Killer Chinese Coronavirus?


Are you worried about the so-called “killer Chinese coronavirus” that the news media suddenly has everyone all hyped up about? And are you wondering whether or not colloidal silver will help stop it?

Let’s take a look, first, at the supposed Chinese coronavirus “pandemic,” to see if we really have anything to worry about. Then we’ll take a look at the growing body of evidence for using colloidal silver should such a “pandemic” ever actually develop.

If you’ll stick with me to the end, I’ll even give you my thoughts on how I’d personally use colloidal silver should the new “killer Chinese coronavirus” begin spreading throughout the U.S.

A Quick Trip Down Memory Lane

Remember back in the 2005 when the famous “Bird Flu” from Asia was going to race across the globe and kill millions of innocent people?

The news media claimed that a bird virus somehow “jumped species” and began infecting humans. And they dubbed it to be a “looming pandemic,” meaning it would eventually wreak havoc on people worldwide, killing millions upon millions.

Here’s the part you might not know about: The big drug companies then used the “Bird Flu” scare to convince western governments throughout Europe, America and Canada into stockpiling billions of dollars worth of the worthless antiviral drug, Tamiflu.

Indeed, taxpayer money was used to buy up just about every available bottle of the antiviral drug, worldwide, as a means of helping “prevent a coming pandemic.”

In the U.S., alone, a staggering $1.3 billion in taxpayer money was used to buy up a “strategic reserve” of Tamiflu. And throughout the world, governments spent nearly $9 billion of taxpayer money on this same drug.

Then, just as suddenly as it appeared, the “Bird Flu” disappeared.

And governments got stuck holding the bag, with warehouses full of a virtually worthless “antiviral drug” that studies had later determined only cut one-half day off the course of a typical viral infection. And even then, the drug had to be taken before the infection started in order to be effective.

And that’s how the big multi-national drug companies make sure they never lose a penny on drugs they’ve developed, even when those drugs are rife with side effects and virtually useless for their intended purpose.

The powers-that-be simply scare the public, first. Then they sell them something to “protect them.” It’s how a Mafia protection racket works.

Indeed, as Dr. Peter Gotzsche of the famous Cochrane Collaboration states in his book, Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Health Care: “Organized crime is the business model of big pharma.”

3 More Quick Examples

Here’s another quick example: What about the Swine Flu “epidemic” of 2009? That one, the news media told us, was caused by a bird virus that mysteriously combined with a pig virus, and then mutated to infect humans.

At the time, the news media assured us that “tens of thousands of people” were already being infected throughout the U.S., and that “millions would die.” Everyone was urged to run out and get their flu shots as quickly as possible. Flu shots sold out in days. So did face masks.

But as TV investigative reporter Sheryl Attkinson later reported, it turned out that health authorities hadn’t even been checking sick people for the “swine flu” virus in the U.S.

Indeed, the CDC, FDA and other health authorities were simply attributing every single upper respiratory illness in the U.S. that year to the “Swine Flu,” so they could claim that it “killed 22,000 Americans” when, in reality, they couldn’t point to even a single death from the actual “Swine Flu” virus. Not one.

In reality, most all of the deaths that year were from the normal flu, which the CDC admits kills some 36,000 Americans per year, virtually every year. But millions of Americans were stampeded to get their flu shots, and the big vaccine manufacturers reaped hundreds of millions more dollars in profits.

Another example: Perhaps you’ll remember just six short years ago, in 2014, when the powers-that-be and their news media lackeys drummed up the Ebola panic, telling us it was “inevitable” that the dreaded Ebola virus would flood into the U.S. from the Congo “any day now” and “infect millions.”

Yet it never happened, even though we were repeatedly assured by the news media – for weeks on end – that Ebola-infected individuals were “on their way to the U.S.” and that the resulting death toll from the coming epidemic would be “unstoppable.”

What happened? Nothing.

The entire nation was panicked so drug-makers could get the governments of the world to fund development of a new Ebola vaccine with taxpayer money – a vaccine which, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out, was actually developed, and didn’t do a thing to stop a new 2019 Ebola outbreak in the Congo, in spite of some 130,000 doses being administered to the “most at risk” population in the Congo.

And who can forget about the most recent foreign virus scare, from 2017, i.e., the dreaded Zika virus scare?

We were told the virus was invading the U.S. from Brazil…that mosquitoes were carrying it throughout the southern U.S…and that it would cause genetic mutations in the babies of all pregnant mothers that got infected.

But what actually happened?

Err…nothing. It all quietly went away in a matter of weeks. The only thing keeping the scare going was the news media propaganda, replete with photos of pregnant women and dead or deformed babies. When the propaganda finally stopped, amazingly, the disease disappeared, along with all of the fear that had been drummed up.

Bats and Snakes and Mice, Oh, My!

Now, this year, 2020, we’re being treated to the so-called “killer Chinese coronavirus” scare.

The news media tells us this particular coronavirus is somehow passed to humans who have eaten bats, snakes and mice.

Then, the humans supposedly pass the virus they got from eating bats, snakes and mice along to other humans. Through coughing. Just like the flu.

Even if this killer Chinese coronavirus is real, there’s one big problem with the scenario they’re painting for us here in the west: In Asia, people have been eating bats, snakes and mice for centuries. It’s nothing new. And it’s never caused a global viral pandemic in the past. So once again, I find myself saying, “Hmm.”

