Coronavirus Is ‘Probably Nothing’, But “It’s Possibly Everything” For Global Markets



  MN Gordon – 2-2-2020

In 1349, when Black Death was ravaging Europe, many of the day’s best and brightest banded together in pursuit of a common cure.  They had little choice.  Black Death was rapidly spreading across the continent.  Nothing could stop it.

Boils were lanced with precision.  Blood was let with vigor.  But there was no escape from the plague’s instant death.  It was efficient.  It was relentless.  People would go to bed at night perfectly healthy; by morning, they’d wake up perfectly dead.

Then, at the exact moment of maximum death and despair, flagellants came to the rescue.  Processions marched to and fro, seeking relief through forcefully whipping themselves in public displays of self-mutilation. 

“Some upper-class men joined processions of flagellants that traveled from town to town and engaged in public displays of penance and punishment: They would beat themselves and one another with heavy leather straps studded with sharp pieces of metal while the townspeople looked on.

“For 33 1/2 days, the flagellants repeated this ritual three times a day. Then they would move on to the next town and begin the process over again.”

[The equivalent of modern day vaccinators.]

This may seem strange, weird, and, quite frankly, a bit nuts.  But something miraculous happened.  The Black Death epidemic soon exhausted itself.  The flagellants saved Europe from the mid-14th century onslaught of Black Death.

Or did they?

No, the disease just ran it’s course, but the flagellants took credit. Today the vaccinators take the credit as with the smallpox and polio vaccinators.

To be clear, flagellants had no influence on the eventual relenting of Black Death.  Remember, correlation does not imply causation.  Post hoc ergo propter hoc – “after this, therefore because of this” –  the post hoc fallacy. Put simply, just because one event happens to follow another, doesn’t mean the initial event caused the later event to occur.

The example of flagellants stopping the plague is absurd.  Still, we present it to underscore several points:

(1) Humans are often irrational, especially during times of crisis, and

(2) Mis-assigning causation is a common appeal to ignorance, especially when it comes to modern day economics analysis.

At this point, it’s still too early to tell.  China’s coronavirus, like past outbreaks of the bird flu or SARS,  is probably nothing.  But it’s possibly everything to restore confidence in global markets.

In the meantime, one thing is crystal clear.  China’s lunar new year holiday has been ruined.  And Xi Jinping, China’s paramount leader, is mad.  He also recently distilled the coronavirus challenge down to a bite sized nugget:

“The epidemic is a devil.  We cannot let the devil hide.”

Should this escalate to full pandemic, Mr. Xi will be compelled to join a procession of flagellants in Beijing; he’ll flog himself silly to rid the world of the coronavirus.

This has worked before.  It’ll work again.

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Epidemics and Economics


With my coverage of the China epidemic (archive here), we are seeing many new readers showing up and paying attention. So I want to expose a few facts about the modern medical system—facts I’ve presented many times over the past 10 years.

If the track record of major medical officials is really understood, people would view their pronouncements with considerable skepticism. Pronouncements like: THE VIRUS IS SPREADING; THIS IS A MAJOR EPIDEMIC; WE’RE RUSHING A NEW VACCINE INTO PRODUCTION; EVERYONE MUST TAKE IT.

I also expose facts because MEDICALLY CAUSED DEATH is routinely swept under the carpet by the mainstream press. Actually, as a result of media silence, the subject of medical harm is hidden. In the medical arena, the press is a partner in capital crimes.

Major medical officials have been sitting on a time bomb of information. The range of medical maiming and killing is astonishing.

I know major media won’t investigate medically-caused death numbers, because I’ve published reports for years, and I’ve contacted news people with the facts; and nothing happens.

So we begin with a few citations.

July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association; author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; “Is US health really the best in the world?”

Starfield reported that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans a year. 106,000 as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs, and 119,000 as a result of mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Extrapolate the numbers to a decade: that’s 2.25 million deaths. You might want to read that last number again.

I interviewed Starfield in 2009. I asked her whether she was aware of any overall effort by the US government to eliminate this holocaust, and whether she had ever been contacted by any government agency to consult on such an effort. She answered a resounding NO to both questions.

Here is another citation: BMJ June 7, 2012 (BMJ 2012:344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer. Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: “It [the Institute] calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with two to four million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.’”

The report called this “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.”

The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events.”

Therefore, to say the FDA isn’t aware of this finding would be absurd. The FDA knows. The FDA knows and it isn’t saying anything about it, because the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans.

Here is another citation: The article is, “The Epidemic of Sickness and Death from Prescription Drugs.” The author is Donald Light, who teaches at Rowan University, and was the 2013 recipient of ASA’s [American Sociological Association’s] Distinguished Career Award for the Practice of Sociology. Light is a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2013, he was a fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. He is a Lokey Visiting Professor at Stanford University.

Donald Light: “Epidemiologically, appropriately prescribed, prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death, tied with stroke at about 2,460 deaths each week in the United States. About 330,000 patients die each year from prescription drugs in the United States and Europe. They [the drugs] cause an epidemic of about 20 times more hospitalizations [6.6 million annually], as well as falls, road accidents, and [annually] about 80 million medically minor problems such as pains, discomforts, and dysfunctions that hobble productivity or the ability to care for others. Deaths and adverse effects from overmedication, errors, and self-medication would increase these figures.” (ASA publication, “Footnotes,” November 2014)

The statistics I’m quoting reveal a problem on the level of a tsunami sweeping across the whole of America and Europe.

Why won’t major media report these facts?

The obvious reason: their big-spending pharmaceutical advertisers would drop them like hot potatoes.

But there are other reasons.

Every medical bureaucrat or medical shill or medical expert who jumps aboard the media train, to assure the public that drugs and vaccines are remarkably safe, is sitting on the time bomb I have described above.

If this bomb were widely recognized, who would continue to believe these professional pundits? Who would accept anything they say? How could they possibly sustain their credibility?

“Well, the system I represent kills 2.25 million people per decade, and maims between 20 and 40 million more people per decade, but I want to assure you this vaccine presents no problems at all. It’s incredibly safe.”

Every single pronouncement, on any subject, issued via the medical cartel’s Ministry of Truth, would fall on disbelieving ears, and only increase general outrage.

Mainstream reporters and editors and publishers are well aware that telling the truth and continuing to pound on it would undermine a basic institution of society. The media are there to give credibility to the system and its structures.

