Caesar Act: Protecting or Destroying Syrian ‘Civilians’?


(When the US Government thinks nothing about shutting down America, why would we expect it to care about Syrian families? Trump and his government are Zionists who obey Netanyahu’s demands to push against President Assad because he won’t bow down to Israel.)

7/22/2020 – Salman Rafi Sheikh

The so-called US “Civilian Protection Act” does everything except “protect” the people of Syria. If anything, it aims to further destroy and strangulate the Syrian economy to make the country’s post-war economic reconstruction and development even more difficult. As the act’s “statement of policy” states in explicit terms, the US continues to seek a “regime change” in Syria. Indeed, the cardinal US purpose behind igniting a “civil war” in Syria was always to “send Assad home,” but the combined military strategy of Syria, Iran and Russia turned out to be the key to defeating the CIA–sponsored militant groups (ISIS/ISIL, Al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, etc). The US, as it stands, continues to pursue the same objective, although its military defeat in Syria has forced it to shift its focus from direct military intervention and support for militant groups to economic sanctions. Trump and Pompeo intend to punish the Syrian people, hopefully forcing them to rebel against Assad.

While this is not the first-time that sanctions have been imposed on Syria, the fact that this “protection act” expands the US reach to even non-Syrians i.e., Syrian’s “foreign friends” (Russia, China, Iran) makes it an even worst attack on Syrian economy. This is in turn part of an officially declared US strategy to make Syria a “quagmire for Russia.”

The aim is two-fold: to restrict the ability of Syria’s foreign friends to trade with Syria, and to exacerbate even further the already extremely poor conditions. With famine already knocking on the doors of Syria, fresh US sanctions will only deteriorate the economic conditions, which have already forced about 83 percent of Syrians to live below the poverty line.

The Syrian pound, which held steady at around 500 to the US dollar for several years, went into free fall last year, hitting a low of 3,000 in June, in anticipation of fresh sanctions. That currency drop is hindering Assad’s plans for collecting this year’s wheat to make up for a shortfall in imports that is drawing down on strategic reserves.

What, according to the UN itself, Syria needs is “immediate and substantial injection of funds, life-saving provisions of food, water, health care.” But the West gives it extensive sanctions and, what Mike Pompeo called, continued US “stabilisation activities in northeast Syria” where most of Syria’s oil wells are located. Whereas the oil could prove crucial for Syria’s economic recovery, this is obviously not what the US wants to see happening in Syria. Accordingly, an “oil disaster” under the US auspices is already looming large in northeast Syria.

At the same time, where the US is warning of an imminent crisis, the “Protection Act” aims to make sure that the Syrians get nothing. The act says the US president will impose sanctions on a “foreign person” if they undertake actions that include knowingly “selling or providing significant goods, services, technology, information or other support that significantly facilitates the maintenance or expansion of the Government of Syria’s domestic production of natural gas, petroleum or petroleum products.”

The act goes on to further explain that part of this US “strategy” is to “deter foreign persons from entering into contracts related to reconstruction in the areas” under the direct control of the Syrian government or its supporters from Russia and Iran. The self-explaining act makes it clear that it is a deliberate attempt to ensure that Syria, devastated by a war that the US and its allies engineered and imposed in 2011, is not rebuilt, and that Syrians have to live amid ruin.

This, the US hopes, may force the Syrians to rise up against their government eroding its legitimacy. But it is highly unlikely to produce the desired results; for, as it stands, sanctions without a clear policy objective are nothing more than making a political point at the expense of the most vulnerable i.e., common people of Syria. Therefore, if the underlying reasons for the Syrian people’s poor conditions are US sanctions, as even the Red Crescent said in its recent report, the Syrian people are unlikely to mobilise against the government, which has been resilient enough to bring political stability to a large part of Syria that was being damaged by the US and Israel.

That this is unlikely to happen is indeed one principal reason why the US has decided to impose sanctions on Syria to mainly wrest Assad’s, and Syria’s allies’, ability to stabilise the country. Therefore, while the US sanctions have never worked to bring, as in case of Iran and Venezuela, “regime change”, they are most likely to create a humanitarian crisis and make reconstruction efforts difficult. The so-called “protection act” is, therefore, is mainly anti-people and anti-development. It aims to spread chaos and erode political and economic stability efforts of the government.


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How the State Destroys Families

JJuly 21, 2020

The peculiar consequences that result from government intervention are similar in all areas of economic and social life. Problems such as indifference, evaporating solidarity, irresponsibility, and short-term thinking are more than often caused or exacerbated by government interventions. This holds true for interventions in the financial world and in business, and it is no different with family policy. To make this clear, we first want to make a few comments about the economics of the family and then explain how state intervention tends to destroy families from within.

A Godly Power Plant

According to the Christian definition, the family is a community between a man and a woman and children, before God, with God, and for God. It is a kind of worship. Worship is what bonds the Christian family.

From this covenant of life before God, with God, and for God, a whole series of further consequences follow with logical necessity, e.g., the formal and public alliance of the spouses, lifelong loyalty, openness to many children, rejection of abortion, and Christian witness. Conversely, where there is no reference to God, there is no logical connection between these elements. They then appear as more or less arbitrary conventions. They become optional in the free design of individual lifestyles. Godly principles become superfluous and even considered hindrances.

In a society that loses the love for God, the family also loses its solid form. The Christian family is then gradually replaced by a patchwork of other forms of society, which are set up according to one’s taste. This is inevitable and cannot be prevented.

But the traditional dominance of the Christian family is not only threatened by widespread apostasy, it is also, and massively, under siege by state idolatry. The institution of the state is the greatest idolatry man has invented. It replaces both the family (as a nuclear unit) as well as God Himself in the fact that state actually becomes god.

An important precondition of this little miracle called “family” is that men and women are different, and they happily complement each other. They complement each other in their intellectual and physical abilities, in their social skills, in their spiritual and aesthetic sensibilities, and in their mental lives. It is therefore possible for them to grow together in all these dimensions beyond what would be possible for them alone and on their own.

From a purely economic perspective, families are probably the most efficient form of human organization. Unfortunately, this is hardly ever properly appreciated, not even by the economists. This is probably due to the fact that the family’s performance has many dimensions, most of which are difficult or impossible to measure, in distinct contrast to the performance of a company or of a sports club.

Families are exceptionally efficient, but if there is a lack of faith in the gifts of God, then failure is likely.

But how is this failure promoted by government intervention?

The State and the Family

To answer this question, we first have to consider the nature of the state. According to Max Weber’s well-known definition, the state is a monopoly of legitimate violence. This concept of the state is rooted in the legal concept of the modern state—the state that determines the law at its own discretion. It emerged in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries from the debates on the natural law conception of objective law, which is beyond human arbitrariness. The modern state claims to have special rights that correspond to its special obligations. Rather, it is above the law in a strict sense. The state is completely free to ignore God and decide for itself what is right and wrong.

Once this concept of the law and of the state has gained a foothold, there is a natural tendency toward unlimited state growth. There is no logical brake on this movement, because the powers and tasks of the state are no longer fundamentally limited, but fundamentally open and unlimited. And there is no economic brake on state growth, because as it grows, so does the income and power of state servants and all other interested parties.

Family policy has been compromised in the process of ​​state growth in recent years. In the past, various state interventions served to protect the family (tax privileges, child benefits, etc.), but today’s politics are almost exclusively harmful to the family.

Explicit political harm to families by the state is common. Notables like Friedrich Engels correctly recognized the family as a source of bourgeois morality and therefore condemned them. The state today considers itself as the legitimate owner and parent for all children, replacing the birth parents.

