of torture. She described the situation as a “defining moment” for political oversight. Brennan also claimed there was not a “single collateral death” in the drone assassination program, that Osama bin Laden used his wife as a human shield before being gunned down in a U.S. raid in Pakistan, and insisted that torture, or what is euphemistically called “enhanced interrogation,” has produced valuable intelligence. None of these statements are true.

Clapper, who at the time of the U.S. invasion of Iraq was the head of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon unit responsible for interpreting spy-satellite photos and intelligence such as air particles and soil samples, concocted a story about Saddam Hussein spiriting to Syria his nonexistent weapons of mass destruction and the documents that verified his program on the eve of the invasion. He blatantly committed perjury before the Senate when being questioned about domestic surveillance programs of the American public. He was asked, “Does the NSA [National Security Agency] collect any type of data at all on millions, or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper responded, “No, sir. … Not wittingly.” It was, as Clapper knew very well, a lie.

“We have the Steele dossier that was spookily floating around American media,” Cohen said of the report compiled by Christopher Steele.

The report was commissioned by Fusion GPS and paid for by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Bob Woodward reported that Brennan pushed to include the Steele dossier in the intelligence community assessment of Russian election interference.

“He [Steele] got it from newspapers,” Cohen said. “I don’t think he had a single source in Russia. Steele comes forward with this dossier and says, ‘I’ve got information from high-level sources.’ The Clinton campaign is funding this operation. But Steele is very important. He’s a former U.K. intelligence officer who had served in Russia and ran Russian cases. He says he has this information in the dossier about Trump.”

“The theory is Putin desperately wanted to make Trump president,” Cohen said. “Yet, guys in the Kremlin, around Putin, were feeding dirt about Trump to a guy called Steele. Does it make any sense to you?”

“Why is this important?” Cohen asked. “Right-wing American media outlets today, in particularly Fox News, are blaming Russia for this whole Russiagate thing. They’re saying that Russia provided this false information to Steele, who pumped it into our system, which led to Russiagate. This is untrue.”

“Who is behind all this? Including the Steele operation?” Cohen asked. “All the surface information suggests that this originated with Brennan and the CIA. Long before it hit America—maybe as early as late 2015. One of the problems we have today is everybody is hitting on the FBI. Lovers who sent emails. But the FBI is a squishy organization, nobody is afraid of the FBI. It’s not what it used to be under J. Edgar Hoover. Look at James Comey, for God’s sake. He’s a patsy. Brennan and Clapper played Comey. They dumped this stuff on him. Comey couldn’t even handle Mrs. Clinton’s emails. He made a mess of everything. Who were the cunning guys? They were Brennan and Clapper. [Brennan,] the head of the CIA. Clapper, the head of the Office of [the Director of] National Intelligence, who is supposed to oversee these agencies.”

“Is there any reality to these Russiagate allegations about Trump and Putin?” he asked. “Or was this dreamed up by our intelligence services? Today investigations are being promised, including by the attorney general of the United States. They all want to investigate the FBI. But they need to investigate what Brennan and the CIA did. This is the worst scandal in American history. It’s the worst, at least since the Civil War. We need to know how this began. If our intelligence services are way off the reservation, to the point that they can try to first destroy a presidential candidate and then a president, and I don’t care that it’s Trump, it may be Harry Smith next time, or a woman; if they can do this, we need to know it.”

“The second Bush left the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002,” Cohen said. “It was a very important treaty. It prevented the deployment of missile defense. If anybody got missile defense that worked, they might think they had a first strike [option]. Russia or the United States could strike the other without retaliation. Once Bush left the treaty, we began to deploy missile defense around Russia. It was very dangerous.”

“The Russians began a new missile program which we learned about last year,” he said. Hypersonic missiles. Russia now has nuclear missiles that can evade and elude any missile defense system. We are in a new and more perilous point in a 50-year nuclear arms race. Putin says, ‘We’ve developed these because of what you did. We can destroy each other.’ Now is the time for a serious, new arms control agreement. What do we get? Russiagate. Russiagate is one of the greatest threats to national security. I have five listed in the book. Russia and China aren’t on there. Russiagate is number one.”


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Snowden: “Most Effective Means Of Social Control In The History Of Our Species” Now In Place


Andrea Germanos – 6/1/2019

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden said Thursday that people in systems of power have exploited the human desire to connect in order to create systems of mass surveillance.

Snowden appeared at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia via livestream from Moscow to give a keynote address for the Canadian university’s Open Dialogue Series.

Right now, he said, humanity is in a sort of “atomic moment” in the field of computer science. “We’re in the midst of the greatest redistribution of power since the Industrial Revolution, and this is happening because technology has provided a new capability,” Snowden said.

“It’s related to influence that reaches everyone in every place,” he said. “It has no regard for borders. Its reach is unlimited, if you will, but its safeguards are not.” Without such defenses, technology is able to affect human behavior.

Institutions can “monitor and record private activities of people on a scale that’s broad enough that we can say it’s close to all-powerful,” said Snowden. They do this through “new platforms and algorithms,” through which “they’re able to shift our behavior. In some cases they’re able to predict our decisions—and also nudge them—to different outcomes. And they do this by exploiting the human need for belonging.”

“We don’t sign up for this,” he added, dismissing the notion that people know exactly what they are getting into with social media platforms like Facebook.

“How many of you who have a Facebook account actually read the terms of service?” Snowden asked. “Everything has hundreds and hundreds of pages of legal jargon that we’re not qualified to read and assess—and yet they’re considered to be binding upon us.”

“It is through this sort of unholy connection of technology and sort of an unusual interpretation of contract law,” he continued, “that these institutions have been able to transform this greatest virtue of humanity—which is this desire to interact and to connect and to cooperate and to share—to transform all of that into a weakness.”

“And now,” he added, “these institutions, which are both commercial and governmental, have built upon that and… have structuralized that and entrenched it to where it has become now the most effective means of social control in the history of our species.

“Maybe you’ve heard about it,” Snowden said. “This is mass surveillance.”


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United States is a Warmongering Nation

By Finian Cunningham

June 02, 2019 “Information Clearing House” – In an address to West Point military graduates, US Vice President Mike Pence told them they will one day fight for America. “It’s a virtual certainty,” said Pence who was swelling with pride as he spoke, rather than lamenting.

Well, at least, he is being candid. The United States is a warmongering nation, there is no doubt about it. As several historical studies attest, out of the 243 years since its formation as a modern state, the US has been at war during every decade, sometimes in multiple simultaneous wars.

Or put another way, about 95 per cent of its historical existence the US has been involved in waging wars, sometimes covertly or by proxy. Since the Second World War alone, the US has been involved in up to 60 wars or covert conflicts, inflicting a civilian death toll estimated at 20 million. Arguably, there is not another nation, past or present, with such a record of belligerence.

So, yes, Pence is correct when he told graduates from the US’ elite military academy: “It is a virtual certainty that you will be on a battlefield for America.”

Ironically, the vice president, like President Trump and the hawkish national security adviser John Bolton, has never served in the military. Yet Pence held forth like a four-star (armchair) general about the need for young American troops to do battle in a “dangerous world”.

