COVID Tests Are Worthless

Many medical tests are worthless. For example… a “cholesterol test” is there to scare you about your “rising” cholesterol. But that’s what cholesterol is supposed to do — rise. As you age, the higher your cholesterol is, the longer you live. The lower it is, the shorter you live. Studies have shown this.

Then there’s the vitamin D test. It’s designed for every human on the planet to fail it. Why? Because the “correct” results are artificially high, designed to hook you on lab-derived vitamin D.

Then there’s the thyroid test. If you have a thyroid, that must mean you should be placed on meds.

On and on. It’s all the same old con.

And now we have the coronavirus test.

Rest assured, it’s built on manipulation and trickery.


Here are three reasons why:

1. A beer bottle could test positive for Coronavirus

Carrying a virus doesn’t make us sick. We live in a sea of viruses. They’re just a part of life. Your DNA is filled with them!

If there were an accurate test to measure whether or not we were a carrier, it would mean nothing…much like if a beer can tested positive for coronavirus, which it could. You could drink that beer, break the bottle over the head of a mask-wearing loudmouth… and neither of you would be infected.

“Based on the number of viruses she found in her samples, Proctor estimated that every liter of seawater contained up to one hundred billion viruses.” ― Carl Zimmer, A Planet of Viruses

Even the cleanest surface in your house could test positive for coronavirus. It doesn’t mean sh#t. It means you live in a sea of LIFE!

2. An antibody test is only good for measuring whether you’re dead or alive.

An anti-body is proof that you have an immune system. These are the soldiers that protect your battlefield…they attack and destroy “biological nasties.”

If you’re dead, you will have zero antibodies… showing that your immune system is “out of service.” If you’re alive, you will have tons of them.

Using an antibody test to diagnose coronavirus is like smacking your knee to see if you’re alive. It’s only good for measuring if you’re comatose… in which case, a reflex test is much easier.

Also, having antibodies doesn’t mean you’re sick or immune. It just means…you have antibodies. They could be for the common cold, the flu, or for nothing at all.

The antibodies IgG and IgM are being labeled as “specific for coronavirus.”  But they are not specific for coronavirus…LOL. They are specific to humans.  The World Health Organization stressed this saying, “There are five major types of antibodies – IgA, IgG, IgM, IgD and IgE. IgG antibodies are the smallest antibody and are found in all body fluids. They are the most abundant immunoglobulin, comprising about 75-80% of all the antibodies in the body.”

Isn’t it clear that apes are running the coronavirus tests?

3. A PCR-Test is a toy for nerds and detectives, not for doctors diagnosing coronavirus…or any virus.

The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test was invented by Dr. Kary Mullis. A hero to scientific method, he won the Nobel Prize for his work. He invented the test to characterize DNA. Think: crime scenes. At 6 feet in length, the PCR amplifies the DNA strand so it can be better identified, then traced back to its source.

The coronavirus isn’t 6 feet long. It’s a mere strand. Worse, the coronavirus isn’t even DNA. It’s RNA (retrovirus)…if it exists at all.

That means before you could even perform a PCR test… you’d have to first make a perfect copy of something that is 1000th the size of a grain of salt.

That would be like trying to find a pubic hair in The Sea of Cortez, then finding who it belonged to. That’s how ridiculous a PCR test is.

Like most “tests,” the coronavirus (COVID-19 or otherwise) test is a fraud. It’s a tool for control and profit. That’s it.

It’s the stupid “surprise” test that no one needed.

It’s not what you’re looking for. And it won’t help you.

Walk away. Say “No thanks!” and go live your life… preferably without carting around too much body fat.

Being fat is a bigger threat to your health than any virus. That’s because it butchers the arteries…damages the joints…and makes life all around miserable.


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Avoid Hospitals If Possible

Nearly half of all deaths from the coronavirus (real or not real) reported in the United States have occurred at nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, according to new reports from the New York Times.

Nursing home populations are at higher risk for infection and death from various causes, experts have said. Even as the average age of infected populations has shifted lower, the average age of death has shifted higher.

Individuals with underlying health conditions are especially susceptible to all kinds of infection, and the likelihood of developing such conditions increases with age. Additionally, infections spread more easily in confined areas, and the concentration of residents helps them spread even faster.

At the state level, the difference is even more pronounced, with some states seeing care facility residents and workers account for half of all deaths from infections.

The sad fact is – the typical care given to people diagnosed with COVID in nursing homes, hospitals, and extended care facilities includes heavy drugging of patients which destroys their immune systems and robs them of the will to live, grouping patients together to spread the infections, and putting them on ventilators which destroys their lungs.

No wonder people are dying in those facilities.

The states with the highest number of deaths in nursing homes were New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. For the most part, the “virus” is not killing many of these people, the hospitals and nursing homes are killing them.

Those who avoid hospitals have a much greater survival rate.


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The War Against Freedom In America – You’ve Been Asleep

ACM – 6/17/2020

Click HERE to read an informative history of the malignant police state that has grown like a cancerous tumor on the body of America.

My comments, here, are only to set the stage for the above referenced site. In part, the article deals with the conversion of the institution of “Peace Officers” over into an institution of “Law Enforcement Officers.” There is a big difference. The police (federal, state, county, and city) have become a military force – huge and powerful – pitted against ordinary citizens. The state is at war with citizens, and the Law Enforcement Officers are the soldiers in that war. That huge force is fully capable of defeating any overt disturbance among the citizens.

This is why people need to know that the protestors and rioters are being allowed and even financed by high-level hidden sources. The police forces have at their disposal advanced weapons and hardware that can put down the riots at any time – if that’s what they are told to do. Obviously the police are being controlled – only allowed to show a small presence on foot here and there.

Clearly, the ones behind all this chaos operate above the level of the police. They, from their high positions, have a covert plan. They want the disruption and destruction to reach a calculated peak before the police are ordered to bring out the big guns and come to the rescue. It is just another ploy to create a mentality of helplessness and fear among the dumbed-down citizens who will, in time, beg the government to save them from “terrorists,” “protestors,” “dissenters” of all kinds – thus tightening restrictions against thinking outside the box.

When people live in fear and form into warring factions, they become easy to control and manipulate. We’ve seen this before in Wilson’s WW1 and Roosevelt’s and Truman’s WW2 which scared our fathers to believe there were Germans and Japanese threatening America; Truman’s Korean War and Johnson’s Vietnam War which scared us to believe there were “Communists” threatening the world – the same Communists who, just a few years earlier, fought on the side of America against Germany and Japan; Women’s Lib Movement which scared women to believe “men” were their worst enemy; the Hippie Revolution in the 60s & 70s which scared kids to believe that “adults” threatened them so they needed to “shoot up and drop out”; the John Kennedy Assassination which scared us to believe that “lone gunmen” were a threat to the U.S. system; the “War On Drugs” in the 70s & 80s which scared Americans into thinking foreign enemies were shipping “illegal” drugs into America when in fact they were being imported by the CIA and American powers; the 9-11 media farce which scared us to believe a guy with a cell phone in a cave in Afghanistan could defeat the world’s best defense system, and that steel buildings could be melted by office fires and then collapse into their own footprints; Bush’s “War On Terror” which scared Americans into thinking there were terrorists (mostly Muslims) behind every rock. It has been one lying campaign after another – all engineered to scare people into compliance and to sow distrust among the public.  Now the world is being scared into thinking that your neighbor is a threat who might be carrying a “deadly virus” – which has put us at war with each other. Now the time-proven proverbial icing on the cake is the sudden rise of organized race wars and riots in the cities – all for the purpose of pitting people against each other and preparing their minds to accept an expanding invasive police state to “keep us safe.” 

Is there any outlandish and stupid thing that Americans can’t be scared into accepting? American have even been scared into thinking that gender designation is dangerous. People no longer can tell if someone is a male or a female – or if there is even a difference. Mind-numbing stupidity is America’s biggest threat – never mind about a phantom virus.