Tacit damage to the family is an important variant. In fact, the family-damaging effects of the state is sometimes not even considered. Monetary policy is an important example. Our current monetary system is designed to create constant price inflation, which in turn creates irresistible incentives for debt, and destruction by it. The risks are obvious. How many families have been broken because they proved to be unable to handle the debt burden? Monetary politicians have no intention of acknowledging this. And yet these are consequences that result from their decisions.

When the state intervenes it damages family life. Indeed, on the one hand, such interventions burden families financially, and, on the other hand, they make families superfluous. State usurps the God-ordained family structure. One important example is emancipation policy in the name of feminism. The state-funded all-day schools and all-day kindergartens expressly aim to alleviate the natural and healthy roll of the female. All of this fits seamlessly into feminist politics since the 1970s: abortion rights, divorce laws, custody laws, the deliberate demeaning of the role of mother, etc.

It is clear that this policy does not support the Christian family. In fact, it damages the family by worsening the relationship between the costs and benefits of family life. It reduces the incentives to start a family and keep it alive even under resistance. All-day schools and all-day kindergartens are financed through family taxation, so the returns to family life decrease while the need for additional monetary income increases. There are increased divorces and increased numbers of single parents who cannot pass family values to their children. This connection is further reinforced by the fact that the incentives for men to start a family also decrease. For one thing, you have to expect a higher probability of failure from the start. On the other hand, divorce law very often means economic ruin for men.

If you wanted to reduce families, you couldn’t think of anything better.


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Unsanitary Military Barracks Hospital For Fake 1918 “Spanish Flu” The Disease Which Killed so Many was not Flu nor was it a Virus.  It was Bacterial Pneumonia.

Dr. Gary G. Kohls, MD –

(Neither the so-called Spanish Flu of 1918, nor Smallpox in the 1800s, were cured by vaccines. Vaccines have never stopped epidemics or cured diseases.)

It Started with the Rockefeller Institute’s Crude Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Experiment on US Troops. The 1918-19 bacterial vaccine experiment may have killed 50-100 million people.

“During the war years 1918-19, the US Army ballooned to 6,000,000 men, with 2,000,000 men being sent overseas.  The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research took advantage of this new pool of human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments.”

“During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent its experimental anti-meningococcal serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.”

“The Rockefeller Institute and its experimental bacterial meningococcal vaccine, contrary to the accepted mythology may have killed 50-100 million people in 1918-1919.”

“The crude anti-bacterial vaccine used in the Fort Riley experiment on soldiers was made in horses.”

“According to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 92.7% of the 1918-19 Pandemic autopsies reviewed.”

“Clean water, sanitation, flushing toilets, refrigerated foods and healthy diets have done and still do far more to protect humanity from infectious diseases than any vaccine program.”

“In 1918, the vaccine industry experimented on soldiers…with disastrous results—but today, the vaccine industry experiments on infants. The vaccine schedule has never been tested.  The results of the experiment are: 1 in 7 of America’s fully vaccinated children is in some form of special education, and over 50% have some form of chronic illness.” The “Spanish Flu” killed an estimated 50-100 million people during the so-called pandemic 1918-19.”

What if the story we have been told about this pandemic isn’t true? What if, instead, the killer infection was neither the flu nor Spanish in origin?

Newly analyzed documents reveal that the so-called “Spanish Flu” was a military vaccine experiment gone awry.

The reason modern technology has not been able to pinpoint the killer influenza strain from this pandemic is because influenza was not the killer.

Did Psychopath Rockefeller Create the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918?

More soldiers died during WWI from disease than from bullets.

The pandemic was not flu. An estimated 95% (or higher) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not an influenza virus.

The pandemic was not Spanish. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to military bases, the first one in Fort Riley, Kansas.

From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.

During the remainder of 1918 as those soldiers – often living and traveling under poor sanitary conditions – were sent to Europe, they spread bacteria at every stop between Kansas and the frontline trenches in France.

One study describes soldiers “with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.” (1)

The “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime.  Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Flu attacks the young, old, and immunocompromised.

When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.

During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent its experimental anti-meningococcal serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.

During the pandemic of 1918-19, the so-called “Spanish Flu” killed 50-100 million people, including many soldiers.

Many people do not realize that disease killed far more soldiers on all sides than machine guns or mustard gas or anything else typically associated with WWI.

I have a personal connection to the Spanish Flu.  Among those killed by disease in 1918-19 are members of both of my parents’ families.

On my father’s side, his grandmother Sadie Hoyt died from pneumonia in 1918. Sadie was a Chief Yeoman in the Navy.  Her death left my grandmother Rosemary and her sister Anita to be raised by their aunt. Sadie’s sister Marian also joined the Navy.  She died from “the infection” in 1919.

On my mother’s side, two of her father’s sisters died in childhood. All of the family members who died lived in New York City.

I suspect many American families, and many families worldwide, were impacted in similar ways by the mysterious “Spanish Flu.”

In 1918, “influenza” or flu was a catchall term for disease of unknown origin.  It didn’t carry the specific meaning it does today.

It meant some mystery disease which dropped out of the sky.  In fact, “influenza” is from the Medieval Latin “influential” – an astrological term meaning a visitation under the influence of the stars. Or from Old French meaning “emanation from the stars that acts upon one’s character and destiny.”

Why is What Happened 100 Years Ago Important Now?

I will use New York as an example to discuss three major changes to society which occurred in NY during 1900-1920 and their impact on mortality from infectious diseases.

1.      Clean Water and Sanitation
In the late 19th century through the early 20th century, New York built an extraordinary system to bring clean water to the city from the Catskills, a system still in use today.  New York City also built over 6000 miles of sewer to take away and treat waste, which protects the drinking water. The World Health Organization acknowledges the importance of clean water and sanitation in combating infectious diseases. (2)

2.    Electricity
In the late 19th century through the early 20th century, New York built a power grid and wired the city so power was available in every home.  Electricity allows for refrigeration. Refrigeration is an unsung hero as a public health benefit. When food is refrigerated from farm to table, the public is protected from potential infectious diseases.  Cheap renewable energy is important for many reasons, including combating infectious diseases.

3.   Rockefeller’s Pharmaceutical Industry
In the late 19th century through the early 20th century, New York became the home of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University).  The Institute is where the modern pharmaceutical industry was born. The Institute pioneered many of the approaches the pharmaceutical industry uses today, including the preparation of vaccine serums, for better or worse.  The vaccine used in the Fort Riley experiment on soldiers was made in horses.

US Mortality Rates data from the turn of the 20th century to 1965 clearly indicates that clean water, flushing toilets, effective sewer systems and refrigerated foods all combined to effectively reduce mortality from infectious diseases.

Have doctors and the pharmaceutical manufacturers taken credit for reducing mortality from infectious disease which rightfully belongs to sandhogs, plumbers, electricians, and engineers?
If hubris at the Rockefeller Institute in 1918 led to a pandemic disease which killed millions of people, what lessons can we learn and apply to today?

The Disease Was Not Spanish

While watching an episode of American Experience on PBS a few months ago, I was surprised to hear that the first cases of “Spanish Flu” occurred at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1918.  I thought, how is it possible this historically important event could be so badly misnamed 100 years ago and never corrected?

Why “Spanish”? Spain was one of a few countries not involved in World War I.  Most of the countries involved in the war censored their press.

