Author Archives: Ben

The War in Syria was a US Intervention Since “Day 1”

4-16-2018 – Tony Cartalucci In the aftermath of US-led missile strikes on Syria, the Western media has attempted to continue building the case for “US intervention.” However, before the first agitators took to the streets in Syria in 2011, the … Continue reading

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Russia to invite those involved in provocations in Syria to OPCW’s next session

The Russian envoy told the OPCW that Russian experts who probed into the reports about the Douma incident had found the actors who took part in filming the rent-a-mob fake chemical attack. OPCW headquarters in The Hague THE HAGUE, April … Continue reading

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Once Upon A Time Long Ago Truth Was Important

Paul Craig Roberts I wonder how many people, not just Americans but those in other countries, have come to the conclusion that the United States today is a less free and less aware society than the societies in the dystopian … Continue reading

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Moscow has ‘irrefutable’ evidence chem attack in Syria’s Douma was staged – Russia’s envoy to OPCW

Apr- 16 – 2018 A child is “treated” in a hospital in Douma, eastern Ghouta in Syria, after a claimed chemical attack April, 7, 2018. Notice that so-called professionals are not wearing protective gloves. They are not washing poison chemicals. … Continue reading

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Russian FM Lavrov: US missiles conceal traces of Washington’s crimes in Syria

 4-15-2018 The United States, France and the United Kingdom struck the missile blow on Syria a few days before OPCW experts were going to visit Douma to investigate reports about the chemical attack,  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at … Continue reading

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The Trump regime is insane

By Paul Craig Roberts Is it insane to push for war with Russia, a major nuclear power? Is it insane to threaten Russia and bring false charges against her? Is it insane to brag about killing “hundreds of Russians”? A … Continue reading

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US National Security Advisor John Bolton Backs Terrorists

Talk 3-21-2018: Tony Cartalucci surrounding US President Donald Trump’s move to appoint John Bolton as his new National Security Advisor has focused on Bolton’s role in promoting the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq and the profound contrast his appointment signifies … Continue reading

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Lavrov: Swiss lab says ‘BZ toxin’ used in Salisbury, not produced in Russia, was in US & UK service

April 14, 2018   The substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, according to Swiss state Spiez lab, the Russian foreign minister said. The toxin was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, … Continue reading

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US Continued Intervention in Syria Is Killing Far More Children Than Assad’s Falsely Alleged Chemical Attack

John Vibes – April 12, 2018 This week, it seems that the U.S. military may be getting the green light to escalate their war in Syria, after the false-news alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, which was consequently blamed on … Continue reading

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Poison Gas – Weapon of Choice for “False News”

  April 11, 2018 – Peter Koenig Poison gas is not only deadly, it often causes a slow suffocating death. That, perpetrated on innocent children, is particularly cruel. But when such poison gas attacks are mere false flags, or by … Continue reading

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US Carriers, Destroyers, Subs With Hundreds Of Missiles Near Syria

The US Navy is creating a strike group with hundreds of Tomahawk cruise missiles for a possible attack on Syria. The USS Donald Cook has already drawn attention to its actions in the eastern Mediterranean where it has reportedly been … Continue reading

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Crazy US, French and British War Mongers

Paul Craig Roberts Here is Jason Ditz on the pending attack on Syria. Vladimir Soloviev explains the failure of Putin’s policy of appeasement: If you were the president of France or the prime minister of the UK, would … Continue reading

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Red Crescent Says No Evidence of Chemical Attack in Syria’s Douma

Patients treated by aid group not exposed to any chemical agents Jason Ditz  April 9, 2018 Red Crescent, Syria   The Syrian Red Crescent issued a statement Monday dismissing the allegations of a weekend chemical weapon attack in the city … Continue reading

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US War On Syria: Who Is Running It?

Pat Buchanan – 4-6-18 “Information Clearing House” With ISIS on the run in Syria, President Trump this week declared that he intends to make good on his promise to bring the troops home. “I want to get out. I want … Continue reading

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2018-2028: The Most Dangerous Decade

4-2-18, Chris Kanthan Every 80 years, nations often experience colossal events. There are different theories about this cycle – for example, the Fourth Turning theory focuses on the cyclical strengths of institutions versus individuals. Others surmise that four generations after a major … Continue reading

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