Americans have been incrementally, for decades, losing their minds – making themselves easy prey to the true enemy of freedom – the criminal Beast System (the government). We are being programmed and convinced that we can’t trust anyone except politicians and celebrities. We aren’t even supposed to trust family. In other words, the state is the only thing we are suppose to trust to protect us from a world full of enemies. People believe that we are in danger at every turn, and we need more police to surveil us and more vaccines to keep us healthy. With their thousands of satellites watching us from the sky, the billions of smart phones and cell towers surveilling us on the ground; listening devices and apps on our computers and appliances like “Alexa” and “Echo,” and our computer screens with built-in cameras and microphones to watch and listen to us, Face Book and social media to collect volunteered confessions, and with expanding police forces (FBI, State Police, County, Municipal), not to mention the CIA, NSA, and cameras on the streets monitoring everything, along with their plans for a coming Social Credit System that will use all these surveillance tools to watch everyone so we can be individually evaluated to determine if we are socially compliant in everything we do; plus miniature drones that can spy on us anywhere, plus apps on smart phones to keep a record on us to inform intelligence centers about our status of whether or not we’ve been vaccinated or had contact with anyone who wasn’t vaccinated (which will serve as a type of license/permit to authorize us to cross state borders, enter certain buildings, attend school, drive our car, access a hospital, etc.) … I could go on, and on.

America is in BIG TROUBLE. BIG, BIG TROUBLE. Not from Russia, Iran, China, or some other contrived foreign enemy. Americans have been asleep at the wheel for a long time. And while Americans slept in a stupor of self-gratification and godlessness, the Beast System flooded every house and street via propaganda and mass surveillance and changed America into something that Americans of 60 years ago couldn’t even recognize. It is too late for most Americans. The gigantic Beast System is closing in on us. Their intention is to control every aspect of our lives – especially our minds. And they are almost there. The few specs of freedom we had are all but gone. We need to re-awaken and find our lost pioneer spirit – our caution and skepticism. The chaos we are now witnessing is just another iteration in a long series of plans the Beast System has used to funnel us into a dystopian world similar to the one described in George Orwell’s prophetic book, 1984 – where the system called “Big Brother” watches every citizen constantly, observing everything they do, including their most private activities, and controls them in every way, including their thoughts.

America is 90% there. It is time to open your eyes while you still have eyes.


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Still Believe Trump Really Wants To “Drain The Swamp”?


Trump has done NOTHING to fix the problems in Washington he promised to fix. He hasn’t drained the swamp – instead he has appointed swamp people to positions of power and protected them. Plus he caters to Jews and the state of Israeli. As President, he has power to do something to stop the disintegration of America, but he does nothing. He fusses and posts “tweets” on Twitter. That’s about all. Looking to Trump for help is like looking for the fox to guard the hen house.

There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats. They are playing the parts of “controlled opposition” – criminal actors playing the roles assigned to them by their controllers.


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Minn cops trained by Israeli police, who often use knee-on-neck restraint

Minn cops trained by Israeli police, who often use knee-on-neck restraint

Israeli police officers detain a Palestinian protestor on March 12, 2019.

Over 100 Minnesota law enforcement officers attended a 2012 conference organized by the Israeli consulate in which Israeli police trained them. Israeli forces often use the knee-on-neck restraint on Palestinians…

Israel has been training law enforcement officers around the US for many years, despite the fact that Israeli forces have a long record of human rights violations…

The neck technique taught by Israeli trainers was in the Minneapolis police manual…

Groups organizing Israeli trainings of US police are the ADL, Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs (JINSA), and the American Jewish Committee (AJC)

Meanwhile, Congress is poised to pass a bipartisan $38 billion package to Israel…



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Manipulating The Masses: Edward Bernays & How You Unwittingly Contribute To The System

You are allowed to vote which fox will guard the henhouse.

You are being controlled. You are being manipulated. You are being brainwashed. If you are still stuck believing that your vote counts and choosing sides is “moral”  in a system set up against you from day one, the propaganda has worked.

Let’s look at the ideas of Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, and a pioneering mind behind the field of public relations and modern propaganda – particularly his ideas on how group psychology, and the illusion of choice, can be used to manipulate the masses.

This is all about dividing and conquering. While we argue about which political puppet is less evil than the other, they wreak havoc on us and destroy everything in their path for power, fame, and wealth.

If you want to make the best change, reject the system, the entire system, and refuse to vote. The task of any control system, therefore, is to maintain the facade of political choice and central to this is “the people’s right to vote,” writes Ben O’Hanlon for Medium.

The easiest way to divide people is through political theater. This is going to be a tough red pill for people to swallow…  Rioting, also, is evidence of Bernays’ group manipulation.

It literally doesn’t matter who you vote for. If your vote actually mattered, it would have already been made illegal.

 “Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws.” – A “maxim” of the House of Rothschilds.

This isn’t an astonishing or groundbreaking statement.  On some visceral level, we all understand this.  So why then, is it so easy to divide people into political groups so a small handful of other people can rule over them? Basically, propaganda – the illusion of choice keeps people stuck believing they are free to decide when it really doesn’t matter much anyway. You don’t get to vote for the people behind the scenes that make all the decisions anyway, only the puppet whose face will be attached to those decisions.

Voting provides a corrupt system with legitimacy, regardless of who you vote for. It implies that you consent to the outcome because you participated even if you wanted the other guy to win.  The use of dividing people into political parties is not new, but the desire to break free from them and the ruling class. in general, is.

Voting is nothing more than an illusion of choice. It’s akin to slave putting a piece of paper in a box that asks the master to be free. It doesn’t work that way. Figure out the difference between right and wrong, and one of the first things that happen is a refusal to vote for the lesser of two evils…which is still evil, by the way. Because any master who thinks they own anyone else is evil and all politicians think they own you to some degree.

Besides, how do you know who won? The mainstream media tells you, right? And they are so honest, just, and trustworthy, and would NEVER do what they are told…oh, wait. Yeah, it’s that insane.

Americans Are Too “Idiotic To See How Enslaved They Are” Even As the Gates of Hell Open Up

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

It’s time we begin to reject the power-hungry, corrupt politicians. They want power to rule over us all. People seem to be getting increasingly angry at those of us who are trying to wake them up and free them from the mental chains they’ve put on themselves. I see this as a sign that the system’s propaganda has worked, but only on those easy to control from the start.


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Contact Tracers Are Being Recruited In Great Numbers – A New Burgeoning Global Police Force To Surveil You And Me

It is essential that you avoid being tested or registered by “contact tracers.”
Edited from an article by Dr. Joseph Mercola – 6/16/2020


  • In May 2020, Johns Hopkins launched an online course to train “an army” of contact tracers, for which hundreds of people joined within hours of its release
  • Those who take the course will be trained to interview people diagnosed with COVID-19, identify their close contacts who might have been exposed and then give them guidance on how to self-quarantine for two weeks
  • If you test positive, the contact tracer will go through your phone and social media with you to figure out who you’ve come in contact with; everyone whose path you crossed would also be quarantined
  • While it’s been said that quarantine will be voluntary, some related documents state that if you do not comply, police may enforce a detention order to assure compliance; it’s also stated in some states that you can be fined up to $2,000 a day or incarcerated for not staying in quarantine
  • The course informs contact tracers that what they’re doing is for the greater good and basically that while everyone has a right to their privacy, when it comes to “the greater good,” your privacy is null and void
  • COVID-19 test results will be automatically sent into an electronic database, and tracers will get your information if you test positive, whether you want them to or not; the resulting isolation and quarantines can be mandated and enforced, as can other health enforcements, like vaccines and medications

As the world emerges from lockdown due to the pandemic, many peculiarities exist that have led a growing number of people to question whether the pandemic is real or orchestrated in some way, and if the latter is true, toward what end?

Many are not aware that before the pandemic even started, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored a novel coronavirus pandemic preparedness exercise.

The event, which took place October 18, 2019, in New York City, was called “Event 201.” It was a group gaming of a future health crisis with detailed simulation of a coronavirus outbreak with a predicted global death toll of 65 million people within a span of 18 months. It preplanned the global operation that became the fabricated COVID “pandemic” of 2020.

Meanwhile, we are repeatedly told that COVID-19 originated from a wild animal at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, China, and that it is a natural mutation of a bat virus. But this claim has been repeatedly proven fake. The hard evidence contradicts this theory, while evidence grows that it is a complete farce invented to scare the public.

Then there are the questions about the claimed COVID cases and the death toll. Without an accurate test to isolate the virus, and seeing how “suspected” cases are lumped into mortality statistics, accurate mortality rates simply don’t exist. To date, however, with most of those affected appearing to be without symptoms, COVID-19 is proving to be more illusion than reality and simply doesn’t warrant the draconian elimination of personal freedom and liberty we’re currently seeing.

Nor does it warrant the surveillance strategies suggested by Bill Gates and The Rockefeller Foundation. Yet here we are.

The United Nations’ New World Order

In a press release quietly released March 19, 2020, the United Nations New World Order (UNNWO) launched a campaign to celebrate an “International Day of Happiness” on March 20, 2020. If you haven’t heard of UNNWO, its website starts out with, “Let’s take our planet back,” then reads:4

“Lets stand united. Lets stand together. The New World Order Project is an independent international campaign to advance the principles, values, and articles of the UN Charter, and UN resolutions 65 309, and 66 281, in support of the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030, and the happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on Earth by 2050.”