Free from censorship concerns, the earliest press reports of people dying from disease in large numbers came first from Spain.  The warring countries did not want to additionally frighten the troops of the public, so they were content to scapegoat Spain. Soldiers on all sides would be asked to cross no man’s land into machine gun fire, which was frightening enough without knowing that the trenches were a disease breeding ground.

One hundred years later, it’s long past time to drop “Spanish” from all discussion of this pandemic.  The flu started at a United States military base in Kansas, so the disease could and should be more aptly named.

In order to prevent future disasters, the US (and the rest of the world) must take a hard look at what really caused the pandemic. The experimental vaccine was devised when the only vaccine that had ever shown any promise in preventing disease was the smallpox vaccine (which, when evaluated in retrospect, didn’t actually deserve credit for the disappearance of smallpox, since only a very small minority of world citizens ever actually received the vaccine.)

It is possible that one of the reasons the Spanish Flu has never been corrected is that it helps disguise the origin of the pandemic.

If the origin of the pandemic involved a vaccine experiment on US soldiers, then the US may prefer calling it Spanish Flu, instead of “The Fort Riley Bacteria of 1918,” or something similar.  The Spanish Flu started at the location this experimental bacterial vaccine was given making it the prime suspect as the source of the bacterial infections which killed so many.

It would be much more difficult to maintain the marketing mantra of “vaccines save lives” if a vaccine experiment that originated in the United States caused the deaths of 50-100 million people.

“The American Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and its experimental bacterial meningococcal vaccine may have killed 50-100 million people in 1918-19” is not an effective sales slogan. The overly simplistic ‘vaccines save lives’ is much better sounding.” – Kevin Barry

The Disease Which Killed so Many was not Flu nor was it a Virus.  It was Bacterial.
During the mid-2000’s there was much talk about “pandemic preparedness.”  Influenza vaccine manufacturers in the United States received billions of dollars to develop vaccines to make sure that we don’t have another lethal pandemic “flu,” like the one in 1918-19.

Capitalizing on the fake “Spanish Flu” helped vaccine manufacturers procure billion-dollar checks from governments, even though scientists knew at the time that bacterial pneumonia was the real killer.

It is not merely my opinion. Bacterial pneumonia was the real killer – thousands of autopsies confirm this fact.

According to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 92.7% of the 1918-19 autopsies reviewed.  It is likely higher than 92.7%.

The researchers looked at more than 9000 autopsies.

“… In the 68 higher-quality autopsy series, in which the possibility of unreported negative cultures could be excluded, 92.7% of autopsy lung cultures were positive for ≥1 bacterium. … in one study of approximately 9000 subjects who were followed from clinical presentation with influenza to resolution or autopsy, researchers obtained, with sterile technique, cultures of either pneumococci or streptococci from 164 of 167 lung tissue samples. “There were 89 pure cultures of pneumococci; 19 cultures from which only streptococci were recovered; 34 that yielded mixtures of pneumococci and/or streptococci; 22 that yielded a mixture of pneumococci, streptococci, and other organisms (prominently pneumococci and nonhemolytic streptococci); and 3 that yielded nonhemolytic streptococci alone. There were NO negative lung culture (virus) results.” (3)

Pneumococci or streptococci were found in “164 of (the) 167 lung tissue samples” autopsied.  That is 98.2%. Bacteria was the killer.

Where Did the Spanish Flu Bacterial Pneumonia of 1918-19 Originate?

When the United States declared war in April 1917, the fledgling Pharmaceutical industry had something they had never had before – a large supply of human test subjects in the form of the US military’s first draft.

Pre-war in 1917, the US Army was 286,000 men. During the war years 1918-19, the US Army ballooned to 6,000,000 men, with 2,000,000 men being sent overseas.  The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research took advantage of this new pool of human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments.

A Report on Anti-meningitis Vaccination and Observations on Agglutinins in the Blood of Chronic Meningococcus Carriers as Recorded by Frederick L. Gates, MD in 1918 (probably an ancestor of Bill Gates).

Between January 21st and June 4th of 1918, Dr. Gates reports on an experiment where soldiers were given 3 doses of a bacterial meningitis vaccine.  Those conducting the experiment on the soldiers were just spit-balling dosages of a vaccine serum made in horses.

The vaccination regime was designed to be 3 doses.

4,792 men received the first dose, but only 4,257 got the 2nd dose (down 11%), and only 3702 received all three doses (down 22.7%).

A total of 1,090 men were not there for the 3rd dose.  What happened to these soldiers? Were they shipped East by train from Kansas to board a ship to Europe?  Were they in the Fort Riley hospital? Were they dead? Dr. Gates’ report doesn’t tell us.

An article accompanying the American Experience broadcast I watched sheds some light on where these 1,090 men might be.  Gates began his experiments in January 1918.

By March of that year, “100 men a day” were entering the infirmary at Fort Riley.  Are some of these the men missing from Dr. Gates’ report?

“… Shortly before breakfast on Monday, March 11, the first domino would fall signaling the commencement of the first wave of the 1918 influenza.

“Company cook Albert Gitchell reported to the camp infirmary with complaints of a “bad cold.” “Right behind him came Corporal Lee W. Drake voicing similar complaints.

“By noon, camp surgeon Edward R. Schreiner had over 100 sick men on his hands, all apparently suffering from the same malady…” (5)

Gates does report that several of the men in the experiment had flu-like symptoms: coughs, vomiting and diarrhea after receiving the vaccine. These symptoms are a disaster for men living in barracks, traveling on trains to the Atlantic coast, sailing to Europe, and living and fighting in trenches.

The unsanitary conditions at each step of the journey are an ideal environment for a contagious disease like bacterial pneumonia to spread.

From Dr. Gates’ report:
“Several cases of looseness of the bowels or transient diarrhea were noted. This symptom had not been encountered before. Careful inquiry in individual cases often elicited the information that men who complained of the effects of vaccination were suffering from mild coryza (common head cold), bronchitis, etc., at the time of injection.

“Sometimes the reaction was initiated by a chill or chilly sensation, and a number of men complained of fever or feverish sensations during the following night.

“Next in frequency came nausea (occasionally vomiting), dizziness, and general “aches and pains” in the joints and muscles, which in a few instances were especially localized in the neck or lumbar region, causing stiff neck or stiff back. A few injections were followed by diarrhea.

“The reactions, therefore, occasionally simulated the onset of epidemic meningitis and several vaccinated men were sent as suspects to the Base Hospital for diagnosis.” (4)

According to Gates, they injected random dosages of an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine into soldiers. Afterwards, some of the soldiers had symptoms which “simulated” meningitis, but Dr. Gates advances the fantastical claim that it wasn’t really actual meningitis.

The soldiers developed flu-like symptoms.  Bacterial meningitis, then and now, is known to mimic flu-like symptoms. (6)

Perhaps the similarity of early symptoms of bacterial meningitis and bacterial pneumonia are similar to symptoms of flu and that is why the vaccine experiments at Fort Riley have been able to escape scrutiny as a potential cause of the Spanish Flu for 100 years and counting.

How did the “Spanish Flu” Spread so Widely and so Quickly?

There is an element of a perfect storm in how the Gates bacteria spread.  WWI ended only 10 months after the first injections. Unfortunately for the 50-100 million who died, those soldiers injected with horse-infused bacteria moved a lot during those 10 months.

An article from 2008 on the CDC’s website describes how sick WWI soldiers could pass along the bacteria to others by becoming “cloud adults.”

“Finally, for brief periods and to varying degrees, affected hosts became “cloud adults” who increased the aerosolization of colonizing strains of bacteria (not virus), particularly pneumococci, hemolytic streptococci, H. influenzae, and S. aureus.

