Belarus president unwilling to accept bribe money from World Bank and IMF for submitting to their quarantine, isolation, and curfew measures

[You may wonder why politicians worldwide, news programs, doctors, etc. are parroting the lines about the dangers of COVID-19 if it is all fake. Well, here is the reason – they are being bribed and bullied. Plus, here is Belarus’ president who is honest enough to NOT accept the bribes that are ruining country after country. It’s too bad US politicians are selling us out.]

MINSK, 19 June (BelTA) – Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko asked the participants of a finances meeting how things were with the provision of bank credit assistance to Belarus. “What are our partners’ requirements?” It was announced that they can provide Belarus with $940 million in so-called rapid financing.

But Lukashenko learned that there were additional conditions which he considered unacceptable for the country. He was referring to the bank’s demands to model Belarus’ coronavirus response on that of Italy.

“I do not want to see the Italian situation to repeat in Belarus. We have our own country and our own situation,” the president said.

According to the president, the World Bank was interested in Belarus’ coronavirus response practices. “It is ready to fund us ten times more than it offered initially as a token of commendation for our efficient fight against this virus. The World Bank has even asked the Healthcare Ministry to share the experience. Meanwhile, the IMF continues to demand from us quarantine measures, isolation, a curfew. This is nonsense. We will not dance to anyone’s tune,” said the president.

[NOTE: This is not to praise the Belarus government, but rather to expose the World Bank, the IMF, and other monied entities – mostly in the West – who are driving the corrupt politicians and doctors around the world to accept bribe money and join the movement to ruin their countries. The COVID problem is not a virus – rather it is corrupt governments that sell out their countries for money and power.]


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