“Defending the Crown” is another way to put it. The King may make mistakes, he may commit heinous offenses, but he is the King, and therefore his position must remain secure.

Young journalists learn this point quickly. If in their zeal, they cross the threshold and attempt to expose a central myth, fairy tale, legend, they’re put back in their place. They absorb the message. Journalism has limits. Certain truths are silent truths.

Over the years, I’ve talked to reporters who are solidly addicted to obfuscations. Like any addict, they have an army of excuses to rationalize their behavior.

The medical experts are even worse. Their pretense of idealism knows no limits, and is matched only by their claim to bullet-proof knowledge.

There is nothing quite like a high-minded, socially-positioned, card-carrying member of the King’s circle of protectors. The arrogance is titanic. Because what is being hidden is so explosive.

But their monopoly is breaking down.

We’re in a new breakout level of truth. It’s called independent media.

So…on the subject of epidemics, when public health officials, and their government enablers, and the compliant press, and doctors tell us that a new virus is sweeping the world, a vaccine will stop it, and we must take that vaccine…why should anyone fall in line and accept their words?

Professional liars, professional criminals may pretend they are spouting science, but they are merely relying on the ignorance of the public.



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Russia criticizes Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ peace plan


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after his visit to the United States, will come to Moscow to personally tell Russian President Vladimir Putin about the “deal of the century” to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, The Jerusalem Post columnist Lahav Harkov tweeted.

US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the peace plan during a joint meeting at the White House on January 28. According to sources close to the US president, the “deal of the century” stipulates for the annexation of Palestinian territories by Israel in exchange for peace.

The plan is supposed to put an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. According to the deal, the West Bank can be given to Israel. In this case, the international community and Palestine will have to recognize the occupation of the area.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has already criticized the deal of the century. Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, Mikhail Bogdanov, believes that the American side should have consulted with Palestine during the development of the peace plan.

Israeli West Bank occupation legal?

Israeli settlements were founded in Judea and Samaria on the West Bank after 1967. The UN Security Council considers these territories occupied, while Israel defines them as disputed.

Political observers believe that Trump’s plan is designed to produce an effect in the political system of Israel, rather than to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. The US president is thus trying to show influence on the outcome of the next parliamentary elections in Israel and win the support of US-based Jews amid attempts of impeachment in the pre-election period. The foreign policy agenda may also help Prime Minister Netanyahu, who was charged with bribery and betray of public trust.


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Women At Women’s March Struggle to Define What A ‘Woman’ Is

Women at the Women’s March in Washington DC last week were stumped and taken aback when asked to define what a “woman” actually is.
Jan. 30, 2020 – Chris Menahan

Joseph Backholm of the Colson Center for Christian Culture interviewed marchers on the streets of Washington D.C. on January 20. There, the participants carried signs and shouted slogans in favor of abortion, LGBTQ rights, and various “feminist causes.”

When Backholm asked one young marcher to define her sex, she responded on camera: “A woman is anyone who defines as a woman, simple as that.”

[…] “So, I think a woman is someone who chooses to express themselves,” said another.

[…] When an elder female was asked the same question, she said, “In a short interview, I’m not even sure how to answer that.”

[…] “We can express our womanhood in so many ways that it is just unfathomable,” said another woman. Such an expression “can be in the feminine way, but it also can be in a non-binary way as well,” said a different woman.

One member of a pair of apparently college-age women responded to Backholm’s question: “I think a woman is, if you identify as a woman, if you want to be a woman, you are a woman. Backholm asked one of the women wearing a pink cap if there are innate differences between men and women. Pausing in apparent confusion, she answered, “I don’t know how to answer that, actually” and giggled.

Another woman, bearing a pink cap, was asked if anyone can be a woman. She answered, “A physical woman, if they would like to.” Another responded, “Yes, it’s a choice,” while an older woman said, “Yes, yes, because it’s a mindset.”

This is psychological subversion.

From George Orwell’s 1984:

‘Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth, [said O’Brien the interrogator]. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party. That is the fact that you have got to relearn, Winston. It needs an act of self-destruction, an effort of the will. You must humble yourself before you can become sane.’

He paused for a few moments, as though to allow what he had been saying to sink in.

‘Do you remember,’ he went on, ‘writing in your diary, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four”?’

‘Yes,’ said Winston.

O’Brien held up his left hand, its back towards Winston, with the thumb hidden and the four fingers extended.

‘How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?’


‘And if the party says that it is not four but five — then how many?’


The word ended in a gasp of pain. The needle of the dial had shot up to fifty-five. The sweat had sprung out all over Winston’s body. The air tore into his lungs and issued again in deep groans which even by clenching his teeth he could not stop. O’Brien watched him, the four fingers still extended. He drew back the lever. This time the pain was only slightly eased.

‘How many fingers, Winston?’


The needle went up to sixty.

‘How many fingers, Winston?’

‘Four! Four! What else can I say? Four!’

The needle must have risen again, but he did not look at it. The heavy, stern face and the four fingers filled his vision. The fingers stood up before his eyes like pillars, enormous, blurry, and seeming to vibrate, but unmistakably four.

‘How many fingers, Winston?’

‘Four! Stop it, stop it! How can you go on? Four! Four!’

‘How many fingers, Winston?’

‘Five! Five! Five!’

‘No, Winston, that is no use. You are lying. You still think there are four. How many fingers, please?’

‘Four! five! Four! Anything you like. Only stop it, stop the pain!’

Abruptly he was sitting up with O’Brien’s arm round his shoulders. He had perhaps lost consciousness for a few seconds. The bonds that had held his body down were loosened. He felt very cold, he was shaking uncontrollably, his teeth were chattering, the tears were rolling down his cheeks. For a moment he clung to O’Brien like a baby, curiously comforted by the heavy arm round his shoulders. He had the feeling that O’Brien was his protector, that the pain was something that came from outside, from some other source, and that it was O’Brien who would save him from it.

‘You are a slow learner, Winston,’ said O’Brien gently.

‘How can I help it?’ he blubbered. ‘How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.’

‘Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.’

How many genders are there, ladies?

