The Italian Higher Institute of Health decided it had miscounted COVID deaths. Instead of looking at people who died with COVID, as it once did, it looked only at people who died from COVID — leading to a 97% decrease in Italy’s COVID death count. So far, the CDC shows no signs of following suit.
Italian newspaper Il Tempo reports that the Institute has revised downward the number of people who have died from COVID rather than with COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000.
“Yes, you read that right. Turns out 97.1% of deaths hitherto attributed to Covid were not due directly to Covid,” writes Toby Young.
Of the of the 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the virus alone.
Italy’s claimed official covid death tally rose to 132,161 in October of 2021. This tally was grossly exaggerated because covid-19 was diagnosed in haste and under conditions of financial bribery (paying large sums to hospitals to list cases and deaths as COVID-caused) using falsified criteria. Covid-19 was often listed as the cause of death when it was merely “suspected” and when “it could not be ruled out.” In other words, COVID was falsely manufactured by the hospitals.
After careful review of the medical reports, it turns out that respiratory infections of various causes were routinely misattributed to “COVID.” It was a grand deception perpetrated by the hospitals to receive massive payoffs from government. Various forms of medical malpractice, withheld treatment, inhumane isolation, undernourishment, and unethical standards of care are at the root of this worldwide medical crisis. The most common and most egregious crime was the use of the useless PCR test which was widely known to be fraudulent for detecting “cases” of COVID.
New medical analysis reduces Italy’s covid-19 death tally by 97.1%
A new analysis reduced Italy’s covid-19 death tally by 97.1 percent and provided a more accurate picture as to why these people died in the hospital. Only 3,783 cases could be directly correlated with a corona virus diagnosis. Because the PCR test was over-calibrated from the start, even these 3,783 cases that are being called “covid-19” are pure fantasy. Symptoms of respiratory infection could have been the result of any number of infections that kill people every year, whether that be influenza, tuberculosis, pneumonia or countless other lower and upper respiratory tract infections. Viral infections do not have the same effect on one person to the next due to several underlying factors including the cellular and microbiome terrain, so it is extremely difficult to accurately diagnose a specific respiratory infection and quantify viral load.
According to this new analysis, only 2.9% of the deaths registered since the end of February 2020 could have had any association to coronavirus whoch has never been isolated or detected in humans. The annual respiratory infections, antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, medical errors and other acute medical emergencies that usually cause overcrowding in hospitals were used as propaganda to terrorize and defraud the world into perpetual lock down. It was literally an attack of deception by governments against citizens.
The covid-19 death tally included Italians who suffered from one to five underlying chronic diseases; many were on immune suppressant drugs, and a certain percentage died from medical emergencies that are totally unrelated to covid-19. A total of 67.7% suffered from more than three chronic diseases that had not been resolved through modern medicine. Italians who were already suffering from chronic conditions went on to suffer further from ventilator-associated pneumonia and ventilator-associated lung damage.
One in ten of the deceased patients had a stroke; 65.8% of the Italians had arterial hypertension and were on immune-suppressant drugs; 15.7% suffered from heart failure; 28% had ischemic heart disease; and 24.8% suffered from atrial fibrillation. At least 17.4% already had sick lungs. Many (29.3% had diabetes and other metabolic ailments) that drastically impacted their immune response. There were several patients (16.3%) who were on their deathbed, struggling on immunosuppressant chemotherapy and radiation drugs known to make people susceptible to any respiratory infection. These cancer patients had been dealing with cancer for the past five years, with an average three-to-five-year chemotherapy survival rate coming to a close. Another 23.5% were struggling with dementia, their life coming to a close.
Unethical, inhumane practices have been implemented in medical systems worldwide
Ever since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a worldwide pandemic of SARS-CoV-2, medical systems around the world have handled hospitalized patients differently. Patients with any sort of respiratory symptom were isolated and separated from family members. “Out of an abundance of caution,” hospital systems made vague diagnoses, classifying anyone “suspected of covid” as an official case of SARS-CoV-2. These patients were viewed as highly contagious vectors of disease that should be isolated and put on mechanical ventilation. Efficacious treatments were bypassed. People dying on ventilators were classified as covid deaths when covid-19 “could not be ruled out” as the primary cause of their death. COVID-19 became a catch-all diagnosis for all manner of illnesses – because the governments had conspired to create a false pandemic. It is a pandemic that has a higher than 99% survival rate. Nothing about this whole thing makes any sense. The bottom line can be nothing other than the governments declaring war to murder citizens and an apparent agenda to reduce world population.