Finally Some Better News

16 States Have Had Enough of COVID Restrictions!

The governors of Texas and Mississippi just declared their states will fully reopen – no masks mandates and no restrictions on businesses!

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves—both Republicans—announced they are lifting their states’ mandates. They join 14 other states — Florida, South Dakota, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee — in reopening their states in spite of pressure from Washington DC.

The centrally-planned takeover by the contrived COVID-19 scare has finally lost momentum. Americans have now been through a full year of government-imposed tyranny on both a federal and state level. Whether it was a travel ban, an endless series of lockdowns, mask mandates, countless emergency orders, business closures, and the like, not a single top-down order from the federal or state level was needed for the well-being of Americans.

I just hope that some Americans will remember what their politicians did to them for an entire year. It was all fake.

Now that their constituents have had enough, a few governors are finally ready to reverse direction and lift restrictions to try to secure what is left of their political aspirations.


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