New Facts Change Everything, the Sickening Truth About Why Iran “Schooled” America

IRQ3423Resigned Iraqi Prime Minister Mahdi

New Eastern Outlook – 1, 11, 2020

Information has come to light that indicts the United States not just for the Soleimani killing but also for the over 300 killings during the Iraqi protests in late 2019.

In fact, it can be proven that the United States not only organized the protests but also is responsible for killing protestors as well, hundreds of them, something we have seen before, Maidan in 2014, Libya in 2011 and Cairo in 2009.

In each event, the killings of protestors lead to regime change favorable to the US. Though evidence of false flag snipers in Maidan is overwhelming, this is the first real “smoking gun” that clearly establishes the US military as a terrorist organization.

We begin our story.

The Soleimani murder, at the hands of Pompeo, Esper and Trump, was much more than the simple hubris and ignorance most assume.

It is also assumed, quite wrongly, that the US occupation of the oil and opium rich lands of Asia is driven by national interest, at least to a part, perhaps even a small part. That is false also, patently false.

The backstory behind the killing of Soleimani is rooted in the explosive riots and the mysterious murders that pushed Iraqi Prime Minister Mahdi to resign on November 30, 2019.

Mahdi had been in office a year and had been, for the first time, addressing Iraq’s massive corruption, an endemic problem with any nation that has the misfortune of being occupied by the United States.

Iraq has a Shiite majority that has slowly assumed political dominance after years of suppression under Saddam Hussein.

In fact, it was Iranian General Soleimani who came to Iraq in 2003 to organize the Shiite militias, the current PMU, now part of Iraq’s Army, to fight alongside American forces that were overthrowing Sunni Baathist rule.

Trump claims he had Suleimani murdered for his part in the killing of Americans during this period, when in fact Suleimani was closely allied to the US, at least until the US decided to begin a war with Iran in 2007. However, this is another story for another time, one also wrought with deception and double-dealing.

Critical to understanding events is understanding America’s real role in Iraq. To do that, it is necessary to understand why Iraq’s parliament voted unanimously to oust American troops.

The story behind this is much more than the death of Suleimani, far more, and has been suppressed. That story involves a broader geopolitical narrative that transpired when Iraq under Mahdi tried to remove America’s heel from its neck.

Italian journalist Federico Pieraccini investigated the story behind Mahdi’s address to parliament, the recorded portion of which in no way answered any real questions about why Iraq would make such a drastic move as to expel American troops, ending the billion dollar a year payoff scheme that fed so many Sunni politicians.

Pieraccini tells us this:

“[Speaker of the Council of Representatives of Iraq] Halbousi attended the parliamentary session while almost none of the Sunni members did. This was because the Americans had learned that Abdul-Mehdi was planning to reveal sensitive secrets in the session and sent Halbousi to prevent this.

Halbousi cut Abdul-Mehdi off at the commencement of his speech and then asked for the live airing of the session to be stopped. After this, Halbousi together with other members, sat next to Abdul-Mehdi, speaking openly with him but without it being recorded. This is what was discussed in that session that was not broadcast: 

Abdul-Mehdi spoke angrily about how the Americans had ruined the country and now refused to complete infrastructure and electricity grid projects unless they were promised 50% of oil revenues, which Abdul-Mehdi refused.”

That deal with China was the result of Mahdi’s abandoning any attempt to work with the United States after years of seeing his nation bled dry.

It is no secret that the United States had little or no role in fighting ISIS and, were one to ask the Shia majority of Iraqi citizens, most would insist that the US brought ISIS to Iraq with Saudi help.

In meetings with Sunni leaders, held in Baghdad in January 2014, exactly that was explained to me, how ISIS was to offset Shia influence and guarantee Iraq would remain under US-Saudi control.

The Sunni leaders, who controlled key military commands and provincial governorships, planned to simply turn affairs over to ISIS and, in fact, did so despite my warnings.

Months later, several I met with had been beheaded by ISIS. “What goes around comes around.”

As to Mahdi’s deal with China, that as we will see, precipitated the American staged coup, the following from the Middle East Institute:

“Upon arriving in Beijing on September 19 at the head of a 55-member delegation, Iraq Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi described the visit to China as heralding a “quantum leap” in bilateral relations.The five-day visit culminated in the signing of eight wide-ranging memoranda of understanding (MoUs), a framework credit agreement, and the announcement of plans for Iraq to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).Since then, however, a wave of angry anti-government protests have swept across much of Iraq, leaving more than 100 dead and thousands wounded — a vivid reminder of the country’s ongoing struggle for stability and of the obstacles to the further consolidation of China-Iraq relations.” 

These anti-government protests are attributed to threats made by Donald Trump, as we will see in the full text of Mahdi’s address to parliament, below. The rationale is simple, the China deal was Iraq’s best effort to address unemployment and economic inequality, why would someone want to sabotage it?

More on Mahdi’s leadership below, again from the Middle East Institute:

“Since early 2018, the central government of Iraq has been working assiduously to capitalize on the territorial defeat of Da’esh, which three years earlier had overrun and controlled nearly one-third of the country. A working relationship between the GOI and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has been reestablished. After repeated delays due to a series of security incidents the newly constructed Qaim border crossing with Syria has reopened. Planning for construction of a new crude oil pipeline from Kirkuk to Turkey is underway.

Yet, although Iraq has entered a period of relative calm, the country faces a multitude of challenges.The security situation in the country is fragile. According to a recent report by the Pentagon, Da’esh has “solidified its insurgent capabilities in Iraq.” Meanwhile, the GOI is struggling to maintain a delicate balance in its relations with key allies US / Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as to avoid becoming another front in an escalating Iran-Israel proxy war. On July 1, Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi issued a decree ordering the integration of all Iraqi militias, including the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU).”

Only with a broader context of events, with an understandable timeline, can we adequately assess Trump’s blunder here.

But also, we can only asses the nature of Trump’s methods through an unedited translation of the nature of the critical exchange between Trump and Mahdi that led to Soleimani’s murder.

Finally, the complete address by Abdul Mahdi has been made available, which now fills the gaps the West has allowed to support the limited narrative fed to congress.

“This is why I visited China and signed an important agreement with them to undertake the construction instead. Upon my return, Trump called me to ask me to reject this agreement. When I refused, he threatened to unleash huge demonstrations against me that would end my premiership.

Huge demonstrations against me duly materialized and Trump called again to threaten that if I did not comply with his demands, then he would have Marine snipers on tall buildings target protesters and security personnel alike in order to pressure me.

I refused again and handed in my resignation. To this day the Americans insist on us rescinding our deal with the Chinese.

After this, when our Minister of Defense publicly stated that a third party was targeting both protestors and security personnel alike (just as Trump had threatened, he would do), I received a new call from Trump threatening to kill both me and the Minister of Defense if we kept on talking about this “third party”.

I was supposed to meet him [Soleimani] later in the morning when he was killed. He came to deliver a message from Iran in response to the message we had delivered to the Iranians from the Saudis.

The Kingdom’s statement regarding the events in Iraq stresses the Kingdom’s view of the importance of de-escalation to save the countries of the region and their people from the risks of any escalation.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia was not consulted regarding the US strike. In light of the rapid developments, the Kingdom stresses the importance of exercising restraint to guard against all acts that may lead to escalation, with severe consequences.

Saudi Arabia is sending a delegation to Washington to urge restraint with Iran on behalf of [Persian] Gulf states. The message will be: ‘Please spare us the pain of going through another war’.”

It is also clear that Trump’s hubris in his wild threats against Iraq and his willingness to murder the foremost military leader in the war on terror is based on what American author and former CIA officer Robert David Steele calls the “Cult of West Point Class of 1986”and Politico calls the “West Point Mafia.”

Steele postulates that this single class, a collection of “bad apples” as it were, has pushed Trump toward one failed endeavor after another. From Stratfor:

“Since graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1986, the careers of Mike Pompeo, Ulrich Brechbuhl, Brian Bulatao, Mark Esper, David Urban and Mark Green have periodically intersected. Now they have converged in the Trump administration.”

These are the geniuses that told Trump Iran had only old Soviet “scud” type missiles, with liquid fuel, no guidance and poor reliability. Of course, none have actual military experience other than as “place holders” and “seat warmers.”

Then the surprise came, Iran’s missiles rained down on al Asad Air Base, easily pushing past America’s Patriot missile defense system, “0” hit. Worse still, the highly advanced solid fuel missiles from Iraq hit within not yards but within 10 feet of targets, actually much closer than that.

Similarly, when missiles plowed into the “consular” facilities, really weapons warehouses, at Erbil International Airport, in the Kurdish region of Northern Iraq, the US denied any hits claiming to have shot down two of three missiles and the other a “wide miss.”

Then, as is so often the case, American military personnel billeted in the apartment buildings just south of the facility uploaded their video to YouTube.

Three missiles, thee direct hits, dramatic explosions, which the Americans seemed to enjoy immensely.

We now enter a new world, not just one with America “schooled” but with America’s actual role exposed, occupier, terrorist and thief.


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Was Iranian Government’s Missile Strike Only A Show To Save Face With Iranians? Is That Why They Called Iraq To Warn Them Ahead Of The Attack?”