“I know when that day comes you will move to the sound of guns,” exhorted Pence, whose only experience of gunfire no doubt comes from watching replays of old Hollywood war movies.

The whole world is a potential battlefield in Pence’s reckoning. (Not just Pence, but nearly all American politicians.) He specifically mentioned US troops going into future conflict with China or North Korea. He also said they may be deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq where US forces have been embroiled for nearly two decades.

Ominously, Pence warned the new cohort of West Point Second Lieutenants that they may one day be dispatched to a war in “this hemisphere”. Given the Trump administration’s backing for a coup in Venezuela and its threats of military intervention, was Pence alluding to a possible war in the works with that South American country, which, by the way, happens to possess the biggest-known oil reserves on the planet?

The exulting in future wars by Pence comes at a time of escalating military threats from the US towards Iran. The Trump administration has sent an aircraft carrier strike group to the Persian Gulf as well as new missile batteries, nuclear-capable B-52 bombers and more squadrons of F-16 fighter jets. Trump also last week commanded 1,500 more troops to the region to join an already 70,000 stationed there, all in a bid to ostensibly “counter Iranian aggression”.

The global context of American military deployment, as Pence sanguinely acknowledges, belies the claims made by Washington of it allegedly facing “Iranian aggression”. What’s going on in the Persian Gulf is just one sequence in a whole global series of relentless US militarism. It is estimated that the US has 800 military bases around the planet with its forces deployed in at least 70 countries. The idea that this imperialist configuration is because the US is “the leader of the free world” is a risible propaganda rationale.

American military power is used to project and protect US capitalist interests. US troops are just hired guns and cannon fodder for corporate profit-making, as former Marine general Smedley Butler scathingly confessed during the 1930s in his classic book ‘War is a Racket’.

When Pence said: “It is a virtual certainty that you will be on a battlefield for America.” What he really meant to say was… “for American merchants and bankers”.

US soldiers are sent to wars not to defend American national security or to “promote democracy”, as the myth goes. They are sent to foreign lands to kill, die or be maimed for the sole, sordid purpose of making money for elite bankers, corporate executives or rich shareholders who send their non-serving scions to fancy private colleges like Pence and Trump went to.

The American ruling class perpetuates itself by sending working-class schmucks into wars-for-capitalist-profit, over and over again.

The unremitting warmongering that underpins American capitalism is testified by Pence’s address to the West Point graduates. Stripped from the pious rhetoric, Pence was telling like it is: the American way is war, war, and more war. The American way is Total War on the planet to get whatever US corporations need in order to make the oligarchic class even richer.

Even when the US is purportedly engaged in “diplomacy” it is always ready to exercise the “all options” of militarism in order to get its infernal way.

Pence referred to US troops one day going to the Korean Peninsula because, he asserted, North Korea is “a threat to peace”. A country where the American military killed three million people during the 1950-53 Korean War. He warned there could be another war against North Korea or China. Partly because China, he said, was “challenging American power”. That’s acceptable cause for war?

It is quite astounding that the American vice president is envisioning a war with two countries that his administration is supposedly engaging with in ongoing diplomatic negotiations. The Trump administration is trying to convince North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons, while the US makes more nukes.


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What diplomacy? Here are 36 countries the US has bullied this week

What diplomacy? Here are 36 countries the US has bullied this week


It’s been a busy few days for “American diplomacy” with three dozen nations ending up at the receiving end of threats, ultimatums and sanctions this week alone. (Their crime? Refusing to get on board with Trump’s war on Iran and Venezuela, or trading with Russia and China -ed).

Mexico is the latest target, slapped with 5 percent tariffs on each and every export, gradually increasing to 25 percent until it stops the flow of Latin American migrants into the US, thus fulfilling one of President Donald Trump’s election promises. Most of those migrants aren’t even from Mexico.

On the other side of the world, India is reportedly about to be forced to face a choice: ditch the purchase of Russian S-400 air defense systems or face sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA, Washington’s go-to cooperation enforcement instrument).

Turkey is facing a similar ultimatum: abandon S-400s (something Ankara has repeatedly refused to do) or lose access to the F-35 fighter jet program. This threat was repeated on Thursday by Kathryn Wheelbarger, US acting assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs. Ankara has already invested some $1.25 billion into the super-expensive American fighter, but with a lot of its parts being made in Turkey, it’s still an open question who would be the bigger loser.

The entire European Union could be facing punishment if it tries to trade with Iran using its non-dollar humanitarian mechanism to bypass the American embargo. Having worked hard on the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran, which has repeatedly been confirmed to be working, EU member states are not ready to ditch trade at Trump’s whim – and US Special Representative to Iran Brian Hook on Thursday reaffirmed the threat of CAATSA sanctions.

Also on US to punish anyone using EU’s alternative payment system with Iran to skirt sanctions

Cuba, the rediscovered scapegoat of the Trump administration’s war drive, is being called out for supporting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. On his Thursday visit to Canada, US Vice President Mike Pence said Ottawa must stop Havana’s “malign influence” on Caracas’ affairs – despite Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s meek objections that it could play a “positive role” in settling the crisis there.

That’s 32 countries bullied, threatened or sanctioned in one day (counting the 28 EU members). Years’ worth of gunboat diplomacy, packed into a busy few hours in Trump’s signature “my way or the highway” style.

Mentioning Iran (which was almost certainly behind a recent inept attack on oil tankers near the Persian Gulf), China (which dares to buy Iranian oil), Russia (which has probably restarted low-yield nuclear tests) and Venezuela (where the ouster of its elected president is the only result of long-awaited talks with the opposition that Washington will accept) – is almost an afterthought. There’s hardly a week passing without the Trump administration churning out half-a-dozen accusations and threats against one or all of those – and this week, the gears were grinding as hard as ever.

Here’s a visual aid: the nations the US has threatened this week, colored on a map.

American influence, built up over decades, is undeniable: even its adversaries depend on the US dollar and are arguably at the mercy of US military bases scattered all over the globe. Trump and his hawkish inner circle have been more than willing to spend that credit by shouting at everyone to get in line.

In the worst-case scenario, he is dragging the world into devastating wars. In the best case, he is throwing that influence away, showing allies and rivals alike that an ugly divorce could be the only way out of this abusive relationship.


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US State Dept’s Grants $75mn to “help Syria combat Iranian disinformation”

US State Dept’s $75mn grant will help war-torn Syria… combat ‘Iranian disinformation’

After spending years trying to topple Damascus, Washington has now pledged to protect war-scarred Syrians from Iranian “disinformation.” The act of altruism is part of a grant aimed at “advancing US interests” in the country.

The US State Department wants to give $75 million to an eligible NGO as part of an initiative aimed at strengthening “credible governance and civil society entities” in Syria – at least in the areas controlled by illegitimate, US-backed forces.

The grant will also fund efforts to “counter extremism and disinformation perpetuated by Iranian forces,” since that is apparently the major life-and-death issue facing Syrians after seven years of devastating war. Additionally, the grant aims to “ensure the enduring defeat” of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

How the grant will help bring about a peaceful political solution in Syria is also an open question. Washington’s long-standing policy has been that President Bashar Assad “must go” – which sounds more like an act of war, and less like a peaceful settlement.

