
Apparently the FED intends to drain an additional $1 trillion from the US economy. Today they announced a .25% rise in interest. When interest is raised, the M1 money pool decreases. Money is drained out of the economy. When the M1 money pool decreases businesses go broke and jobs are lost.

The FED bankers all know this. Over that past few years they’ve been lowering interest rates to near zero in order to slow down the planned crash – i.e., too little money in circulation. They’ve been preventing the crash from happening all at once, maintaining the drop to a gradual decrease instead of a free fall.

Meanwhile, most of the TV and internet gurus have been warning of “hyper inflation” … the opposite of a depression. It just shows that they are either ignorant or bought off.

The Open Market Committee (branch of the FED) has power to inject money into the economy at necessary intervals to temporarily keep the economy from tanking. They do this often. The ones who handle those problems by staving off a precipitous drop are called “the plunge protection team.” You can tell when they do their thing. When you see the Dow Jones drop several hundred points in a few hours, then it miraculously rebounds back to “normal,” that is the work of “the plunge protection team.”

For reasons the FED doesn’t want to share with us, it has apparently decided it is time to proceed with the plan to push America deeper into depression. It is being done with sufficient disinformation and propaganda to keep Americans dumb and unaware of how the economy works. But, then, we must admit that fooling Americans and keeping them in the dark has become much easier. The great majority of Americans today are so dumbed down and morally corrupted by modern entertainment, fads, and a lack of faith in God that I doubt that even one percent of Americans know what a depression is, or what causes it.

The FED obviously wants to drain more money out the US economy. So if this is their plan, then the .25% rise in interest will soon be followed by another rise, and then another until they’ve accomplished their nefarious objective to put America in an even deeper and more crushing depression.

Why would they want this? Simply because depressed populations are more easily controlled and manipulated.

Trickle Down

For those who are the least bit awake, there are major signals that the FED is incrementally depressing the economy of the US. One signal is the admitted destruction of the Middle Class. They’ve proudly announce recently that the Middle Class in America is now the minority. None of us have ever seen that before in our lifetimes. That is a huge signal. Also, we’ve been made painfully aware, for some time now, that the top 1% of the wealthy in America have more wealth than the whole remaining 99%. How can anyone not see the problem?

The mainstream media is totally controlled by the US Government. The CIA has agents inside every newsroom of every major news corporation in America. Following network news stations is a sure way to make yourself stupid.


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