Satellite images show MINOR but PINPOINT damage to US-Iraqi bases from Iranian missile attack, suggesting limited show of force
Commercial satellite imagery of military bases in Iraq targeted by Iranian missile strikes show only minor damage, bolstering theories that Tehran was aiming for a flashy show of force rather than to actually kill US troops.
RT News – 1-8-2020

Satellite images show MINOR but PINPOINT damage to US-Iraqi bases from Iranian missile attack, suggesting a limited show of force

The Ain Al-Asad military base in Iraq’s Anbar province, as well as another facility outside Erbil, in the Iraqi Kurdistan, found themselves under fire by two volleys of ballistic missiles, fired from inside Iran during the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. Satellite imagery released on Wednesday by the private US company Planet Labs shows only minor damage in both places, mostly to warehouses and equipment storage facilities rather than barracks.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) launched the missiles as revenge for the US drone strike that killed General Qassem Soleimani, one of their top commanders, last week outside of Baghdad. Despite belligerent rhetoric that accompanied the missiles, Iran stood down after just two volleys, claiming its legitimate self-defense objectives were met.

Also on Iran didn’t want to kill US troops with its strike, it wanted to make point to Trump about its missile tech & resolve. It did that US President Donald Trump likewise declared “all is well,” declined to respond with force, and commended Tehran’s decision as “a good thing for all parties concerned.”

No US or Iraqi soldiers were killed in the strikes. The Pentagon claimed its early warning systems caught the launches, allowing US troops to seek shelter.


The Iraqi government revealed on Wednesday that Iran actually called and warned them of the strike in advance, which they then passed on to Washington. Finland and Lithuania, which also have troops stationed at the two bases, also reportedly said they were informed of the strikes in advance.

All of this has prompted speculation that the Iranian missile strikes were more of a symbolic act than a true escalation of the ongoing conflict between Tehran and Washington. Iran proved it had the capability to kill US troops if it so chose, but deliberately refrained from it, argued former US Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter.



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Soleimani’s Assassination may Drive the US Out of the Region & Trump Out of Office


1-6-2020 Salman Rafi Sheikh

While General Qasim Soleimani’s death in a US air strike may not seem big enough a development to start an all-out war, there is no denying that this deliberate attempt to escalate tensions in the region will have severe consequences. For one thing, Soleimani was no ordinary Iranian soldier, for another, his assassination is a US response to the increasing Iranian military strength and political/economic standing in the region—a situation that the US and Israel have long been trying to reverse. Iranian influence in the region, specifically in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon is a major bone of contention between the US/Israel/Saudi triad and Iran. It iwas a primary reason for the Trump administration’s exit from the Iran-nuclear deal—a step that helped lead to the present crisis.

The US president’s assertion that the decision to take Soleimani out was taken to ‘prevent a war’ is no more than a sophomoric sham. Historically speaking, Iran has been averse to starting wars. More than ever, this historical fact holds true today because of one simple fact: Iran’s resistance has been phenomenally successful against the US-Israeli-Saudi nexus in Syria and Iraq. In fact, if this resistance had not been successful, the US and its criminal allies would not have been so worried about Iranian presence in the Levant. Hence, the simple question is: why would Iran want to start a new war when it was already winning the old war of resistance against US, Israeli, and Saudi aggression, and is most likely to stay the course?

Of course, Iran wants the US out of the region for obvious reasons. While it may seem that a new war, which trump said Soleimani was just about to start, might, hypothetically speaking, enable the Iranians to accomplish their objective, even this objective does not warrant an all-out war. On the other hand, all it requires is a tenacious continuation of the same strategy and tactics that the Iranians have been following ever since the US/Saudia/Israel-sponsored war in Syria, and Iran’s resort not to an all-out war but the ideologically motivated resistance groups.

By assassinating Soleimani and Muhandis, the US has further made plain the US’s true motives in the region. Those two figures had been the major leaders of resistance against the grand US strategic project whereby the US’s terror networks were to grow in the Levant and penetrate all the way into Russia and China—a project that was and still is crucial for sustaining US hegemony in the region.

The air strike that killed Soleimani, therefore, has nothing to do with a ‘new war.’ On the contrary, it is a continuation of the same war the US has been fomenting in the region. Notwithstanding the many loses the US has suffered, there is little doubt of the absolute crucial importance of this war for the US to gain control of the region, and that made the US act in the reckless manner it did in this fateful air strike.

The US imagined an all-out Iranian response, a pretext that the US-Israel-Saudia triad would use to extend their war toward Russian territory. However, as said earlier, Iran is averse to all-out wars. While a befitting Iranian response will come, it will most likely be in the form of an even more entrenched resistance to the US occupation of the Levant.

Ever since the recent Baghdad-embassy incidents (trying to convince the US to leave Iraq) the US has been sending its troops to the region, turning it into a new war-zone. Trump thought it would work to his advantage in his re-election at a time when he is feeling cornered due to impeachment. The same holds true for Trump’s buddy, the indicted Netanyahu in Israel.

But a calculated Iranian response will defeat these objectives. In other words, Trump’s political fortunes will most likely suffer. The war that Trump wanted to prevent will spread. The all-out war that Trump wanted will not happen, but rather an energized entrenched resistance i.e., what Iran will do.

As the deputy commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, General Ali Fadavi, said, “The Americans should be waiting for that severe revenge; that vengeance is not to be taken by Iran only.… The great resistance front covering a vast geographical area stands ready to take revenge, and that is sure to happen.”

Iranian response will, therefore, most likely focus on hurting the US well beyond Iraq, where the US strike killed Soleimani. And, the objective of this calculated horizontal escalation will be to make life extremely difficult for the US in the Levant and force it to drive itself out of the region.


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Mossad Targeted Soleimani, Trump Pulled the Trigger


Last October Yossi Cohen, head of Israel’s Mossad, spoke openly about assassinating Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, the head of the elite Quds Force in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

“He knows very well that his assassination is not impossible,” Cohen said in an interview. Soleimani had boasted that the Israel’s tried to assassinate him in 2006 and failed.

“With all due respect to his bluster,” Cohen said, “he hasn’t necessarily committed the mistake yet that would place him on the prestigious list of Mossad’s assassination targets.”

“Is Israel Targeting Iran’s Top General for Assassination?” I asked on October 24. On Thursday, Soleimani was killed in an air strike ordered by President Trump.

Soleimani’s convoy was struck by U.S. missiles as he left a meeting at Baghdad’s airport amid anti-Iranian and anti-American demonstrations in Iraq. Supporters of an Iranian-backed militia had agreed to withdraw from the U.S. diplomatic compound in return for a promise that the government would allow a parliamentary vote on expelling 5,000 U.S. troops from the country.

The Pentagon confirmed the military operation, which came “at the direction of the president” and was “aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans.” The Pentagon claimed in a statement that Gen. Soleimani was “actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, under indictment for criminal charges, was the first and only national leader to support Trump’s action, while claiming that that Trump acted entirely on his own.

“Just as Israel has the right to self-defense, the United States has exactly the same right,” Netanyahu told reporters in Greece. “Qassem Soleimani is responsible for the deaths of American citizens and other innocents, and he was planning more attacks.”

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani vowed retaliation for the general’s death,  tweeting that “Iran will take revenge for this heinous crime.”

Capable Foe

Soleimani was the most capable foe of the United States and Israel in the region. As chief of the Al-Quds force, Soleimani was a master of Iran’s asymmetric warfare strategy, using proxy forces to bleed Iran’s enemies, while preserving the government’s ability to plausibly deny involvement.

After the U.S. invasions of Iraq, he funded and trained anti-American militias that launched low-level attacks on U.S. occupation forces, killing upward of 600 U.S. servicemen and generating pressure for U.S. withdrawal.

In recent years, Soleimani led two successful Iranian military operations: the campaign to drive ISIS out of western Iraq in 2015 and the campaign to crush the jihadist forces opposed to Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. The United States and Israel denounced Iran’s role in both operations but could not prevent Iran from claiming victory.

Soleimani had assumed a leading role in Iraqi politics in the past year. The anti-ISIS campaign relied on Iraqi militias, which the Iranians supported with money, weapons, and training. After ISIS was defeated, these militia maintained a prominent role in Iraq that many resented, leading to demonstrations and rioting. Soleimani was seeking to stabilize the government and channel the protests against the United States when he was killed.

In the same period, Israel pursued its program of targeted assassination. In the past decade Mossad assassinated at least five Iranian nuclear scientists, according to Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman, in an effort to thwart Iran’s nuclear program. Yossi Melman, another Israeli journalist, says that Mossad has assassinated 60-70 enemies outside of its borders since its founding in 1947, though none as prominent as Soleimani.

Israel also began striking at the Iranian-backed militias in Iraq last year. The United States did the same on December 29, killing 19 fighters and prompting anti-American demonstrations as big as the anti-Iranian demonstrations of a month ago.

Now the killing of Soleimani promises more unrest, if not open war. The claim that it will deter Iranian attacks is worse than foolish – it is a cartoonish attempt of a child who got caught doing something bad and quickly makes up a feeble excuse.

The Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported a year ago that Washington had given Israel the green light to assassinate Soleimani. Al-Jarida, which in recent years has broken exclusive stories from Israel, quoted a source in Jerusalem as saying that “there is an American-Israeli agreement” that Soleimani is a “threat to the two countries’ interests in the region.” It is generally assumed in the Arab world that the paper is used as an Israeli platform for conveying messages to other countries in the Middle East.

Trump has now fulfilled the wishes of Mossad. After proclaiming his intention to end America’s “stupid endless wars,” the president has, in solidarity with Israel the most unpopular country in the Middle East, effectively declared war on the largest country in the region.



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Trump Continues America’s Reign of Terror

Trump Tries to Emulate Jewish-Style Feigned Innocence And Deception

The Palmer raids under the Wilson regime constituted a horrific, shameful episode in American history.

Paul Craig Roberts – 1-4-2020

A hundred years ago—on January 3, 1920—Americans woke up to discover just how little their own government regarded the cherished Bill of Rights. During the night, some 4,000 of their fellow citizens were rounded up and jailed for what amounted, in most cases, to no good reason at all and no due process, either.

