Biden Bans Oil And Natural Gas Imports From Russia Then Blames Russia For Rising Prices At The Pump


Biden announced March 8 a ban on Russian oil and natural gas imports into the U.S. 

Then he attempted to secure oil imports from Saudi Arabia, the UAE leaders, and Venezuela (which has the largest oil reserves in the world). They turned him down.

Now he is claiming that America has excess oil and needs no imports from other nations. If that is true why is he clamoring to buy oil from the Persian Gulf and South America? 

Biden says that the rising price of oil and gas is Russia’s fault, and that Americans will suffer for it. That we’ll all feel the pinch. But U.S. politicians won’t suffer. Their increased budget for the rest of 2022 is a whopping $1.5 trillion spending bill that includes $13.6 billion in new aid for Ukraine, and includes $728.5 billion in U.S. military spending for the year. America’s military costs are more than all the rest of the militaries of the world combined. And Americans wonder why inflation is so high – and why the Biden government claims that the great costs  caused from the U.S. sanctions against Russia and financial support for Ukraine are all justified. 

Bottom line – the pain will not be felt by the politicians who are the ones spending the billions of dollars for stupid reasons. So why should they care? They don’t have to pay it back. The responsibility and pain will fall on American citizens.

And let’s hope that more Americans’ eyes will be opened to see what’s really happening. 


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