Author Archives: Ben

Is US Military the Best, or just the biggest?

12-25-2016 –  Jean Perier During a daily press-briefing the spokesperson for the Department of State Rear Admiral John Kirby would announce that the professionalism and the skill and the capabilities that are resident in the United States military are beyond debate … Continue reading

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The West has lost the war in Syria, USA stubbornly says the opposite

12-21-2016 State Department spokesman John Kirby said during a regular press briefing in Washington that the United States was not losing its leadership in the regulation of the Syrian crisis at the time when Moscow, Tehran and Ankara were making … Continue reading

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Putin, Trump – Emerging Dynamic Duo?

12 – 24 – 2016 Donald J. Trump has been confirmed as the President of the United States by the Electoral College.  After weeks of the American media doing all kinds of sensational piffle that electors may bolt from Mr. … Continue reading

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Russian Ambassador’s Murder Justified, Even Praised Across the West

(ed. The hypocrisy of the western press and politicians is staggering. For several years the US and western allies have funded and coordinated terrorist groups that have attacked Syria in an attempt to force regime change, murdered multiple thousands of … Continue reading

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Intelligence Agencies Make Their Living By Lying, But Now They’re Truthful?

By Jon Rappoport December 20, 2016 A few delicious contradictions and dissonances: The political Left has long attacked the CIA and other spying agencies as criminal liars, but suddenly those agencies are as pure as the driven snow, because they … Continue reading

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Putin Answers Obama: “Show Some Proof Or Shut Up”

Tyler Durden – Dec 16, 2016 Putin has had enough of the relentless barrage of US accusations that he, personally, “hacked the US presidential election.” The Russian president’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said on Friday that the US must either stop … Continue reading

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Russian Ambassador Assassinated: Retaliation, But By Whom?

The assassination of a Russian diplomat Monday in Ankara was chillingly captured on camera, but Turkish officials say the real motive of the killer, who shouted “Allahu Akbar” and claimed to be avenging attacks on Aleppo, remains unclear. All observers … Continue reading

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Good Riddance: A Final Upside-down Salute to Barack Obama

Phil Butler – 12-19-2016 Barack Obama is a superhero. The outgoing President of the United States is a legend, epic, omnipotent harbinger for justice, truth, and the American way … in his own mind. Today the New York Times and … Continue reading

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Aleppo Proves Western Media Sources Wrong

12-18-2016 The members of the so-called “moderate opposition” have conceded Aleppo and lost a symbol of the so-called “revolution”. According to the deal they made with the government, the militants were to abandon the areas populated by civilians and then … Continue reading

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Blaming Putin for everything: Ridiculous!

12-16-2016   Who is the bad guy? Vladimir Putin, of course … according to western press. The White House, the CIA, and the American mainstream media are co-conspirators twisting the truth, blaming the victims, and especially blaming those who are … Continue reading

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Obama Parting Gift To Syria’s Terrorists

12-18- Salman Rafi Sheikh Every now and then we are told about the supply of weapons from the West, particularly the US, to the “Syrian rebels.” Yes, there is nothing new about it. What, however, is strange and self-contradictory is … Continue reading

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Aleppo Starts Uncovering Washington’s Evil Designs

12-16-2016 Jean Perier It won’t be an exaggeration to state that the White House and its European allies have made a step too far in a bid to obstruct the successful liberation of the town of Aleppo by the Syrian … Continue reading

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Donald Trump, Fake News, and Russia

By Derrick Broze –December 16, 2016 Since the moment the polls closed on November 8, the Western establishment media and their partners in the State and Corporate classes have been working overtime to embed another propaganda-filled narrative deep into the … Continue reading

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Aleppo Residents ‘No More Afraid of Being Killed’ After Liberation of the City

[It would be difficult to adequately express the enormity of hypocrisy and criminal deception currently practiced by the major US news media. By printing and reporting skewed deceptions they are exposing themselves as never before. One of two things must … Continue reading

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Street celebrations in Aleppo as Syrian Army retakes city

[With Russia’s help, Syrian forces are finally clearing out the last of the ISIS/ISIL terrorists who, backed by western support, have inflicted immeasurable damage and terror in Aleppo and other Syrian cities in the past six years. Hats off to … Continue reading

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