[In addition to signing into law the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, establishing the Central Bank, as well the 13th Amendment to establish the Income Tax Bureau, Wilson also declared war on Germany and entered America into World War One. He was one of the most dishonorable and destructive presidents in American history. Years later he admitted, “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country.”]

Here is the story of the Palmer Raids, named for their instigator, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer. Though largely forgotten today, they shouldn’t be. They constituted a horrific, shameful episode in American history, one of the lowest moments for liberty since King George III quartered troops in private homes.

The terror during the night of January 2-3, 1920, shocked and frightened many citizens. In her 1971 book, America’s Reign of Terror: World War I, the Red Scare, and the Palmer Raids, Roberta Strauss Feuerlicht wrote:

Terror exists when a person can be sentenced to years in prison for an idle remark; when people are pulled out of their beds and arrested; when 4,000 persons are seized in a single night; and when arrests and searches are made without warrants. Moreover, for each person sent to prison for his views, many others were silenced. The author amply documents the government’s insensitivity to civil liberties during this period, its frequent brutality and callousness, and the personal grief that ensued.

The targets of the Palmer raids were radicals and leftists deemed by the Wilson administration to be hostile to “American values.” Ironically, none of those arrested had done anywhere near as much harm to those values as the man living in the White House—Woodrow Wilson, arguably the worst of the country’s 45 presidents. More on that and the Palmer Raids after some background.

This wasn’t the first time the government in Washington had trampled the Bill of Rights. No less than the administration of John Adams, an American founding patriot, briefly shut down newspapers and dissenting opinion with its Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798. Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus and arrested thousands of political opponents in Northern states.

The most immediate precedents for the Palmer Raids were wartime measures of the same administration just a few years before. Wilson campaigned for re-election in 1916 on a boast that he had “kept us out of war” even as he authorized non-neutral aid for Britain and France. He then feigned surprise when Germany declared unrestricted warfare on ships carrying supplies to its enemies. It was the pretext for American entry into World War I in April 1917.

“Wars are dirty but crusades are holy,” writes Feuerlicht, “so Wilson turned the war into a crusade.” The conflict became “the war to end all wars” and a war “to make the world safe for democracy” while the president made war on democracy at home.

America was formally at war for only a week when Wilson created the Committee on Public Information (CPI). Its job was to convince Americans the war was right and just. A national venture in thought control, it bludgeoned the people with Wilson’s view until it became their view, as well. It was government propaganda on a scale never before seen in the US, flooding the country with CPI-approved war news, speakers, school materials, posters, buttons, stickers—the works.

Two months later, under intense pressure from the White House, Congress passed the Espionage Act. Any person who made “false reports or false statements with intent to interfere” with the official war effort could be punished with 20 years in jail or a fine of $10,000 (at least a quarter-million in today’s dollars), or both. It was amended in May 1918 by the Sedition Act, which made it a crime to write or speak anything “disloyal or abusive” about the government, the Constitution, the flag, or a US military uniform.

Wilson pushed hard for Congress to give him extraordinary powers to muzzle the media, insisting to The New York Times that press censorship “was absolutely necessary to public safety.” According to Christopher M. Finan in his 2007 book, From the Palmer Raids to the Patriot Act: A History of the Fight for Free Speech in America, a blizzard of hostile editorials killed that in Congress, fortunately.

Wilson’s attorney general at the time, Thomas Watt Gregory, strongly encouraged Americans to spy on each other, to become “volunteer detectives” and report every suspicion to the Justice Department. In a matter of months, the department was receiving about 1,500 accusations of disloyalty every single day.

Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson jumped into the cause with both feet, ordering that local postmasters send him any publications they discovered that might “embarrass” the government. The Post Office began destroying certain mail instead of delivering it, even banning certain magazines altogether. An issue of one periodical was outlawed for no more reason than it suggested the war be paid for by taxes instead of loans. Others were forbidden because they criticized our allies, the British and the French. “Throughout the war and long after it ended, [Burleson] was the sole judge of which mailed publications Americans could or could not read,” writes Feuerlicht.

Individuals were hauled into court for expressing reservations about Wilson or his war. One of many examples involved one Reverend Clarence H. Waldron, who distributed a pamphlet claiming the war was un-Christian. For that, he was sentenced to 15 years. In another case, a filmmaker named Robert Goldstein earned a 10-year prison award for producing a movie about the American Revolution, The Spirit of ’76. His crime? Depicting the British in a negative light. They were allies now, so that sort of thing was a no-no.

Of the roughly 2,000 people prosecuted under the Espionage and Sedition Acts, not a single one of them was a German spy. They were all Americans whose thoughts or deeds (almost none of them violent) ran counter to those of the man in the big White House. Hundreds were deported after minimal due process even though they were neither illegal immigrants nor convicted criminals.

The famous socialist, union activist, and presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs found himself crosswise with Wilson for opposing both the draft and the war. In April 1919, five months after the war ended, he was convicted of “seditious” speech, sentenced to ten years in prison, and denied the right to vote for the rest of his life. Sometime later, when Debs heard that Wilson would refuse to pardon him, he poignantly responded, “It is he [Wilson], not I, who needs a pardon.”

Hostilities in Europe ended in November 1918, but the Wilson administration’s assault on civil rights continued. With the Germans vanquished, the new pretext to bully Americans became known as the “Red Scare”—the notion that communists under the influence of the new Leninist regime in Moscow were the big threat in the country.

Meantime, in March 1919, Wilson hired a new attorney general—A. Mitchell Palmer—who was determined to tackle it one way or another, especially after two attempted bombings of his home. Palmer was just what Wilson was looking for: “young, militant, progressive and fearless,” in the president’s own words.

The first of the two biggest Palmer Raids occurred on November 7, 1919. With Palmer’s newly appointed deputy J. Edgar Hoover spearheading the operation, federal agents scooped up hundreds of alleged radicals, subversives, communists, anarchists, and “undesirable” but legal immigrants in 12 cities—some 650 in New York City alone. Beatings, even in police stations, were not uncommon.

Palmer later said,

If . . . some of my agents out in the field . . . were a little rough and unkind, or short and curt, with these alien agitators . . . I think it might well be overlooked.

January 2, 1920—when the largest and most aggressive batch of Palmer Raids was carried out—was a night of terror: about 4,000 arrests across 23 states, often without legitimate search warrants and with the arrestees frequently tossed into makeshift jails in substandard conditions.

Leftists and leftist organizations were the targets, but even visitors to their meeting halls were caught up in the dragnet. No friend of liberty then or now, The Washington Post opined, “There is no time to waste on hairsplitting over infringement of liberties.” A few smaller raids were conducted, but nothing on the scale of January 2-3.

Palmer thought he would ride the Red Scare into the White House, but he lost his bid for the Democratic Party’s nomination later that year. Meantime, the courts largely nullified his dirty work. By June 1920, the raids were history. In the fall, the Democrats lost big as Republican Warren Harding ushered in “an era of normalcy.”

It’s hard to find any lingering trace of the “subversive” work the Palmer Raids were ostensibly intended to combat. Thousands were arrested when actual crimes were committed by a relative few. Certainly, none of the arrested Americans gave us a progressive income tax or a central bank or violations of free speech and due process. It was Woodrow Wilson and his friends who gave us all that, and much more mischief.

Let us remember the Palmer Raids and the administration that carried them out as black marks against American liberty, hopefully never to be repeated.


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Trump Foments Perpetual War By Assassinating Iran’s Beloved General In His Car At Baghdad International Airport

Autos burn at Baghdad Airport after drone strike ordered by Trump. Hatred toward America is growing.

Putin’s Hour Is At Hand

Paul Craig Roberts

Vladimir Putin is the most impressive leader on the world stage.  He survived and arose from a Russia corrupted by Washington and Israel during the Yeltsin years and reestablished Russia as a respected world power.  He dealt successfully with American/Israeli aggression against South Ossetia and against Ukraine, incorporating at Crimera’s request the Russian province back into Mother Russia.  He has tolerated endless insults and provocations from Washington and its empire without responding in kind.  He is concillatory and a peacemaker from a position of strength.

He knows that the American empire is based on arrogance and lies, and is failing economically, socially, politically, and militarily.  He understands that war serves no Russian interest. 

Washington’s recent murder of Qasem Soleimani, a great Iranian leader, indeed, one of the rare leaders in world history, has exposed Trump’s infamy (as Netanyahu’s puppet) and placed the limelight on Putin. The stage is set for Putin and Russia to assume the leadership of the world. 

Washington’s murder of Soleimani is a criminal act that could start World War 3 just as the Serbian murder of the Austrian Archduke set World War 1 in motion.  Only Putin and Russia with China’s help can stop this war that Washington has set in motion.

Putin understood that the Washington/Israeli intended de-stabalization of Syria was aimed at Russia.  Without warning, Russia intervened, defeated the Washington financed and armed proxy forces, and restored stability to Syria.

Defeated, Washington and Israel have decided to bypass Syria and take the attack on Russia directly to Iran.  The destabilization of Iran serves both Washington and Israel.  For Israel, Iran’s demise stops support for Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia that has twice defeated Israel’s army and prevented Israel’s occupation of southern Lebanon.  For Washington Iran’s demise allows CIA-supported jihadists to bring instability into the Russian Federation.

Unless Putin submits to American and Israeli will, he has no choice but to block any Washington/Israeli attack on Iran. 

The easiest and cleanest way for Putin to do this is to announce that Iran is under Russia’s protection.  This protection should be formalized in a mutual defense treaty between Russia, China, and Iran, with perhaps India and Turkey as members. This is hard for Putin to do, because incompetent historians have convinced Putin that alliances are the cause of war.  But an alliance such as this would prevent war.  Not even the insane criminal Natanyahu and the crazed American zionists would, even when completely drunk or deluded, declare war on Iran, Russia,  China, and if included in the alliance India and Turkey.  It would mean the death of America, Israel and any European country sufficiently stupid to participate.

