China Watches As America Destroys Herself

More grist for the mill. It is a guessing game trying to analyze and predict where the devils in Washington and Wall Street are planning to take their show. It seems fairly obvious that China and Russia are still their main competitors. For a few years now the balance seems to be leaning  toward Russia and China as America descends into economic failure. American industry can’t compete because cost of doing business is too high … due to the mountains of debt that must be factored into their bottom lines. With debt, usury, taxes, licenses, fees, insurance, and scores of bottom-feeding government-created leeches stealing most of the profit, businesses are lucky to make a go of it.

So businesses are forced to raise their prices to pay for their overhead expenses … which keep getting bigger and bigger, causing them to borrow more to stay in business. Everyone’s debt keeps piling up, individually and collectively creating a debt economy. On top of that the government spends trillions of dollars they don’t have. So they borrow that too. The debt just keeps building, and the interest (usury) just keeps building … and all that weight of debt and usury and taxes and fees, etc. must be born by Americans and American businesses. Thus, prices go up. It is not surprising. It is the natural result of mounting debt.

So we are told by the “experts” that America is suffering from “inflation” … because prices are rising. But rising prices are not necessarily caused by inflation. In this case the rising prices are caused by debt. It is caused by unpayable, growing debt. America has brought it upon herself by accepting a debt economy where everyone borrows to exist, and all loans come from bankers … who are making billions in usury.

China and Russia are smarter. They aren’t in debt like the American government is. With less debt, they can produce things and create commerce with less overhead … apparently even exporting some of their industries into America.

America is crumbling because of Washington’s and Wall Street’s agenda of raping and plundering, and because the ignorant public condones it. Washington and Wall Street play with billions of dollars … and if they lose some or all of it, no worry. They just get bailed out through political chicanery, or they simply ignore the debt and no one is big enough to force them to pay their debts like normal people.

Washington and Wall street seem to be intentionally depressing the American economy … partly by ravaging her and using her as their personal war machine to terrorize, take over, and plunder small countries. But this strategy will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. The politicians and banksters are stealing the rope that will eventually hang them. It is their unbounded greed that will eventually bring their demise … like parasites that over-infest and kill their host.

The Jones interview with Roberts (below) indicates that the  Washington war machine thinks it can pull its chestnuts out of the fire by fomenting more war … possibly between India and China.





China continues to build her economic and military structure without engaging in stupid, expensive wars. Meanwhile, the idiots in Washington continue to raise America’s debt ceiling, continue spending like drunken sailors, squandering trillions of dollars and thousands of lives as they satiate their egos and flex their muscles terrorizing and bombing small defenseless nations. This is about the only thing Washington still knows how to do.  Today America produces only a few things: mostly we produce movies, wars and debt. Yep, we’re building quite a legacy. And dumbed-down Americans continue to be enamored with the corporate criminals, self-worshipping politicians, the military industrial complex, and the fat cat bankers.

The Chinese politicians aren’t so vain. They know how to conduct international commerce without using their military to force their products on weak nations. And China’s international diplomacy is not like Washington’s. The Chinese government criticizes America’s actions of war against small countries, then it stands back … knowing that America is destroying herself, all by herself. By showing disapproval of Washington’s methods, China makes her case. Then she waits and watches, ready to pick up the pieces after Washington breaks everything it touches … including the American economy.

It is no accident that Americans are losing their jobs, their houses and their futures. We are in a depression caused by astronomical debt. Economists are fond of calling it “inflation” … but they have forgotten the real definition of “inflation.” Inflation is correctly defined as “too much money chasing too few goods and services.” America’s prices are not rising because of too much money! Prices are rising because of too much debt. They may call it “inflation” when prices go up .. but that is not inflation. That is the result of the unresolved debt burden that every American is now saddled with due to the criminal system of debt/usury banking. But Americans still love the banking system.

American businesses are going bankrupt, and industry is being outsourced to other continents to escape America’s debt burden. Jobs and industry are going elsewhere, where it is still possible to make a profit.

China recently bought 50 square miles of land just south of Boise, Idaho. It looks like China is opening up new frontiers in the American industrial wasteland. Soon, most of America will look like Detroit … where land is getting cheaper and cheaper because Americans can’t afford to do much with it, and infrastructure and industry are failing because the economic depression is taking money out of circulation and making it harder and harder to buy or sell. No one is hiring here in America because profit is gone.

Without debt, the Chinese can build things, hire workers, and pay them. They may get lower wages than American workers (who have no jobs), but the Chinese are working, building and expanding … you know, like Americans used to do.

So China is purchasing property south of the Boise airport. China National Machinery Industry Corporation (Sinomach for short) plans to construct a “technology zone” that will cover 50 square miles. It will be a “self-sustaining city” and will belong to the Chinese Government. It will include manufacturing facilities, warehouses, retail centers and large numbers of homes for Chinese workers. Basically it will be a slice of China right in the middle of the United States.

If China can make a profit in Idaho where Americans can’t make a profit … isn’t it time to re-examine America’s system of debt and usury?



Both Russia and China are waiting in the wings, watching America destroy herself. Why should they get into military squabbles with America? It is more efficient for them to stand back and let the Washington criminals finish the job ruining America all by themselves.




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