The Unholy Alliance: Government & “The 1%”


What kind of financial system has captured America? Call it what you will … “Capitalism,” “Free Enterprise,” “Laissez-Faire,” “Reaganomics Trickle-Down,” “Socialism,” or any other name … it doesn’t matter. Whatever label you give it, the label is inadequate to define the real nature of the system … unless you include the adjective “criminal.”

The truth is that ALL the above-listed financial systems are prone to abuse. However, none of those systems are as evil as the one that has taken root in America. The American financial system is rotten to the core. It has no standard or law which governs it other than the law of theft and deceit. The ones who run the system are master thieves who bribe lawmakers to legalize their theft. Thus, the master thieves (bankers) share their booty with politicians (deceivers) whose job it is to make the master thieves look legitimate.

The one main thing missing from the financial system of America is HONESTY. It is dishonest to steal, cheat and lie. HONESTY alone can cure America’s money problems. Honesty would also destroy America’s current form of banking and government.

Truth cannot be found in the house of liars. When Americans stop looking for answers from within the system, and start looking elsewhere (the Bible), then we may see some true remedies come forth.

It is difficult to cheat an honest man. Con men always pick cheaters, because they are easier to cheat. A cheater’s personal dishonesty makes him an easy mark, and the accomplished con man knows how to work those who are thieves at heart.

This principle is used everyday to con dishonest people out of their money. Likewise, the American banking system is a con game. And the thing that empowers it to be successful is the basic dishonesty of the American people in general. If Americans weren’t dishonest the big con of the bankers wouldn’t work on them.

The con men (bankers and politicians) sell Americans the lie that they can join the ranks of the 1% by learning how to steal wealth and follow the example of the bankers. But it never works for 99% of the people because the bankers never intended to let them be anything but “marks” (victims). The little thieves lust after wealth of the big thieves as they watch the bankers’ example, but they never actually achieve their larcenous goal. In the process of chasing their promised piece of the ill-gotten pie, they end up losing their money as well to the bankers and politicians. They get conned while they chase their ambition of being big con men.

The would-be thieves are enslaved by their own dishonesty. It is the fuel that powers the American banking and political systems.

God’s laws condemn theft (usury), dishonesty (politics), as well as most operations that make up modern government and banking. That’s why bankers hire politicians, and politicians support churches, to keep Americans deceived, pacified, and corrupted. In order to preserve their empire the bankers must prevent their victims from learning or accepting God’s laws which define and teach real honesty. Honesty would stop the bankers, the politicians, and the 1%.


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