This may all sound like a profound waste of taxpayer dollars, but the grant synopsis makes it very clear that approved applicants will be nobly advancing “US government policy objectives in Syria.”

While the grant lists stringent requirements for all interested bidders, applicants are not required to obtain permission from Damascus to operate in Syrian territory, cutting out a lot of annoying bureaucratic red tape. Instead, the lucky grant winners will “strengthen government” in territories occupied by Israeli, Saudi, and Washington-backed proxy forces, like ISIS and al-Qaeda.

With thousands killed and millions displaced from the fighting in Syria, one might think the US government could find a better use of $75 million in Syria, other than trying to overthrow the country’s popular president, Bashar Assad, who is voted in and backed by the Syrian people.

[Washington has strange ways of “helping to rebuild” Syria – by terrorizing and attacking them, blaming it on Iran, then claiming to help defend them from Iran. Are you kidding? -ed]


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“We’re Being Played”: Tucker Carlson Interviews Tulsi Gabbard about Leaked Syria Chemical Attack Memo

On Thursday night Fox’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” featured rare prime time coverage of the bombshell leaked OPCW report which refuted key events surrounding the April 2018 alleged chemical gas attack in Douma, Syria — which resulted in massive US and allied airstrikes on Damascus, nearly leading to a major war at the time. And now new allegations are looming which could once again lead to US airstrikes on Syria.

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is the international chemical weapons watchdog group which has worked in tandem with the UN to investigation claimed Sarin and chlorine gas attack sites in Syria. The smoking gun document, Tucker said in opening remarks, vindicates his and others’ past skepticism. He said:

“Now a leaked document shows there was good reason to be skeptical.” 

But here we are again — one year later — with yet another chemical attack claim near Idlib on Sunday, which the US State Department says it is investigating, vowing to “respond quickly and appropriately” if Assad is found guilty of using the banned weapons, according to an official statement.

But crucially, as Tucker Carlson pointed out on his show Thursday evening in reference last year’s Douma events, “At the time that happened this program was pretty much the only show on mainstream television to show any skepticism about the official narrative of the attack.”

Introducing a segment with Democratic presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard, a known longtime skeptic on Syrian regime change, Carlson reviewed the prior two American attacks on the Syrian government, noting “Justification for both attacks was an alleged aerial chemical weapons attack on anti-Assad rebels in Douma, Syria.”

Congresswomen Gabbard told the Fox host during the interview that the leaked document presents major reasons to doubt the official narrative concerning both Douma and the most recent claims out of Idlib being advanced by the al-Qaeda groups Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) and the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP). She said she is reaching out to both the UN and OPCW for answers.

Referencing current and past Syria chemical attack claims, Tucker agreed that, “I’m beginning to suspect that we’re being played here.”

The document, whose authenticity the OPCW has confirmed, contends that the official story which was used to justify an air strike by the US, UK and France about poison gas being dropped on civilians from Syrian government helicopters is scientifically implausible, saying “In summary, observations at the scene of the two locations, together with subsequent analysis, suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations rather than being delivered from aircraft.” — Establishment Narrative-Managers Struggling With New Syria Plot Holes

Since the leaked OPCW report surfaced over a week ago there’s predictably been mainstream silence, perhaps with the exception of two major UK outlets, The Independent and The Daily Mail.

Rocket scientist and MIT professor emeritus Theodore Postol has also weighed in to say the new evidence reveals the “attacks were staged”.

Writing for The Independent, world-renowned Middle East war correspondent Robert Fisk summarized the significance of the leaked report. This comes just as once again US war rhetoric against Damascus is looming.

Fisk wrote in his report:

The OPCW officially maintains that these canisters were probably dropped by an aircraft – probably a helicopter, presumably Syrian – over Douma on 7 April 2018. But it is a “higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations rather than being delivered from aircraft”.

It is difficult to underestimate the seriousness of this manipulative act by the OPCW. In a response the OPCW admits that its so-called technical secretariat “is conducting an internal investigation about the unauthorised [sic] release of the document”.

Importantly, the OPCW has confirmed the authenticity of the report, authored by an expert that had spent most of his career as an on the ground technical investigator since the OPCW’s inception.

The leaked OPCW document can be accessed here.

Though there’s largely been a mainstream media blackout on the leaked document, it’s possible it could slowly trickle into media discourse following Fox’s prime time coverage on Tucker’s show.

Fisk further articulated that the document is a game-changer at the conclusion of his article, saying, “Put bluntly, the paper is suggesting that the location of the cylinders was a set-up, that someone inside Douma immediately after the bombings of 7 April 2018 placed the cylinders in the locations in which they were subsequently examined by the OPCW.”

With the potential for a new round of attacks by US forces against Assad based on fresh chemical attack claims out of Idlib, we wonder, did President Trump catch Tucker’s show on Thursday night?



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The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin

In 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.

A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, etc.

Hirschfield 4

The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin queer scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.

He also founded a committee for “gay rights” and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’.  Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes.

Book Burning 1

In 1921, Hirschfeld organized the First Congress for Sexual Reform, which led to the formation of the World League for Sexual Reform, with conventions held in Copenhagen [1928], London [1929], Vienna [1930], and Brno [1932].

In short, Hirschfeld was the Jewish quintessential culture-killer who Adolf Hitler explained thus: “And in what mighty doses this poison was manufactured and distributed.  Naturally, the lower the moral and intellectual level of such an author the more inexhaustible his fecundity (creativeness).


“It was a terrible thought, and yet it could not be avoided, that the greater number of Jews seemed specially designed by Nature to play this shameful part.” Adolf Hitler referred to Hirschfeld as the most dangerous Jew in Germany.


Hirschfeld’s institute was a monument to moral sickness and represented everything the NSDAP stood against. In May 1933, the Deutsche Studentenschaft (German Students Union) stormed this den of debauchery shouting Brenne Hirschfeld (Burn Hirschfeld) and began beating the staff and smashing the premises. The Institute was permanently closed and its extensive lists of names and addresses were seized.


Li Shiu Tong* (李兆堂) and Magnus Hirschfeld

A few days later the entire library was famously burned in the streets, some 20,000 books and images, along with Marxist literature and other subversive material. Ever since, without background or explanation, corporate media and palace publishers have protested against the German students emptying their swamp.

At the time, Hirschfeld was on an international speaking tour lecturing on sexuality. He never returned to Germany and died in exile two years later. In October 1941, co-founder of the institute, Kronfeld, committed suicide in Moscow at the approach of German troops.

[In 20th-century America, the Hirschfeld group’s nefarious methods were taken up and enlarged upon by sexologists like Alfred Kinsey (the Kinsey Reports), and William Masters & Virginia Johnson (Masters & Johnson). Of course, Sigmund Freud contributed as well, teaching that people’s dreams and inclinations are driven by sexual impressions. Together, these and other promoters of filth and perversion have devastated American morality and sanity. – ed.]