[Gender of a new child is determined at the moment of conception. The moment the egg is fertilized by a sperm the egg becomes a one-cell zygote (fertilized egg) and immediately expresses either the xx (female) or xy (male) gene. “Zygote” is a Greek word meaning “joined” or “yoked.” When the one-cell zygote divides into two cells it then becomes an embryo. After about two months the embryo is called a fetus.

From the moment of conception the zygote is a new life with its gender determined. It is simple genetics – not a matter of choice.

And while the mother’s womb supplies environment and nutrients for the new developing life, that life is a being unto itself and not merely a part of the woman’s body. For a mother to abort that new life in her womb is in principle no different than murdering a newborn baby.]


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The Air War In Afghanistan Expands. Why? Under What Pretense?

[Did you think the US war on Afghanistan was done, or winding down? Think again. But why are we there? Are Americans threatened by the Taliban tribes? Why is the US Military spending billion$ to wage war on them? For what? How does the US benefit from bombing and killing poor villagers on the other side of the world? What is the purpose? Is it for oil? Or the poppy harvest for Heroin? What shady western industries are benefiting? They are certainly not bombing the villages to protect America!]

Jan., 28, 2020 – Information Clearing House

Under the Trump administration U.S. air attacks in Afghanistan have sharply increased. But it now seems that the Taliban have acquired some means to counter them.

Last year the U.S. dropped a record number of bombs on Afghanistan leading to ever increasing casualties among civilians:

According to the Combined Forces Air Component Commander (CFACC) 2013-2019 Airpower Statistics released in late January, 7,423 missions flown in Afghanistan in 2019 resulted in weapons being released. There were more weapon releases in most months of the year than in any corresponding months since records were first released in 2009, with September recording the most for the year at 948.

The previous annual record was 7,362 set in 2018, and the last two years together have seen more weapon releases over Afghanistan than the combined number for 2012 through to 2017.

Twenty bombing strikes per day is a quite astonishing number. Many civilians get killed in this U.S. bombing campaign. The U.S. often seems not to know who it is hitting. This report from last week is typical:

A drone attack carried out by U.S. forces earlier this month in western Afghanistan that apparently targeted a splinter Taliban group also killed at least 10 civilians, including three women and three children, an Afghan rights official and a council member said Wednesday.

The U.S. military and its allies and Afghan proxies are not the only ones fighting. The Taliban can hit back at helicopters and planes and, judging from the number of recent air incidents, they now have found effective means to do so. Two days ago they destroyed another US helicopter.

This is the 4th helicopter that went down in January

Four helicopter losses in one month is quite significant.



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Your Chance Of Serious Symptoms Or Death From The Menacing Coronavirus Is One In Hundreds Of Millions

Jan. 27, 2020 –

The coronavirus it is just a common cold virus.

Yep, the coronavirus is just a common virus that infects your nose, sinuses and upper throat and produces the same symptoms as a cold.  But the fear that is being spread by public health authorities and the news media would make one think the earth is in the middle of a historic human pandemic.

The pharmaceutical industry is merely promoting a new scare to facilitate millions of new vaccine doses to make a few billion dollars.

The Coronavirus that is menacing human populations around the globe right now is an RNA virus that is well handled by one’s own immune system – just like the common cold.  In a very few subjects who are immune compromised, such as patients taking drugs for autoimmune disorders (Cyclosporine, Prednisone, Methotrexate, Imuran), or youngsters who have undeveloped immunity, or others who are old and have weak immune systems due malnutrition, there is a possibility for complications like pneumonia. But this is true for all colds and flu.

Nothing new.


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The Empire’s Lie: “To Protect and Serve” Means Only to Maim, Murder, and Control

War is an act of murder at every level, and at every turn a criminal undertaking. Aggressive war is simply killing without just cause. War is often begun as self-defense then turns quickly into aggression at the first moment possible, usually the first day. In the case of the United States, no war is or has ever been about real self-defense – every war was aggressive and criminal murder. Typically people claim patriotism in order to hide from this truth. They claim national pride, which is nothing more than state worship, and they rally round the flag as if that can disguise them from being complicit in the slaughter of innocents. Those who support aggressive war are simply immoral fools.

Those that would send the children of others to die in war should volunteer to die themselves, but they are the true cowards among us, and always lounge in government mansions when the killing begins. They come out to hand out medals posthumously to the families of those they used as fodder for their own benefit and political agendas. All in the Executive Branch, all in Congress, all in any political partnerships that profit from war, and all those who claim false intelligence to stoke the fires of conflict, all these and more should be the first and only combatants in any war. No man of worth would ask others to die in his stead for the state.

All war is immoral, illegitimate, and senseless, but due to government existence at every level, it is the lifeblood of the state. The power of the state lies in its ability to control all of society, for without that control, society would take care of itself, and would have no need for rulers or wars. But through fear, division, and greed, the people can be convinced to go along, and accept the lie that they are doing so voluntarily because they believe the absolute nonsense of “We the people.” This is the biggest lie of all.

No nation-state as we know them today is valid, as all states tend to seek a hierarchical structure of power under the guise of protecting the common man collectively. No individual has need for such false protection. The beginning of this United States of America experiment was said to be about freedom of the individual, while all along, the hierarchy knew that it was about garnering power to the elite. What started out as a few separate colonies quickly became separate states with a new ruling class, and then one nation-state was formed and centralized, with the people’s subservience to the government. This progression was intended all along, and so the sought-after tyrannical state was planned. Today we live as slaves in a society with a ruling structure of elite oligarchs. This is now a nation that is in constant war, and has become the largest and most murderous empire in the history of the world.

We are told every day that we are at great risk from dangerous threats from afar. We are told that terrorists are out to get us all, and that we need to allow the government and its hired murderers to prosecute war around the world. We are told America is great, and that God is on our side. We are told that the war machine must grow and save us from these constant threats. We are told to applaud and worship those that do the killing in our names. We are told not to question the state’s motives, and not to expose the truths about these wars of aggression because that may cause dissent and harm our “national security.”

These are all lies. This is all propaganda. The facts are the opposite of what this propaganda presents. Much of the rest of the world is in danger of U.S. aggression. In other words, “the enemy is us.” The U.S. is the terrorist state, the U.S. is the thief that steals our property, and the U.S. is the greatest threat to the world. The U.S. is secure but tells its citizens they are all in danger from outside threats. The U.S. claims other nations are threats, but in truth it is the other nations who are in danger and have a real national security risk from the U.S.