“For several days during local epidemics—particularly in crowded settings such as hospital wards, military camps, troop ships, and mines (and trenches)—some persons were immunologically susceptible to, infected with, or recovering from various infections.

“Persons with active infections were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.” (1)

Three times in his report on the Fort Riley vaccine experiment, Dr. Gates states that some soldiers had a “severe reaction” indicating “an unusual individual susceptibility to the vaccine”.

While the vaccine made many sick, it only killed those who were susceptible to it.  Those who became sick and survived became “cloud adults” who spread the bacteria to others, which created more cloud adults, spreading to others where it killed the susceptible, repeating the cycle until there were no longer wartime unsanitary conditions, and there were no longer millions of soldiers to experiment on.

The toll on US troops was enormous and it is well documented.  Dr. Carol Byerly describes how the “influenza” traveled like wildfire through the US military.  (substitute “bacteria” for Dr. Byerly’s “influenza” or “virus”):

“… Fourteen of the largest training camps had reported “influenza outbreaks” in March, April, or May, and some of the infected troops carried “the virus” with them aboard ships to France …

“As soldiers in the trenches became sick, the military evacuated them from the front lines and replaced them with healthy men.

“This process continuously brought the bacteria into contact with new hosts—young, healthy soldiers in which it could adapt, reproduce, and become extremely virulent without danger of burning out.

“… Before any travel ban could be imposed, a contingent of replacement troops departed Camp Devens (outside of Boston) for Camp Upton, Long Island, the Army’s debarkation point for France, and took the bacteria with them.

“Medical officers at Upton said it arrived “abruptly” on September 13, 1918, with 38 hospital admissions, followed by 86 the next day, and 193 the next.

“Hospital admissions peaked on October 4 with 483, and within 40 days, Camp Upton sent 6,131 men to the hospital for “influenza.” Some developed pneumonia so quickly that physicians diagnosed it simply by observing the patient rather than listening to the lungs…” (7)

“The United States was not the only country in possession of the Rockefeller Institute’s experimental bacterial vaccine.

“A 1919 report from the Institute states: “Reference should be made that before the United States entered the war (in April 1917) the Institute had resumed the preparation of anti-meningococcic serum, in order to meet the requests of England, France, Belgium Italy and other countries.”

“The same report states: “In order to meet the suddenly increased demand for the curative serums worked out at the Institute, a special stable for horses was quickly erected …” (8)

An experimental anti-meningoccic serum made in horses and injected into soldiers who would be entering the cramped and unsanitary living conditions of war … what could possibly go wrong?

Is the bacterial serum made in horses at the Rockefeller Institute which was injected into US soldiers and distributed to numerous other countries responsible for the 50-100 million people killed by bacterial lung infections in 1918-19?

The Institute says it distributed the bacterial serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries during WWI. Not enough is known about how these countries experimented on their soldiers.

I hope independent researchers will take an honest look at these questions.

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

I believe standard medical hubris was responsible – doctors “playing God”, thinking they could tame nature without creating unanticipated problems.

With medical hubris, I do not think the situation has changed materially over the past 100 years.

What Now?

The vaccine industry is always looking for human test subjects.  They have the most success when they are able to find populations who are not in a position to refuse.

Soldiers (9), infants, the disabled, prisoners, those in developing nations – anyone not in a position to refuse.

Vaccine experimentation on vulnerable populations is an issue that is not just of the past.  In a video clip Dr. Stanley Plotkin describes using experimental vaccines on orphans, the mentally retarded, prisoners, and those under colonial rule.

The deposition was in January 2018. The hubris of the medical community is the same or worse now than it was 100 years ago.

Dr. Plotkin admits to writing:
“The question is whether we are to have experiments performed on fully functioning adults and on children who are potentially contributors to society or to perform initial studies in children and adults who are human in form but not in social potential.”

In the horrifying video clip of Dr. Stanley Plotkin he testifies under oath about the experiments that the pharmaceutical industry has done on unaware, uninformed  patients. (10)

In part because the global community is well aware of medical hubris and well aware of the poor record of medical ethics, the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights developed international standards regarding the right to informed consent to preventative medical procedures like vaccination.

The international community is well aware that the pharmaceutical industry makes mistakes and is always on the lookout for human test subjects.  The Declaration states that individuals have the human right to consent to any preventative medical intervention like vaccination.

Human Dignity and Human Rights

1.      Human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms are to be fully respected.
2.     The interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society.

1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice. (11)

Clean water, sanitation, flushing toilets, refrigerated foods and healthy diets have done and still do far more to protect humanity from infectious diseases than any vaccine program.

Doctors and the vaccine industry have usurped credit which rightfully belongs to plumbers, electricians, sandhogs (underground construction workers), engineers and city planners.

For these reasons, policy makers at all levels of government should protect the human rights and individual liberties of individuals to opt out of vaccine programs via exemptions.

The hubris of the medical community will never go away. Policy makers need to know that vaccines like all medical interventions are not infallible.

Vaccines are not magic. We all have different susceptibility to disease.  Human beings are not one size fits all.

In 1918-19, the vaccine industry experimented on soldiers with disastrous results.

Today, the vaccine industry experiments on infants every day. The vaccine schedule has never been tested as it is given.  The results of the experiment are in: 1 in 7 of America’s \vaccinated children is in some form of special education, and over 50% have some form of chronic illness. (12)

Who exactly gave you that flu shot at Rite Aid? Do you have their cell number of the store employee if something goes wrong?

In 1918-19, there was no liability to the manufacturer for injuries or death caused by vaccines.

Today, there is no liability for vaccine manufacturers for injuries or death caused by vaccines, which was formalized in 1986. (13)

In 1918-19, there was no independent investigative follow up challenging the official story that “Spanish Flu” was some mystery illness which dropped from the sky.  I suspect that many of those at the Rockefeller Institute knew what happened, and that many of the doctors who administered the vaccines to the troops knew what happened, but those people are long dead.

Today, the Pharmaceutical industry is the largest campaign donor to politicians and the largest advertiser in all forms of media, so not much has changed over 100 years.

This story will likely be ignored by mainstream media because their salaries are paid by pharmaceutical advertising.

The next time you hear someone say “vaccines save lives” please remember that the true story of the cost/benefit of vaccines is much more complicated than their three-word slogan.  Also remember that vaccines have likely killed 50-100 million people in 1918-19.

Kevin Barry is the President of First Freedoms, Inc. a 501.c.3.  He is a former federal attorney, a rep at the UN HQ in New York and the author of Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC.

1. Deaths from Bacterial Pneumonia during 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic
John F. Brundage*  and G. Dennis Shanks†
Author affiliations: *Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA; †Australian Army Malaria Institute, Enoggera, Queensland, Australia
2.  World Health Organization: Unsafe drinking water, sanitation and waste management
3. J Infect Dis. 2008 Oct 1; 198(7): 962–970.
Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, and Anthony S. Fauci
4. PDF of Fort Riley Study (1918)
5. American Experience, “The First Wave”, PBS
6. Mayo Clinic:  Meningitis
7. Public Health Rep. 2010; 125(Suppl 3): 82–91.
The U.S. Military and the Influenza Pandemic of 1918–1919
Carol R. Byerly, PhD
8.  Rockefeller Institute pamphlet PDF (1919)
9.  Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health? Lessons Spanning Half a Century, A Staff Report Prepared for the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, United States Senate, December 1994
10. Dr. Stanley Plotkin: vaccine experiments on orphans, the mentally retarded, and others (January 2018)
11.  Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (19 October 2005)
12. CDC Offers New Stats On Disability Prevalence
13. 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act


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Conclusive Proof — Masks Do Not Inhibit Viral Spread

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Not a single randomized controlled trial with verified outcome has been able to detect a statistically significant advantage of wearing a mask versus not wearing a mask, when it comes to preventing infectious viral illness.

