Author Archives: Ben

Finally, Poison Ingredients in the CoV-19 Vaccines Exposed

Pictures and explanations of the poisons in the COVID shots. _______________________________________________________________

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DON’T TRUST THE LIARS WHO ARE PAID TO LIE Media is populated by celebrities, preachers, politicians, and news personalities who will say anything for money. They are puppets controlled by billionaires (like Bill Gates). They are the scum of the Earth, and should never be trusted. We’ve also … Continue reading

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Denmark abolishes all Corona measures (Thank You Denmark!) Finally some common sense at national level

  August-9-2021 COPENHAGEN – Danish parliament recently decided in Copenhagen that all Corona measures should be ended from October 1. There will therefore no longer be a mask requirement and the test regime will be abolished. The Danes will then … Continue reading

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THIS IS THOMAS HOBBES’ 1651 DEPICTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AS A LEVIATHAN COMPOSED OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE, KINGS, AGENTS , ETC., TOGETHER FORMING THE BEAST SYSTEM 8-23-21 Today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, amidst a tsunami of reports of … Continue reading

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Americans who got the COVID jab can plan on “Polio-Like” neurological conditions manifesting in the near future

on US Warns Of Polio-Like Illness Outbreak In Four Months  [CDC Warns Of Polio-Like Illness Outbreak In Four Months. They will call it ACUTE FLACCID MYELITIS (AFM) instead of COVID vaxx damage. And there will be more “mysterious conditions” to … Continue reading

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COVID CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND THE COMING WAR CRIMES TRIBUNALS – Interview With Reiner Fuellmich Excellent interview and some much needed encouragement. __________________________________________________________

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Operation STAY AT HOME, otherwise know as MARTIAL LAW is happening right now in Australia

Road blocks, stopping cars and trucks for inspection and proof of vaccinations. This will probably come to the United States, maybe this winter or early next year, but Australia is the first to test this out…..either comply or get fined … Continue reading

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Dire Warning from Dr. Charles Hoffe

Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, wrote to Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C. provincial health officer, in April 2021 with serious concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. One of his patients died after the shot, and six others had … Continue reading

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Dr. Roger Hodkinson: “It’s all been a pack of lies”

Some honorable doctors still exist. Here is one from Canada with an impressive list of degrees in the health field, extensive experience and practice in medicine, and a very believable message for the public. Listen to his truthful statement. He … Continue reading

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Taliban Enjoys Deep Belly Laugh Over Diversity Training Materials Left Behind By U.S. Military August 16th, 2021

KABUL – 8/17/21 According to sources in Afghanistan, the Taliban was having a “deep belly laugh” over the diversity training materials left behind by the U.S. military previously stationed there. Taliban fighters captured books like Antiracist Baby, White Fragility, and The GayBCs and collectively … Continue reading

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We know they are LYING.They know they are LYING.They know that we know they are LYING.We know that they know that we know they are LYING.And still, they continue to LIE. Alexander Solzhenitsyn   “They” are the Beast System. They … Continue reading

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Laboratories in US can’t find Covid-19 in 1500 positive tests –  April 15, 2021 A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could … Continue reading

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A Knowledgeable Doctor Informs School Board About The COVID Fraud

(CLICK ON PICTURE FOR THE VIDEO) Watch this clip from this school board meeting. A local doctor makes a case against vaccines.This is Dr. Daniel Stock, a functional family medicine physician at Noblesville, Indiana. Here he gives the Mt. Vernon … Continue reading

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Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

Health, Infections – 8/ 9/ 2021 More than 100,000 people flooded streets in France over the weekend and multiple COVID vaccination centers were vandalized as opposition grew to the government’s most recent “pandemic”strategy. In President Emmanuel Macron’s latest incarnation of lockdowns, government … Continue reading

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