It sounds like utopia, but some believe the push is about taking rights away from the public and putting the power into the hands of a select few. Censorship of media and social media is already filtering information and telling people what they should and shouldn’t fear, and increased surveillance is being pushed courtesy of coronavirus.

The World Health Organization also has an Immunization Agenda 2030, in which they’re aiming to vaccinate everyone across the globe: “IA 2030 envisions a world where everyone, everywhere, at every age, fully benefits from vaccines to improve health and well-being.” The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the biggest funder of WHO, and Bill Gates intends to vaccinate the global population against COVID-19, and then track and monitor each one through digital surveillance.

There’s no reason to believe this gigantic global disease surveillance system will be dismantled once the pandemic is declared over. Naturally, it will simply transition into other surveillance functions.

Are You Ready for Contact Tracing?

The Rockefeller Foundation has a plan to test, track and trace all Americans — ostensibly to prevent COVID-19 from overwhelming us as we’re again “allowed” to venture outside our front doors in limited capacity around the nation.

The Rockefeller Foundation’s April 21, 2020, white paper, “National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan — Strategic Steps to Reopen Our Workplaces and Our Communities,” lays out a strategic framework that is clearly intended to become part of a permanent surveillance and social control structure that severely limits personal liberty and freedom of choice.

The Rockefeller plan calls for COVID-19 testing and tracing of 1 million Americans per week to start, incrementally ramping it up to 3 million and then 30 million per week (the “1-3-30 plan”) over the next six months until the entire population has been covered.

Contact-tracing apps on smart phones are a significant part of this scheme, and some contact-tracing apps require you to keep your cellphone on your person throughout the day, giving thousands of third parties access to personal data. Contract tracing also entails tracing and monitoring contacts of infected people, notifying them of their exposure and supporting the quarantine of contacts.

Army of Contact Tracers Being Trained

In May 2020, Johns Hopkins launched an online course to train “an army” of contact tracers, for which hundreds of people joined within hours of its release. Those who take the course will be trained to interview people diagnosed with COVID-19, identify their close contacts who might have been exposed and then give them guidance on how to self-quarantine for two weeks.

Anyone can take the free six-hour course, but passing it and receiving certification is required for anyone who will be hired by the state of New York to “fight the pandemic.” If you’re wondering what it actually entails, the video above follows one woman’s experience getting her contact tracer certificate.

What they’re being taught, for starters, is that if you’re sick, you must stay in isolation for a minimum of 10 days after onset and with no fever for three days. This includes being isolated from family members and household pets, which you cannot snuggle or pet.

You may have to go into a hotel room if you don’t have any way to isolate your bathroom, for instance, from the rest of your family. And, according to the video, the contact tracer “will check that out” and you’ll have to provide video evidence showing that you have the space to be isolated.

If you’re healthy but have been in contact with someone who had the disease, you have to be quarantined for 14 days, meaning you can’t leave your house. “Unfortunately,” the woman states on the video, “you could be totally healthy, get out of quarantine and guess what, someone else in the vicinity in a restaurant has it and you could end up quarantined again.”

If you test positive, the contact tracer will also work with you to figure out who you came into contact with. They’ll go through your phone and social media with you to help jog your memory, and will ask for any movies you’ve seen, flights you’ve been on, people you work with, family, restaurants you’ve visited and more. Everyone whose path you crossed would also be quarantined.

While it’s been said that quarantine will be voluntary, some related documents state that if you do not comply, police may enforce a detention order to assure compliance. It’s also stated in some states that you can be fined up to $2,000 a day or incarcerated for not staying in quarantine.

The course informs contact tracers that what they’re doing is for the greater good and basically that while everyone has a right to their privacy, when it comes to “the greater good,” your privacy is null and void. COVID-19 test results will be automatically sent into an electronic database, and tracers will get your information if you test positive, whether you want them to or not.

The resulting isolation and quarantines can be mandated and enforced, as can other health enforcements, like vaccines and medications.

Rockefeller Foundation Laid Out Pandemic Scenario in 2010

In 2010, The Rockefeller Foundation released a report, “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” which uses scenario planning to explore ways that technology and growth/development and government might play out over the coming decades. One of the scenarios they detailed was a pandemic with some eerie similarities to COVID-19:

“In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly.

Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults.

The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.”

The planned scenario suggests that China would fare much better than the U.S. due to its government’s “quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.”

As the pandemic scenario continues, “national leaders around the world would flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets.” The increased authoritarian control and oversight of citizens continued even after the pandemic ended, and was welcomed at first in exchange for “greater safety and stability.”

Eventually, however, things would begin to unravel. “By 2025, people would be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them … The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish,” the report reads.

There is also the suggestion that in another outcome, governments could weaken, leading to a world in which “criminals thrive and dangerous innovations emerge.”

In another outcome, painted as the more desirable “clever together,” philanthropic organizations collaborate with governments, businesses and NGOs to improve standards of living around the globe, working with government to make it stronger and using technology toward that end but, in reality, what we’re seeing is a movement toward foundations moving toward taking freedoms away from people.

Global Totalitarian Plan Being Rolled Out

At this point, signs that an all-encompassing global totalitarian plan is being quietly put together, piece by piece, are all around us. The Rockefeller Foundation’s white paper calls for the use of a digital “patient identification number” to track all Americans after testing them for COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, set up with funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has partnered with the ID2020 Alliance to launch a digital identity program called ID2020 in Bangladesh. Your health information, in the form of COVID-19 test results, are set to be sent to an electronic database so that contact tracers can enforce isolation and quarantines, even if you’re healthy.

There are even plans for a global currency. Google, Gates and The Rockefeller Foundation announced the formation of Mojaloop, which is open-source software designed to be used for financial transactions. The technology is modeled after M-Pesa from Nigeria, which has been successful since 2007. Mojaloop is intended to be managed by governments or financial authorities.

The Rockefeller Foundation and Gates are not presenting short-term, temporary measures. They’re both aiming to implement a totalitarian control system. It’s not so far-fetched to imagine a future in which your vaccine certificate or “unique patient ID number” replaces personal identifications such as your driver’s license, state ID card, Social Security card and passport, and is tied not only to your medical records in total, but also your finances.

[As the public’s eyes are being distracted and focused on riots and fears of viruses, international planners are herding everyone, unwittingly, into mental prisons of fear of imaginary dangers – with a few selected compliant individuals trained to be prison guards over their neighbors. -ed]


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$454 Million: Corporate America Floods Far-Left Social Justice Causes With Cash Amid Floyd Protests

Have you wondered where all the money was coming from to fund the riots?

By: John Carney, Breitbart, June 10, 2020:

Corporations (i.e. merchants of the earth) are opening up their treasuries to give money to social justice causes, including Black Lives Matter, in the wake of nationwide protests and riots over the death of George Floyd.

Many of the big companies are pushing their employees to do the same.

Some businesses are donating to controversial bail funds like the Minnesota Freedom Fund that seek to bail out protesters and rioters.

Here is a list thus far.

Sony Music—a fund “to support social justice and anti-racist initiatives around the world”—$100 million

Walmart—a new racial equity center—$100 million

Warner Music—campaigns against violence and racism and social justice causes related to music industry—$100 million.