If there were any significant advantage to wearing a mask to reduce infection risk to either the wearer or others in the vicinity, then it would have been detected in at least one of these trials, yet there’s no sign of such a benefit.

There is no evidence that masks are of any utility for preventing infection by either stopping the aerosol particles from coming out, or from going in. You’re not helping the people around you by wearing a mask, and you’re not helping yourself avoid the disease by wearing a mask.

Infectious viral respiratory diseases primarily spread via very fine aerosol particles that are in suspension in the air. Viruses are too small to be filtered by a mask. Any mask that allows you to breathe therefore allows for transmission of aerosolized viruses.


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Bill Gates Admits Corona Vaccination Will Produce 700,000 Victims

Gates wants to vaccinate the world
Tim Brown – July 15, 2020

In an interview with CNBC, Bill Gates said that he expects at least 700,000 victims (health damage and/or death) from a corona vaccination. No, seriously, he said it on live television.

In the interview, Gates says that for every 10,000 people, one permanent damage would occur from the vaccination, and he expects no less than 700,000 victims. (That’s more than the actual victims from COVID. Plus the real number of victims from the vaccine will be much higher than Gates predicts.)

Take a look.

Here are his words: “We have … you know … one in ten thousand … ah … side effects. That’s … you know … way more. Seven hundred thousand … ah … you know … people who will suffer from that. So, really understanding the safety at gigantic scale across all age ranges – you know – pregnant, male, female, undernourished and existing comorbidities. It’s very, very hard and that actual decision of ‚OK, let’s go and give this vaccine to the entire world… ah … governments will have to be involved because there will be some risk and indemnification (i.e., government protection against law suits) needed before that … ah … can be decided on.”

He expects 700,000 victims.  So we can expect even more victims. These numbers are much higher than the actual number of victims caused by the corona virus, whether dead by or with Corona or “other victims“.  He calls death or permanent disability – “side effects“.


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Corona – The Simple Truth in Under 6 Minutes

Click on the picture.


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Victory! Heroic Serbian Protestors Force Gov’t to Drop Lockdown – 1st Nation to Do So

The relentless advance of coronavirus terror has been broken. Defiant Serbs rebelled against their President when he ordered them back under house arrest. After two days of street battles with dozens of policemen hospitalised, the sturdy protesters won; the authorities surrendered and gave up their plans to lock Belgrade down. Shops, pubs and restaurants in Belgrade will have an early evening curfew; but this is much better than the full lockdown they intended. Prime Minister Ms Brnabic complained that she could not understand why her people were protesting. She must be uncommonly dense, this lady, if after two days of protests she could not understand that people do not want lockdowns. This is a rare reversal by the authorities, said the BBC correspondent in Belgrade. This is an understatement in the best English manner. I think it is a precedent.

Until now, there were countries that avoided lockdown altogether (Japan, Sweden, Belarus), but there wasn’t a country where people demanded and then obtained their freedom. Serbia is the first one. This small (pop. 7 million) country in the Balkans has a long history of resistance – they fought the Turks for centuries; they resisted Nazi Germany longer than France; they had the strongest guerrilla movement outside of Belarus, and yes, they fought mighty NATO for quite a long time. The Germans bombed Belgrade in April 1941, followed not long afterwards by America (aided by the British of course). In 1944, on Easter Day, six hundred American bombers carpet-bombed Belgrade, destroying its palaces, theatres, railway stations, and hospitals. That was America’s Easter Bunny gift to the Serbs.

In 1999 Bill Clinton bombed Belgrade again, for three months, killing a lot of Serbs and causing immense destruction. The Serbian president was seized and murdered in the court cells underneath The Hague. My American friends, if you are in the mood to apologise, you can “take a knee” for the Serbs. The US chose to lob bombs at the Serbs but Serbs do not surrender easily. These strong-willed giants have guts, more than the rest of the Balkans put together. No doubt today many of the evil geniuses at Coronavirus HQ are regretting that Serbia wasn’t completely erased from the face of the earth, so that it would not have become such a troublesome example to a rather pliable and docile global populace.

But it’s too late; we have absorbed the lesson. The only way to avoid a renewed lockdown is a popular uprising, for nothing less will convince our governments to refrain from locking us up. Like a boy who finds the candy jar, they just can’t help themselves. Lockdown makes them feel powerful: the subjects stay indoors; they fearfully venture out only for shopping; they are obedient; they are on the dole and so they are dependent on the good will of the state. Unemployment rises steadily with every week of lockdown. Small companies go down. Only the digital giants will survive the deluge. People are disposable. Even their labour is no longer needed. Soon, independent, hard-working folk will be replaced by a new species dependent on government subsidy and demanding only more entertainment; a modern version of the panem et circenses (bread and circuses) mob the proud Romans were reduced to, as Juvenal wrote circa 100AD.

Why did the Serb government decide to lock their people up? Ostensibly, it’s because of 13 deaths “linked” to the Covid. That’s 13 too many, the President recited piously. Bear in mind that hundreds of people die every day in a country of millions like Serbia, and that this is perfectly normal. What’s so special about 13 people who died of pneumonia and may have been carriers of a new coronavirus? It was only a few years ago that thousands of Serbs fought and died for their freedom – that’s what they were fighting for, at least. Now their rulers do not think so much of freedom. Good thing that the people (as opposed to their rulers) are made of different, sterner stuff.

The Serbs I spoke to do not think this was an independent decision of their president; rather, an order sent down from some obscure Covid HQ, probably via the WHO. There is a covert guiding hand that devises new hardships and pressures governments to lock down economies and people. The authorities are naturally keen to return to the lockdown. It’s inertia, the great force of inertia. After they, and so many bureaucrats enacted the global culture of coronavirus, established ZOOM-based education, painted spots for 2 m distance, ordered millions of masks with a decent profit for themselves, trained an army of civil servants and disciplined the people, they are loath to drop it. They are used to it now and enjoy the feeling.

Peter Hitchens wrote about this in his column: “When this madness began, I behaved as if a new and fanatical religion was spreading among us. Be polite and tolerant, I thought. It may be crazy and damaging but in time it will go away. Now it is clear that a new faith, based on fear of the invisible and quite immune to reason, has all but taken over the country. And it turns out to be one of those faiths without tolerance for those who don’t share it. Its evangelists will not leave you and me alone, but constantly seek to force us to join. This is why I make such a fuss about the demand to make us all wear muzzles. This is not about health. This is about power and submission. This obsession with telling us how to look, and turning us from normal humans into submissive, mouthless flock animals all decked out in a compulsory uniform is, in my view, part of an unprecedented assault on our personal liberty in general. Stay at home. Stop working. Don’t see your friends or relatives. Submit, submit, submit. Get used to being told what to do. It seems we really have become a nation of surrendered masochists.”

In the US, a new wave of the alleged Covid pandemic is supposed to remove President Trump, after RussiaGate and the impeachment fiasco failed to do the job. They manufactured the new wave without ‘re-seeding’ the country (as Larry Romanoff suggested) by the simple expedient of newspaper reporting. “New Cases in the U.S. Soar Past 68,000, Shattering Record” – screamed The New York Times. They do not tell you that this number means nothing. The new cases are not sick people: it is predominantly perfectly healthy people who by faulty and dubious methods were declared Covid carriers. The more you test for a virus, the more positive results you will get.