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Russia Condemns US “Warships” Off Venezuela’s Coast – Says Coup Attempts Ongoing

We might chalk it up to stating the obvious, but by and large the media has moved on from Venezuela, however, the coup plotters in Washington have not. Apparently the Kremlin also wishes to remind the world of this, given its ongoing support to Maduro and his army, and given that the Russian foreign ministry has remained vocal on the issue, announcing this week that “US-backed attempts to stage a coup in Venezuela will continue.”

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told reporters in Moscow: “We will continue to resist attempts to stage a coup in Venezuela that have been a failure so far. However, these attempts will continue at the US behest,” according to TASS. This was followed with similar statements by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Thursday condemning the presence of American “warships” off Venezuela. She specifically identified a US Coast Guard ship as having been spotted 20 kilometers off the Venezuelan port of La Guaira. “This activity only aggravates the situation and does not contribute to the strengthening of trust,” she said.

She also repeated Moscow’s condemnation of ongoing externally backed illegal coup attempts: “At the same time, the radical opposition has initiated negotiations with the Southern Command of the US Armed Forces to overthrow the legitimate government,” she said in reference to the Juan Guido led opposition.

The foreign ministry further slammed last week’s hostile takeover by D.C. police and US Secret Service of the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington after a handful of activists had been living there at the request of the Maduro government to safeguard it from opposition takeover. “This is a gross violation of Article 22 and Article 45 of the Vienna Convention in regards to ensuring the protection of the diplomatic mission,” Zakharova stated.

Amid these latest warnings of “continuing US coup attempts” it appears Moscow is indeed putting its money where its mouth is, given late last week Russian state media cited a military-diplomatic source to confirm that Russia plans to supply Venezuela’s army with more than 16,000 field rations. This after a large Russian state-run arms exporter published a contract related to the re-supply deal.

No doubt the very open publication of the supply deal is aimed at showing Washington that the Kremlin is not going anywhere in terms of its longtime military alliance with Caracas, which was controversially on full display last December when Russian two nuclear-capable “Blackjack” strategic bombers flew to Caracas, and departed soon after amid White House threats and demands.

Russia has also recently pledged it would assist Caracas in the country’s ongoing humanitarian crisis and failing infrastructure, which in the past two months has included a series of mass power outages, which the Maduro government has blamed on US-backed saboteurs, but which the US has blamed on “the corrupt socialist regime and lack of investment and upkeep.”

In late March two Russian military planes landed outside Caracas and offloaded equipment and troops to assist the embattled Maduro regime, via the AFP.

Meanwhile Venezuelan Health minister Carlos Alvarado said this week that amidst runaway inflation, lack of medicine among the country’s 300 still functioning hospitals, and a spike in preventable diseases, the United States remains Venezuela’s number one threat.

The health minister blamed the ongoing humanitarian crisis on US sanctions, but said Russian assistance would help see the population through it, according to Reuters:

Aid agencies including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are bringing help, he added, and Russia provided 26,000 tonnes of aid including medication in March.

“We are strengthening our bond with Russia regarding the purchase of medication, they even want to invest in Venezuela for further production of medication,” he said, declining to give details.

After a failed military uprising which the Washington threw its support behind at the end of April, international media seems to have “moved on” – with Iran taking center stage of the last couple weeks.

Likely with the recent “distraction” of soaring tensions between the US and Iran, which only now appears to be calming, Russia could use the opportunity to quietly ramp up further support to Caracas, something by many indicators it appears to be doing.


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FAA Warns Civilian Aircraft Over Persian Gulf Could Be Targeted

In a chilling reminder of the downing of Iran Air flight 655 by a US missile, killing 209 civilians, an FAA recently warned civilian aircraft flying over the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman the are again at risk of “miscalculation or misidentification.”

US warns airlines risk ‘miscalculation or misidentification’ over Persian Gulf
May, 18, 2019

A Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) published by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) late on Thursday said the risk stems from “heightened military activities and increased political tensions” in the area. Airliners operating in the region may also “encounter inadvertent GPS interference and other communications jamming” the warning said.

The tension in the proximity of Iran comes as the US deployed additional military assets in the region, including an aircraft carrier strike group and a battery of Patriot anti-aircraft missiles. Washington said it was a response to an undefined threat posed by Iranian forces. The US also withdrew non-essential personnel from diplomatic missions in Iraq. The show of force was reportedly triggered by intelligence provided by Israel.

For some, the FAA warning may bring back the dark memory of the 1988 incident, in which an American guided missile destroyer shot down an Iranian airliner, killing 290 people on board. It happened two months after the US sunk an Iranian frigate and a gunboat in retaliation for an incident a few days earlier, in which a US warship struck an Iranian mine.

Washington said the crew of the USS Vincennes misidentified Iran Air flight 655 for a warplane trying to attack the warship and acted in self-defense (which is a blatant lie – military aircraft can be distinguished from commercial and civilian aircraft which are easily identified – see flight tracker). The government rejected accusations that US military service members had acted recklessly, with President George H.W. Bush infamously declaring: “I will never apologize for the United States – I don’t care what the facts are… I’m not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.”

The US did pay compensation to the families of the victims, but never accepted legal liability or apologized to Tehran.



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Trump – A Zionist Warmonger

May 16, 2019

When a British General based in the Pentagon told reporters that there was no new threat from Iran it was a bombshell for Trump and his cronies who are preparing for war.

In the space of 48 hours, Trump hurriedly dismissed rumors from the New York Times that John Bolton was preparing 120,000 troops to be shipped to the Middle East to “defend” US troops there in the midst of a “new threat” from Iran.

But of course there is no real threat, and we’ve been here before in 2003 with fabricated intel to justify the invasion of Iraq. This time the fabricated intelligence involves someone in the Gulf of Oman that conveniently attacked two Saudi oil tankers. The White House is treating it as having come from Iran – regardless of the evidence to suggest that Iran had nothing to do with it and it was probably staged by the Saudis themselves.

The tanker attack, which mysteriously didn’t involve anyone getting injured, was probably staged by those who would profit the most if Trump were to strike Iran, but who also wish to not appear to be involved themselves – either the UAE, the Saudis, or Israelis.

And here’s the crux of Trump’s problem with Iran. He, on the one hand is happy to build up tensions with Iran so that in his 2020 election campaign he can get patriotic votes by claiming to be a “war president.” Also he has John Bolton who is absolutely busting to get a war going with Iran, and cares nothing about the cost of human misery and death.

A real dilemma for Trump, if he is to allow such madness to go ahead, is that he will probably be held to blame. The big difference between the Iraq war in 2003 and what’s happening today is that Europe will probably not join Trump’s coalition to invade Iran.

Trump is happy with the bluff, for which he and his people in Washington are pushing. He believes Iran will back down in the end when the tension really gets cranked up, and his supporters will ignore his dirty work.

What’s particularly worrying though is that while Pentagon officials, off the record, admit to US journalists that even though Iran is not a threat (“small stuff”), there is a concerted and very real plan by Trump’s puppet masters to “draw Iran into a conflict with the US”.

It’s hard to imagine that Bolton and Pompeo are so warped as to be ignorant of the fact that a conflict of any sort in the region can bear no fruit. Even Iran and Hezbollah’s greatest enemies struggle to see how the US could benefit from such a venture. Trump, a man who struggles to read teleprompters, but can’t be allowed to speak without them, just can’t get his head around simple facts about a conflict with Iran.