All empires eventually fail, and cease to exist. This one is no different, except that it will be one of the shortest empires in history. The U.S. is the world’s main empire, and without a forced stop to this madness, it will end in ruin, in riots, civil unrest, in war, and with more and more bloodshed.

Yes, the American Empire will fall, but it won’t be due to outside threats. It will be due to falsely espoused values, of internal strife and divisiveness, of mass corruption, of political upheaval, of monetary suicide, and of collective immorality. Collectivism breeds empire and allows it to flourish, and because of the loss of individual thought it becomes the internal disease that leads to the disintegration of that empire. This is the real America, not the land of the free and home of the brave, but a collective mob of ignorant sheep awaiting their slaughter due to their own weakness, immorality, and stupidity.


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The Death of European Culture


Europe no longer exists except as a geographical entity.  The peoples have been debased into a Tower of Babel.  The “leadership” of Europe actually stands with the immigrant-invaders against the European peoples who are ceasing to exist.

The same is happening to Americans.

All white people have been thrown into the trash bin of history.  And they accept it.  They are too afraid not to.  If they object, they are branded “white supremacists” and “racists.”  White people won’t support their own kind.  Every other race does. Thus, white people are self-terminating.

The French are closest to self-inflicted extinction. A French author, Renaud Camus, received a two month suspended prison sentence for saying that “Immigration has become an invasion.”  The French, Germans, and the Swedes are experiencing The Camp of the Saints.

Americans are also being coerced into insanity. A Denver Post columnist was fired for saying correctly :  “There are only two sexes, identified by an XX or XY chromosome. That is the very definition of binary.” This statement of scientific fact was all it took to be fired.  So much for a free press at the Denver Post, a controlled explanation propaganda organization.


[Ben’s Comment:  It is sad indeed that Europeans (Whites) have been conned and programmed to hate themselves. The phenomenon we see today is God’s judgement upon us because we have chosen to reject Him and his laws. The result is that White people are believing lies – like the absurd teaching that Christ-hating Jews are God’s Chosen People of the Bible, and Europeans (the true Semitic People) are non-Israelites. History has been turned on its head, and Bible truth has been replaced with Jewish Pagan nonsense. How did that happen?

10. And in all deceit of wickedness in them that are perishing because they receive not the love of the truth for them to be saved.

11. And for this God is sending them strong delusion to believe a lie:

12. That they all might be judged for believing not the truth, but delighting in injustice.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

Churchgoers need to examine their teachings and learn what is taught in the Holy Bible. Maybe then they could see that they are being deceived by fraudulent leaders who teach lies.

White destruction is well under way. What began as well-intentioned, but misdirected, egalitarianism has grown into a culture of self-hate. Europe and America have lost their culture. The White race has drunk the kool-aid. They have poisoned themselves.

God warned our ancestors against this possibility:

15. But it shall come to pass, if you will not hearken to the voice of Yahweh your God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you this day; that all these curses shall come upon you, and overtake you:

16 Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the field.

… 43. The stranger that is among you shall get up above you very high; and you shalt come down very low.

44 He shall lend to you, and you shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.

Deuteronomy 28:15-44

People of the West, instead of caring for their own house, turned to other godless cultures, admiring them, emulating them, deferring to them, and eventually turned to hate themselves. The Israelites of Samuel’s day made the same mistake – see 1 Samuel 8. Thus, the White Israelite race is now living with curses like those of Samuel’s day. The West is in danger of self-destruction – largely through
miscegenation and false religion.

Everything associated with the the Semitic descendants of Abraham and Israel (i.e., the European race) including belief in the God of the Bible, love of family, cultural awareness, morality, and chivalry are being lost. Europeans and Americans are defiling themselves. All the world’s perceived ills, real or unreal, are ultimately being blamed on “White malevolence.” Traditional White culture is seen as the exclusive cause of all things vile. European and American children are being raised to hate their culture; their Whiteness. They are programmed in churches and schools to think they are racially inferior to Blacks, Asians, and Jews. This phenomenon has mostly appeared in my lifetime.

Western culture is being conquered by opportunists, con men, and pagans. America is full of parasites and the worst ones are in her brain – i.e., in the government. America is mentally ill.

Uninhibited parasitic infestation eventually kills the host; it is the nature of parasites. America no longer as a culture. It is only a program. When the West dies from stupidity and idolatry the parasites will lose their host.]



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Russia Prepares For Split With International SWIFT Money Transfer System

Russia has an alternative already in place in case it is cut from SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications). Some banks in North Korea have already been cut off. The US is threatening to have Iran cut off (which was tried before but didn’t last). It is unlikely that the US can get Russia cut off. But Russia can elect to voluntarily withdraw and use their new system in order to break free of US petrodollar power. Several other countries would use Russia’s international transfer system to get away from SWIFT.



Matthew Allen – 1-18, 2020

Russia has successfully developed and implemented an alternative should it be excluded from international banking systems, according to a recent report

As far as western sanctions go, by far Russia’s largest vulnerability is in its banking sector, which for better or for worse is tied to the hip with international banking.

If Russia wishes to maintain the status quo, there’s not much that can be done about this dependency. But shortly after sanctions were announced in 2014, Moscow set out to prepare for the worst-case scenario: being cut off from the Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system. 

In layman’s terms, SWIFT allows for fast and (allegedly) secure international financial transfers. In fifty years when you are able to use your Bank of America debit card on the Moon (for a low fee of 2,000 moon rubles), it will be because of SWIFT or a system similar to it. 

There are two issues surrounding SWIFT “cut-off” for Russia: 1. Is it likely to happen? and 2. Is Russia prepared for it? 

Regarding the first question: The reality is that Washington’s European poodles realize that cutting Russia from SWIFT would be a disaster. In 2015, European Central Bank policymaker Ewald Nowotny “warned against kicking Russian banks out of the SWIFT payments transfer system as part of tighter sanctions on Moscow.”

According to Nowotny:

Such a move “we would see as very problematic because it could perhaps undermine confidence in this system,” the governor of Austria’s central bank told reporters in Brussels after meeting European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici.

Of course, this hasn’t stopped Europe and Washington from threatening to pull the SWIFT plug.

We have a very low opinion of European and American geopolitical strategy; that being said, we have a hard time believing that Washington would seriously go forward with axing Russia’s access to SWIFT. 

