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Russia Today Declares 9/11 Was An Inside Job!

RT LogoRUSSIA TODAY is a worldwide recognized 24-hr English language satellite news station. For them to come out and expose the 9-11 hoax is a big deal.

Americans are getting a chance to see that they have been duped by the media, the government, and the churches. The Muslims did not do 9-11. They could not have done it.

So, who did?

Well, false flag events that are setup by a government against its own people and then blamed on some other country are one of the oldest and most common tactics used to start wars.

Nero set fire to Rome and blamed the Christians.

In 1898, the US Government arranged or the USS Maine to be sunk in Havana Harbor and blamed Spain to justify going to war with Spain.

In 1915 the US and British governments Governments arranged for the sinking of the Lusitania and blamed it on Germany to turn American sentiment in favor of going to war against Germany and entering WW1.

In 1933, Hitler burned down his Reichstag headquarters and blamed the Russians to justify war with Russia.

In 1941, Roosevelt orchestrated the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to inflame Americans to enter WW2.

In 1962, General Lemnitzer and his joint chiefs of staff proposed a secret plan named “Operation Northwoods” as a false flag operation that could be blamed on the Cuban Communists to justify a US attack on Cuba. One of the elements of the proposal was that a U.S. Navy ship be blown up in Guantanamo Bay deliberately. Echoing the earlier deliberate sinking of the USS Maine, when Lemnitzer was composing his “Operation Northwoods” document he used the specific phrase “A ‘Remember the Maine’ incident.” The plan was not implemented, but still serves as a reminder of standard military operating procedure and government disinformation.

In 1964, the US warmongers claimed there was an attack by the North Vietnamese navy upon the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin. The non-event was a false flag operation for the purpose of justifying going to war with North Vietnam. The incident was later exposed and Secretary Of Defense Robert McNamara admitted that it never happened. Never the less, they got their war and hundreds of thousands died.

On September 11, 2001, the Bush – Cheney administration orchestrated a false flag attack on the New York World Trade Towers and the Pentagon … and they blamed it on “radical Muslims” supposedly working for Osama bin Laden. The purpose was to foment American support for a “War On Terror” to overthrow existing governments and cultures in select Islamic countries including Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, and Libya. Also this event enabled the government to set up a police state in America. From 2001 until today (2013) they have accomplished most of their goal. Currently they are working on Syria, and Iran is next on their schedule.

In each of the above false flag operations, perpetrated by governments upon their own people and then blamed on others to instigate wars, the deceitful mainstream media played along and helped the government promote the wars. This has been especially true with the lying US media and the current so-called “War on Terror.”

With the invention of the internet the world now has an alternative to the controlled mainstream media. This truth about 9-11 has been aired extensively via the alternative news sources on the internet. But now, for the first time, a mainstream media news program has broken with protocol and exposed the false flag event.

In the clip below Russia Today blows the cover off the 9-11 false flag attack. This is major news in the making.


Also, here is a TV broadcast interview with a neighbor and eye witness from Abbottabad Pakistan who tells the truth about what really happened when the US Military claimed to have raided Osama bin Laden’s home and killed him … and took his body and dumped it at sea. This neighbor explains how the story was totally false. Bin Laden was dead from kidney disease long before this fake raid was staged.

As you will hear, the reporter is skeptical and tries to trip up the witness. But he holds to his story.


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