It’s not only that Trump is a blithering airhead driven entirely by his own rank insecurity and narcissism. It’s also that the entire campaign against Iran has been fabricated by him as a political ploy with which he hopes to curry favor with international Zionists.

“This is a crisis that has entirely been manufactured by the Trump administration,” said Vali R. Nasr, the dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

He pointed to Mr. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal in May 2018, coupled with the administration’s failure to get any other nations to do so.

“None of the other signatories to the deal were persuaded by the case the US was making,” Mr. Nasr said. “And that is because this administration’s policy on Iran does not have credibility.”

But a lack of credibility doesn’t irk Trump for the moment. This is a man, after all, who lives a life of lies. For Trump it’s all about appearances and faking it. Anyone who knows him knows this. But Iran is, for the moment, serving as a useful distraction to cover his foreign policy failures. This is a US president who is simply trying to play a role for which He is not equipped. The Chinese are making a fool of him as each day passes. The tariffs he imposes on China won’t be paid by them, but by US businesses and consumers. His inanity is producing bitter fruit.


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The Tariff Issue

Paul Craig Roberts – May 14, 2019

Wherever I look at US policy, foreign or domestic, I see only insanity, ignorance, and incompetence.

Take the issue of tariffs, which is Trump’s mistaken approach to bringing the jobs back home. The tariff “solution” overlooks that offshored US production counts as imports when US firms bring their goods into the US to be marketed.

The Chinese did not steal American jobs by selling below US cost.  The jobs were taken to China by US global corporations, along with the technology and business know-how, for the sole reason of maximizing US corporate profits.  Labor, made as productive as US labor by offshored US capital, technology, and business know-how, could be hired at much less cost in China and elsewhere in Asia due to the enormous excess supply of labor that overhangs Asian labor markets.  The enormous cost savings went directly into US corporate profits, capital gains for shareholders, and bonuses for executives.  Half and perhaps more of the “cheap goods” imported from China are the goods of American firms, such as Apple, Levi, Nike.  They are products of US firms that are made in China for sale in the US.  They are not “cheap Chinese goods.”  Do you think an iPhone is cheap or a MacBookPro is cheap?

The tariffs fall on American goods produced offshore by American firms for sale in America. For example, on May 13 the office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) released a list of “Chinese” products subject to a 25% ad valorem duty.  The list includes cell phones, footwear, textiles.  Do the cell phone imports from China exclude Apple’s iPhone? Do the footwear imports from China exclude Nike’s shoes? Do the textiles exclude Levis?  I have not seen any information that Trump’s tariffs are only for Chinese owned exports to US markets. 

The tariffs will reduce the profits of American overseas production exported to the US and raise prices to US consumers, who have already lost the incomes from the manufacturing jobs that American companies moved abroad.

In other words, tariffs are silly and not a solution.


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Threats and Sanctions Everywhere – Trump’s Vision Of Greatness

59162Peter Koenig – 5-15-2019

As of May 10, Mr. Trump has arbitrarily increased tariffs on Chinese goods imported into the US, valued at about 200 billion dollars, from 10 % to 25%. It is an action without any foundation. An action that makes no sense at all, as China can and will retaliate – and retaliate much stronger than what the impact of the US’s new “sanctions” bear – because these arbitrary tariffs are nothing else but sanctions. There is hardly any sane economist in this world who would favor these tariffs in international trade against a nation not at war with us. All that such sanctions do is push a partner away. In this case it’s not just any partner; China is a key trading partner of the United States.

The new tariffs will hardly impact the American consumer. There are huge profit margins by US middlemen and importers of Chinese goods. They are competing with each other within the US – and the consumer may not even notice a thing. However, the US economy will likely suffer from Chinese retaliatory actions.

If Trump, a spoiled child, doesn’t get his way, he goes into a tantrum, not quite knowing what he is doing, and knowing even less what it may cost in return. Mr. Trump himself, has not only reached a level of incompetence and ignorance which is scary, he has also surrounded himself with preposterous people like Pence, Bolton and Pompeo, who, it appears, have no other means left than to run around the world amok, dishing out threats left and right, spending billions on moving aircraft carriers around the globe to make sure people are afraid of the United States of America.


Back to trading with China. China has ways to retaliate. China can devalue her currency vis-à-vis the dollar, or China can dump some of their almost 3 trillion dollars in reserves on the money market. Just take a wild guess what that would do to the hegemony of the US dollar which is already in dire straits – with ever more countries departing from the use of dollars for trade.

And just hypothetically, China could stop altogether exporting all that Walmart junk that American consumers love so much – just for a while. Or China could stop making iPhones for the US market. Guess what kind of an uproar that would trigger in the US? Or China could of course, levy high tariffs on US imports, or stop US imports altogether. China being part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – actually the co-founder of it – has many alternatives to cover her trade demand. No need to depend on the west.

Let’s not forget, the SCO which also counts as its members, Russia, India, Pakistan, most of Central Asia, and Iran poised to become a full-fledged member – covers about half of the world population and a third of the world’s economic output, or GDP. No need to look to the west for ‘survival’ – those times are long gone.


But more importantly, what all this looks like to me – is the desperate thrashing around of a dying beast, in this case the US.

Look at the US and Venezuela – threats after threats after threats – Maduro must go, or more sanctions. Indeed, according to a study by the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), these horrifying, totally insane sanctions or blockages of imports, most of them already paid for by Venezuela, have killed some 40,000 people in Venezuela. Of course, Washington doesn’t care about illegality and killing (also typical for a fading empirer) – no respect for law and order, no respect for human rights and human lives. One only has to see what type of psychopaths are occupying the tasks of “Foreign Minister” and of “National Security Advisor” or of Vice President, or of President, for that matter – they are all sick; very sick and dangerous people.

Well, in Venezuela “regime change,” with US-picked Juan Guaidó, hasn’t worked out so far. Pompeo has been clearly told off by Mr. Lavrov (Russia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs) during their recent get-together in Helsinki; and China still supports the government of Nicolas Maduro.

Next – Iran. Attacking Iran has been a dream of Bolton’s ever since the US 2003 “Shock and Awe” invasion of Iraq. Bolton and Pompeo are of the same revolting kind: They want wars, conflicts, or if they don’t get wars, they want to sow fear. They enjoy seeing people scared. They want suffering. Now they haven’t succeeded thus far with Venezuela, so let’s try Iran. Pompeo – “Iran has done irregular things” – not saying what in particular he means – so Iran has to be punished, with yet more sanctions. And any invented reason will suffice.

The entire world knows, including the Vienna-base UN Economic Energy Commission, and has acknowledged umpteen times that Iran has fully adhered to the conditions of the Nuclear Deal from which the US exited a year ago. Of course, no secret here either, this at the demand of Trump’s Big Friend Bibi Netanyahu. The European Union vassals may actually turn for their own business interests, not for political ethics, but pure and simple self-interest – towards respecting the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Nuclear Deal. China and Russia are already holding on to the Deal, and they are not impressed by Washington’s threats. So, there is very little Trump and his minions can do, other than saber rattling.