If it did though, things would certainly get interesting. Which leads us to our second question: Is Russia prepared? 

In the short-term: Not quite. In the long-term it could be one of the best things to ever happen to Russia and all other nations that are tired of Washington’s economic and military shenanigans. 

According to a recent report:

If the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) is shut down in Russia, the country’s banking system will not crash, according to Central Bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina. Russia has a substitute.

“There were threats that we can be disconnected from SWIFT. We have finished working on our own payment system, and if something happens, all operations in SWIFT format will work inside the country. We have created an alternative,” Nabiullina said at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.

She also added that 90 percent of ATMs in Russia are ready to accept the Mir payment system, a domestic version of Visa and MasterCard.

Izvestia daily reported that as of January 2016, 330 Russian banks had been connected to the Russian alternative, the system for transfer of financial messages (SPFS).

The alternative system is not yet fully functional, however: “It doesn’t work from 9pm to 5am Moscow time and costs up to five cents per wire transfer, which is regarded expensive.”

And using Crimea as an example (Western banks refuse to transfer foreign currency payments from Crimea via the SWIFT transaction system), it will cause numerous headaches that will likely last a long time. 

But as Naked Capitalism wrote back in November, 2014

[S]etting up a payments channel outside SWIFT can enable Russia to establish a financial system for those who don’t want to be subject to US dictates.

Banks that did business with Iran, both before and after the SWIFT sanctions, were hit with money-laundering sanctions. The payments were dollar payments and were cleared thought the banks’ New York branches, making them subject to US law.

All dollar transactions between banks are settled at the end of the business day in New York; interbank payment systems ultimately depend on a central bank backstop, and many large payments run over the Fed’s interbank system, Fedwire.


In addition, there are likely businesses in Europe that are not keen about how complying with the EU sanctions against Russia is hurting their business. It isn’t clear how many would be willing to defy sanctions, but processing transactions through a Russian-controlled payment system would be far less susceptible to detection than through SWIFT.

In other words, this measure is intended to reduce the effectiveness of using the dollar dominance in payments as a weapon. Whether the Russians can launch a robust enough system quickly is an open question, but this is a sensible defensive and potentially offensive measure. It may have longer-term ramifications if other countries that are not happy with the US decide to employ it for practical or political reasons.

For Washington, any short-term gains from cutting Russia off from SWIFT would almost certainly be followed by long-term economic and strategic benefits for Moscow.  

We know this because every attempt to “sanction” Russia has had a similar result.

[WW2 was waged against Germany mostly due to Hitler deciding to withdraw Germany’s banks from the international bank system. This was unacceptable to the international bankers, so Hitler had to go. If Russia withdraws from SWIFT it could lead to another banker-led war. -ed]


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A Simple Trade Formula That Trump Is Too Dumb To Understand

The US/China “Trade Deal”?

Paul Craig Roberts – 1-18-2020

January 18, 2020 “Information Clearing House” – The first thing to understand is that it is not a trade deal. It is Trump backing off his tariffs when he discovered that the tariffs fall on US goods and American consumers, not on China. Trump is covering his retraction by calling it a trade deal. China’s part of the deal is to agree to purchase the US goods that it already intended to purchase.

The purpose of tariffs is to protect domestic producers from foreign competition by raising the price of imported goods. What Trump, his administration, and the financial press did not understand is that at least half of the US trade deficit with China is the offshored goods produced in China by such corporations as Apple, Nike, and Levi. The offshored production of US global corporations counts as imports when they are brought into the US to be sold to Americans. Thus, the cost of the tariffs were falling on US corporations and US consumers.

Tariffs are not an effective way to bring offshored US manufacturing home. If Trump or any US government wants to bring US manufacturing back to the US from its offshored locations, the way to achieve this result is to change the way the US taxes corporations. The rule would be: If a US corporation produces in the US with US labor for US markets, the firm’s profits are taxed at a low rate. If the corporation produces products for the US market abroad with foreign labor, the tax rate will be high enough to more than wipe out the labor cost savings.

As I have emphasized for years, the offshoring of US manufacturing has inflicted massive external costs on the United States. Middle class jobs have been lost, careers ended, living standards of former US manufacturing workers and families have dropped. The tax base of cities and states has shrunk, causing cutbacks in public services and undermining municipal and state pension funds. You can add to this list. These costs are the true cost of the increased profits from the lower foreign labor and compliance costs. A relatively few executives and shareholders benefitted at the expense of a vast number of Americans.

This is the problem that needs to be addressed and corrected.


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How And Why Iran Shot Down Ukrainian Boeing

On January 10, SouthFront released a video entitled “What’s Behind Boeing Crash In Iran” on the January 8 airliner crash near Tehran. The new video (released on January 13) was produced because the Iranian side released new facts and details regarding the incident.

The Iran Air Defense Forces brought down the Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737-800 (Flight PS752) near Tehran due to “a human error”, the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces said in an official statement on January 11. The statement denounced the previous Iranian main version that the tragedy was a result of technical malfunction.

The data provided in the statement of the General Staff, and the press conference of the Head of the Aerospace Division of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) provide the following chain of events:

  1. At approximate 23:00 UTC, on January 7, the IRGC carried out a missile strike on US military targets in Iraq;
  2. The country’s air defense network was on highest alert amid reports on a possible cruise missile strike by the United States and increased flights of US warplanes near Iranian airspace;
  3. At 2:38 UTC, January 8, the PS752 took off from Imam Khomeini International Airport and moved close to a “sensitive” facility of the IRGC “when completing a loop”. The aircraft reportedly deviated from the general PS752 course for around 2km;
  4. The altitude and the direction of the flight’s movement “were like an enemy target”. The surface-to-air missile system operator mistakenly identified as the plane as an incoming “cruise missile” 19km away;
  5. The missile system operator acted independently because of a failure in the communication system;
  6. The operator then “took the wrong decision” of firing on the perceived threat in a “ten-second” time span to shoot or ignore the flying object. During the night, the operator repeatedly called for a halt in flights in the area. This was not done.
  7. A “short-range missile” exploded next to the plane. After this, the plane continued flying for a while, and “exploded when it hit the ground.” The Iranian side did not mention the missile system used. Supposedly, it was the Tor low to medium altitude, short-range surface-to-air missile system.

