NOTE: Some people wonder why the Middle East is always in turmoil, and why those countries can never seem to get their act together. Most Americans seem to have attributed a racial/religious stigma to those countries, as if the people there are mentally deficient to manage themselves sensibly. Of course, most Americans know little or nothing of history or of international politics. If they did know something of history they’d realize that in the sciences and national advancement the “Orientals” were advanced far beyond Europe and Britain as recently as the 1700’s.

Then something changed.

That change was the result of Britain developing an international military machine that began to invade and colonize those nations. Those nations were brought down through military conquest … resulting in destruction of their infrastructure, their schools, and their long-practiced way of life.

Then the US took up where Britain left off … bombing, terrorizing, tearing down and rebuilding according to western governments’ dictates. In essence, the West has been warring against, and ruining, the structure and society of those people and nations for a long time now. In light of this fact, it is no wonder that the Middle East has had trouble keeping their countries intact. Any nation suffering under constant attack by bombs, internal subversion by America’s CIA, Britain’s MI6 and Israrel’s MOSSAD would have trouble.

The west’s war against the Middle East began as far back as the time of Crusades of the 11th century.  But with the advances in western tools of warfare, the ravaging of the Middle East has become even more brutal and pervasive. Since 1948 the West even employed the Zionist state of Israel as its agent of destruction from within to undermine the Middle East. And the ongoing plan has been to push those nations back to the stone age and keep them there.

In spite of it all, Iran managed to pull itself up by the bootstraps. Iran has progressed and advanced in spite of the West’s campaign against it, and in spite of the US and Britain doing all kinds of evil things to keep it from prospering and surviving.

Other nations in the area have not been so fortunate. Most of them have been suffering quietly under the heavy hand of terrorism and military aggression from Israel, France, Britain and the US. And today the ignorant masses of the West (especially Americans) continue to ask, “Why do they hate us?” Wicked western politicians and preachers tell their gullible and childish masses that Muslims hate us because of our freedom. Of course that’s a laugh. Anyone with the slightest capacity for thinking knows that is not the reason for the bad blood between the West and the Middle East. The West deserves to be hated by middle easterners for what the West has been doing to them for centuries.

The following recent article from NPR reveals what many of us  have known for a long time. In 1953 the US and Britain, in behalf of the western-owned oil companies, and against the wishes of Iranians, overthrew Iran’s rightfully elected leader, Mohammed Mossadeck,  and replaced him with The Shah who reigned as a king and facilitated western oil companies that took over the oil industry of Iran. Of course the western powers made the Shah extremely wealthy.

Iranians despised this coup that overthrew their government, and they eventually rebelled and threw out the Shah in 1979. They chose to recognize their supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, and began referring to America as “The Great Satan.” Since that rejection of western dominance, Iran has done exceedingly well, much to the chagrin of the western powers and the major oil companies. As a result of Iran’s leadership and success, it is currently the focus of western and Israeli hatred and propaganda, and is in constant threat of assault of all kinds from western powers.  — (ed)


Declassified Documents Reveal CIA Role In 1953 Iranian Coup


Former Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadegh appears in October 1951. The CIA's overthrow of Mossadegh was a template for the agency's covert operations going forward.
Former Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadegh appears in October 1951. The CIA’s overthrow
of Mossadegh was a template for the agency’s covert operations going forward.

The Central Intelligence Agency was behind the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. It’s been an open secret for decades, but last week, The George Washington University’s National Security Archive released newly declassified proving it.

Orchestrating the Iranian coup d’état was a first for the CIA and would serve as the template for future Cold War covert operations worldwide.

Mossadegh “believed that Iran’s main problem at that time was that it was a country basically ruled by foreign empires,” tells Weekends on All Things Considered host Jacki Lyden. So, after less than a week in office, on May 1, 1951, Mossadegh decided to nationalize the British-run Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.

“To the British, because they discovered the oil and created the Iranian oil industry from scratch, it was a fair deal that they shared the oil revenue with the Iranian government,” says Bahari. “But, to many Iranians, especially those who did not remember that there was no oil in Iran before the British came, it was just unfair for a British company to have a monopoly over Iranian oil.”

However, the British would not leave quietly. According to Bahari, “Mossadegh had to go in order for the British to keep their monopoly,” and they began pursuing measures to topple the Iranian prime minister. Their plan succeeded, but only after two long years of spy craft, subversion and the eventual help of the CIA.

“I think a lesser man would fall within a week. Mossadegh was a very strong politician and a very strong man,” Bahari said.

Young CIA agents used suitcases full of cash to destabilize the regime. “They managed to buy newspaper editors, to buy hoodlums, they organized rallies in different cities, they created a fake communist party in order to create trouble,” Bahari said. Still, they almost failed.

According to Bahari, after Mossadegh and his allies thwarted the first coup attempt Aug. 15, 1953, officials in Washington wanted to pull the plug on the spy operation. They sent a telegram to Kermit Roosevelt Junior, the CIA officer leading the overthrow and grandson of Theodore Roosevelt, ordering him to cease and desist. “But Kermit Roosevelt just says ‘I never heard that’ and he carries on the operation and he succeeds,” Bahari said.

Four days later, a second coup attempt was successful.

“It’s kind of left a bitter taste in Iranians’ mouths,” says Bahari.


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