If Putin is unable to free himself from the influence of incompetent historians, who in effect are serving Washington, not Russian, interests, he has other options.  He can calm down Iran by giving Iran the best Russian air defense systems with Russian crews to train the Iranians and whose presence serve as a warning to Washington and Israel that an attack on Russian forces is an attack on Russia.

This done, Putin  can then, not offer, but insist on mediating.  This is Putin’s role as there is no other with the power, influence and objectivity to mediate. 

Putin can insist on revival of the INF/START treaty, the anti-ballistic missile treaty, the removal of NATO from Russian borders.  In effect, Putin is positioned to demand whatever he wants.

Iranian missiles can sink any American vessels anywhere near Iran.  Chinese missiles can sink any American fleets anywhere near China.  Russian missiles can sink American fleets anywhere in the world.  The ability of Washington to project power in the Middle East now that everyone, Shia and Sunni and Washington’s former proxies such as ISIS, hates Americans with a passion is zero.  The State Department has had to order Americans out of the Middle East.  How does Washingon count as a force in the Middle East when no American is safe there?

Of course Washington is stupid in its arrogance, and Putin, China, and Iran must take this into consideration.  A stupid government is capable of bringing ruin not only on itself but on others.

So there are risks for Putin.  But there are also risks for Putin failing to take charge.  If Washington and Israel attack Iran, which Israel will try to provoke by some false flag event as sinking an American warship and blaming Iran, Russia will be at war anyway.  Better for the initiative to be in Putin’s hands.  And better for the world and life on Earth for Russia to be in charge.


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US backs ISIS using them as a ‘scarecrow’ to intimidate others, Syrian FM tells RT

Syrian Arab Republic H.E. Mr. Walid Al-Moualem Deputy Prime Minister UN General Assembly
12, 30, 2019: Tony Cartalucci
Despite claiming to fight jihadists in Syria, the Americans are gladly using them and giving them a helping hand to further anti-Damascus policies, the Syrian foreign minister told RT.

“The Americans are using ISIS as a scarecrow,” Minister Walid Muallem said in an interview with RT Arabic. “At the same time they are feeding ISIS, encouraging them, protecting ISIS leaders and helping them move from one area to another.”

The US policy is aimed at investing into terrorism.

The Syrian government has long accused the US of fueling groups of foreign Islamist fighters, even those bragging of committing atrocities in Syria, as long as they were willing to fight against the forces loyal to Damascus and Assad. Washington claimed its illegal deployment of troops in Syria was aimed at destroying IS, but even after the group was defeated by Syrian and Russian military the American boots remain on the ground.

The latest public justification coming from the US is that oil in northeastern Syria needs to be “secured” from the defeated jihadists. In practice, the US denies the internationally recognized government of Syria of using their own country’s national resources.

Muallem also said the US continues its attempts to topple the government he serves. The US is using with various measures, including targeting Damascus with economic sanctions. A new round of those is expected after the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) earlier this month.

Part of the NDAA orders punishment of companies who would help the Syrian government in rebuilding infrastructure and the energy sector – which presumably should not be allowed to happen while President Bashar Assad remains in power.

[While touting “freedom” and self determination, western governments and bankers don’t want it for other nations. Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Libya (for instance) all need to be subservient to western elites – for the economic benefits of western elites and their corporations (so we are supposed to believe)].

“All nations that were victimized by this system need to join forces and resist those sanctions,” the Syrian official said.


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Europeans Lead in Every Field, Jewish Brilliance a Myth, Einstein Over-Rated, Hyped by Jewish PR

Eric Striker – The New York Times recently published an opinion piece asserting that Ashkenazi Jews are an elite race by nature of their superior hereditary, culture and soul.

For sure, there are Jews of exceptional intellect and ability, but this is true for most races. The Times’ dictation is an evacuation straight from the bowels of Zionist ideology into the minds of the liberal status-quo. The inference is the contention that Jewish domination of Western cultural, economic and political choke points is a product of natural selection rather than nepotism and propaganda.

A cursory glance of history puts the Jews to shame.

When it comes to innovation, no nation has punched outside of its weight class like Scotland. With a modern population of 4.5 million and less than a million in England, Scots have gifted mankind with radar technology, Penicillin, the telephone, the vacuum flask and much more. Unlike abstractions like Marxism, Freudianism and Relativity. These Scottish inventions have drastically improved the lives of all human beings and taken civilization to new heights.

In the sciences, writers point to Jews winning Nobel prizes at a disproportionate rate as evidence of their genius. Yet it is Swedes, with a population smaller than Jewry, who have discovered 20 elements on the Periodic Table, only slightly trailing the United Kingdom (24) and America (21) in the race to understand the hidden nuances of the world around us.

As a complement to Nordic scientific prowess, the smallest branch of the Latin-Mediterranean race, Portugal – a nation which during the 1500s had a population of less than 2 million – rose to prominence in the Age of Discovery, helping man fill an otherwise blank map of the globe.

Despite being a tiny sliver of land off the Iberian peninsula surrounded by hostile powers, Portugal had by the 16th century developed ships that shattered European limitations in sea travel (the equivalent of going to space at the time) to circumnavigated Earth and split claims to much of the newly discovered world with Spain at the Treaty of Tordesillas.

The plucky Portuguese had a presence seemingly everywhere, with holdings and ports as far as Japan and India, not to mention permanent cultural and racial imprints in Africa and Latin America.

What, in comparison, are the major achievements of the booming Ashkenazi Jewish population during this time period? They may have a presence on every continent today, but only thanks to infrastructure and discoveries by nations like Portugal.

The biggest hole in the contemporary race theories Stephens quotes, by delineating Ashkenazis (Eastern Europeans) from Sephardics (Mediterranean Latins), neither of which are Semitic, is that the rise and fall in prominence of the two groups coincides with the arc of their hosts. Until recent history Jew generally were compared to Gypsies. When Latins ruled the world, it was Sephardics (including those expelled from Spain) were the world Jewry in Britain, Holland, and so on. Then with Anglo-Saxon powers, Germany and the ethnic go-between of France taking Spain and Portugal’s place as superpowers, suddenly Ashkenazis woke up to find themselves recognized as Jewry. This suggests civilizational parasitism, not independent racial genius.

We can see other examples of Jewish underachievement in the Classical world. New studies show that the Roman Empire at its peak had a citizen population of 5 million, while estimates of the Jewish population in times before Christ range from 3 to 8 million (Josephus claimed 1.1 million Jews died during the First Roman-Jewish War alone).

Jews are purported to have had large armies and empires, but they were largely pastoralists who shared more in common with the Mongols in their violent disdain for high culture and intolerance, leaving behind few literary or technological achievements. Even the Western Wall, which Jews claim is their ancient Temple, is nothing more than the remnant of a Roman army fort.

The Myth of Einstein and “Relativity Hype” 

Stephens emphasizes the cultural meme of Albert Einstein as the core evidence demonstrating the intellectual prowess of the Jews.

Jews are indeed highly overrepresented as Nobel Prize winners in the world of physics, where many of the theories are abstract and difficult (if not impossible) to prove or disprove, but are not very well represented in the most significant developments in the field in the last three decades:  Quantum Teleportation (one Jew out of six authors), the Bose-Einstein Condensate (independently discovered by the Indian Satyendra Nath Bose yet credited to Einstein who merely reiterated the work afterwards), the “God Particle” (Peter Higgs and Francois Englert), etc.

The Einstein question thus personifies the problem with claims of Jewish superiority.

The theory of relativity was controversial inside the European scientific community when it was released in 1905 without peer review. Nobel Prize winning German physicists Johannes Stark and Philipp Lenard were open opponents of it due to what they saw as hijacking physics away from illustrative and intuitive norms towards abstractions and overemphasis on math.

The German physics community’s main issue with the Einstein phenomenon was not just the theory, but how normal scientific standards were suspended to declare Einstein the new Copernicus.

This declaration was made by Einstein’s (a Zionist activist deeply integrated with pan-Jewry) fellow Jews in the press, which critics dubbed “relativity hype.” This both surprised and infuriated his colleagues. A book released in 1924 by renown physicist Ernst Gehrcke, “The Mass Suggestion of Relativity Theory,” recorded 5,000 newspaper articles affirming with no proof that Einstein had shattered all previous notions in classical physics despite the jury still being out among many of his most respected peers.

Einstein’s genius is the work of publicists and mass suggestion, in other words. Additionally, Einstein did not discover relativity, but merely reconstituted discoveries by Joseph Larmor (released in 1897) and work by Henri Poincare (published in 1898), both who abided by classical scientific norms. Whatever the merits or demerits of E=mc2,  it was the Italian Galileo Galilei who first theorized about relativity in 1632. When confronted with these facts or dissenting opinions throughout his career, Einstein’s go-to tactic was to take to the newspapers that loved him and accuse his detractors of “anti-Semitism.”

With modern technology, the theory of relativity has been challenged time and time again. Every year a new scientist outside of the oxygen-deprived and politicized Western academy, like in India or Russia, provides mathematical or even common sense (like mass and energy being interchangeable) wrenches in the relativity machine, at least as Einstein proposed it. In 2011, the highly respected CERN caused waves in the media by seemingly disproving the core arguments attributed to Einstein when neutrinos sped faster than light during a high-tech experiment.

After outcry and dismay from certain gatekeepers in academia and the media, CERN claimed that a cable in their machine was loose and the previous results were not recreated after adjustment. While this incident alone does not prove an attempt to protect Einstein’s legacy, fear within the scientific community of losing grants in resource-starved physics research by making discoveries financial and political kingmakers do not like should not be dismissed either.