Therefore, the nefarious Pence-Pompeo-Bolton trio must invent another warning: if Iran or any proxy of Iran shall attack an ally of the US, Iran will be devastated. In fact, they consider the Houthis in Yemen who fight for their sheer survival against the US-UK-France – and NATO supported Saudis, as a proxy for Iran. So, the US could start bombing Iran already today. Why don’t they?

Maybe they are afraid – afraid Iran could lock down the Strait of Hormuz, where 60% of US oil imports have to sail through. What a disaster that would be, not just for the US but also for the rest of the world. Oil prices could skyrocket. Would Washington want to risk a war over their Zionist-driven stupidity? Maybe Mr. Halfwit Trump might. Maybe Trump’s mentor Netenyahu would.  But I doubt that the US deep-state agents of world billionaires would. They know what’s at stake for them and the world. But they let nutty Trump and his mad dog Zionist friends play their games for now.

Moving the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, loaded with war planes, close to Iranian waters costs hundreds of million$ or billion$. Just to showcase a threat. A show-off. Bolton and Pompeo gloat in their sadism, enjoying seeing scared people. But the cost of war doesn’t matter – it’s just more debt, and as we know, the US never, but never, pays back its debt.

Next, or simultaneously, is China. The trade war with China that started last year, then had a respite to the point of the recent joint negotiations – and suddenly the Trumpians are veering off again. They must smash China, wanting to appear superior. But why? The world knows that the US is no longer superior – not by a long shot, and hasn’t been for the last several years. China surpassed the US in economic strength, measured by PPP = Purchasing Power Parity – which is the only parity or exchange rate that has any real meaning.

Guess what! – All these three cases have one common denominator: The dollar as a chief instrument for world hegemony. Venezuela and Iran have already stopped using the dollar for their hydrocarbon and other international trading. And so did China and Russia. China’s strong currency, the Yuan, is rapidly taking over the US-dollar’s reserve position in the world – thanks to Trump-and-company’s nutty warmongering. Sanctioning China with insane tariffs was supposed to weaken the Yuan; but it won’t.

All of these three countries, China, Iran and Venezuela are threatening the US dollar’s world hegemony – and without that the US economy is dead, literally. The dollar is based on thin air, and on fraud – the dollar system used around the globe is nothing but a huge, a very big and monstrous Ponzi-scheme, that one day must come crashing down.

That’s what’s at stake. New FED Board member, Herman Cain, for example, is pledging for a new gold standard. But none of these last resort US measures will work, not a new gold standard, not a trade and tariff war, and not threats of wars and destruction and “regime change”. The nations around the world know what’s going on, they know the US is in her last breath; though they don’t quite dare say so – but they know it, and are waiting for the downfall to continue. The world is waiting for the grand fiesta, dancing in the streets, when the empire falls or becomes irrelevant.


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Is Bolton Steering Trump Into War With Iran?

By Patrick J. Buchanan – 5/7/19

Last week, it was Venezuela in America’s gun sights.

“While a peaceful solution is desirable, military action is possible,” thundered Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “If that’s what is required, that’s what the United States will do.”

John Bolton tutored Vladimir Putin on the meaning of the Monroe Doctrine: “This is our hemisphere. It’s not where the Russians ought to be interfering.”

After Venezuela’s army decided not to rise up and overthrow Nicholas Maduro, by Sunday night, it was Iran that was in our gun sights.

Bolton ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln, its carrier battle group and a bomber force to the Mideast “to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.”

What “attack” was Bolton talking about?

According to Axios, Israel had alerted Bolton that an Iranian strike on U.S. interests in Iraq was imminent.

Flying to Finland, Pompeo echoed Bolton’s warning:

“We’ve seen escalatory actions from the Iranians, and … we will hold the Iranians accountable for attacks on American interests. … (If) these actions take place, if they do by some third-party proxy, whether that’s a Shia militia group or the Houthis or Hezbollah, we will hold the … Iranian leadership directly accountable for that.”

Taken together, the Bolton-Pompeo threats add up to an ultimatum that any attack by Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, or Iran-backed militias – on Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE or U.S. forces in Iraq, Syria or the Gulf states – will bring a U.S. retaliatory response on Iran itself.

Did President Donald Trump approve of this? For he appears to be going along. He has pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal and re-imposed sanctions. Last week, he canceled waivers he had given eight nations to let them continue buying Iranian oil.

Purpose: Reduce Iran’s oil exports, 40% of GDP, to zero, to deepen an economic crisis that is already expected to cut Iran’s GDP this year by 6%.

Trump has also designated Iran a terrorist state and the Republican Guard a terrorist organization, the first time we have done that with the armed forces of a foreign nation. We don’t even do that with North Korea.

Iran responded last Tuesday by naming the U.S. a state sponsor of terror and designating U.S. forces in the Middle East as terrorists.

Iran has also warned that if we choke off its oil exports that exit the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz, the Strait could be closed to other nations. As 30% of the world’s oil shipments transit the Strait, closing it could cause a global crash.

In 1973, when President Nixon rescued Israel in the Yom Kippur War, the OPEC Arabs imposed an oil embargo. Gas prices spiked so high Nixon considered taking a train to Florida for Christmas vacation.

The gas price surge so damaged Nixon’s standing with the public that it became a contributing factor in the drive for impeachment.

Today, Trump’s approval rating in the Gallup Poll has reached an all-time high, 46%, a level surely related to the astonishing performance of the U.S. economy following Trump’s tax cuts and sweeping deregulation.

While a Gulf war with Iran might be popular at the outset, what would it do for the U.S. economy or our ability to exit the forever war of the Middle East, as Trump has pledged to do?

In late April, in an interview with Fox News, Iran’s foreign minister identified those he believes truly want a U.S.-Iranian war.

Asked if Trump was seeking the confrontation and the “regime change” that Bolton championed before becoming his national security adviser, Mohammad Javad Zarif said no. “I do not believe President Trump wants to do that. I believe President Trump ran on a campaign promise of not bringing the United States into another war.

“President Trump himself has said that the U.S. spent $7 trillion in our region … and the only outcome of that was that we have more terror, we have more insecurity, and we have more instability.

“People in our region are making the determination that the presence of the United States is inherently destabilizing. I think President Trump agrees with that.”

But if it is not Trump pushing for confrontation and war with Iran, who is?

Said Zarif, “I believe ‘the B-team’ wants to actually push the United States, lure President Trump, into a confrontation that he doesn’t want.”

And who makes up “the B-team”?

Zarif identifies them: Bolton, Benjamin Netanyahu, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed.

Should the B-team succeed in its ambitions – it will be Trump’s war, and Trump’s presidency will pay the price.


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Media Blackout: U.S. and Iran Tensions Rise – 2 Aircraft Carriers Sent To Mediterranean; Mad Dogs Trump, Bolton & Pompeo Issue Threats

[Wage wars against peaceful nations, then call your victims “terrorists.” This tactic has worked for Zionists, and now it is used by the Zionist-led U.S. Administration. – ed.]

