A Tiny Number (85) Plutocrats Own Half The Wealth Of The World

Transfer Of Wealth

The financial crunch arranged by the George Bush administration in 2009 has destroyed or damaged nearly all business in America. However, that same time period has been a bonanza for the super elite. That same financial crunch has made them richer by orders of magnitude.

They labeled it “a financial mishap.” But it was nothing of the sort. It was a grand step planned and orchestrated by the super elite to speed up their on-going scheme to transfer the wealth of the world away from the common folks and into their own possession.

The recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, has released a new report that contains some startling statistics on what it calls the “growing tide of inequality.”

The report states:

  • The wealth of the one percent richest people in the world amounts to 65 times the total wealth of the bottom half of the world’s population.
  • The bottom half of the world’s population owns the same as the richest 85 people in the world.
  • In the post-financial crisis since 2009, the top one percent captured 95 percent of the wealth, while the bottom 90 percent became poorer.

The report also warned that extreme levels of wealth concentration is not merely unfair, it is also dangerous to society. Since 2008 this unbalancing of the wealth of the world has shifted into high gear.

Tables From Oxfam's 'Working For The Few' Report

The so-called “American Dream” is a hoax that has been sold to naive people by proponents of the Beast System. The system is designed to amass wealth and power into the hands of a few elite, and keep the rest of the people under their control. It is staggering that in the 21st Century, half of the world’s population – that’s three and a half billion people – own no more than a tiny elite whose numbers could all fit comfortably in one double-decker bus.

Wealth equates to power, and when that amount of power is concentrated into the hands of 85 people it is the supreme achievement for the plutocrats … but a nightmare for the rest of us. The power of wealth is the power to govern. When 85 people control that much wealth it can mean only one thing. Those 85 people rule the Earth, and the billions of us common people are all subject to the whims of those 85. It cannot be interpreted any other way in spite of government rhetoric about “democracy” and “equality.”

The government’s claim that Capitalist billionaires are good for the economy is bunk! The wealth of the multi billionaires does not “trickle down” as Reagan and Bush claimed. Nor does it create more jobs. In fact, just the opposite is true. They hoard their wealth and devote their lives to keeping it under their control and out of the hands of the public.

The teeming billions of Earth’s population have no concept whatever of how the 85 wealthiest are running the world. Common people simply cannot fathom the workings of the mind of a multi-billionaire.

The population of the Earth is approximately 7 billion. When .0000012% of the Earth’s population (85 people) own half its wealth, it means that the world is a huge plantation with 85 slave masters and billions of slaves.

The Tower of Babylon (i.e., centralized power) is being erected again today. God destroyed the old Tower, and He will destroy this modern Tower of Babylon. The lust for power always destroys those who devote themselves to it.



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