The Jewish mind dwells constantly in the fields of advertisement and propaganda – as with the Jew Edward Bernays (nephew of Jew Sigmund Freud). Bernays’ book Propanda celebrates Jewish manipulation aptitude via advertisement and propaganda.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”    – Edward Bernays, Propaganda

Today, The Jew Albert Einstein’s reputation as the smartest man who ever lived is bolstered by a seemingly infinite number of books, TV shows, and movies celebrating his life and supposed achievements – far more than any other scientist in history. Jewish writers have brainwashed the world to think that Jews excel in physics. But it was common-sense-oriented scientists in the Third Reich (Einstein’s opponents) that first developed the rocket technology that allowed us to reach space.

One looks at the Jewish spirit’s replacement of reason and intuition with abstraction and relativism in other fields like the arts, anthropology, culture of critique, in music, and we should question whether Einstein’s similar approach towards Physics has been more of a retarding influence that scientists are pressured to accept rather than the groundbreaking accomplishment that is supposed to be taken for granted.

Would this supposed “consensus” still be so if Germany had not been captured and propagandized after the Second World War and science had not been monopolized by Jewish pressure?

We are convinced that Jews are our masters only because it is forbidden for the establishment to recognize the group-achievements of far more accomplished Europeans.

The brilliance of the plagiarist Einstein embodies the nature of the broader patronizing claims of born-to-rule Jewish excellence: it may look like a diamond, but it’s synthetic like a cubic zirconia.

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US and Syrian Troops Come Face to Face, SAA Tells US to Leave

It was only a matter of time.

Fresh on the heals of a warning issued to Washington yesterday by President Assad’s advisor that the US should cease its theft of Syrian oil and leave the country – a new video has surfaced showing American occupying troops being confronted by a Syrian Arab Army officer.

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:20 P.M.) – A new video that was released on Friday showed U.S. military personnel and Syrian Arab Army (SAA) troops coming face-to-face in northeastern Syria.

The video shows a Syrian soldier (some pages said he was an officer), as he faces an American patrol in the eastern Euphrates.

The Syrian Army soldier tells the U.S. patrol:

“You are occupiers, and you will leave Syria either today or tomorrow.”


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Trump warns Russia, Syria, Iran against Interference in Idlib

Trump Doesn’t Want Russia Interfering With US-Armed Terrorists In Syria
How America Armed Terrorists in Syria

WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (Xinhua) — U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday warned Russia, Syria, and Iran against violence in Idlib province of northwestern Syria, the stronghold of Syrian rebels.

“Russia, Syria, and Iran are killing, or on their way to killing, thousands of innocent civilians in Idlib Province. Don’t do it!” Trump tweeted in the morning. 

Trump added in his tweet that “Turkey is working hard to stop this carnage,” without providing further details.

Forces loyal to the Syrian government, backed by Russian airstrikes, have launched a fresh round of fierce offensives in Idlib to capture the last rebels’ stronghold in the war-torn country.

The Syrian army said in a statement on Tuesday that it will continue the military operation until “liberating” Idlib Province from “terrorists,” state news agency SANA reported.

The statement urged civilians in Idlib to stay away from the rebel positions, noting that the army will “liberate” Idlib while preserving the lives of the civilians.

About 110,000 civilians have so far fled their homes in the southern countryside of Syria’s Idlib Province as a result of a military showdown there, a war monitor reported Thursday.

Turkish presidential spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin said Tuesday evening that Ankara asked Moscow to establish a cease-fire in Idlib after the region has seen an uptick of violence in recent days.

Turkey and Russia agreed in September 2018 to turn parts of Idlib into a de-escalation zone in which acts of aggression are prohibited.

However, such deals exclude the ultra-radical rebels who are affiliated with the al-Qaida and branded as terrorist groups by the United Nations.

Idlib hosts some 3 million people including many displaced by years of violence in other parts of Syria.


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Morales claims US orchestrated ‘coup’ to tap Bolivia’s lithium

Morales resigned as president in November after almost
        three weeks of protests [File: Agustin Marcarian/Reuters]
25 Dec 2019 – Aljazeera

Former Bolivia president Evo Morales has claimed he was forced from office by a US-backed coup aimed at gaining access to the South American country’s vast lithium resources.

The remarks came in an exclusive interview with AFP news agency on Tuesday, weeks after Morales resigned as president on November 10.

Since then, Morales – Bolivia’s first Indigenous president – has claimed to have been the victim of a coup d’etat.

“It was a national and international coup d’etat,” Morales told AFP in Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires, where he has been living in exile since claiming asylum. “Industrialized countries don’t want competition.”Morales said Washington had not “forgiven” his country for choosing to seek lithium extraction partnerships with Russia and China rather than the US.

“That’s why I’m absolutely convinced it’s a coup against lithium,” he said.

“We as a state had begun industrializing lithium … As a small country of 10 million inhabitants, we were soon going to set the price of lithium.”

“They know we have the greatest lithium reserves in the world.


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WW2 War Crimes of Churchill and the Americans Were Far Worse Than Hitler’s

Here is Ron Unz weighing for us the historical evidence on who was the worst war criminal. The emphasis is added:

“… the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe.

Today’s American Neocons are just as heavily Jewish as were the Bolsheviks of a hundred years ago, and they have greatly benefited from the political immunity provided by this totally bizarre inversion of historical reality.

Partly as a consequence of their media-fabricated victimhood status, they have managed to seize control over much of our political system, especially our foreign policy, and have spent the last few years doing their utmost to foment an absolutely insane war with nuclear-armed Russia. If they do manage to achieve that unfortunate goal, they will surely outdo the very impressive human body-count racked up by their ethnic ancestors, perhaps even by an order-of-magnitude or more.”

– Ron Unz in “Understanding World War II

To put things in plain language, during the years leading up to the Second World War, both Churchill and numerous other fellow British MPs were regularly receiving sizable financial stipends—cash bribes—from Jewish and Czech sources in exchange for promoting a policy of extreme hostility toward the German government and actually advocating war. The sums involved were quite considerable, with the Czech government alone probably making payments that amounted to tens of millions in present-day dollars to British elected officials, publishers, and journalists working to overturn the official peace policy of their existing government. A particularly notable instance occurred in early 1938 when Churchill suddenly lost all his accumulated wealth in a foolish gamble on the American stock-market, and was soon forced to put his beloved country estate up for sale to avoid personal bankruptcy, only to quickly be bailed out by a foreign Jewish millionaire intent upon promoting a war against Germany. Indeed, the early stages of Churchill’s involvement in this sordid behavior are recounted in an Irving chapter aptly entitled “The Hired Help.” (David Irving’s books are accurate accounts of US war on Germany – his books can be found HERE, HERE, and HERE.)

Given the heavy Jewish involvement in financing Churchill and his allies and also steering the American government and public in the direction of war against Germany, organized Jewish groups probably bore the central responsibility for provoking the world war, and this was surely recognized by most knowledgeable individuals at the time. Indeed, the Forrestal Diaries recorded the very telling statement by our ambassador in London: “Chamberlain, he says, stated that America and the Jews had forced England into the war.”

<figcaption>Dresden before and after the fire bombing of this civilian city, devoid of any military value, except for terrorizing civilians</figcaption>Dresden before and after the fire bombing. It was devoid of any military value, except for terrorizing civilians


Unz, a prolific reader with a knack for tying things together reviews some of the true history in what follows. To condition yourself for the coming shock, keep in mind that the same Hitler that is said to have hated Jews and systematically gassed and burnt them, had 150,000 half-and quarter-Jews serving in his armies, “mostly as combat officers, and these included at least 15 half-Jewish generals and admirals, with another dozen quarter Jews holding those same high ranks.

The most notable example was Field Marshal Erhard Milch, Hermann Goering’s powerful second-in-command, who played such an important operational role in creating the Luftwaffe. Milch certainly had a Jewish father, and according to some much less substantiated claims, perhaps even a Jewish mother as well, while his sister was married to an SS general.”

When truth-tellers rattle our cages, we get upset over having our comfortable make-believe world disturbed and shout invectives. Rather than condemn the messenger, the more mature response would be to condemn those who lied to us and institutionalized false history into our consciousness. Keep in mind that the few who tell you the truth pay a high price for doing so; therefore, you should refrain from adding your invective to the copious amount heaped on them by the Establishment.

Think about it. Which is your true friend, the one who tells you the truth, or the one who controls the explanations you receive in order to advance his own agenda?

I again state my admiration of Ron Unz. He is Jewish. He is highly intelligent. He is a Harvard graduate. He is an entrepreneur who made himself a multi-millionaire. He could have held his fire and risen to the top of the establishment. Instead, he chose to tell us the truth. Ron Unz is the person who should be President. Unlike Trump, Unz would know how to staff a government that would put truth and morality back in charge of our future.

(The remainder of this article is a reprint of approximately the last quarter of Unz’s massive 20,000 word article referenced above.)

For most present-day Americans, the primary image associated with Hitler and his German regime is the horrendous scale of the war-crimes that they supposedly committed during the global conflict that they are alleged to have unleashed. But in one of his lectures, Irving made the rather telling observation that the relative scale of such World War II crimes and especially their evidentiary base might not necessarily point in the direction of implicating the Germans.

Although Hollywood and those in its thrall have endlessly cited the findings of the Nuremberg Tribunals as the final word on Nazi barbarism, even a cursory examination of those proceedings raises enormous skepticism.

As time passed, historians gradually acknowledged that some of the most shocking and lurid pieces of evidence used to secure worldwide condemnation of the defendants—the human lampshades and bars of soap, the shrunken heads—were entirely fraudulent.