A Russian virologist correctly said: if we were to test healthy people for any flu virus, we would get enormous numbers of ‘infected’ results. Everyone carries some virus, this or that. But we never check healthy people because we never, until now, had the need to create the illusion of a pandemic. In 2020, the need for such an illusion became paramount, for the Covid operators intend to conquer the world and break our stamina. It is worrisome that Texas and Florida gave in and began to enforce the masks because of these spurious tests.

There is nothing new about the disease. The first husband of Scarlett O’Hara, Charles Hamilton, died of pneumonia, and nobody checked him for the new coronavirus. Perhaps if they had checked Sherman’s army for viruses it would’ve never gotten to Atlanta, let alone Savannah.

It is called a “novel” virus, but the only novelty is the insistence of its promoters. The imagery of the Covid adepts grows more and more military. “The ring of steel” is how Australians proudly describe the quarantine around Melbourne. You’d believe that their dead were lying in the streets, but nothing of the sort! It is the same threat of “new cases”, meaning nothing at all – but it is enough to compel Aussies to agree to this tyranny.

I would be despondent and broken, if not for the Belgrade Uprising. What Serbs can do, we all can aspire to. There is an urgent need for rebellion against Covid dictatorship, the need to revolt until we are free.

To my brethren free of spirit, I’ll say: fear none but God. Distrust the mass media for they sell fear. They invented “male chauvinism” and “battered wives” so that women might be afraid of their menfolk and seek government-sanctioned shelter. They invented “racism” so that every ethnic minority might cower beneath the guardianship of Big Brother. They created the myth of “abused children” so that wives will distrust their husbands. These are myths. Men are naturally protective of children and chivalrous towards women. We get along very well together without the oppressive superintendence of Big Brother. The fear of Covid has been manufactured so that we might fear every fellow human being, and we must reject it.

And to covid-believers I’ll say, do not despair! This is not the last disaster we shall witness. There are still locusts, asteroids, Carrington events, and newer and better diseases. There are still chances for mankind to follow the dinosaurs to oblivion. Don’t be in such a hurry!


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Are Face Masks & COVID Rituals Occultist Symbols For Submission?

Mac Slavo –  July 13, 2020

For the past few weeks, I have been trying to figure out the reason behind the mandating of face masks that are ramping up even as the deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic have waned.  Since there is no logic to it, could it possibly be something else more sinister?

As with everything you see, read, hear, or are commanded to do; use your discernment. Some will think this is crazy, but as we know, the people who are trying to take over the world to create a New World Order are Luciferian occultists, and they believe this stuff, whether you do or not. I don’t know how much stock to put in this, but again, use your own critical thinking skills and discernment and see if any of this information resonates with you.

According to a website called Have Ye Not Read, the coronavirus has provided those pushing the New World Order with an opportunity to initiate people into their new position as a slave with occult ritual transformations.  The article is long, but it details how mask-wearing, hand washing, “social separation” and lockdowns are age-old occult rituals being used to initiate people into a New Global Order.

Trending: Trump Admin Sleight Of Hand: President Pulls Out Of WHO – Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI  – and promotes the wearing of masks (in spite of the fact that you never see him wearing a mask).

Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.

Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one’s mouth is a token of submission…a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign.  

But there’s more.  According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mask-wearing is:

“A form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being.”

The wearing of the mask is simply part of the initiation ritual used to visually and psychologically signal your consent to this new arrangement.  –Have Ye Not Read

But it gets more sinister.  Hand washing is also being used to symbolize your willingness to wash away and bring in the New World Order of evil control. If you don’t believe in any kind of religion, remember, those trying to enslave you do, and they very well could be using occultic rituals to do it. Again, discernment is necessary.

 For the purposes of occult ritual initiation, the powers-that-be have you symbolically washing your hands of your duties to Christ Himself.

To the occultists, this forced occult ritual washing of the hands reverses Pilate’s public hand washing ritual, which, for the last 2,000 years, has put the onus for Christ’s death on the hands of the Jews themselves, and absolved the Romans of guilt.

Your ritual washing of hands has you symbolically (albeit unconsciously) washing away your old position – your old Master and his prescribed ways — in anticipation of your new master and his.

It’s that simple.  Hand washing is the occult ritualistic symbol of rejection. –Have Ye Not Read


Social distancing is also “ritualistic” in nature, not to mention a CIA tactic of torture. Not to mention the use of the number 6 (6 feet apart) which these psychopaths tend to use quite often.

Much like mask-wearing, social distancing is a lie.  It cannot possibly work.  Yet we’re being forced to participate in it.

But symbolically speaking, the ritual of “social distancing” — at the magical “six feet” apart – is the part of the initiation ritual that SEPARATES YOU from Christ. –Have Ye Not Read

The lockdowns are simply more psychological trauma and are being used to initiate people. When you comply, you signal to the Satanic elitists that you are willing to be enslaved by them and their religion.

There are basically four stages to an isolation ritual:

Stage 1:  Isolation for purification (you’re cut off from the normal, and thrust into a “new normal” that’s completely different than your past life)

Stage 2:  Surrender to the “new normal.”  This often involves being given a token gift (think “stimulus check”) leading the initiate believe he’s being well-taken care of by his new overlords, so there’s no need to rebel against the new order one is being initiated into.

Stage 3:  Sacrifice.  No gift can be given without something being taken. In this case, your dignity…your sovereign independence…your voice…your individual power on this earth as a representative of the Word of the Most High God – all of these things, and more, are being taken from you in exchange for the cold “comfort” of a new way in a new world.

Stage 4:  Submission.  Think:  Mandatory vaccines.  Social tracing.  The willing acceptance of new rules for a new order. –Have Ye Not Read

You may not believe any of this. You may not be religious.  But those forcing this new world order down our throats are very religious.  They seem to be trying to initiate us into a new one-world religion of vile and disturbing tyrannical enslavement to them.


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The COVID-19 Curve Has Bottomed Out

  • Even though the COVID-19 curve is down to almost nothing, mainstream media outlets continue to push doomsday predictions of an impending explosion of deaths
  • According to Stanford University’s disease prevention chairman Dr. John Ioannidis, the COVID-19 fatality rate for those under the age of 45 is “almost zero,” and between the ages of 45 and 70, it’s somewhere between 0.05% and 0.3%
  • So, the fact that young and middle-aged adults are testing positive in droves is not a warning sign of an impending onslaught of deaths, as the risk of death in these age groups is minuscule
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the COVID-19 mortality — which had declined for the last 10 weeks straight — “is currently at the epidemic threshold,” meaning if it declines just a little more, COVID-19 will no longer be considered an epidemic
  • The sharp increases in reported “cases” are not proof of disease spread but, rather, the spread of testing, and continued deception by the media.


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Dispatches from the War: Trump and Fauci, a marriage made in the Beelzebub Room of the White House


Jon Rappoport – 7/14/2020

Welcome to Let’s Pretend.  Let’s pretend everything is OK – and Nice and Polite are going to win the day. No one is going to have to give up his position in life or his security.  The missiles fired into the heart of the economy will have no lasting effects.  Politicians whose only skills are lying an padding their pockets will put things right.  Fascist governors and mayors will soon abdicate their power and never lock down their populations again, no matter what.  It was all just a bad dream.  A cloud passing over the sun for a few minutes.