Thus, Iran described the situation with the Boeing as a result of the combination of aforementioned factors in the “atmosphere of threats and intimidation by the aggressive American regime against the Iranian nation”. Nonetheless, the real picture of events may have been different.

It remains unclear how the Boeing 737-800 may have been mistaken for an incoming cruise missile, especially taking into account that this situation developed near the capital’s working airport. If one takes this explanation with a grain of salt, the scenario could have been the following.

The plane experienced some technical difficulties during or immediately after the take-off and deviated from the course moving closer to the IRGC military site. Information appeared that the preflight inspection checklist was not signed by Iranian airport engineers, but the Ukrainian side insisted to fly at its own risk and responsibility.

Therefore, the system operator, that experienced a communication failure, considered the plane as a ‘military threat’ because it may have been hijacked for a 9/11-style attack, got under control via a cyber-attack and/or used as a cover for a pinpoint missile strike on the IRGC site.

This version does not explain how the communication failure could appear at the air defense post that must have two shielded communication channels: primary tactical circuit and the alternative. The possible explanation with an electronic warfare attack does not hold up against criticism civilian communication channels remained operational with routine flights continuing from the Tehran airport. Another factor is the video of the missile hit that appeared online. How this person, could have known when and what exactly to film without advance knowledge of the developments?

Then, there is one more explanation: The plane was shot down deliberately to exert additional pressure on Iran from the United States during the alleged acute phase of the crisis between Iran and the United States, which had a chance to develop into an open regional war. In the framework of this version, it could be suspected that the operator may have been recruited by US intelligence or blackmailed, or the system was captured in an act of sabotage by the US or its affiliated forces.

Regardless the existing gaps in the current official version of the events and the real course of the developments, Iran will and further be forced to claim that the airliner shoot down was a “human error”. Iran can ill-afford to admit the lack of control over key objects of military infrastructure in the heart of the country.


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Iranian Flight Crash Facts Don’t Add Up


By Russell Bentley

January 14, 2020 “Information Clearing House” –  There remain a lot of unanswered questions and implausible explanations in the story of the Ukrainian airliner shot down near Tehran on January 8th, 2020. And while the Iranians have publicly and officially taken responsibility, there may be other reasons for them taking responsibility besides their actually having done it. I can think of several, and I will propose a few. But one thing I am certain of, with good reason – the “accident” story is bunk, no matter who is telling it, and no matter why. They may have a good reason for telling it, but it’s a lie. There may be a good reason for telling it, but there’s no good reason for believing it, at all.

The first thing to understand about the SA-15 system is that it DOES have an IFF interrogator built into its radar system. The interrogator sends out a pulse that detects and interprets the IFF civilian airliner transponder signal automatically, every few seconds. Boeing 737 aircraft are equipped with two IFF transponders, which are set and activated prior to take off. Planes can be allowed to take off with only one operational transponder, and it is possible that the single transponder can fail or a pilot (and co-pilot, and even ATC) can forget to make sure it’s on before take off. My friend, a professional airline pilot, explains that if the plane is preparing for take off and the ATC does not see the transponder on his radar screen, he will remind the pilot, who will turn it on before take off. My friend has also told me that it does happen that the pilot, co-pilot and ATC can and sometimes do all forget and/or fail to notice the transponder is not on before take off. So, it could be possible for a plane to take off without an IFF transponder operating. On a flight across several international borders, into combat skies, where the IFF would be THE most important single safety system on the plane on this flight. Even flight PS-752.

Yes, it would be possible that they all overlooked it, except for one thing – we KNOW that they did not. That the flight was recorded on FLIGHTRADAR24.COM, proves that the transponder was on and working. The transponder was on and working, and the SA-15 radar, would have seen the unique flight info code for the regularly scheduled civilian flight on the radar screen, as would  all ADA radars and all other civilian and military radars within range.

Even without an IFF transponder response, the SA-15/TOR M-1 radar provides the following data – location, bearing, speed and size (amplitude). That means, even if there was no IFF signal, (though, again, we KNOW there was) just from the radar blip on the screen, the operator gets the above info, location, bearing, speed and size, stating the object is going 180 degrees away from Aria military airbase, 90 degrees away from Tehran, (PS-752 did not turn right until after the first missile hit) going about half the speed of a Tomahawk cruise missile (275 knots vs 480 knots) and the amplitude of its return radar signal is exactly that of the profile of a Boeing 737, many times bigger and different from that of a cruise missile or enemy military aircraft of any kind.

Besides the integrated IFF interrogator, and the K-band Doppler radar, the SA-15 has another detection/ID/targeting system –  an automatic all weather day/night NV/IR Electro Optical Targeting System (EOTS) used for target engagement and fire control, with a range of 20 Km. The 9M330 series of rockets have a max range of 15 Km, so if they could hit it, they could see it. And what they see on an EOTS screen is something EXACTLY like this. Actually, this is all you need to see, in order to know that the “accidental launch” story is a lie.If the IFF interrogator didn’t work, the radar return profile would have told 100% it was a 737 and nothing else. If the radar didn’t work, the EOTS with a single glance, would have shown a 737 and not a cruise missile or F-35.

And if all the above did not work, it would not be possible to launch not one but two missiles, from the SA-15/TOR M-1 system and hit the plane.

Even with the naked eye, from 12 Km, any competent person could tell PS-752 was a civilian flight, or at least, showing civilian running lights… There are 7 lights illuminated at all times on the 737 when it is in flight, including 2 red and green navigation lights, 2 white strobe lights on the wingtips, and 2 orange anti-collision lights on the top and bottom of the fuselage. In addition, two white runway turn off lights, facing forward at 45 degrees from the nose of the plane, a white taxi light under the nose, and four forward facing wing mounted extremely bright and high powered landing lights. There are also 2 logo lights that illuminate the airline’s logo on both sides of the vertical tail. NOTE – It is standard operating procedure for 737 pilots to use the runway turn off, taxi, logo and landing lights during take off, and to leave them on until they are above 10,000 feet. So, PS-752 had 15 different lights, steady and strobe, some very high power, and all illuminated when it was hit at 8,000 feet. It could have been identified by the naked eye as a civilian plane, even from a dozen Km away.

