Blaming Putin for everything: Ridiculous!

Blaming Putin for everything: Ridiculous!. 59450.jpeg


Who is the bad guy? Vladimir Putin, of course … according to western press.

The White House, the CIA, and the American mainstream media are co-conspirators twisting the truth, blaming the victims, and especially blaming those who are helping the victims, claiming they are the ones causing all the trouble. According to US  news agencies, the Russians linked to Assad are behind all of Syria’s problems, and Iraqis linked to Saddam Hussein (long since dead), are in cahoots with the Russian mafia.

Obviously, this is part of the great campaign underway in the US to accuse Putin of having interfered in the presidential election, ordering his hackers to penetrate the emails of Hillary Clinton and put her in a bad light. So if atrocities and bombings take place in Syria and in Aleppo, if ISIS retakes Palmyra, “it was Putin.”

Brexit was caused by Putin, as is the EU and the Euro refugee crisis; Putin who “occupied the Crimea”; Putin who orders the civil war in Ukraine, forcing NATO to send troops in the Baltic states fearing an invasion. On and on it goes. The entire Establishment of the west, after creating chaos in the middle east and western Asia, now claims to be the victim of a plot.

However, the claims of the European Council on Foreign Relations are so far-fetched, so stupid, baseless, they excel in propaganda and disinformation. The mere fact of being able to state in writing, and have it published in the newspapers, gives credibility to the psychopathic western criminals in government and the news media. Their lies and deceptions resist the test of conscience. It’s a mental and ideological alteration. All the bearers of western Neocon ideology and its benefited and profiteers, are blaming everyone and everything except their own policies for destroying whole nations for no other reason than for political and military conquest against innocent people. The long-term goal is, of course, to create an anti-Russia and anti-China front by causing a mentality of fear among ignorant western masses.

Western institutions and authorities, for decades and with absolute indifference, have trampled on the economic well-being and social peace of hundreds of millions of people. While the elite circles were pushing globalism, the rape of third-world nations, speculations in the Wall Street casinos, and endless wars, they completely ignored the victims of their greed. And the victims have since been condemned as troglodytes who deserved to be the losers in the glorious race to global hegemony.

According to western press, the Brits who voted Brexit are “rural” (which they see as inferior to the city dwellers); whites voted for Trump because they were uneducated. The waves of immigrants, according to western press, are due to the influence of the Russian media … also the infantile minds of their subjects, and from the suggestions that come from bloggers and parties (“paid by Putin”).  From here we see that this psychological disorder is in fact a moral disease: the haughty, iron conviction of the elites that they are right, anyway. Their ideology is the only one that is permissible. All who are against them are contemptible, stupid or moved by ignoble and unacceptable reasons.

From the 80’s, the elites in rich countries have walked the land, hoarding for themselves all the gains and closing their ears to reason and justice.  And now they look with surprised horror at “the revolt of the electorate.” These elites are so grouped, so incestuous, so far away from the people who decided the election (in US), they scorn them. Not only did they not see the wave that went to Trump, but they have accelerated the trend, unwittingly, by their arrogance and self-glorifying.

In the US, Democrats deliberately chose to present a deeply unpopular candidate, vulnerable, with countless skeletons in the closet, Hillary, who was perceived by all as the beneficiary or the protector of the worst aspects of the corruption of the elite. Now that Hillary lost, they accuse all but themselves of failure: Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein (the Green that took away a share of “progressives” votes), James Comey (the head of the FBI), Wikileaks, alternative bloggers who have spoken ill about Clinton – and above all, Vladimir Putin.

It was Putin.

Even after Brexit, we have seen how Eurocratic oligarchies reacted, between Brussels and Berlin: angrily. Farage’s fault; be careful with Grillo and Salvini, or it will be Italexit too! It is all blamed on Moscow! The British have to suffer for their choice, said Hollande and Juncker. Instead of recognizing and correcting the fundamental flaws in the system, they devoted their energies to demonize the victims of their corruption, in order to  lift themselves from any responsibility to correct them. But such a reaction has reinforced the common perception that these elites and institutions are interested only in themselves, toxic and destructive in a hopeless way; therefore, they can not be reformed – therefore, they must be destroyed.

According to a former British MP, Ben Bradshaw, it is “likely” that Russia has distorted the vote on Brexit. Merkel has suggested that Russian hackers, infiltrating the Internet and spreading false information, could cause her defeat in the September 2017 elections.

In front of the galloping dissatisfaction towards the EU and the Euro, the response of the European Commission: “The Russian propaganda has penetrated all European countries”.

“It’s Putin fault”. These are crazy masters who do not want reform. They must be destroyed or they will destroy us.


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