Today’s news media is extremely sophisticated, in terms of propaganda. They’re actually tagging this supposedly “looming new threat” with every emotional element they know causes a deep and abiding sense of fear in people. Think about it. The mystery virus, we’re told by the media, is:

  • From the darkest reaches of China, with the implication being that it’s “foreign”…it’s out to get us…and therefore it’s a far more serious threat than anything domestic.
  • It originates from bats, snakes and mice – yes, three creatures everyone in the west cringes at the very sight of. If you want to make a westerner squeamish with fear, just yell, “Look, snake!” or “Look, mice!” or “Look, bats!”
  • It’s “mutating rapidly out-of-control – in other words, it’s like a Frankenstein monster turned loose on the streets; you’d better lock yourself and the children inside, because the killer Chinese coronavirus is coming for you!
  • It’s killing people, for goodness sakes! (But you have to read the fine print to find out that so far, as of this writing, only 17 people have died from this virus in China, out of a population of 1.3 billion .)

Repeat these emotional triggers often enough, day after day after day, on national TV, and couple them with dramatic photos of people in China wearing face masks for protection, and voila’, you get a panicked population here in the U.S..

Yes, even if not one word of the hype is true.

Why Do They Want to Promote Panic Now?

But why would the news media want to promote such a crazy state of global panic?

Well, who could possibly benefit the most from drumming up fear of a foreign killer virus?

Do I really need to tell you? Yes? Okay then. The answer is this:

Vaccine makers.

And sure enough, a drug manufacturing company called Novavax announced this past week that their stock had soared some 68% virtually overnight due to the fact they’ve been working on a vaccine for the “deadly coronavirus from China.”

So there’s a brand new vaccine in the making for this so-called killer Chinese coronavirus. No big surprise, right?

Any salesman or marketer will tell you that the #1 tool for promoting sales is…drum roll, please…fear. If you make people believe their lives are in imminent danger, they’ll pretty much buy whatever you’re selling. And they’ll do so immediately.

And that’s what’s coming down the pike, folks: A long and sensationalistic news media campaign to scare people like you and me into submitting to an annual coronavirus vaccine, along with the usual annual flu shots. It’s coming. They’ll probably even start giving it to babies. You can bank on it. Novavax certainly is.

A Genetically Engineered Vaccine?

There’s one crucial piece of information you need to know about this new vaccine being developed for the Chinese coronavirus: According to Novavax, the vaccine uses a “recombinant nanoparticle.”

Yes, that means it’s a genetically engineered vaccine. Indeed, Novavax openly admits on their website for this vaccine that they developed it from the genetically engineered cells of…bugs. Yes, bugs. In this case, a crop-damaging worm called an Armyworm that, in nature, eventually turns into a moth.

But genetically modified worm cells won’t be the only thing you’ll get in your upcoming coronavirus vaccine. Nosiree. You’ll get genetically modified worm cells that have been infected with another virus! And it’s an insect virus. As Novavax states on their website:

“We produce our vaccine nanoparticles in cells originally isolated in the 1970s from the ovaries of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda).

The Sf9 insect cell line can grow in apparent perpetuity when infected with a baculovirus (BV), a virus that infects only insects.

Because a baculovirus can be engineered to carry one or more foreign genes of interest, it can be used to “program” (infect) the Sf9 cells to efficiently produce the desired protein or proteins that are correctly folded and biologically active.

Novavax uses the Sf9 system to construct recombinant protein nanoparticles that have the potential to provide increase protection.”

So they want to inject you and your children or grandchildren with the genetically modified cells of dead worms that have been infected with a supposedly “benign” insect virus, in order to protect you from a virus that originated from Chinese people eating snakes, bats and mice!

What could possibly go wrong?

As one of my favorite journalists, Jon Rappoport, has stated on his popular blog site,

“…that means the vaccine will permanently alter the genetic makeup of anyone who takes the shot.”

Oh, joy.

Can you imagine what it would take to convince people in the western world to take this new vaccine made of genetically modified worm genes combined with an insect virus? Well, if you thought “loads of fear” you’re right. That’s exactly what it would take. And that’s exactly what they’re giving us.

Author Jon Rappoport goes on to say,

“You automatically believe this Chinese coronavirus is a killer?

You automatically believe the press when they ratchet up the fear?

You automatically believe medical experts have found a virus and proved it’s causing human illness?

You’re now on the Gong Show on roller skates.


As you can probably tell, Jon Rappoport – who’s been writing about viruses and vaccines since 1987, including a best-selling book on the subject – isn’t too keen on the scare tactics being used by the news media to promote fear over non-existent “viral pandemics.”

He’s not even sure if this new Chinese coronavirus actually exists, or causes any disease at all in humans. Or is it all just media-driven hype to help promote the coming vaccine?

Don’t Let Them Get You Too Worked Up Over It

We’ve seen all of this far too many times in the past. There’s nothing new under the sun, and that includes deception from our government and corporate overlords, so they can make more money off of us and gain more control over us.

So don’t let the news media get you too worked up over this so-called killer Chinese coronavirus issue.

The powers-that-be always try to make these things sound like a “global pandemic,” when, in reality, to date, only about five hundred people have been infected in China.

And as of this writing, only 17 of those people have died, compared to 36,000 people who die from the common flu each and every year right here in the U.S.

coronavirus propaganda from Drudge ReportLook, 17 deaths out of 1.3 billion people is hardly the stuff “epidemics” are made of.

Clearly, you’re far better off preparing to fend off the good ole USA flu (which kills 36,000 Americans per year) than worrying about some obscure virus from China.

The news media is really trying to hype this “killer Chinese coronavirus” out of all proportion to reality. They’re going overboard with it.

But like all of the other strange viral epidemics and pandemics we’ve been promised over the last ten years, this one, too, will most likely drift away with a whimper rather than go out with a bang.


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