Nike—“Organizations that put social justice, education and addressing racial inequality in America at the center of their work”—$40 million

Alphabet/Google—various organizations, starting with $1 million each to Center for Policing Equity and Equal Justice Initiative—$12 million

Amazon—American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Foundation, Brennan Center for Justice, Equal Justice Initiative, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Bar Association, National Museum of African American History and Culture, National Urban League, Thurgood Marshall College Fund, United Negro College Fund (UNCF), Year Up—$10 million

Facebook—“groups working on racial justice”—$10 million

Target—long-standing partners such as the National Urban League and the African American Leadership Forum in addition to adding new partners in Minneapolis-St. Paul and across the country—$10 million

Verizon—National Urban League, NAACP, National Action Network, Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, Rainbow Push Coalition, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund—$10 million

United Health—YMCA Equity Innovation Center of Excellence and Minneapolis-St Paul businesses—$10 million

Goldman Sachs—donor-advised fund to support “leading organizations addressing racial injustice, structural inequity and economic disparity”—$10 million

Spotify—matching employee donations—$10 million

Disney—organizations that advance social justice—$5 million

Procter & Gamble—NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, YWCA Stand Against Racism, and UNCF; also smaller organizations that mobilize and advocate, such as Courageous Conversation—$5 million

Cisco—Equal Justice Initiative, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Color of Change, Black Lives Matter, and a Cisco fund for fighting racism and discrimination—$5 million

Lego—organizations supporting black children and educating all children about racial equality—$4 million

Microsoft—Black Lives Matter, Equal Justice Initiative, Innocence Project, Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights, Minnesota Freedom Fund, and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund—$1.25 million

Starbucks—“Organizations promoting racial equity and more inclusive and just communities” nominated by employees—$1.25 million

Intel—support of efforts to address social injustice and anti-racism across various nonprofits and community organizations, and encouraging employees to consider donating to organizations focused on equity and social justice, including the Black Lives Matter Foundation, the Center for Policing Equity, and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, all of which are eligible for Intel’s Donation Matching Program—$1 million

McDonald’s—unspecified—$1 million

Uber—Equal Justice Initiative and Center for Policing Equity—$1 million

Duke Energy—nonprofit organizations committed to social justice and racial equity–$1 million

The Travelers Companies—organizations such as the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the National Urban League, YWCA Minneapolis, and the We Love Midway fund established by the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the City of St. Paul–$1 million.

Warby Parker—organizations “combating systemic racism”–$1 million

PwC Charitable Foundation—NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Dream Corps, ACLU, and the Center for Policing Equity—$1 million

Glosser—$500,000 to various organization that are focused on combating racial injustice, including Black Lives Matter, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and We The Protesters; also an additional $500,000 in grants to black-owned beauty businesses—$1 million.

Etsy—$500,000 to the Equal Justice Initiative, $500,000 to Borealis Philanthropy’s Black-Led Movement Fund, and match any employee donations—$1 million.

Yelp Foundation—Equal Justice Initiative and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund—$500,000

H&M—NAACP, ACLU, and Color of Change—$500,000

Levi’s—$100,000 to the ACLU and $100,000 in grants to Live Free USA—$200,000

Lululemon—the Minnesota Freedom Fund—$100,000


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We Don’t Need No Stinking Vaccine For COVID-19

With the 24/7 media circus coverage of Covid-19 I find it particularly interesting that there is an obvious glaring omission of some extremely important facts relative to dealing with a virus, especially one that is allegedly so virulent like this one. Yes, I read all about the critical need to shelter in place, stay inside away from other people, wash your hands constantly, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, wear your face mask and by all means observe social distancing if you MUST venture outside for food!

Then it’s repeated ad infinitum that the ONLY hope we have of ever returning to a semblance of normalcy is to have a vaccine to protect us! Then to add some drama to this narrative the media highlights their death-o-meter scoreboard with the implied threat that you’ll be next IF you don’t obey the rules as dictated by the “experts”.

But what is assiduously avoided at all cost is any reference to our most potent defense against any virus; our body’s natural immune system. Try as I might I couldn’t find anything about this first line of defense on the World Health Organizations (WHO) website or Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website. It’s as if it doesn’t exist and is completely irrelevant.

If these organizations were genuinely concerned about the health of citizens they would obviously discuss the vital role a healthy immune system plays in protecting us from illnesses. But since they don’t its obvious some other motive is at work, at least to me, and I strongly suspect to other critical thinkers as well.

We now know from the science and data that over 90% of the people exposed to Covid-19 have no symptoms at all or at worst a mild cold. The flu vaccines we have are only effective 30% to 60% of the time and the bugs change regularly so a vaccine that worked OK last year may barely work at all this year. Let’s learn some more about our body’s immune system.

Virus protection without a vaccine

There is an enlightening article on Web MD titled: “How to use Your Immune System to Stay Healthy”. That’s a pretty straight forward title now isn’t it? Early on Bruce Polsky, MD, interim chairman department of medicine and chief division of infectious disease at St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City says:

“We are endowed with a great immune system that has been designed evolutionarily to keep us healthy.”

The article goes on. . .

“The immune system is your body’s natural defense system. It’s an intricate network of cells, tissues and organs that band together to defend your body against invaders. Those invaders can include bacteria, viruses, parasites, even fungus, all with the potential to make us sick. They are everywhere-in our homes, offices and backyards. . . “

The truth is no amount of social distancing, hand washing or face mask wearing is going to eliminate our exposure to these various bugs. That’s why we were created with this amazing first line of natural defense.

Here’s more from Web MD . . .

“The immune system can recognize millions of different antigens. And it can produce what it needs to eradicate nearly all of them. When it’s working properly, this elaborate defense system can keep health problems ranging from cancer to the common cold at bay. . . “

Wow! That’s pretty amazing stuff isn’t it! According to Web MD a properly functioning immune system can “keep health problems ranging from cancer to the common cold at bay.” So why isn’t this “science” being included in all the other health recommendations we’re being bombarded with daily? It seems to me that any “expert” worth their salt would be talking about the importance of a healthy immune system to stay healthy.

But there’s more . . .

The Web MD article noted that failure to eat a healthy diet, sitting around not exercising, not getting enough sleep and chronic stress can all lead to a compromised immune system. To quote Dr. Polsky again:

“. . . Lifestyle aspects are very, very important.”

So if our lifestyle is very, very important to staying healthy as the good doctor says ask yourself this question? Based on the Web M.D. article virtually all the results of the lockdown serve to weaken our immune systems. The stress of unemployment, constant harping about infections and rising death rates, lack of exercise and now a crack in our food distribution system all are known to weaken the human immune system.

I also find it quite interesting that large groups of people can shop at Walmart, Home Depot or other big box stores but they can’t attend their local church even if it’s a “drive through” service?

Web M.D. says:

“Research shows that people with close friendships and strong support systems tend to be healthier than those who lack such supports.”

During times of crisis people need encouragement and their faith built up more than ever before. Mandating people huddle in fear in their homes with constant media reports of infections and death bombarding them continually is there any wonder peoples immune systems are under severe stress?

[Plus, consider the poisons and foreign ingredients (animal tissue, human tissue from aborted fetuses, and toxic fluids and metals) injected deeply into your body. Once injected, it cannot be removed. It is like a bomb exploding there inside your body, wrecking your health, and in many cases destroying the lives of children. It is death by big pharma – no less. The original theory of vaccination was different. Originally it was to expose you to a disease so your body could develop immunity. But now vaccines are full of poisons that only hurt people.]

Boosting Your Immune System

If you would like to boost your immune system there are a variety of simple, low cost resources you can utilize to support good immune system health so you can hopefully fight off the bugs that are a part of everyday life.

And above all, avoid the main stream media like the plague! Their fear mongering is doing more to harm the nation’s health than any virus ever could! Boost your immune system and laugh at Covid-19 and all the cowering sheeple you see furtively scurrying about with their masks on. Humans were created with a natural immune system that has served them well for thousands of years to combat flu bugs. By following some common sense steps you can ensure your immune system is functioning well and provides the first-line-of-defense that protects 90% of the population.


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Why New York Has The Most Covid-19 Patients


Listen to this nurse’s testimony.

Her name is Erin Marie Olszewski. She’s an experienced professional nurse. She worked at the hospital that’s touted as being the very center of the global pandemic, in terms of numbers of cases and deaths.

Her video is out there. It’s devastating testimony, first-hand, from Erin’s experience of the daily protocol in the Elmhust Hospital in Queens, New York, “the epicenter of the COVID epicenter.”

(Comments below by Jon Rapapport):

This isn’t about the virus.  It’s about murder at the hospital.  That’s Erin’s assessment and conclusion, after working at Elmhurst.

I’ll boil down essentials of her findings:

At the hospital, poverty-stricken patients, mostly black and Latino, come in and are tested for COVID-19.  When the conventional tests read negative—meaning no COVID—some of these people are nevertheless marked down as COVID-19 cases because the government cuts the hospitals a big check (appx. $29,000) for each patient put on a ventilator – and the hospitals need money because they are basically empty since the lockdown.

That puts the patients on a train to death.

For no good reason, they’re placed on breathing ventilators.  They’re sedated and tied down to their beds to keep them from moving around and feeling the discomfort and pain of the invasive intubation (ventilator machines).

But these patients are HEAVILY sedated for long periods.  As much as a MONTH, or until they die.

Completely cut off from the outside world, they never wake up.

This is no mystery.  Any medical professional, doctor or nurse, WOULD KNOW DEATH IS THE INEVITABLE OUTCOME.  It’s a protocol for killing.

And of course, the patients’ deaths are marked down as “caused by the virus.”