The Soviets were determined to prosecute the Nazis for the Katyn Forest massacre of the captured Polish officer corps even though the Western Allies were convinced that Stalin had actually been responsible, a belief eventually confirmed by Gorbachev and the newly-opened Soviet archives. If the Germans had actually done so many horrible things, one wonders why the prosecution would have bothered including such fabricated and false charges.

And over the decades, considerable evidence has accumulated that the Gas Chambers and the Jewish Holocaust—the central elements of today’s Nazi “Black Legend”—were just as fictional as all those other items.

The Germans were notoriously meticulous record-keepers, embracing orderly bureaucracy like no other people, and nearly all their archives were captured at the end of the war. Under these circumstances, it seems rather odd that there are virtually no traces of the plans or directives associated with the monstrous crimes that their leadership supposedly ordered committed in such massively industrial fashion. Instead, the entirety of the evidence seems to consist of a tiny quantity of rather doubtful documentary material, the dubious interpretations of certain phrases, and various German confessions, often obtained under brutal torture.

By contrast, David Irving notes that if the Allies had instead been in the dock at Nuremberg, the evidence of their guilt would have been absolutely overwhelming. After all, it was Churchill who began the illegal terror-bombing of cities, a strategy deliberately intended to provoke German retaliation and which eventually led to the death of a million or more European civilians.

Late in the war, military reversals had even persuaded the British leader to order similarly illegal poison gas attacks against German cities, along with the initiation of even more horrific biological warfare involving anthrax bombs. Irving located these signed directives in the British archives, although Churchill was later persuaded to countermand them before they were carried out. By contrast, German archival material demonstrates that Hitler had repeatedly ruled out any first use of such illegal weapons under any circumstances, even though Germany’s far deadlier arsenal might have turned the tide of the war in its favor.

Although long forgotten today, Freda Utley was a mid-century journalist of some prominence. Born an Englishwoman, she had married a Jewish Communist and moved to Soviet Russia, then fled to America after her husband fell in one of Stalin’s purges.

Although hardly sympathetic to the defeated Nazis, she strongly shared Beaty’s view of the monstrous perversion of justice at Nuremberg and her first-hand account of the months spent in Occupied Germany is eye-opening in its description of the horrific suffering imposed upon the prostrate population even years after the end of the war. Moreover:

Her book also gives substantial coverage to the organized expulsions of ethnic Germans from Silesia, the Sudatenland, East Prussia, and various other parts of Central and Eastern Europe where they had peacefully lived for many centuries, with the total number of such expellees generally estimated at 13 to 15 million.

Families were sometimes given as little as ten minutes to leave the homes in which they had resided for a century or more, then forced to march off on foot, sometimes for hundreds of miles, towards a distant land they had never seen, with their only possessions being what they could carry in their own hands. In some cases, any surviving menfolk were separated out and shipped off to slave-labor camps, thereby producing an exodus consisting solely of women, children, and the very elderly. All estimates were that at least a couple million perished along the way, from hunger, illness, or exposure.

These days we endlessly read painful discussions of the notorious “Trail of Tears” suffered by the Cherokees in the distant past of the early 19th century, but this rather similar 20th Century event was nearly a thousand-fold larger in size. Despite this huge discrepancy in magnitude and far greater distance in time, I would guess that the former event may command a thousand times the public awareness among ordinary Americans. If so, this would demonstrate that overwhelming media control can easily shift perceived reality by a factor of a million or more.

The population movement certainly seems to have represented the largest ethnic-cleansing in the history of the world, and if the Germany had ever done anything even remotely similar during its years of European victories and conquests, the visually-gripping scenes of such an enormous flood of desperate, trudging refugees would surely have become a centerpiece of numerous World War II movies of the last seventy years. But since nothing like that ever happened, Hollywood screenwriters lost a tremendous opportunity.

I think perhaps the most plausible explanation for the widespread promotion of a multitude of largely fictional German war-crimes at Nuremberg was to the camouflage and obscure the very real ones actually committed by the Allies.

Other related indicators may be found in the extreme tone of some of the American publications of the period, even those produced well before our country even entered the war. For example:

But as early as 1940, an American Jew named Theodore Kaufman became so enraged at what he regarded as Hitler’s mistreatment of German Jewry that he published a short book evocatively entitled Germany Must Perish!, in which he explicitly proposed the total extermination of the German people. And that book apparently received favorable if perhaps not entirely serious discussion in many of our most prestigious media outlets, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Time Magazine.

Surely any such similar book published in Hitler’s Germany that advocated the extermination of all Jews or Slavs would have been a centerpiece at Nuremberg, and any newspaper reviewers who had treated it favorably would probably have stood in the dock for “crimes against humanity.”

Meanwhile, the terrible nature of the Pacific War fought in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor is suggested by a 1944 issue of Life magazine that carried the photo of a young American woman with the skull of a Japanese soldier her boyfriend had sent her as a war souvenir. If any Nazi magazines ever featured similar images, I doubt the Allies would have had any need to fabricate ridiculous stories of human lampshades or soap.

And remarkably enough, that grotesque scene actually provides a reasonably accurate indication of the savage atrocities that were regularly committed during the brutal fighting of the Pacific Theater. These unpleasant facts were fully set forth in War Without Mercy, an award-winning 1986 volume by eminent American historian John W. Dower that received glowing accolades by leading scholars and public intellectuals.

The unfortunate truth is that Americans typically massacred Japanese who sought to surrender or who had even already been taken as prisoners, with the result that only a small slice—during some years merely a tiny sliver—of Japanese troops defeated in battle ever survived.

The traditional excuse publicly offered for the virtual absence of any Japanese POWs was that their Bushido code made surrender unthinkable, yet when the Soviets defeated Japanese armies in 1945, they had no difficulty capturing over a million prisoners. Indeed, since interrogating prisoners was important for intelligence purposes, late in the war U.S. commanders began offering rewards such as ice cream to their troops for bringing some surrendering Japanese in alive rather than killing them in the field.

American GIs also regularly committed remarkably savage atrocities. Dead or wounded Japanese frequently had their gold teeth knocked out and taken as war-booty, and their ears were often cut-off and kept as souvenirs, as was also sometimes the case with their skulls. Meanwhile, Dower notes the absence of any evidence suggesting similar behavior on the other side.

The American media generally portrayed the Japanese as vermin fit for eradication, and numerous public statements by high-ranking American military leaders explicitly claimed that the bulk of the entire Japanese population would probably need to be exterminated in order to bring the war to a successful conclusion. Comparing such thoroughly-documented facts with the rather tenuous accusations usually leveled against Nazi political or military leaders is quite revealing.

During the late 1980s evidence of other deep wartime secrets suddenly came to light.

While visiting France during 1986 in preparation for an unrelated book, a Canadian writer named James Bacque stumbled upon clues suggesting that one of the most terrible secrets of post-war Germany had long remained completely hidden, and he soon embarked upon extensive research into the subject, finally publishing Other Losses in 1989. Based upon very considerable evidence, including government records, personal interviews, and recorded eyewitness testimony, he argued that after the end of the war, the Americans had starved to death as many as a million German POWs, seemingly as a deliberate act of policy, a war crime that would surely rank among the greatest in history.

For decades, Western propagandists had relentlessly barraged the Soviets with claims that they were keeping back a million or more “missing” German POWs as slave-laborers in their Gulag, while the Soviets had endlessly denied these accusations.

According to Bacque, the Soviets had been telling the truth all along, and the missing soldiers had been among the enormous numbers who had fled westward near the end of the war, seeking what they assumed would be far better treatment at the hands of the advancing Anglo-American armies. But instead, they were denied all normal legal protections, and confined under horrible conditions where they rapidly perished of hunger, illness, and exposure.

Without attempting to summarize Bacque’s extensive accumulation of supporting material, a few of his factual elements are worth mentioning. At the close of hostilities, the American government employed circuitous legal reasoning to argue that the many millions of German troops that they had captured should not be considered “prisoners of war” and therefore were not covered by the provisions of the Geneva Convention.

Soon afterward, attempts by the International Red Cross to provide food shipments to the enormous Allied prison camps were repeatedly rejected, and notices were posted throughout the nearby German towns and villages that any civilian who attempted to smuggle food to the desperate POWs might be shot on sight. These undeniable historical facts do seem to suggest certain dark possibilities.

Although initially released by an obscure publisher, Bacque’s book soon became a sensation and an international best-seller. He paints Gen. Dwight Eisenhower as the central culprit behind the tragedy, noting the far lower POW losses in areas outside his control, and suggests that as a highly ambitious “political general” of German-American ancestry, he may have been under intense pressure to demonstrate his “harshness” toward the defeated Wehrmacht foe.

Furthermore, once the Cold War ended and the Soviet Archives were open to scholars, their contents seem to have strongly validated Bacque’s thesis. He notes that although the archives do contain explicit evidence of such long-denied atrocities as Stalin’s Katyn Forest massacre of Poland’s officer corps, they show absolutely no signs of any million missing German POWs, who instead had very likely ended their lives in the starvation and illness of Eisenhower’s death camps. Bacque points out that the German government has issued severe legal threats against anyone seeking to investigate the likely sites of the mass graves that might hold the remains of those long-dead POWs, and in an updated edition, he also mentions Germany’s enactment of harsh new laws meting out heavy prison sentences to anyone who merely questions the official narrative of World War II.

Bacque’s discussion of the new evidence of the Kremlin archives constitutes a relatively small portion of his 1997 sequel, Crimes and Mercies, which centered around an even more explosive analysis, and also became an international best-seller.

As described above, first-hand observers of post-war Germany in 1947 and 1948 such as Gollanz and Utley, had directly reported on the horrific conditions they discovered, and stated that for years official food rations for the entire population had been comparable to that of the inmates of Nazi concentration camps and sometimes far lower, leading to the widespread malnutrition and illness they witnessed all around them.