By Aaron Kesel

U.S. and Iranian tensions are rising at a rapid rate. National Security Adviser John Bolton has publicly acknowledged deploying the U.S.S Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) region as a “clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.”

However, this follows reports on April 22nd that the U.S.S. John C. Stennis and Abraham Lincoln carrier strike groups have joined the US Mediterranean 6th Fleet for the first time in more than two years, as DEBKAfile reported. For those unaware, DEBKA is used by Mossad intelligence very frequently to get their news/intelligence within the Middle East.

An earlier report by the Navy’s military site actually announced the deployment in early April.

This means that the U.S. may have two carrier strike groups within striking distance of Iran, not just one as the U.S. media is reporting, and DEBKAfile may have leaked intelligence (archived.) Although Vice Adm Lisa Franchetti is the source of the story, this writer couldn’t find a source for any of the quotes external to DEBKAfile.

Vice Admiral Franchetti commented that it was a rare opportunity for two strike groups to work together alongside key allies and partners in the region. Our sources say she was referring to British, French and Israeli naval forces. The vice admiral, who has served as 6th Fleet commander since early 2018, added: “The dual carrier operations in the Mediterranean showcase the flexibility and scalability maritime forces provide to the joint force, while demonstrating our ironclad commitment to the stability and security of the region.”

One day prior on April 21st, the Trump administration announced it would end its waiver program for countries importing Iranian oil. The Trump administration is now warning it will start imposing sanctions on countries such as India, China, and Turkey that buy Iranian oil as part of its “maximum pressure” campaign.

Eight countries — China, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Turkey — were initially given six-month reprieves after the United States reimposed sanctions on Iran in November, following President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear accord which Activist Post reported. Those reprieves expired on May 2nd according to a Bloomberg report.

China, arguably one of the largest buyers of Iranian oil, reiterated its opposition to unilateral sanctions and accused the U.S. of reaching beyond its jurisdiction. “China’s cooperation with Iran is open, transparent, reasonable and legitimate, and should be respected,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in response to a question on the waivers at a briefing in Beijing, CNN reported.

Iran has called the sanctions “illegal” according to a statement by the foreign ministry, reported.

“Since the sanctions in question are principally illegal, the Islamic Republic of Iran did not and does not attach any value or credibility to the waivers given to the sanctions,” the foreign ministry said in a statement issued on its official website.

Reuters reports that,

If China does not cut Iran oil purchases to zero, the Trump administration may have to make a decision on blocking Chinese banks from the U.S. financial system. That could have unintended consequences for finance and business between the world’s two biggest economies, already in negotiations over trade disagreements.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has warned all countries to reduce their Iranian oil imports to zero in an April 22 statement; Pompeo said no nation would receive any further exemptions or waivers from U.S. sanctions.

On April 28th, a week later after announcing an end to the waiver program it was reported by Associated Free Press that Iran was planning to close the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world’s most crucial transport routes for oil. About a third of the world’s oil tanker traffic passes through the Strait, which is bordered by Iran and Oman. In 2016, 18.5 million barrels of petroleum were shipped through it every day, making it the world’s single most important maritime route for many nations’ oil supplies, Greenwich Time reported.

“We are not after closing the Strait of Hormuz but if the hostility of enemies increase, we will be able to do so,” armed forces chief of staff Mohammad Bagheri told semi-official ISNA.

“Also if our oil does not go through the strait, other countries’ oil will certainly not cross the strait, too,” he added.

Another Iranian official echoed the sentiment that Iran wouldn’t close the Hormuz Strait, but said that Iran is prepared to defend itself against U.S. aggression.

“We believe Iran will continue to sell its oil … (and) use the Strait of Hormuz. But if the United States takes the crazy measure of trying to prevent us from doing that, then it should be prepared for the consequences,” foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Wednesday.

“It is in our vital national security interest to keep the Persian Gulf open, to keep the Strait of Hormuz open. We have done that in the past and we will continue to do that in the future,” he added.

The U.S just formally announced in early May through ABC News and other MSM sources that there are “clear indications” Iranian and Iranian proxy forces were preparing for a possible attack against U.S. forces on land, including in Iraq and Syria, and at sea.

“We have continued to see activity that leads us to believe that there’s escalation that may be taking place, and so we’re taking all the appropriate actions, both from a security perspective as well as our ability to make sure the president has a wide range of options in the event that something should actually take place,” Pompeo told reporters.

The Trump administration has accused Iran and militias that it backs of threatening American troops within the Middle East without citing any evidence of the plots.

However, that’s not the full story, there is much more going on here that the U.S. press is ignoring that we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to. Before the U.S. said it would send 2 carrier strike groups on April 22nd, it was reported by Press TV (which is based in Iran) that Iranian forces had “identified 290 CIA agents across different countries, forcing the U.S. to form a special committee to reassess its cloak-and-dagger operations” according to Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi. Other news sites including a Russia-based site Rossaprimavera states the statement was actually made on April 19th.

“CIA operatives in those countries were identified and arrested and the contacts of the U.S. intelligence agency with its sources were disrupted in such a way that a committee to assess the failure was set up in America,” Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi said.

Another report by the Tehran Times corroborated the Press TV report and stated: “Tens of spies who were employed by foreign intelligence services were identified in the country’s sensitive centers and were arrested.”

Alavi further referred to a Yahoo News article, specifically highlighting a quote from American national security analyst with the Government Accountability Project, a nonprofit that works with whistleblowers, Irvin McCullough, who described a major American intelligence setback in 2009 when Iranian intelligence got its hands on unknown CIA communication software, as “one of the most catastrophic intelligence failures” since the September 11th attacks in 2001.

While it’s known and widely reported by the Western press that the CIA had its communications network exposed during 2009-2013, no other news media besides Arab-based outlets has reported the statement from Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi and arrests at the time of this report.

It’s often that the press is used for disinformation among intelligence agencies worldwide; while this is true, it can also be said that if it’s true that CIA officials were arrested and Iran was the cause, the threats against U.S. forces may have already been committed. It’s worth noting that not only have arrests recently been carried out according to Iran, but elsewhere in China where 30 agents were working for the US were caught and executed as well. It was previously thought that “more than a dozen” had been killed according to the NY Times.

Typically, the U.S. and intelligence communities wouldn’t confirm or deny if such actions had taken place, and instead would run a covert operation not using the media, but this situation may be different. So while they are not telling the full story, they are leaking bits and pieces to the mainstream press about deploying bombers and an aircraft carrier.

Thanks to the modern technology of the Internet, intelligence agencies can longer hide massive intelligence failures. With all that said, it’s very interesting and coincidental that all this is happening at once; the report can’t be simply shrugged off as Iranian propaganda, especially since it cites a known CIA intelligence failure. While the conflicting reports of U.S.S carriers in the region can’t be ignored either, it seems to point to something more going on here that they aren’t telling the full story about.

Both countries just designated each other to be terrorist organizations as well, so one can only speculate with grandiose evidence that war may be around the corner with Iran. Especially if the Iranians close the Strait of Hormuz, giving the U.S. a “reason” to attack Iranian forces with both land, sea and aircraft.

There are now two Iranian war hawks who hold pull when it comes to military decisions in Iran.

