Author Archives: Ben

Men Have Forgotten God – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

July 5, 2011 by Chris Banescu Alexander Solzhenitsyn As a survivor of the Communist Holocaust I am horrified to witness how my beloved America, my adopted country, is gradually being transformed into a secularist and atheistic utopia, where communist ideals … Continue reading

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We Have Spent $32 Million Per Hour on War Since 2001

Stephanie Savell – 3-25-19 This March marked the 16th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. In 2003, President George W. Bush and his advisers based their case for war on the idea that Saddam Hussein, then dictator of Iraq, possessed weapons … Continue reading

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COULD LAST FOR MONTHS, AND COULD MEAN A DRAMATIC DROP IN U.S. FOOD PRODUCTION March 21, 2019 | Michael Snyder We have never seen catastrophic flooding like this, and the NOAA is now telling us that there will be more … Continue reading

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Russia Gives US Red Line On Venezuela

Tyler Durden 03/23/2019 At a high-level meeting in Rome this week, it seems that Russia reiterated a grave warning to the US – Moscow will not tolerate American military intervention to topple the Venezuelan government with whom it is allied. Meanwhile, back … Continue reading

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Venezuela – US Attack Imminent?

Peter Koenig – February 21, 2019 Imagine, the President of the self-declared, exceptional and unique Superpower, Donald Trump of the United States of America, has the audacity to threaten the Venezuelan military with their lives, if they keep standing behind … Continue reading

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Russia is not an enemy of the US, but it will not be banging on a locked door – Putin

US President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, July 16, 2018. 20 Feb, 2019 Despite anti-Russian actions by the US and its allies, Moscow still wants to have friendly relations with Washington, but it will … Continue reading

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Libya: The effects of the Hand of The Satan (= the U.S.)

2-6-2019 – Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey   In 2011, NATO launched an illegal, savage attack against the country with the Highest Human Development Index in Africa. Let us see where Libya stands today. When Cameron, Sarkozy, Obama, Clinton and that sickening clique … Continue reading

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CNN, Satan, Putin, and God

2-5-19 Phil Butler CNN reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin, without so much as a wave of his mighty hand, is now the cause of the fall of western civilization. You think I am kidding? We’ve known all along this … Continue reading

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US Military Presence in Africa: All Over Continent and Still Expanding Arkady SAVITSKY – Strategic Culture Foundation  8-30-2018 Around 200,000 US troops are stationed in 177 countries throughout the world. Those forces utilize several hundred military installations. Africa is no exemption. On … Continue reading

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Washington Is World’s Worst Warmonger

Washington Resurrected the Arms Race Paul Craig Roberts – February 1, 2019 The meetings in Beijing during January 30-31 between Washington, Russia, China, France and the UK apparently failed to preserve the commitment to prohibit intermediate range nuclear weapons. Washington … Continue reading

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A Lawless Government

by Paul Craig Roberts – 1-30-19 I remember when a suspect was regarded as innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial. Today prosecutors convict their victims in the media in order to make an unbiased jury impossible and thereby coerce … Continue reading

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Washington Interfering In Venezuela’s Politics

January 25, 2019- Paul Craig Roberts Washington has chosen a president for Venezuela. I wonder if Trump saw the black humor in doing to Maduro what the Democrats and presstitutes are doing to him. Few Latin American governments have ever … Continue reading

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Pentagon Wants Big War Funding – Now

Jim Dean – 1-15-19 We are off to a huge news cycle for 2019, with everything from shifting sands in the Mideast, to what some say could be a growing class rebellion in the EU, which might tip its house … Continue reading

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Europe on the Brink of Collapse?

Peter Koenig – 1-16-19 The Empire’s European castle of vassals is crumbling. Right in front of our eyes. But Nobody seems to see it. The European Union (EU), the conglomerate of vassals – Trump calls them irrelevant, and he doesn’t … Continue reading

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Permanent US Occupation of Syria Planned

(Trump promised to pull US troops out of Syria. But will he?) by Stephen Lendman – Pravda.RU US new millennium wars on humanity rage endlessly with no prospect for resolution. It is a modern-day great game with stakes far higher … Continue reading

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