I can think of at least 20 New York and federal agencies who should be swarming all over the Elmhurst Hospital.  But there is no action of any kind from them.

Where is the famous Congresswoman from the 14th Congressional District, which includes the Elmhurst Hospital?  I’m talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic Socialist who wants a single payer health system for all Americans.  Is THIS the kind of healthcare she’s talking about?  Why isn’t she storming the hospital with reporters and cameras, demanding answers, brushing past guards, blasting into the office of hospital CEO Israel Rocha and demanding to know why patients are dying on ventilators?

Where is Bill De Blasio, the New York mayor?  Where is Cuomo, the New York state governor?  Nowhere.  They’re too busy ordering the hospitals to report more COVID cases with the punishing lockdowns. Too busy destroying the New York economy.  Too busy destroying the lives of millions of New Yorkers with their insane economic attack.  Too busy playing up to their “liberal” voters, who are loyal to new zombie normal with their utterly useless masks.

Where are New York reporters?  Why aren’t they camped out at the Elmhurst Hospital demanding answers and exposing capital crimes?

Where is the public that should be looking into the needless deaths at the hospital?  Inside those doors, many people CAN’T BREATHE anymore.  But in this case, it has nothing to do with a cop who has his knee on the neck of a black man.  It has to do with a standard of medical care that is pushing patients on the train to death.  If local reporters and interested people were doing their jobs, you would definitely see the whole foul truth that would come tumbling out for the world to know.

What about the doctors and nurses who know what’s happening inside the Elmhurst Hospital?  What do they have to say?  Who set up the protocol of death?  Why are these health professionals “just following orders?”  Who is giving the orders?  Labeling patients “COVID-19” brings more money to the hospital.  That’s obvious.  But what about INDUCED DEATH?  Is it just the result of cold indifference?  At one point in the video, Erin says that, although she works with some good people, there are others, and apparently for them, patients are “disposable” human beings.

Surely, these Elmhurst doctors and nurses know about Erin’s video by now.  Don’t they have anything to say?  Wouldn’t you assume they’d be defending themselves?  So far, I see and hear nothing from them.  Are they under strict orders to keep their mouths shut?  If so, why?  If they aren’t committing horrendous crimes, why should they stay silent?

And don’t assume Elmhurst is the only hospital where death by medical murder is occurring.  Don’t assume New York is the only city where it’s happening.

In a mainstream review I’ve often cited, annual deaths in the US caused by medical mistreatment and errors, in hospitals, is 119,000.  And that doesn’t include deaths caused by the administration of FDA approved drugs.  THAT number would be 106,000 per year.  (Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”)

Go ahead.  Add up those figures.  That’s 225,000 deaths a year at the hands of doctors.  That’s 2.25 MILLION deaths in America, per decade, caused by doctors.

It’s time the American people started paying attention to the third (maybe the first) leading cause of death in their country: medical care.

Elmhurst Hospital in Queens New York is the epicenter of something.  But it isn’t a virus.

Brushing medical hocus-pocus aside—let’s get down to the core of the death protocol.  Who ordered it?  Who started it?  Who is enforcing it?


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By Willy G.’s Dystopian Future

Hello, useless eaters.

As your unqualified, non-elected, Global Human Health Overlord, I’d like to take this opportunity to flaunt my position of power and influence over society and share some of my plans for you and your future.

When I amassed my fortune in computer software, I demonstrated that I was willing to lie, steal code, cheat my partners and exercise monopolistic control to destroy my competitors.

Now that I’ve retired I can re-brand myself as a humanitarian. With my for-profit foundation masquerading as a charity,  I can advocate for population reduction and sponsor mass human experiments with unproven vaccines in vulnerable populations.

Like my father, a powerful banker, Planned Parenthood leader, and Rockefeller crony himself, it’s always been my ambition to decide who lives, and more importantly, how many have to die.

Whether it’s under the guise of climate change or world health, it’s really all about controlling and culling the human herd for fun and profit.

In November of last year I hosted Event 201, a war game simulation of a global pandemic. Leaders from private corporations, global banks, governments. and the media got together to strategize ways they could align in lockstep when responding to a worldwide health crisis.

Using a coordinated campaign of fear-mongering, intimidation, social shaming and economic blackmail we realized that we could get around dangerous philosophies like individual liberty and national sovereignty.

With an obedient population we would be free to implement our own top-down solutions like forced quarantines, social distancing, contact tracing and mandatory testing as a means to seize technocratic control of society.

Now imagine my excitement when we had the opportunity to release…uh…declare our own global pandemic.

It was my chance to look like the Nostradamus of public health and to position myself and business partners like Dr. Fauci as the de facto authorities on response and solutions.

Through exaggerated doomsday scenarios and computer simulations, our petty control freaks instituted harsh rules and draconian lockdowns.

Even after our dire predictions proved false, scared and well-meaning people continued to submit to the arbitrary and foolish demands of their so-called leaders.

Having achieved global lockdown and medical martial law, we all continued to hold hostage your ability to congregate, work, travel or do just about anything until we’re prepared to roll out our bigger plan.

I’d like to call this Pandemic 1, because, believe me, we have others in the works.

Our final solution is to have you begging for us to vaccinate, tag, and digitally track each one of you — like livestock.

Not only will my foundation enjoy legal immunity and trillions in profits, but these mandatory experimental vaccines move us so much further down the road to absolute centralized, global control.

If only my good friend Jeffrey Epstein had been here to celebrate with me aboard the Lolita Express.

So remember, global citizens, this will end when I say it ends.

Could be a year, maybe two years, maybe never.  I guarantee that, if we have our way, it will be at least until you’re not able to do anything to stop it.

Just surrender your personal freedom and common sense to our fear merchants in government and the media –’cause none of this works unless you all go along with it.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to do some augmented reality spirit cooking with Marina Abramovic

Bye now.


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The Systemic Collapse Of The US Society Has Begun

NOTE: In analyzing the current set of crises which together have thrown the world into chaos, I’ve been saying continually that the problem is much bigger than just one or two groups (like the WHO, the CDC, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, etc.) conspiring, together or separately, to pull off the biggest disruption we’ve seen since WW2. And it is all based on lies and illusions.
Of all the articles I’ve seen so far, the following comes the closest to describing the situation accurately.
I would just add that the collapse of American society described by the author has been caused by the American people being led away from Christ and from God’s law (led away primarily by the churches). This is by far the biggest reason for the sad disintegration of American society. -ed.

Reprinted From The Saker – 6/9/2020

What is taking place today is truly unique and much more serious than any previous crisis I can recall.

And to explain my point, I would like to begin by saying what I believe the riots we are seeing in US cities are not about. They are not about:

  1. Racism or “White privilege”

  2. Police violence

  3. Social alienation and despair

  4. Poverty

  5. Trump

  6. The liberals pouring fuel on social fires

  7. The infighting of the US elites/deep state

They are not about any one of these because they encompass ALL of these issues, and more.

It is important to always keep in mind the distinction between the concepts of “cause” and “pretext”. And while it is true that all the factors listed above are real (at least to some degree, and without looking at the distinction between cause and effect), none of them are the true cause of what we are witnessing. At most, the above are pretexts, triggers if you want, but the real cause of what is taking place today is the systemic collapse of the US society.

The next thing which we must also keep in mind is that evidence of correlation is not evidence of causality. Take, for example, this article from CNN entitled “US black-white inequality in 6 stark charts” which completely conflates the two concepts and which includes the following sentence (stress added) “Those disparities exist because of a long history of policies that excluded and exploited black Americans, said Valerie Wilson, director of the program on race, ethnicity and the economy at the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning group.” The word “because” clearly point to a causality, yet absolutely nothing in the article or data support this. The US media is chock-full of such conflations of correlation and causality, yet it is rarely denounced.

For a society, any society, to function a number of factors that make up the social contract need to be present. The exact list that make up these factors will depend on each individual country, but they would typically include some kind of social consensus, the acceptance by most people of the legitimacy of the government and its institutions, often a unifying ideology or, at least, common values, the presence of a stable middle-class, the reasonable hope for a functioning “social life”, educational institutions etc. Finally, and cynically, it always helps the ruling elites if they can provide enough circuses (TV) and bread (food) to most citizens. This is even true of so-called authoritarian/totalitarian societies which, contrary to the liberal myth, typically do enjoy the support of a large segment of the population (if only because these regimes are often more capable of providing for the basic needs of society).

