Russia Shames America By Defining “Marriage” As A Union Between A Man and A Woman

Unlike Russia, America Supports Sodomy And Pedophilia
Both Trump and Biden Official Sites Are Selling Rainbow ‘Pride’ Apparel


Russia says ‘No Thank You’ To Sodomy

Mark your calendars. July 1, 2020. This is the day when the world’s largest nation rejects same-sex marriage in its constitution, defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.


Russians voted in favor of a referendum on July 1 for a series of constitutional amendments, one of which would define marriage as between a man and a woman.

(While Americans can’t seem to figure out the difference between male and female, and as they celebrate sodomy, Russians are taking a stand for common sense and basic decency. I do not see this as an indication of godliness in Russian government which is still a form of the Beast System. Rather I see this as demonstrating the extreme degradation and ungodliness of US Government and abysmal stupidity of American society. Even Russia looks less ridiculous. -ed)

Preliminary results show that 80% of Russians backed the amendments.

The referendum, ostensibly intended to restore a Russian “protection of the family,” also changed Russia’s constitution so that President Vladimir Putin will be able to hold power until 2036. Russian law already does not allow gay marriage.

The new amendment codifies a “defense of the institution of marriage as a union of a man and a woman; the creation of conditions for a decent upbringing of children in the family, as well as for the responsibilities of adult children to care for parents.”

An official state booklet promoting the amendments frame them as re-centering Russia on “traditional family values,” stating, “marriage as a union of man and woman, respect for children to elders, trust and care of all generations of a family for each other.”

Promotional materials for the amendment obscured the fact that Putin’s presidency has effectively been extended for another two decades.

The last time Russians voted to amend their constitution was in 1993. Putin proposed the amendments in March, emphasizing marriage as a “union of a man and a woman,” and new, official references to “ancestors who bequeathed to us their ideals and a belief in God.”


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