They also noted the destruction of most of Germany’s pre-war housing stock and the severe overcrowding produced by the influx of so many millions of pitiful ethnic German refugees expelled from other parts of Central and Eastern Europe. But these visitors lacked any access to solid population statistics, and could only speculate upon the enormous human death toll that hunger and illness had already inflicted, and which would surely continue if policies were not quickly changed.

Years of archival research by Bacque attempt to answer this question, and the conclusion he provides is certainly not a pleasant one. Both the Allied military government and the later German civilian authorities seem to have made a concerted effort to hide or obscure the true scale of the calamity visited upon German civilians during the years 1945-1950, and the official mortality statistics found in government reports are simply too fantastical to possibly be correct, although they became the basis for the subsequent histories of that period.

Bacque notes that these figures suggest that the death rate during the terrible conditions of 1947, long remembered as the “Hunger Year” (Hungerjahr) and vividly described in Gollancz’s account, was actually lower than that of the prosperous Germany of the late 1960s. Furthermore, private reports by American officials, mortality rates from individual localities, and other strong evidence demonstrate that these long-accepted aggregate numbers were essentially fictional.

Instead, Bacque attempts to provide more realistic estimates based upon an examination of the population totals of the various German censuses together with the recorded influx of the huge number of German refugees. Based upon this simple analysis, he makes a reasonably strong case that the excess German deaths during that period amounted to at least around 10 million, and possibly many millions more.

Furthermore, he provides substantial evidence that the starvation was either deliberate or at least enormously worsened by American government resistance to overseas food relief efforts. Perhaps these numbers should not be so totally surprising given that the official Morgenthau Plan had envisioned the elimination of around 20 million Germans, and as Bacque demonstrates, top American leaders quietly agreed to continue that policy in practice even while they renounced it in theory.

Assuming these numbers are even remotely correct, the implications are quite remarkable. The toll of the human catastrophe experienced in post-war Germany would certainly rank among the greatest in modern peacetime history, far exceeding the deaths that occurred during the Ukrainian Famine of the early 1930s and possibly even approaching the wholly unintentional losses during Mao’s Great Leap Forward of 1959-61.

Furthermore, the post-war German losses would vastly outrank either of these other unfortunate events in percentage terms and this would remain true even if the Bacque’s estimates are considerably reduced.

Yet I doubt if even a small fraction of one percent of Americans are today aware of this enormous human calamity. Presumably memories are much stronger in Germany itself, but given the growing legal crackdown on discordant views in that unfortunate country, I suspect that anyone who discusses the topic too energetically risks immediate imprisonment.

To a considerable extent, this historical ignorance has been heavily fostered by our governments, often using underhanded or even nefarious means. Just like in the old decaying USSR, much of the current political legitimacy of today’s American government and its various European vassal-states is founded upon a particular narrative history of World War II, and challenging that narrative might produce dire political consequences.

Bacque credibly relates some of the apparent efforts to dissuade any major newspaper or magazine from running articles discussing the startling findings of his first book, thereby imposing a “blackout” aimed at absolutely minimizing any media coverage. Such measures seem to have been quite effective, since until eight or nine years ago, I’m not sure I had ever heard a word of these shocking ideas, and I have certainly never seen them seriously discussed in any of the numerous newspapers or magazines that I have carefully read over the last three decades.

Even illegal means were employed to hinder the efforts of this solitary, determined scholar. At times, Bacque’s phone-lines were tapped, his mail intercepted, and his research materials surreptitiously copied, while his access to some official archives was blocked. Some of the elderly eyewitnesses who personally corroborated his analysis received threatening notes and had their property vandalized.

In his Foreword to this 1997 book, De Zayas, the eminent international human rights attorney, praised Bacque’s ground-breaking research, and hoped that it would soon lead to a major scholarly debate aimed at reassessing the true facts of these historical events that had taken place a half-century earlier. But in his update to the 2007 edition, he expressed some outrage that no such discussion ever occurred, and instead the German government merely passed a series of harsh laws mandating prison sentences for anyone who substantially disputed the settled narrative of World War II and its immediate aftermath, perhaps by overly focusing on the suffering of German civilians.

Although both of Bacque’s books became international best-sellers, the near-complete absence of any secondary media coverage ensured that they never entered public awareness with anything more than a pinprick. Another important factor is the tremendously disproportionate reach of print and electronic media.

A best-seller may be read by many tens of thousands of people, but a successful film might reach tens of millions, and so long as Hollywood churns out endless movies denouncing Germany’s atrocities but not a single one on the other side, the true facts of that history are hardly likely to gain much traction. I strongly suspect that far more people today believe in the real-life existence of Batman and Spiderman than are even aware of the Bacque Hypothesis.

Many of the elements presented above were drawn from my previous articles published over the last year or so, but I believe there is some value in providing this same material in unified form rather than only separately, even if the total length necessarily becomes quite considerable.

World War II dominates our twentieth century landscape like a colossus, and still casts huge shadows across our modern world. That global conflict has probably been the subject of far more sustained coverage, whether in print or electronic media, than any other event in human history. So if we encounter a small handful of highly anomalous items that seem to directly contradict such an ocean of enormously detailed and long-accepted information, there is a natural tendency to dismiss these few outliers as implausible or even delusional.

But once the total number of such discordant seemingly yet well-documented elements becomes sufficiently large, we must take them more seriously, and perhaps eventually concede that most of them are probably correct. As was suggested in a quote widely if doubtfully attributed to Stalin, “Quantity has a quality all of its own.”

I am hardly the first individual to gradually become aware of this sweeping and cohesive counter-narrative of the Second World War, and a few months ago I happened to read Germany’s War, published in 2014 by amateur historian John Wear.

Drawing from sources that substantially overlap with the ones I have discussed, his conclusions are reasonably similar to my own, but presented in a book length form that includes some 1,200 exact source references. So those interested in a much more detailed exposition of these same issues can read it and decide for themselves.

When intellectual freedom is under attack, challenging an officially enshrined mythology may become legally perilous. I have seen claims that thousands of individuals who hold heterodox opinions about various aspects of the history of World War II are today imprisoned across Europe on the basis of those beliefs. If so, that total is probably far higher than the number of ideological dissidents who had suffered a similar fate in the decaying Soviet Bloc countries of the 1980s.

World War II ended nearly three generations ago, and few of its adult survivors still walk the earth. From one perspective the true facts of that conflict and whether or not they actually contradict our traditional beliefs might appear rather irrelevant. Tearing down the statues of some long-dead historical figures and replacing them with the statues of others hardly seems of much practical value.

But if we gradually conclude that the story that all of us have been told during our entire lifetimes is substantially false and perhaps largely inverted, the implications for our understanding of the world are enormous. Most of the surprising material presented here is hardly hidden or kept under lock-and-key. Nearly all the books are easily available at Amazon or even freely readable on the Internet, many of the authors have received critical and scholarly acclaim, and in some cases their works have sold in the millions.

Yet this important material has been almost entirely ignored or dismissed by the popular media that shapes the common beliefs of our society. So we must necessarily begin to wonder what other massive falsehoods may have been similarly promoted by that media, perhaps involving incidents of the recent past or even the present day. And those latter events do have enormous practical significance. As I pointed out several years ago in my original American Pravda article:

Aside from the evidence of our own senses, almost everything we know about the past or the news of today comes from bits of ink on paper or colored pixels on a screen, and fortunately over the last decade or two the growth of the Internet has vastly widened the range of information available to us in that latter category.

Even if the overwhelming majority of the unorthodox claims provided by such non-traditional web-based sources is incorrect, at least there now exists the possibility of extracting vital nuggets of truth from vast mountains of falsehood.

We must also recognize that many of the fundamental ideas that dominate our present-day world were founded upon a particular understanding of that wartime history, and if there seems good reason to believe that narrative is substantially false, perhaps we should begin questioning the framework of beliefs erected upon it.

George Orwell fought in the Spanish Civil War during the 1930s and discovered that the true facts in Spain were radically different from what he had been led to believe by the British media of his day. In 1948 these past experiences together with the rapidly congealing “official history” of the Second World War may have been uppermost in his mind when he published his classic novel 1984, which famously declared that “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.”

Indeed, as I noted last year this observation has never been more true than when we consider some of the historical assumptions that govern the politics of today’s world, and the likelihood that they are entirely misleading:

Back in those late Cold War days, the death toll of innocent civilians from the Bolshevik Revolution and the first two decades of the Soviet Regime was generally reckoned at running well into the tens of millions when we include the casualties of the Russian Civil War, the government-induced famines, the Gulag, and the executions.

I’ve heard that these numbers have been substantially revised downwards to perhaps as little as twenty million or so, but no matter. Although determined Soviet apologists may dispute such very large figures, they have always been part of the standard narrative history taught within the West.

Meanwhile, all historians know perfectly well that the Bolshevik leaders were overwhelmingly Jewish, with three of the five revolutionaries Lenin named as his plausible successors coming from that background.

Although only around 4% of Russia’s population was Jewish, a few years ago Vladimir Putin stated that Jews constituted perhaps 80-85% of the early Soviet government, an estimate fully consistent with the contemporaneous claims of Winston Churchill, Times of London correspondent Robert Wilton, and the officers of American Military Intelligence. Recent books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Slezkine, and others have all painted a very similar picture. And prior to World War II, Jews remained enormously over-represented in the Communist leadership, especially dominating the Gulag administration and the top ranks of the dreaded NKVD.

Both of these simple facts have been widely accepted in America throughout my entire lifetime. But combine them together with the relatively tiny size of worldwide Jewry, around 16 million prior to World War II, and the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe.