Right now, I would argue that the US government has almost completely lost its ability to deliver any of those factors, or act to repair the broken social contract. In fact, what we can observe is the exact opposite: the US society is highly divided, as is the US ruling class (which is even more important). Not only that, but ever since the election of Trump, all the vociferous Trump-haters have been undermining the legitimacy not only of Trump himself, but of the political system which made his election possible. I have been saying that for years: by saying “not my President” the Trump-haters have de-legitimized not only Trump personally, but also de-legitimized the Executive branch as such.

This is an absolutely amazing phenomenon: while for almost four years Trump has been destroying the US Empire externally, Trump-haters spent the same four years destroying the US from the inside! If we look past the (largely fictional) differences between the Republicrats and the Demolicans we can see that they operate like a demolition tag-team of sorts and while they hate each other with a passion, they both contribute to bringing down both the Empire and the United States. For anybody who has studied dialectics this would be very predictable but, alas, dialectics are not taught anymore, hence the stunned “deer in the headlights” look on the faces of most people today.

Finally, it is pretty clear that for all its disclaimers about supporting only the “peaceful protestors” and its condemnation of the “out of town looters”, most of the US media (as well as the alt media) is completely unable to give a moral/ethical evaluation of what is taking place. What I mean by this is the following:

By repeating mantras about how “Black anger is legitimate” the US liberal media is basically placing a seal of approval on the violence and looting. After all, if Black “anger” is legitimate, and if “White privilege” is real, then it is quite “understandable” that this “anger” “sometimes” “boils over” and leads to “regrettable” “excesses”. Just take a look at this image of Biden kneeling down before a Black demonstrator:

Of course, Biden and his supporters will claim that Biden was only kneeling before a cute little girl and her peacefully protesting father, but when combined with the attacks against Trump’s “law and order” rhetoric by Biden and his supporters (including four former US Presidents!), I believe that these kinds of photo-ops are sending a very different message: keep “protesting” as we are on your side which, coming from a guy like Biden, the ultimate symbol of the 1%er elites and a perfect example of “White privilege”, just goes to show that the hypocrisy of US politicians really knows no bounds or limits.

I have to note here that these riots also represent a potential danger for both factions of the Uniparty in power: for the Demolicans the riots probably represent the very last chance to prevent a Trump-reelection, but if the Demolicans are too obvious in support of the riots, then it could backfire against them and turn all the frightened “law and order” types against them. But if they do not support the riots, then the Demolicans will alienate their core constituency (a hodgepodge of various “minorities” pushing their narrow identity-politics agenda). Likewise, for Trump this is an opportunity to show his “law and order” credentials and promise the White people and the relatively fewer Blacks of his base that he will protect them. However, if he is too direct about this and if Trump orders what might be seen by many as unfair or excessive force (of which there has been a lot almost everywhere), then he risks pushing many moderate Republicrats over the edge and side with the Demolicans (or, at least, withhold their vote). In other words, both factions of the Uniparty feel that the riots are both an opportunity and a threat and this is why neither faction can come out and speak truthfully about the real causes of the riots.

The exact same message of weakness and even submissive impotence is, I believe, sent every time a cop kneels when confronting even peaceful demonstrators like on this photo. While this might be intended as a message of compassion, and maybe even an apology, the only thing the rioters will see here is a powerful sign of surrender of the local authorities and I find that extremely dangerous.

Yes, there are plenty of racist, violent and otherwise incompetent cops in the USA. And yes, many of my Black friends reported feeling singled out and treated rudely by cops. But having extensively traveled the world, I want to assure you that the US most definitely does not have the worst cops out there. In fact, I believe that most US cops are decent people. Much more importantly, these cops are the “thin blue line” which protects society against criminals. And while I do believe that US policemen ought to be better educated, better trained, better led and better supervised, I also realize that there is also no short term alternative to them. It is all very fine to dream about educated, peaceful and non-racist cops, but if you remove the existing police force from the equation, there are no other alternatives (the national guard or the regular armed forces do not qualify and don’t have the correct training to deal with civilians anyway), especially in those states which have successfully killed the 2nd Amendment by means of what I call “death by a thousand regulatory cuts” (including NY and NJ).

Then there is what Solzhenitsyn called the “decline of courage” in the West: the vast majority US politicians have basically lost the ability to criticize Blacks, even when it is quite obvious that many of the current problems of the Black population of the US are created by Blacks themselves: I think of the truly vulgar, obscene and overall disgusting “rap culture” with which most Black youth are now “educated” in since early childhood or how many Black youth have been brainwashed into considering gang members and street prostitutes as the measure of what “looking cool” looks like in terms of clothes, language and overall behavior. I believe that it is pretty obvious to any person who lived in the US that Blacks are very often (mostly?) the cause of their own misery. I can also testify to the fact that I have seen a lot of anti-Latino feelings from US Blacks. As for how Blacks often feel about Asians, all we need to do is remember the LA riots in 1992. Finally, I do believe that many (most?) people in the US know that the strongest and most frequent form of racism in the US is the anti-White mentality, especially from politically engaged Blacks.

I can personally attest that there is plenty of anti-White racism in the USA. Not only did I experience it myself (I lived in Washington, DC from 1986-1991), but it has been amply documented by people like Colin Flaherty whose books “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It” and “Knockout Game a Lie?: Awww, Hell No!” are excellent primers on Black on White violence and racism. Yet, anybody daring to suggest that US Blacks themselves are at least partially responsible for their own plight will immediately be labeled a “racist”.

To those of you who live outside the USA, I would recommend this simple thought experiment: just take 20-30 minutes and watch the footage of BOTH the “peaceful protests” AND “the violent riots” and look carefully not only at what the folks you see in the footage are wearing, but also how they speak, how they act, what they say and how they say it and ask yourself a simple question: would you want to hire any of these guys and pay them a decent salary? I very much doubt that many of you would. Frankly, most of these rioters are unemployable, and “racism” has nothing to do with this.

The fact is that what is sometimes called the “MTV culture” is, in reality, nothing else than a systematic glorification of vulgarity and criminal mayhem as in modern rap “music” (so-called). I would argue that 99% of rap is a glorification of all the worst problems of Black communities in the US (drugs, violence, promiscuous sex, objectification of women, alcoholism, glorification of criminal behavior in the streets and in prisons, etc.). Yet most US politicians seem to be paralyzed and feel the need to pretend like they are absolutely charmed by this so-called “Black culture.” But it is even worse than that.

Combine an emasculated ruling polity which does not dare to call a stone a stone and which promotes a (pretend) “culture” which glorifies violence and hatred against all non-criminals, including law abiding Black who are called “Toms” and who are also singled out as in this “beautiful” rap which includes the following “verses”: “Then you got niggas that’s blacker then the night, Running around town saying their best friends are white, Niggas like that are gonna hang up from a tree, And burn them up alive and let everybody see” (check out this “beautiful” rap here and for the full lyrics, a truly fascinating read, here). Next, throw in a completely dysfunctional state which is owned and operated by a tiny gang of obscenely rich narcissistic bastards (of all races, including Blacks), add to it a total absence of any real social opportunities, then toss in the COVID pandemic and the worst recession in US history with record high levels of unemployment even among those who would be employable (not the folks with dropped down pants, excessive tattoos, past felony convictions, comprehensively non-functional so would not get a job even if the economy was booming). Then, you get a relatively localized “spark” (like the murder of George Floyd by a gang of arrogant imbeciles in uniform) to start a fire which will instantly spread throughout the entire country, especially since there are so many other groups besides Blacks who want to “piggyback” their personal agenda on top of the one of Black Lives Matter or Antifa (I am, of course, referring to the real cornucopia of criminal-minded ne’er-do-wells looking for any chance to get attention).

Conclusion 1: this is not a revolution or a civil war

Some are now fantasizing that what we are witnessing today is either a revolution or a civil war. I believe that this is neither.

For a revolution to take place there must be a force capable of changing not the person(s) in power, but fundamentally change society, the regime, the polity, and replace it with another one. Declaring that “Black lives matter” or looting stores or even demanding that the police be defunded, does not have this kind of potential capability.

For a civil war to take place you need at least two sides, each with an identifiable agenda. Since the real power in the US is hidden from public awareness, there is no potential for a “the people vs the rulers” kind of civil war in the US. A “Right/Conservative vs Left/Liberal” civil war is also not possible, because both the US Right and the US Left are, in reality controlled by a corrupt, godless system which is neither liberal nor conservative. Finally, a “rematch” between North and South is not possible either because the modern US is not really split along North/South lines anymore. In terms of geography, there is somewhat of a “Big cities vs rural USA” split, but it takes place in both the north and the south of the country. Instead, what we do observe is a social breakup of the US into “zones” some of which will be doing much better than others (big cities with a strong Black population fare the worst, mostly White small towns fare best; that is even true within the same state). In some of these zones, we will see more of this kind of acts of self-protection:

This kind of confrontations, even if they are not violent, are yet another illustration of the state being simply unable to take charge and protect the people.