So, what am I saying here? I am saying this exactly – whatever happened, and whoever is responsible, and for whatever reason, the “accident” story is a lie. And whoever tells it, whoever they may be, is lying. For whatever reason. And you know, I know, from long years of experience, that the most common reason you lie, or I lie, or anybody else lies, is because either we have done something wrong, or we are trying to trick somebody. Not always, but almost always. What other reason could there be? What could the righteous reasons be for telling a lie to your nation, and to the world? There may well be some. Or not.

I recently read a theory from a wise Суть времени (Essence of Time) comrade of mine. It was not what I wanted to hear or even contemplate, but it is possible, so must be considered before it can be dismissed. Consider this – Iranian elites may have made a deal to submit to U.S. pressure and hegemony, and betray Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and above all, their own country. However Shaheed Soleimani and the IRGC would have never agreed to this. Thus the murder of Qasim,  and the attack on the reputation and the honor of the IRGC,  by framing them for incompetence. Is this the deal? I don’t know. Man, I hope not. But we will see.

We will see.

On the other hand, it may be that US/NATO/MOSSAD/ISIS/UKROPS shot down the plane in a false flag op to further inflame world opinion against Iran. Expecting Iran to deny their involvement, a powerful, emotional and ongoing good guy/bad guy drama could be created and exploited. By Iran’s acceptance of responsibility, it shuts off the propaganda narrative before it gets started. Whether they actually did it or not, by taking responsibility, it becomes moot and the subject is closed. A smart move.

This is a classic example of gaslighting. How can you tell the truth if everybody’s lying? That almost 200 people were mass murdered is a huge crime and a tragedy, but the attack on reality, and people’s ability to discern it, is far worse. The downing of PS-752 belongs in the same file as the JFK hit, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, October Surprise, Iran Contra, Kuwaiti incubators, Serb aggression, 9/11, Iraq WMD’s, Libyan R2P, Maidan, Russian annexation of Crimea and occupation of Donbass. In other words, complete bunk. We know it happened. Will we ever really know who did it and why? I doubt it. But we know it was no accident.

And it is possible for us to know what will happen next. Pay no attention to what they say. It is clear that everyone is lying. Just watch and see what they do. We have seen the death of Shaheed Quaseem Soleimani, we know that’s real, and I felt it, and feel it, as much as I do the death of Alexander Zakharchenko. The Iraqi PMU’s who lost Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis, the SAA and all Shia, and all good people around the world have yet to have their say about the murders of Brothers Mahdi and Quaseem and their companions. But I’m sure they will, and when they do, I believe they will speak the truth. By their actions. As we all do, every day. Our actions speak the truth, regardless of what our words say.


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Pompeo Lied About Soleimani ‘Imminent Attacks’


Trump’s neoconservative Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is a man unafraid to admit to being a liar. In fact he seems to revel in his ability to lie to the American people.

Remember just a week ago when Pompeo told us that the US absolutely HAD to send in a drone to assassinate Iran’s top general, Qassim Soleimani, while he was in Iraq on a peace mission because he was planning “imminent attacks” on US personnel and interests in the Middle East.

These claims were crafted to blunt any criticism of the blatantly illegal act of killing a top military officer of a country with which you are not at war in a third country (which forbade the attack on its soil) with which you are allied. Americans raising concerns about the murder of Soleimani were to be made to look unpatriotic if they objected: “you mean you WANT Americans die??”

That’s how propaganda works.

Then when the smoke clears, you laugh it all off and admit it was all a lie. As Pompeo did last night.

Speaking on the Laura Ingraham program, Mike Pompeo admitted that the neocon idea of “imminent ” and the normal idea of “imminent ” are two very different things.

“We don’t know precisely when and we don’t know precisely where (the attacks might take place), but it was real,” he told Ingraham.

But if you don’t know when and don’t know where (and presumably don’t know how), on what basis did Pompeo and the Trump Administration sell the idea that he had to be killed immediately lest untold numbers of Americans be killed?

And how can we believe Pompeo that Soleimani was behind the initial rocket attacks on an Iraqi base housing US troops, that a US contractor was killed by Soleimani’s forces at that base, and that Soleimani was behind the “attacks” (vandalism) on the US embassy in Baghdad?

In other words, if the central justification for the murder of Soleimani is an admitted lie, who in his right mind would believe the official version of the antecedents to the murder?

While proudly lying day and night, Pompeo professes to be a great Christian – at the same time he pushed Trump to murder the architect of the anti-ISIS counterinsurgency (Soleimani) that saved hundreds of thousands of Syrian Christian lives.


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“Iran Must Begin Acting Like A Normal Nation,” Says Totally Normal Nation?

The government which runs a globe-spanning empire led by a reality TV host keeps talking about the lack of normality in the nation of Iran.

“What we want all countries to join in,” said State Department Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus in a recent Fox News interview, “is to help us not only to de-escalate any tensions with Iran, but to help us bring Iran to a place where they are ready to stop their terrorist and malign behavior, and where they are ready to discuss with the United States, with Europe, with everyone, about how they can change their behavior to act like a normal nation.”

“We want Iran to simply behave like a normal nation,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a press statement the other day. “We believe that the sanctions we imposed today further that strategic objective.”

These would be the additional sanctions which have been expanded to include virtually the entire Iranian economy, deliberately targeting Iran’s already sanction-starved populace, with the explicit goal of fomenting a civil war in that nation.

Which is of course a perfectly normal thing to do, from a perfectly normal nation.

This would be the same Iran whose cultural heritage sites were threatened with destruction if it retaliated for the totally normal assassination of its top military official via flying robot. The same Iran whose financial system was just threatened with destruction using the “totally normal” hegemony of American central banking. Perfectly normal, perfectly healthy.

So what can Iran do to become a “normal nation”? Well, since it’s the United States making this demand, we can safely assume that it’s the model Iran should look to.

In order to become a “normal nation,” Iran will need to expand its interests from the region and begin toppling noncompliant governments and invading nations all around the world.

In order to become a “normal nation,” Iran will need to circle the planet with hundreds of Iranian military bases.

In order to become a “normal nation,” Iran will need to obtain thousands of nuclear weapons, and actually use a couple of them.

In order to become a “normal nation,” Iran will need to become the most dominant military, economic and cultural force in the world, and then use that dominance to destroy any government, political party, ideology, faction, movement or person who stands in its way.

