[Listen to Bigtree explain this simple but essential fact, and read this short article. The COVID “case numbers” you are hearing from the mass media and the politicians are false statistics from false tests.]


In The Highwire report above, Del Bigtree breaks down how excessively high test sensitivity leads to falsely elevated “case” numbers that in reality tell us nothing about the situation at hand. As noted by Bigtree, what’s missing from the COVID-19 conversation is the actual death rate.

“If COVID is a deadly virus, what should we see when cases increase?” he asks. The answer, of course, is an increase in deaths. However, that’s not what’s happening.

Aside from a small bump at the beginning which was obviously not the result of something named “COVID” but rather a number of common illnesses mostly of elderly people – when doctors were unsure of the appropriate treatment and some states recklessly and irresponsibly sent infected patients into ill equipped nursing homes – the death rate has remained relatively flat while positive test rates have dramatically risen and fallen in direct proportion to the number of people who took tests. Now people are lining up by the thousands to get the test – a test that is absolutely worthless – except to excite the public.

In the video, Bigtree features a November 4, 2020, tweet1 by White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Scott Atlas showing the number of positive tests (aka “cases”) in blue and COVID-19 related deaths in red (see that tiny line of red at the bottom of the chart), since the start of the pandemic up until the end of October 2020. As you can see, there’s no correlation between the tests and an actual disease or deaths. The tests mean NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING!

        cases and deaths

How stupid are Americans? Well … pretty stupid. Right now America is having a “pandemic” and the country is being shut down when no one is dying from this made-up “pandemic.” How stupid is that? Yes, some people are dying from various ailments – as people always do. People die every year. It is nothing new. But to call that a “pandemic” and go nuts about a made-up disease, is STUPIDITY!

The Vast Majority of ‘COVID-19 Patients’ (so-called) are Asymptomatic. That means they are not sick, haven’t been sick, and won’t be sick. And this is what they are using to shut down the country. So why are they doing it? Is it to fight disease? NO! It is not to fight disease. It is to put sleeping people into total helplessness.

One of the explanations for why positive test rates and mortality do not go hand in hand is the simple fact that a vast majority of those testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic. They simply aren’t sick. The PCR test is merely picking up inactive (noninfectious) protein particles and labeling them as “evidence of a virus.” The test can be used to find these particles in samples taken from birds, fruit, blood samples from blood banks collected long before COVID was announced. They can find it everywhere – even in motor oil. The tests mean NOTHING! The so-called “cases” mean NOTHING! No one is dying from COVID, no one is sick from COVID. There are only “cases.” The people who are actually sick are sick from other typical diseases (they call them “comobidities”).


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