There’s a reason MY contact tracing led to YOU, Mr. Trump.

You’re the only one left in the menagerie.  You’re the last political animal ultimately responsible.  You could have pushed back the invaders.

Several times you’ve said, “It’s no good if the cure is worse than the disease.”  Surely you understand by now, the so-called cure IS the disease.  The H-bomb that went off in the middle of the economy was and is the whole point of the invasion, which has been taking place with your approval.

With your assistance – as a result of your marriage with Tony Fauci.

Let’s put aside the gloss, Mr. Trump.  You understand the real effects of the lockdowns.  The effects that the networks refuse to admit on the evening news.

There is the symbolic economy, represented by the careening up and down stock market.  Then there is the real thing—the businesses and lives destroyed, and freedoms lost.

Nixon and Kissinger.  Bush and Cheney.  Bill and Hillary.  They don’t hold a candle to you and Fauci.

You and Fauci have spread vast clouds of overblown lies about the “pandemic” and the fascist measures needed to stem it.

That’s a crime you’ll have to live with.

You could have done something about it.  The governors won’t.  The mayors won’t.  Believe me, I’ve looked high and low to find someone other than you, to whom I could send these dispatches.  Some noble figure in the American landscape with power, who could turn the tide in the economic war against the people.  I don’t see one. Of course, there is no one because you’re the last default person in position of responsibility. The buck stops with you.

You sat in the Oval, when Fauci slithered up to you with the absurd computer projections Neil Ferguson produced, and that psychopathic freak, Bill Gates, bankrolled.  You accepted the numbers of deaths Ferguson predicted.  Two million in the US.  You never had your people investigate Ferguson.  In an hour, they could have discovered he had a long track record of deceptions and failures.  Deception is his whole story.  Yet, you took those numbers and allowed Fauci to run with them. Leading the nation into a crushing economic dead-end.

So you see, you’re on the enemy’s side in this war against the people.  If you were a real General you would have fired Fauci and stood up straight and reclaimed your own soul.

If hundreds of thousands or millions of enemy soldiers were encamped in cities and towns across USA right now, smashing the American engines of production wouldn’t you act – if you were a real General?

Well, the US governors and mayors and public health officials are our enemies, and their lockdowns were and are the war.  But you do nothing to liberate those towns and cities. Instead, you reinforce those enemies of the people.

You help perpetrate the media delusion that all is well in America, if we just “stick together,” which means bowing down to the masks and the distancing and the dehumanizing and the isolating and the tracing and the testing and the vaccinating and the shredding of the economy.

As you know, COVID is one supermax lie.  Nothing worse than a flu season is happening in the world.

Of course, I’m out of my mind.  I must be.  Who could imagine a president in today’s government standing up to liberate the people, so they could live free?


The people are supposed to huddle in fear.  And wait for the keeper of the cage to open the door.

So we can go out for a little while.

Right, Mr. President?

Until the next time – the next wave – the next crisis—tomorrow.


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Facebook Wants To Spy On You Via Hidden Inaudible TV Ad Messages

(How do you like your phone bugging your private conversations?)

Mac Slavo – June 25th, 2018

Social media giant Facebook continues to ramp up the creepy factor. According to a recently filed patent, Facebook wants to spy on you by hiding inaudible trigger messages in TV ads.

Facebook has filed a patent for a system that hides audio clips in TV commercials. These sounds would be so high-pitched that they are inaudible to human beings. They would then trigger your phone to record all the background noises in your home. The patent application is called “broadcast content view analysis based on ambient audio recording.”

According to The Daily Mail, these secret frequencies would force your phone to record the audio of the private conversations you have without you even knowing. According to a patent application by the social media platform, clips taken of your background conversations and your movements across a room would help advertisers determine whether or not you are watching their promotions.

According to the patent, originally discovered by Metro, the system would use “a non-human hearable digital sound” to activate your phone’s microphone. This noise, which could be a sound so high-pitched that humans cannot hear it, would contain a “machine recognizable” set of Morse code-style beeps. Once your phone “hears” or recognizes the trigger, it would begin to record the “ambient noise” in the home, such as the sound of your air conditioning unit, plumbing noises from your pipes, and even your movements from one room to another. Your phone would even listen in on “distant human speech” and “creaks from thermal contraction”, according to the patent.

Facebook is currently working on the controversial software too, said a patent application published on June 14 this year. If you’re like the rest of us, you might think this sounds like an Orwellian nightmare technology which will let Big Zucker intrude upon the lives of millions of unsuspecting people in unprecedentedly terrifying ways.

The tech is going to be used to monitor what people watch on their “broadcasting device” so that the adverts they are shown on Facebook are likely to appeal to them. This would also allow companies to get an accurate sense of the size of the audience which has viewed their promotion. That’s what Facebook says in its patent, however, there is absolutely no mention of spying on our private lives, invading our privacy, recording our intimate conversations in the heart of our homes whatsoever.


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Ben Williams – 7/12/2020

For anyone who wishes to know the truth and is willing to examine simple records and logic, available now after four months of observation, it is clear that the COVID-19 “pandemic” (so-called) first of all was never a real pandemic any more than the common seasonal flu or cold with the typical infection rates and typical death rates. Nothing new or more special than the common flu or cold.

You’ve been lied to by Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, President Trump, government officials, the news media, and most doctors. It has been an orchestrated hoax perpetrated on the public for the purpose of acclimating and preparing people to be easily scared and manipulated by the press – to get the public acclimated to being jerked this way and that by the powers of propaganda. And they managed to shut down most of the world in a matter one or two weeks. What does that tell you about the stupidity and slavery already established and imposed upon the people of the world?

Please take the time to read and understand this article (SECOND WAVE? NOT EVEN CLOSE). With charts, graphs, and common-sense explanation this article exposes ALL the nonsense you’ve been hearing – and then leaves it up to YOU to decide WHY they (the governments, news media, World Health Organization, National Center For Disease Control, Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, President Trump, Big Pharma, and the hospitals) have conspired together to pull off this hoax which has been devastating to the economy.

As explained in detail in the article linked above, there never was a real pandemic called “COVID-19.” It was/is only a typical flu-like infection with typical flu-like deaths, with typical flu-like rates of death. And its primary victims have been among the typical age groups, especially among the older folks and those who already have co-morbid diseases. Add to this, the fact that the devised tests are useless and false, plus the fact that testing facilities and hospitals have been reporting COVID cases in people who weren’t sick (had no symptoms). Plus the nursing homes and the hospitals have been falsely reporting COVID deaths on death certificates for victims who died from various other causes, but were suspected to possibly have the coronavirus. Plus the fact that the tests have found coronavirus in things like papayas, goats, and even motor oil. The fact is, coronavirus has been around for ages, and most people have been infected (usually considered a flu or cold) and are now immune to it – but still test positive and are listed as more COVID cases. Plus, with the current contact tracing protocol, not only are the fake-tested people considered “COVID-19” cases, but also anyone who comes into contact with them are considered potential cases, and reported and listed as such. Plus, hospitals have been incentivized by the government to put COVID on the death certificates as the cause of death for patients who died in their facilities – in which cases the government has been compensating the nursing homes and hospitals with $28,000 for each COVID death reported. Thus nursing home and hospital patients who died of any various diseases have been falsely listed as COVID. 

So, the more testing that is done, the more COVID cases are found and reported – regardless of the fact that the people are symptom-free and not sick, nor are any of the people they’ve contacted.