In order to become a “normal nation,” Iran will need to arm violent extremist factions all around the world with the goal of eliminating all governments that refuse to bow to its interests.

In order to become a “normal nation,” Iran will need to become the dominant producer of films, music and TV shows and use this influence to propagandize its power structure’s ideology to every possible cultural sphere.

In order to become a “normal nation,” Iran will need to begin meddling in scores of democratic elections all around the world and then crying for years at the possibility of any nation returning the favor.

In order to become a “normal nation,” Iran will need to shore up economic control of the world so that it can crush any sort of disobedience by starving civilians and depriving them of medical care while pretending that it’s a force for peace.

In order to become a “normal nation,” Iran will need to indefinitely occupy a vast region on the other side of the planet with thousands upon thousands of troops and trillions of dollars in military equipment, to no benefit of a single ordinary Iranian, and against the will of the people who live there.

In order to become a “normal nation,” Iran will need to create a presidency led by a reality TV star oligarch who is only supported because Iran’s populace is so disgusted with the status quo of their government.

I am kidding, of course. The US government does not want Iran to become like the US. The US government does not want any nation to become like the US. The US likes its abnormality among nations just the way it is. The US is the exception to all its own rules. That’s how American exceptionalism works. This is one of those “do as I say, not as I do” situations.

The US doesn’t want Iran to be like America. The US wants Iran to be like the other nations which have allowed themselves to be absorbed into the blob of the US-centralized empire.

The US would be perfectly happy for Iran to begin acting like Saudi Arabia: arming terrorist factions, beheading heretics, committing war crimes and deliberately creating humanitarian disasters for geostrategic convenience, yet aligning fully with US military, financial, and resource control agendas.

The US would be perfectly happy for Iran to begin acting like Israel: a nuclear-armed military outpost which constantly bombs adjacent nations, interferes in the US and other nations’ politics to shore up support, works toward the slow extermination of its indigenous population and fires upon protesters with live ammunition.

The US would be perfectly happy for Iran to begin acting like Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand or the EU: obedient military/intelligence assets who function as extra American states when it comes to foreign policy and international affairs.

That is what Trump and Pompeo mean by acting “normal”. Not acting moral. Not acting fair. Certainly not acting like the US. It means acting obedient, compliant, and enslaved.

Which is precisely what Iran is resisting.


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The US Ponzi Economy Is Systematic Looting on a Massive Scale

The United States has historically bragged about its free and transparent markets. But what the Fed is doing today is pulling a dark curtain around the financing of this so-called free and transparent market. The public has no idea which Wall Street firms have received this $3 trillion or why they can’t borrow it elsewhere. This kind of obfuscation by the Federal Reserve could actually stimulate distrust in the U.S. banking system. The Fed admitted as much in its most recent Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes, writing that participation in the Fed’s loan program “could become stigmatized.”

– Wall Street on ParadeIs the Fed’s $3 Trillion in Loans to Trading Houses on Wall Street Legal?

Financial services as currently structured is the most pernicious, predatory and corrupt industry on earth. Moreover, it’s the deliberately complex and opaque nature of the industry which then limits public debate when some problem arises and governments and central banks are called upon to take emergency measures to “save the system,” which is just a euphemism for enormous sums of corporate welfare being funneled to people and institutions who couldn’t survive otherwise.

It is systemic looting on a massive scale and the primary patrons of this ongoing and seemingly endless scheme are central banks. In the U.S. this means the Federal Reserve, which recently came back into the “market” with enormous new interventions in both the repo market and via renewed balance sheet expansion. I’ve read many of the smart takes on the repo crisis and still don’t feel confident I know precisely what’s going on. This is intentional.

One of the main reasons big finance is able to pull off scam after scam in plain sight relates to the complexity, opacity and esoteric jargon associated with the industry. Repo is a perfect example. The market had a spasm in September and the Fed immediately rushed in with billions to bring the rate down without offering any transparency or a credible explanation of what was going on. Meanwhile, as the crisis continued over subsequent months and the central bank response grew larger and larger, we actually seem to be learning less with each passing day.

Instead of providing the public with the transparency it deserves, Fed officials run around pretending to be financial surgeons called in to perform an unexpected emergency operation on a patient after a freak accident. In reality, central banks are merely pumping billions into an already dead body while enriching connected and powerful individuals and institutions in the process. They know exactly what they’re doing and we need to stop pretending otherwise.

While I’m grateful to those who’ve spent time trying to thoughtfully explain the mechanics of the repo crisis and why it happened, I think that’s a sideshow at this point since nobody who really knows what’s going on is talking. Instead, we should focus on the absurd and unconscionable lack of transparency with regard to Federal Reserve actions. As far as I know, we have no idea which parties are taking up this expanded central bank funding. Think about how criminally insane that is. We have no idea if it’s driven by a troubled institution like Deutsche Bank, hedge funds with over-leveraged trades, treasury issuance, a combination of these factors, or something else.

We don’t know because they don’t want us to know, and they don’t want us to know because they don’t want the public thinking or talking about it. It’s at times like these when the totalitarian nature of central banking comes into crystal clear focus. What we have is government via unelected, unaccountable bankers. It’s the opposite of self-government, and understanding this simple fact blows apart all the myths about our so-called democracy and freedom. Nothing of the sort exists in reality, and when push comes to shove, you’re just a peasant living in an imperial oligarchy.

This should be the real takeaway from the Fed’s recent actions both in the repo market and via its rapid balance sheet expansion. The public’s not allowed to know anything about what’s really happening, and similar to the post-financial crisis period of a decade ago, the central bank comes in and conducts significant public policy to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars with zero public debate.

How is it that we’re accepting this? Why isn’t the inequality obsessed left commenting more aggressively on the central bank mechanism of upward wealth transfer, which is precisely what’s been happening for so long? Why push for a wealth tax while leaving the primary instrument of upward wealth transfer (central banking) completely unchecked?

It’d be one thing if the Fed came out and detailed exactly what the problem is and told us specifically who’s using the funds and why. Then we could actually have a conversation about whether this is appropriate or, more likely, a gigantic moral hazard financially rewarding various unscrupulous industry players.

Don’t think for a moment that huge sums of money aren’t being made from these Fed actions. When the spigots come on out of nowhere to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars someone is benefitting tremendously and it’s not you.

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