Conclusion 2: this is an insurrection resulting from the systemic degradation of the US society

I call what is happening today an insurrection: a violent revolt or rebellion against the established system. When you burn a police precinct you do not “protest” against the actions of a few cops. No, what you are doing is expelling the cops from your neighborhood (I know that personally. In Argentina I lived in a suburb of Buenos-Aires in which the police station was attacked so often that it closed and was never rebuilt). And since in America the state has the monopoly on the legal use of force, you are basically rejecting the authority and legitimacy of the state which operates the police force. This insurrection is unlikely to remove Trump from office (hence it is not a coup or a revolution).

Right now all we see can only be called a mob-rule (or mob-violence). But mobs, no matter how violent, rarely succeed in achieving tangible political results as they always act ‘against something’ and not ‘for something’. This is why the real (behind-the-scenes) ruling class want to instrumentalize this mob-induced insurrection to their political advantage. So far, I would say that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have succeeded in this. But there is a very long and potentially dangerous summer ahead and this might well change.

Irrespective of whether either faction will succeed in instrumentalizing the riots, what we are seeing today is a systemic collapse of the US society. That is not to say that the US will disappear. But just like it took the Soviet Union a decade or more to fully collapse (roughly from 1983-1993), it will take the US many years to fully crash. And just like a New Russia eventually began taking form in 1999, there will be a New US coming out of the current collapse. Total and final collapses are very rare, mostly they just initiate a lengthy and potentially very dangerous transformation process, the outcome of which is almost impossible to predict.

However, just as the Russian people had to stop kidding themselves with silly dreams about “democracy” and had to tackle the real problems of Russia, so will the people of the US have to find the courage to deal with their real problems, frontally and deliberately. If they fail to do that, the country will most likely further disintegrate into numerous and mutually hostile entities or factions.

Time will tell.


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Truth From An Unlikely Source

Jim Cramer – 6/4/202

The coronavirus pandemic and corresponding lockdown made way for “one of the greatest wealth transfers in history,” CNBC’s Jim Cramer said Thursday.

The stock market is rising as big business rebounds from state-ordered stoppage of nonessential activity, while small businesses drop like flies, the “Mad Money” host said.

“The bigger the business, the more it moves the major averages, and that matters because this is the first recession where big business … is coming through virtually unscathed, if not going for the gold,” he added.

The comments come after the Dow Jones Industrial Average ticked up almost 12 points to 26,281.82.

Despite the ongoing economic woes, the S&P index of 500 large-cap companies, which is considered a benchmark for the stock market, is within striking distance of its levels from the start of the trading year. Since bottoming near 2,191 in March, the index is up about 42%.

The tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 has recovered all of its losses from the coronavirus meltdown and set a new high on Thursday.

In order to help small businesses make it to the other side of the pandemic, the federal government needs to pass another stimulus package, given the social distancing mandates that remain in place, he added. The American Bankruptcy Institute said Thursday that U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcies in May ballooned by 48% compared to a year ago.

“That’s that pesky real world asserting itself, but the only big bankruptcy we’ve seen in the stock market is Hertz,” Cramer said.

Cramer said it still only scratches the surface of what impact the halt in global economic activity will have on the country.

The Senate on Wednesday sent a bill to be signed by President Donald Trump to relax rules on how businesses can spend relief funds provided by the Paycheck Protection Program.

[The government is giving million$ to large businesses to keep them afloat.]

“The companies that took the money just got a big break: they only need to spend 60% on their employees to get the loans forgiven, down from the original 75%. That’s important, as most small businesses fail because they can’t afford to pay the rent,” Cramer said.


ed. – Here is a mainstream news article that says what I’ve been saying. The COVID scamdemic is robbing the 99% and enriching the 1%. Panics and national emergencies like wars, financial bubbles, and events like 9-11 always hurt the smaller businesses to help the big businesses by transferring wealth to the big corporations, bankers and billionaires who are in cahoots with government.

Billionaires, like Jeff Bezos (, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Elon Musk (Tesla Inc.), and others in the top tier of the wealthiest 1% saw their fortunes grow at unprecedented rates over the past couple months while record numbers of small businesses went bankrupt.

This should tell us something about the nature and orchestration (who/what is behind the absurd and mysterious lock down). Who has something to gain from the fake pandemic? Who is behind the unreasonable orders of the governors and the president? The unfailing rule that always reveals the culprits is to ask “cui bono” (who benefits)? Who gains from our losses?

For two months we have watched the ridiculous show. But now our attention is being diverted away from the “pandemic” over to the riots and protests breaking out across the nation. People are suddenly focused on Black vs White racial issues and/or Republican vs Democrat issues. These distractions have taken center stage. And they are being tolerated, and even facilitated, by state and national authorities (the police and military – either of which could put a stop it anytime they wanted). The riots serve the purpose of taking people’s attention away from the big original culprits (the governments, news media, and big pharma) who caused the worldwide shutdown. By creating the fake COVID pandemic they fomented national unrest and anger. Now the cities are fighting racial and political issues while the big culprits are in the background planning their continuing transference of wealth by ruining small business and empowering the top 1%. This is all being orchestrated by the government, assisted by the media, to increase their power and control over the people.


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CDC Admits COVID-19 Antibody Tests Are Wrong Half The Time & The Virus Isn’t That Deadly

5/29/2020Mac Slavo

The mainstream media is ignoring the fact that the CDC has admitted the death rate for COVID-19 is actually lower than the flu. This is happening as the media admits that the antibody tests are wrong 50% of the time!

The scamdemic fear-mongering is ongoing and the propaganda is getting worse daily, even as their OWN DATA shows otherwise. Instead of giving the public the facts, the media continues to push for an extended lockdown, freedom trampling regulations, mass surveillance, and our permanent enslavement for their political overlords.

The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public. For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26 percent.

Until now, we have been ridiculed for thinking the death rate was that low, as opposed to the 3.4 percent estimate of the World Health Organization, which helped drive the panic and the lockdowns. Now the CDC is agreeing to the lower rate in plain ink.

Plus, ultimately we might find out that the IFR is even lower because numerous studies and hard counts of confined populations have shown a much higher percentage of asymptomatic cases. Simply adjusting for a 50 percent asymptomatic rate would drop their fatality rate to 0.2 percent – exactly the rate of fatality Dr. John Ionnidis of Stanford University projected.

More importantly, as I mentioned before, the overall death rate is meaningless because the numbers are so lopsided. Given that at least half of the deaths were in nursing homes, a back-of-the-envelope estimate would show that the infection fatality rate for non-nursing home residents would only be 0.1 percent or 1 in 1,000. And that includes people of all ages and all health statuses outside of nursing homes. Since nearly all of the deaths are those with comorbidities.  -The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

This is something most people have known relatively early on, as the government continued to inflate the numbers and call every death a COVID-19 casualty so they could commit economic terrorism on the entire planet. And those antibody tests the ruling class wants us all to take before can even think about coming off house arrest? Those are only right half the time.  How did CNN spin this into more fear porn and propaganda? Check it out:

“Serologic test results should not be used to make decisions about returning persons to the workplace.”

Health officials or health care providers who are using antibody tests need to use the most accurate test they can find and might need to test people twice, the CDC said in the new guidance. –CNN

So, you can’t be free, which is your birthright, because their tests are inaccurate. It’s actually quite shocking people are even agreeing to these tests in the first place, all to pad the numbers for this scamdemic that has been little more than a hoax since day one. This has become so blatantly ridiculous that it’s actually hard to believe there’s anyone out there still supporting the government and their puppets in the mainstream media. They want you to still be afraid.  They need you in fear.  Do not comply.


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COVID-19 Vaccines: Continuing the Long History of Medical Experimentation on Children

[The appalling health and death toll from medical experimentation on children.]
May 28, 2020

By the Children’s Health Defense Team –  (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr)

 May 22 was a banner day for the encroaching global vaccine police state, with three announcements from the UK signaling what we can surely also expect on this side of the Atlantic. First, the entities rushing to develop an experimental chimpanzee-derived COVID-19 injection—the conflict-of-interest-ridden Oxford Vaccine Group, Oxford’s Jenner Institute and pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca—announced the imminent expansion of their clinical trials to a wider age range, including children aged 5 to 12 years, despite  “troubling results” when they administered the vaccine to rhesus monkeys. Endorsing the scale-up of the experiment to more than 30,000 eventual participants, including a trial to evaluate the vaccine in young children, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) immediately awarded a generous “$1.2 billion cash injection” for the UK effort (provided without any input from economically strapped American taxpayers). Then, to cap the day off, a UK Court of Appeal ominously ruled that local authorities can vaccinate children in foster care against their parents’ wishes, deploying the argument that “it is in the best interests of children to be immunized unless there is a specific reason for them not to be.”