It is all smoke and mirrors. Absolutely nonsense! Worse than that, it is outright criminal conspiracy. It is obvious to anyone with the slightest ability to analyze and reason. And in spite of all this factual evidence, the Beast System is successfully pulling off the biggest hoax I’ve seen in my lifetime.

Wake up people!


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Russia Shames America By Defining “Marriage” As A Union Between A Man and A Woman

Unlike Russia, America Supports Sodomy And Pedophilia
Both Trump and Biden Official Sites Are Selling Rainbow ‘Pride’ Apparel


Russia says ‘No Thank You’ To Sodomy

Mark your calendars. July 1, 2020. This is the day when the world’s largest nation rejects same-sex marriage in its constitution, defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.


Russians voted in favor of a referendum on July 1 for a series of constitutional amendments, one of which would define marriage as between a man and a woman.

(While Americans can’t seem to figure out the difference between male and female, and as they celebrate sodomy, Russians are taking a stand for common sense and basic decency. I do not see this as an indication of godliness in Russian government which is still a form of the Beast System. Rather I see this as demonstrating the extreme degradation and ungodliness of US Government and abysmal stupidity of American society. Even Russia looks less ridiculous. -ed)

Preliminary results show that 80% of Russians backed the amendments.

The referendum, ostensibly intended to restore a Russian “protection of the family,” also changed Russia’s constitution so that President Vladimir Putin will be able to hold power until 2036. Russian law already does not allow gay marriage.

The new amendment codifies a “defense of the institution of marriage as a union of a man and a woman; the creation of conditions for a decent upbringing of children in the family, as well as for the responsibilities of adult children to care for parents.”

An official state booklet promoting the amendments frame them as re-centering Russia on “traditional family values,” stating, “marriage as a union of man and woman, respect for children to elders, trust and care of all generations of a family for each other.”

Promotional materials for the amendment obscured the fact that Putin’s presidency has effectively been extended for another two decades.

The last time Russians voted to amend their constitution was in 1993. Putin proposed the amendments in March, emphasizing marriage as a “union of a man and a woman,” and new, official references to “ancestors who bequeathed to us their ideals and a belief in God.”


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Murder By Lockdown: Details From A Dozen Countries


by Jon Rappoport

July 1, 2020

The reference here is a stunning May 23 article by John Pospichal, “Questions for lockdown apologists,” posted at

(This is part-4 in the series, “Killing Old People”. For part-3, click here.)

Pospichal examined overall mortality numbers for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England and Wales, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ecuador, and New York City.

Supported by charts, here are excerpts from his article:

“We now have mortality data for the first few months of 2020 for many countries, and, as you might expect, there were steep increases associated with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in each one.”

“Surprisingly, however, these increases did not begin before the lockdowns were imposed, but after. Moreover, in almost every case, they began immediately after. Often, mortality numbers were on a downward trend before suddenly reversing course after lockdowns were decreed.”

“This is an astonishing finding…”

“You will notice that only after each country (or city) was locked down did the increases begin. Moreover, they began immediately, and in nearly every case, precipitously.”

“All this leads us to the following questions, which we pose to all those who continue to defend the use of lockdowns as an effective means to prevent excess deaths.”

“Q: Why was there no significant increase in overall mortality, in any country we have good data for, before the start of lockdowns?”

“Q: Why does a precise and exact correlation exist between the start of lockdowns and significant rises in overall mortality?”

“Q: How is it that governments in every country imposed lockdowns at precisely the same time relative to the future precipitous rise in their populations’ overall mortality rate?”

“Q: How is it, moreover, that this moment in time [i.e., the imposition of lockdowns] happened to fall immediately before that precipitous rise?”

“Q: If health authorities vastly underestimated the prevalence of the virus at the beginning of the pandemic, why did the virus nevertheless wait until lockdowns were imposed to suddenly start killing at levels which exceeded normal deaths?”

—To that last question, I would respond: No virus would wait. We’re not talking about a virus at all. We’re talking about the sudden effects of the lockdowns.

And those sudden death-effects would come crashing down, first, and immediately, on the most vulnerable people in these countries:

The elderly, who were already ill for years.




Especially in nursing homes; but also in hospitals, and in their homes.

This is the true face of “COVID.”

This is how the case numbers and the death numbers are being propped up all over the world, to yield the impression of a virus on the loose.

Without those huge numbers, the whole vicious charade of a pandemic would be exposed and rejected at once.

The lockdowns are a method of killing.

The governors and mayors and presidents and prime ministers who imposed the lockdowns—and behind them, the planners of “COVID”— have been killing old people.


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More Testing = More COVID (Not More Sickness … Just More “Cases”)


COVID can be found anywhere the tests go. No, it does not mean people are sick or in danger of catching or having a deadly disease. It only means that the coronavirus (or its antibodies) is found nearly everywhere. Testing is used by liars (like Gates and Fauci) to scare gullible people into thinking that the so-called “pandemic” is everywhere and their only hope is to get a vaccine.

We’ve seen all the lies about hospitals being overrun by COVID patients dying. Now we know that those reports are false, and that those who are dying are the elderly in the nursing homes (who were already dying from other co-morbid diseases) as well as the COVID-tested folks taken into hospitals where they were drugged and put on respirators that ruins their lungs. People who avoid the hospitals get well and it is nothing more than a flu-like illness – unless they have an additional unrelated serious infection.

With massive increases in testing, the “case” numbers climb. This is not rocket science: the more people they test the more “cases” they find. Testing provides cases, and the more cases reported, the more the hospitals help drive the COVID panic. But don’t be fooled – they are not finding disease, they are finding evidence of a virus. It’s not the same. And often they are outright faking the reports. Remember, the hospitals get $29,000 federal funding for each COVID patient they report. And they need the money since they are turning away patients in need of regular procedures, and furloughing doctors and nurses. The hospitals are nearly empty.

Unfortunately our mainstream media is only interested in pushing the “party line.” So the good news that millions more have been exposed while the fatality rate continues to decline – meaning the virus is getting weaker – is buried under hysterical false reporting of “new cases.”

Unfortunately many governors are incapable of resisting the endless lies of the mainstream media. They are putting Americans again through the nightmare of forced business closures, mandated face masks, and restrictions of Constitutional liberties based on false propaganda.

In Texas the “second wave” propaganda has gotten so bad that the leaders of the four major hospitals in Houston took the extraordinary step late last week of holding a joint press conference to clarify that the scare stories of Houston hospitals being overwhelmed with Covid cases are simply untrue. Dr. Marc Boom of Houston Methodist said the reporting on hospital capacity is misleading. He said, “quite frankly, we’re concerned that there is a level of alarm in the community that is unwarranted right now.”

In fact, there has been much reporting that the “spike” in Texas cases is not due to a resurgence of the virus but to hospital practices of Covid-testing every patient coming in for any procedure at all. If it’s a positive, well that counts as a “Covid hospitalization” regardless of the reason the patient to them. Why would hospitals be so dishonest in their diagnoses? Billions of appropriated Federal dollars are being funneled to facilities based on the number of “Covid cases” they can produce. As I’ve always said, if you subsidize something you get more of it. And that’s why we are getting more Covid cases.

Let’s go back to the original measurements used to scare Americans into giving up their Constitutional liberties: the daily death numbers. Even though we know hospitals have falsely attributed countless deaths to “Covid-19” that were deaths WITH instead of FROM the virus, we are seeing actual deaths steadily declining over the past month and a half. Declining deaths are not a great way to push the “second wave” propaganda, so the media and politicians have moved the goal posts and decided that only “cases” are important. It’s another big lie.


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