Author Archives: Ben

Washington’s Benevolent Mask Is Disintegrating

  Paul Craig Roberts  3-8-2017 The few weeks of Trump’s presidency suffice to make clear that there will be no change this time either. Normal relations with Russia are on the back burner, if not off the stove. The material … Continue reading

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FEDs Hack Elections, Then Blame Russia

February 24, 2017 By Jack Burns According to a report published by the Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group, the Department of Homeland Security, under the Obama administration, attempted to hack the Indiana State electoral system nearly 15,000 times. The … Continue reading

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National Security Adviser General McMaster: The War Complex’ Resident Parrot

Tony Cartalucci  2-22-2017 –  It was recently announced that US President Donald Trump selected US Army Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond McMaster as his National Security Adviser. The New York Times in their article, “Trump Chooses H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser,” … Continue reading

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The Trump Presidency: RIP

Paul Craig Roberts – 2-16-2017 Has Donald Trump overestimated his presidential power? The answer is yes. Is Steve Bannon, Trump’s main advisor, politically inexperienced? The answer is yes. We can conclude from the answers to these two questions that Trump … Continue reading

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Trump on Crimea: Is This the Telltale?

Phil Butler – 2-16-2017 Donald Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer dropped a bomb on a great many supporters of the new president this week. The statement the US president experts Russia to give back Ukraine rolls over hopes of a reconciliation … Continue reading

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Crimea: Time for the US Administration to read the truth – 2-15-2017 The approach towards the Crimea by the United States of America is as unfounded, unjust and illegal as the transfer of the Crimea by Khrushchyov from the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic to the Ukraine Soviet Socialist … Continue reading

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Is Trump Caving To The Neocons?

After CIA Micro-Coup, Trump Suddenly Wants Russia To Give Up Crimea, Thinks Obama Was ‘Too Soft’ By Brandon Turbeville – February 15, 2017 Only a day after an apparent micro-coup conducted by elements within the CIA and U.S. intelligence apparatus, … Continue reading

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Vaccine Issues

Catherine J. Frompovich – February 14, 2017 If the Rand Corporation found strong evidence vaccines cause Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), myalgia, seizures, meningitis, encephalitis and other adverse health problems, and Robert F Kennedy Jr., Esq. is revealing more and more research—almost … Continue reading

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The “Dumbing Down” of America

When opinions and speculations are preferred over science and real facts   There is a growing and disturbing trend of ignorant elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of common sense, morality, and humility replaced by celebrity, entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance,  … Continue reading

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The Neocons and the “deep state” have neutered the Trump Presidency, it’s over folks! The Saker

[What we’ve known all along, here at ACM, is the Biblical axiom: “an evil tree cannot produce good fruit.” The evil tree is the US Government system.  Therefore, we knew better than to place hope in a government process … … Continue reading

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Current Wars, Refugee Crisis, Economic Turmoil, All Created By Israel and Zionist-Loving Neocons

    SOME NEOCON LEADERS   [Editor’s Note: Rarely do I find an article that cuts through the worthless rhetoric of contemporary news media and lays out the truth in its simplicity. This piece by Alison Weir is one such … Continue reading

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Most Americans Are Soulless, Mind-Drugged Zombies

[Butler’s article, below, overrates Trump’s morality and good intentions … but accurately describes the pitiful mental/moral state of Americans. He also points to the despicable fat-cat politicians, newsmen, and celebrities who are revered as role models. Butler’s term – “the … Continue reading

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“Fake News” And The Mainstream Media Delusion

Paul Philips February 5, 2017 The difference may be as extreme as night and day when looking at some mainstream media (MSM) reports on events and comparing them to what actually happened. However, in recent years, we have seen an … Continue reading

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Is The Trump Administration Already Over?

Paul Craig Roberts   ­­– Feb-6-2017 Hopes for the Trump administration are not burning brightly. Trump’s military chief, Gen. Mattis, is turning out to be true to his “mad dog” nickname. He has just declared that Iran “is the single biggest … Continue reading

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Trump’s War With The US News Media

TRUMP: “US NEWS MEDIA AMONG THE MOST DISHONEST HUMAN BEINGS ON EARTH.” Are the “chickens coming home to roost” for the corrupt, CIA-controlled American Press? CNN, NBC, ABC, Time Magazine, etc., have waged media war against Trump from the beginning, … Continue reading

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