Anyone who has been paying a modicum of attention knows where the vaccine cartel wants this to end up—with a mandated injection that will sneak high-risk gene-altering nanoparticles, Trojan-horse-style, into our children, and eventually, into all of us. However, the use of children as a wedge to implement mandates for adults—the age group most affected by COVID-19—would deny children the equal protection of law because the vaccine will not be primarily for their benefit.

A first step on this slippery slope will be to persuade unwitting parents to offer up their children on the altar of COVID-19 vaccine experimentation. It is unclear how the researchers will go about convincing parents to take this step, particularly because the most recent evidence—a systematic review of 45 scientific papers and letters—confirms that children account for only 1% to 5% of diagnosed COVID-19 cases and experience a milder course of disease, a better prognosis than adults, and death “extremely” rarely. Subjecting children to the hazards of clinical trials for a risk this low is perverse.

… some at the FDA even suggested that for research purposes, death may be classified as a ‘minimal risk.’

A trail of destruction

The COVID-19 imbroglio is far from the first time that children—unable to provide their own informed consent—have been roped into medical experiments. In 2003, Vera Sharav of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) described how the use of children and adolescents in “ever more speculative experiments” has frequently put youth “at risk of harm for profit,” particularly following passage in 1997 of the ironically named Better Pharmaceuticals for Children Act (part of the FDA Modernization Act). According to Sharav, the Act launched a “backdoor” and an industry-friendly reshaping of the very notions of “potential benefit” and “minimal risk,” effectively depriving children of more protective federal regulations and opening up widespread opportunities for children’s exploitation; some at the FDA even suggested “that for research purposes, death may be classified as a ‘minimal risk.’” When Sharav served on the Children’s Workgroup of the National Human Research Protection Advisory Committee, she was the sole committee member to object to the increased use of children in high-risk medical experiments.

Sharav’s website includes many examples illustrating the sordid underbelly of global and domestic childhood vaccine programs. In fact, it is hard not to construe the entire zero-liability childhood vaccination program as a mass experiment—one that willingly exposes children to risk in exchange for profit. U.S. children receive dozens of doses of vaccines that have never been evaluated in combination, nor tested against an inert placebo, nor meaningfully assessed for individual or synergistic toxicity, nor compared against protective health measures used by unvaccinated children. Unfortunately, lack of awareness and the widespread failure to report vaccine adverse events have allowed the damage caused by this ongoing experiment to remain invisible to many. On the other hand, some vaccines have produced such disastrous outcomes that the devastation has been impossible to ignore. To cite only a handful of U.S. examples:

  • In the 1870s, doctors reported a doubling of smallpox mortality after the introduction of smallpox vaccination.
  • Beginning in 1955, researchers engaged in two decades of experimentation on mentally disabled children at New York’s Willowbrook State School, intentionally infecting children with hepatitis to further vaccine development.
  • In the mid-1950s, regulators fast-tracked the Salk polio vaccine after a scant two hours of deliberation, leading to dramatic spikes in polio; most infamously, over 200,000 unsuspecting children received a defective batch of the vaccine (made by Cutter Laboratories), resulting in at least 40,000 cases of polio and 10 deaths.
  • In the 1960s, researchers administered an untried vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) to infants and young children, stimulating an “unbalanced immune response” that “potentiated” disease, sent many to the hospital and killed two.
  • Also in the 1960s, administration of the Sabin polio vaccine exposed millions of young Americans to the cancer-causing viral contaminant SV40.
  • In 1976, public health workers gave an experimental swine flu vaccine to one-quarter of the U.S. population, including many children—the vaccine killed at least 25 individuals and left hundreds with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Thirty years later, ignoring this toll of injuries and death, the then-director of the CDC approvingly stated, “it is better to err on the side of overreaction than underreaction.”
  • In the late 1990s, the FDA licensed a rotavirus vaccine for infants that it knew in advance was linked to a painful and potentially fatal intestinal complication called intussusception. Though it withdrew the vaccine in 1999, the agency then allowed two other rotavirus vaccines to remain on the market; both are known to not only have similar intussusception risks but to be contaminated with foreign DNA from pig viruses.
  • In what Judicial Watch terms a “large-scale public health experiment,” the FDA has repeatedly given fast-tracked approval to the likely fraudulent Gardasil and Gardasil 9 vaccines—perhaps the most dangerous vaccines ever invented.
  • Vaccine programs’ insistence on pertussis vaccination has led to record-high levels of pertussis, largely in vaccinated children, and the emergence of vaccine-resistant strains.
  • In 2019, the FDA approved a dengue vaccine for U.S. children, undaunted by its track record in the Philippines, where the vaccine triggered hundreds of pediatric hospitalizations and deaths.

… about half of U.S. adults are leery of COVID-19 vaccination, with 70% of potential refusers saying that they are concerned about safety.

A line in the sand?

Will American parents finally draw a line in the sand with COVID-19 vaccines? Currently, about half of U.S. adults are leery of COVID-19 vaccination, with 70% of potential refusers saying that they are concerned about safety. Could this be because over half of all American children now live with at least one chronic illness, and their beleaguered families have learned the hard way that vaccines are a major contributor?

Some American parents may also know enough to read between the lines of recent upbeat press releases about COVID-19 vaccines. In the case of the experimental Oxford vaccine that researchers now want to rush into young children’s bodies, AstraZeneca’s CEO has chosen not to dwell on the fact that the vaccine resulted in across-the-board illness in monkeys. Instead, unable to restrain his excitement about the infusion of over a billion in HHS cash, he describes the accelerated vaccine development process as “a fantastic experience” and proclaims, “I’ve never seen anything move that fast.” Meanwhile, vigilant parents may also have noticed that the headline-grabbing Moderna vaccine just produced severe illness in four out of 45 participants (9%). One of these, a 29-year-old, described feeling “more sick than he ever has before”; fainting after an urgent care visit, “his girlfriend caught him and kept his head from hitting the floor.”

Vera Sharav noted back in 2003 that the pharmaceutical industry enjoys higher profit margins and “greater government protections, subsidies, and tax incentives than any other industry,” and these remarks ring all the more true in the COVID-19 era. For example, early on when only 11 Americans had been confirmed to have the illness—February 4th—HHS was already hastening to assure would-be vaccine manufacturers that they would have full protection from liability. Is it any wonder that by early April, 115 COVID-19 vaccines had entered the pipeline or that the U.S. government had given the pharmaceutical industry the green light to “profit handsomely” from the government’s lavish public investments? Laying the legal groundwork for these guaranteed profits, a soon-to-be-published commentary in the Journal of Law and the Biosciences includes this chilling statement:

[D]epending on the features of the vaccine, there may be good ethical grounds to mandate a COVID-19 vaccine, as long as the risk is low, and access is readily available. Our jurisprudence suggests states will face few, if any, legal barriers in doing so, and the past political fights brought on by anti-vaccination groups are likely to be significantly weakened by the intensity of the COVID-19 crisis.

The caveat in the preceding quote—“as long as the risk is low”—is unlikely to figure prominently in PR efforts designed to persuade parents to sign their children over to COVID-19 vaccine trials and mandates. Regarding the former, parents would do well to heed Sharav’s conclusions about experiments involving children: The primary beneficiaries are not the children but rather the pharmaceutical industry and its “partners in academia.” Although vaccine scientists like to take advantage of parents’ altruism by telling them that their children’s participation in vaccine trials is “necessary” and “important for public health,” Sharav’s research clearly indicates that “Children, even more than adults, have endured severe adverse effects in clinical trials.”

[Think about this: Until recently the stated purpose of a vaccination was to protect the person being vaccinated. The vaccination was supposed to make you immune to the disease. But now we are being told something altogether different. Now they say a vaccinated person is in danger of catching the disease from the un-vaccinated person. Thus, people must be vaccinated to protect others. This is a reversal of the former established theory of vaccinations. In essence, this new theory is that vaccinations don’t protect the person being vaccinated. Rather it is supposed to protect others. This puts the onus on each person, not to protect himself, but to protect the public at large. This new idea would make it a crime to not be vaccinated.]


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