In November 2016, way before Trump even considered Bolton for National Security Advisor, Bolton stated that regime change in Iran was the only way.

“The ayatollahs are the principal threat to international peace and security in the Middle East,” Bolton told Breitbart News Daily, a radio program run by the hard-right website with close ties to Donald Trump. “Now, their ouster won’t bring sweetness and light to the region, that’s for sure, but it will eliminate the principal threat.”


“I think the people of Iran would long for a new regime,” Bolton continued, later suggesting that the U.S. should support opposition groups looking to overthrow it. “I don’t think the regime is popular, but I think it has the guns. And I think there are ways of supporting the opposition that does not involve the use of American military force, that does involve helping the opposition to get a different kind of government.”

But Bolton’s far from the only pawn in place for regime change in Iran and another war — Mike Pompeo is now U.S. Secretary of State. War hawk Pompeo previously downplayed the cost of bombing Iran:

In an unclassified setting, it is under 2,000 sorties to destroy the Iranian nuclear capacity. This is not an insurmountable task for the coalition forces.

Even further, in his statement on July 14, 2015, the day the nuclear accord was reached, then Rep. Pompeo argued that Iran “is intent on the destruction of our country,” and said “this deal allows Iran to continue its nuclear program – that’s not foreign policy; it’s surrender.”

If Pompeo needed to be any more blunt, one of his tweets from before he became CIA director is a tell-all of his plans as Secretary of State.

The now deleted tweet stated:

Pompeo also introduced several bills intended to further divide diplomacy with Iran, including one that passed the House which would block the U.S. from purchasing heavy water from Iran; and another that would effectively impose further sanctions than existed prior to the deal under the disguise of targeting Iran’s ballistic missile program, which would directly violate the deal.

That’s right, the two people in charge of foreign policy in the U.S. (excluding CFR members) are in agreement and anti-Iran. That means that more than likely Trump’s administration will be the one that starts war with Iran, unless some miracle happens.

As journalist Caitlin Johnstone pointed out the CIA has even set up a new organization tasked with focusing on Iran.

Back in June the Wall Street Journal published a report  saying that America’s Central Intelligence Agency had set up a new  organization whose sole task would be to focus on Iran under the direction of “Ayatollah Mike” D’andrea, an aggressive Iran hawk.

Besides the Trump administration, there has always been an element within the government that was working towards the “5 years 7 countries plan” plotted by high top brass at the Pentagon in 2001 mere weeks after 9/11, that 4-star General Wesley Clark warned about in 2007. Clark warned that the U.S. would invade 7 countries within 5 years with the last remaining country being, you guessed it, Iran!

Older readers may feel a sense of déjà vu as 65 years ago in 1953, the CIA planned Operation Ajax in conjunction with MI6 in the UK to exploit the Iranian people and steal their oil on behalf of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) – the British state-owned oil company established in 1908. Free Thought Project‘s Matt Agorist highlighted this in an article last year.

It’s worth mentioning that Iran planned to deploy warships in the Atlantic for 5 months earlier this year in March, Reuters reported. At the time, Iranian Rear Adm. Touraj Hassani, reportedly said Iran was planning to deploy two to three combat vessels, including its new destroyer named the Sahand, on a mission to the anti-U.S. socialist country of Venezuela in March. right in America’s backyard. Although, there is no information on whether or not they followed through with this operation or not. Regardless it’s worth mentioning with all these other geopolitical moves by the U.S. that Iran is also making moves as well.

“The Atlantic Ocean is far and the operation of the Iranian naval flotilla might take five months,” Iranian Rear Adm. Touraj Hassani told the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), noting that the flotilla will leave on March 21, Reuters reported.

If that’s not enough, and it certainly should be, Iran accused the U.S. of terrorism in February for a suicide bombing in the country’s Sistan-Baluchestan province, and vowed to punish the “criminal mercenaries” who carried out the attack that killed 27 members of the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Armed group Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice) claimed responsibility for the attack, which also left 13 other Revolutionary Guard members injured, Aljazeera reported.

Iran also blamed the U.S. for an attack in September on its military parade where gunmen killed 25 people and wounded around 70, CNBC reported.

“All of those small mercenary countries that we see in this region are backed by America. It is Americans who instigate them and provide them with necessary means to commit these crimes,” (Iranian President) Rouhani said.

The CIA has admitted that in the 1950s they hired Iranians to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democratically-elected prime minister Mohammed Mossadegh. So the argument that the CIA would never arm terrorists, let alone give them explosives, is null and void. The question is, would they do it again and risk World War Three?

If you don’t hear those war drums by now you aren’t paying attention. The sad fact is that conflict could break out between these superpowers at any moment; and while that may be paranoid to state, the extensive military movements happening can’t be dismissed and should be taken very seriously.


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Bolton calls on Venezuelan military to ‘protect the constitution’ by backing Guaido coup attempt

Bolton calls on Venezuelan military to ‘protect the constitution’ by backing Guaido coup attempt

(Bolton, U.S. National Security Advisor, along with Trump, are criminal lackeys for Zionist world powers working to destroy any government that doesn’t kowtow to Israel’s Zionist agenda.
Venezuela’s President Maduro is a target. Trump, Secretary Of State Pompeo, and Bolton work together to illegally overthrow Venezuela’s elected government. They hope to foment a violent public reaction against their coup, which will give them and excuse to use military force against Maduro.)

US National Security Advisor (criminal) John Bolton called on Venezuela’s military to side with Washington protégé Juan Guaido, after the opposition leader declared a military coup in Caracas on Tuesday.

Bolton, one of the leading US figures in the operation to topple the Venezuelan government, called on Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino to side with Guaido, claiming this would protect Venezuela’s constitution.  (Bolton and Trump are liars. They advocate violating Venezuela’s constitution and revolting against the lawfully elected and popular government.)



Padrino earlier rejected Guaido as a traitor and said on Twitter that the national armed forces (FANB) were loyal to the legitimate President Nicolas Maduro.

Also on Venezuelan defense minister says army stands with President Maduro, denounces Guaido as traitor

Guaido, the US-backed self-proclaimed ‘interim president’ of Venezuela, announced on Tuesday morning that the time for decisive action against the Maduro government has come and showed a group of people in military uniform standing by his side.

The government said only a small number of ‘traitors’ were supporting Guado’s ‘attempted military coup’ and promised to take control of the situation.

READ MORE: ‘Traitor troops’ stage coup attempt in Venezuela – VP

The opposition figure claimed to be the leader of Venezuela in January, declaring its elected president a ‘usurper.’ Washington immediately recognized him as such, as did US regional allies. The US has treated Guaido as if he were the actual leader of the country, allowing him to seize US-based assets belonging to Venezuela, appoint ‘officials,’ and otherwise act in an ‘official’ capacity.

The US has also provided a shipment of ‘humanitarian aid’ for Guaido’s people to take across the Colombian border into Venezuela, and supposedly distribute it to the local population in a bid to gain some popularity. The attempt was rejected by international relief organizations as a politicized publicity stunt, and ultimately failed when border guards wouldn’t take Guaido’s site and stopped the trucks.


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