Author Archives: Ben

Russia and China Challenge Dollar Domination

THE CHINESE PETRO-YUAN IS ON THE RISE, AND MAY REPLACE THE U.S. PETRO-DOLLAR FOR INTERNATIONAL OIL TRADE By F. William Engdahl – Dec. 21, 2017 The Russian government has recently announced it will issue nearly $1 billion equivalent in state … Continue reading

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Trump’s National Security Speech

[Trump went from being a buffoon on a TV show (The Apprentice) to being a brainless puppet president ruled by the US Military Complex and by Israel. He has nothing intelligent to say, and nothing but war to offer the … Continue reading

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US At War With The World: Elite Commandos Deployed to 149 Countries in 2017

Nick Turse – December 17, 2017 “We don’t know exactly where we’re at in the world, militarily, and what we’re doing,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, in October. That was in the wake … Continue reading

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“Sorry Chump, You Didn’t Have It In Writing”

Eric Margoli – Dec 18, 2017 At a time when the United States is convulsed by anti-Russian hysteria and demonization of Vladimir Putin, a trove of recently declassified Cold War documents reveals the astounding extent of the lies, duplicity and … Continue reading

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Bitcoin: The Greatest Story Ever Sold

  by Cognitive Dissonance – Dec 17, 2017 “Sell the sizzle, not the steak.” – Oldest sales trick in the book “Resistance is futile. You must assimilate” – The Borg   Once I discover what triggers or motivates a person, … Continue reading

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Russia’s and Syria’s Victory Against Western Sponsored Terrorists

  December 15, 2017 It’s hard to overstate the historic significance this week of Syria’s victory against foreign-backed mercenaries. We can dismiss Western official narratives that the nearly seven-year war was some kind of “pro-democracy uprising.” The conflict was nothing … Continue reading

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Washington Post Urges Increased US Spending for Militarism and Warmaking

by Stephen Lendman – 12-12-17 What’s euphemistically called defense spending is all about funding America’s war machine – always active, never idle, inventing enemies to attack. No real enemies have existed since imperial Japan formally surrendered in 1945. Yet America … Continue reading

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Trump’s Mission Creep in Syria

By Daniel Larison – Nov. 30, 2017 The U.S. military presence in Syria is set to continue indefinitely: The Trump administration is expanding its goals in Syria beyond routing the Islamic State to include a political settlement of the country’s … Continue reading

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UK Govt Says Russia Behind Citizens Questioning Vaccines

By Brandon Turbeville, 11-29-2017 The United States has become a laughing stock of the world as a result of its decent into neo-McCarthyism and anti-Russian hysteria. US fear mongering includes blaming Russia and Vladimir Putin personally for hacking American elections, making … Continue reading

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Can’t You See War on the Horizon?

Paul Craig Roberts, 11, 27, 2017 According to news reports in the British press, Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed Russia’s industries to prepare themselves to be able to make a quick switch to war production.    Clearly, the Russian government … Continue reading

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World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist -Neocon Infestation

Phil Butler, 11.26.2017 “Average Joe”, who’s an American veteran down on his luck, he could have begun his own landscaping or mechanic business when hard times came. Only Uncle Sam preferred to put good old Joe to work for the … Continue reading

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America, Beaten, Down for the Count

Gordon Duff  11-27-2017 The world knows America is done for. Trump isn’t making America great, he is dancing on the corpse. We could give dates, 9/11 or back in 1913 when America took on an illegal Rothschild central bank. Perhaps … Continue reading

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Poppy Output Hits Record High In US-Controlled Afghanistan

[America is currently under a huge plague of deaths and health problems from opioid addiction. Most of the opioids are coming from the heroin harvested from poppies grown in Afghanistan. Previous to the US invasion and takeover of that country, … Continue reading

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Decline of American Might In The Middle East

[The US and Saudi Arabia have schemed together to control world international trade in “petrodollars” (US Dollars backed by the promise of military support from the US providing that the participating countries agree to use only the US Dollar for … Continue reading

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‘Increasing lethality in all areas’: US Air Force declares space a new ‘warfighting domain’

[13 And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, … –Revelation 13:13. Space-based weaponry has been in development for decades by the US Military. They are … Continue reading

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