Today’s American Neocons are just as heavily Jewish as were the Bolsheviks of a hundred years ago, and they have greatly benefited from the political immunity provided by this totally bizarre inversion of historical reality.

Partly as a consequence of their media-fabricated victimhood status, they have managed to seize control over much of our political system, especially our foreign policy, and have spent the last few years doing their utmost to foment an absolutely insane war with nuclear-armed Russia. If they do manage to achieve that unfortunate goal, they will surely outdo the very impressive human body-count racked up by their ethnic ancestors, perhaps even by an order-of-magnitude or more.

Related Reading:

• The Remarkable Historiography of David Irving

• American Pravda: Post-War France and Post-War Germany

• American Pravda: Our Great Purge of the 1940s

• American Pravda: When Stalin Almost Conquered Europe

• American Pravda: How Hitler Saved the Allies

• American Pravda: Secrets of Military Intelligence

• American Pravda: Jews and Nazis

• American Pravda: Holocaust Denial


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The Afghanistan Papers: Too Little Too Late

A confidential trove of government documents obtained by The Washington Post reveals that senior U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan.

Philip Giraldi – 12-19-19

A devastating investigative report was published in the Washington Post on December 9th. Dubbed the “Afghanistan Papers” in a nod to the Vietnam War’s famous “Pentagon Papers,” the report relied on thousands of documents to similarly expose how the US government at the presidential level across three administrations, acting in collaboration with the military brass and civilian bureaucracy, deliberately and systematically lied repeatedly to the public and media about the situation in Afghanistan.

Officials from the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations have all surged additional troops into Afghanistan while also regularly overstating the “success” that the United States was attaining in stabilizing and democratizing the country. While they were lying, the senior officers and government officials understood clearly that the war was really about, and that it was unwinnable.

The story should have been featured all across the US. The Afghanistan operation continues to kill Americans and much larger numbers of Afghans while also draining billions of dollars from the United States Treasury, but the mainstream media is largely unresponsive, preferring to cover the impeachment saga.

Rather more responsive were the families of Army Chief Warrant Officer Second Class David C. Knadle, 33, of Tarrant, Texas, and Chief Warrant Officer Second Class Kirk T. Fuchigami Jr., 25, of Keaau, Hawaii. Both were killed in a helicopter crash on November 20th in Afghanistan’s Logar province while assisting troops on the ground, according to a Pentagon press release. They were participating in what was characteristically dubbed Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. Both men were assigned to the 1st Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division in Fort Hood, Texas. The Taliban took credit for the downing of the chopper, but the Army is still investigating the cause.

Knadle and Fuchigami are only the most recent of the more than 2,400 American service members who have been killed in Afghanistan since October 2001, together with 20,589 wounded and an estimated 110,000 Afghan dead. In the wake of the Post’s report, Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1974, reports that the Pentagon and Afghanistan Papers exposed the same governmental dysfunction: “The presidents and the generals had a pretty realistic view of what they were doing, which they did not want to admit to the American people.”

The New Republic observes how

“The documents are an indictment not only of one aspect of American foreign policy, but also of the US’s entire policymaking apparatus. They reveal a bipartisan consensus to lie about what was actually happening in Afghanistan: chronic waste and chronic corruption, one ill-conceived development scheme after another, resulting in failure to bring peace and prosperity to the country. Both parties had reason to engage in the cover-up. For the Bush administration, Afghanistan was a key component in the war on terror. For the Obama administration, Afghanistan was the ‘good war’ that stood in contrast to the nightmare in Iraq.”

The Afghan War’s true costs have never been precisely calculated, though they certainly exceed $1 trillion and counting. The documents relied upon for the Post report include more than 2,000 pages of confidential interviews with people who played a direct role in the war, including soldiers and diplomats, as well as civilian aid workers and Afghan officials. Many of the interviews were initially carried out by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). The Post divided the interviews and supporting documentation into subject categories that demonstrate how the situation in Afghanistan began to deteriorate as soon as the United States followed up on its rapid invasion with a plan for nation building. Resorting to the usual American expedient, the occupiers flooded the country with money, which meant that the only thing blooming on the thin soil was corruption, apart from the poppies that have made Afghanistan the world’s leading supplier of opium.

One contractor who was involved in nation building described how he was required to spend $3 million daily for projects in an Afghan district roughly the size of a US county. He asked a visiting congressman if he could be authorized to spend that much money in the US “[The lawmaker] said hell no. ‘Well, sir, that’s what you just obligated us to spend and I’m doing it for communities that live in mud huts with no windows.’ ”

In another interview the report cites Lieutenant General Douglas Lute, the White House Afghan war czar during the Bush and Obama administrations, who told the interviewers in 2015. “We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan — we didn’t know what we were doing,” later adding “What are we trying to do here? We didn’t have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking.”

[Many of the military didn’t know exactly why or what they were doing there. But the top generals and the White House knew what and why. The goal was to divert America’s attention away from the truth that 9-11 was an inside job, and they also needed to put Americans in the mood to fear Muslims and Russians so the planned “War On Terror” could be instigated. They needed Americans to get on board for the wars the government was planning – Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran. The plan was personally witnessed and reported by General Wesley Clark in 2011.]

Army Colonel Bob Crowley, who served in Kabul in 2013-4, described how at headquarters “Every data point was altered to present the best picture possible,” adding also how “Surveys, for instance, were totally unreliable but reinforced that everything we were doing was right.”

Part of the problem with Afghanistan was the rotation of American soldiers in and then out after one year or less, just as they were learning about the country and the problems they faced. It has led to the joke that the United States has not fought an eighteen-year war in Afghanistan: it has fought a one-year war eighteen times.

The Post investigative report coincides with an interesting deconstruction of the US military and how it operates. David Swanson of World BEYOND War provides a lengthy review of West Point Professor Tim Bakken’s new book The Cost of Loyalty: Dishonesty, Hubris, and Failure in the US Military. Per Swanson, the book “traces a path of corruption, barbarism, violence, and unaccountability that makes its way from the United States’ military academies (West Point, Annapolis, Colorado Springs) to the top ranks of the US military and US governmental policy, and from there into a broader US culture that, in turn, supports the subculture of the military and its leaders (i.e., The Military Industrial Complex). The US Congress and presidents have ceded tremendous power to generals. The State Department and even the US Institute of Peace are subservient to the military. The corporate media and the public help maintain this arrangement with their eagerness to denounce anyone who opposes the generals. Even those who oppose giving free weapons to Ukraine are now quasi-treasonous.”

Bakken even disputes the widely held view that the military academies have high academic standards. He describes how the “system” pays to get potential athletes and accepts students nominated by congressmen commensurate with donations made to fund re-election campaigns. Swanson sums it up by observing how the academies offer “a community college-level education only with more hazing, violence, and tamping down of curiosity. West Point takes soldiers and declares them to be professors, which works roughly as well as declaring them to be relief workers or nation builders or peace keepers. The school parks ambulances nearby in preparation for violent rituals. Boxing is a required subject. Women are five times more likely to be sexually assaulted at the three military academies than at other US universities.”

Bakken concludes that appreciating the fundamental structural flaws in the US armed forces “leads to a clearer understanding of the deficiencies in the military and how America can lose wars.” In fact, he does not even seek to identify a war that the United States has won since World War 2 in spite of the country being nearly constantly engaged in conflict.

Together the Bakken book and the Afghanistan Papers reveal just how much the American people have been brainwashed by their leaders into believing a perpetual warfare national narrative that is more fiction than fact. Donald Trump may have actually appreciated that the voters were tired of the wars and was elected on that basis, but he has completely failed to deliver on his promise to retrench. It suggests that America will remain in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future and the inevitable next war, wherever it might be, will be another failure, no matter who is elected in 2020.


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Complete Destruction Of Syria’s Raqqa, a ‘2nd Dresden’ After US Saturation Bombing

Raqqa, Syria destroyed – over 13,000 civilian Syrians killed by Israel and US bombs.


Russian military correspondents are welcomed as heroes as they go where no Western journalist will go. Western journalists would probably be strung up from the nearest lamppost for their obscene lying about Syria over the years.  Russian journalists don’t scare easily. Their reports from Syria are fair and accurate.

The CIA and Mossad created and funded ISIS, which they used to invade Syria to try to overthrow Syria’s lawful government. Then Russia came to the rescue for Syria and the US and Israel had to pretend to be on the right side, so they bombed a few Syrian cities back into the stone age, not to destroy ISIS which fled well in advance with ample warning from their friends, but to make sure the Syrians had nothing left. The infrastructure of Raqqa is non existent. They’d be better off if it was just sand. That’s how Israel plays the game. Time for the Western voters to wake up and realize who has them by the tail.

Time for Americans to wake up and realize their politicians and the state of Israel are lying to the world while their forces devastate Syria. Israel and the US wants to take over Syria, get rid of Syria’s lawful government and make way for Israel to expand its territory.


Last Monday, the Russian Armed Forces entered Raqqa, the city in northern Syria. The sight of it is astonishing. There are ruins in the place of the city that once flourished. Entire boroughs are smashed to pieces, the infrastructure is completely ruined. Residents of the city urgently need food, drinking water, and medicine.

This is the result of the operation carried out in 2017 by the American Air Force and the Kurds. At least 13,000 civilian Syrians were killed in airstrikes. This isn’t a final figure, as they’re still sifting through the remains in Raqqa. They find new remains of those killed in the attacks. The operation to liberate Raqqa is often compared to the bombing of Dresden in 1945 by the British and American air forces. Historians still argue whether, from a military point of view, it was really necessary to destroy the old European city and kill 25,000 Dresden residents. There’s the same question for the U.S. concerning Raqqa.

For comparison, the Russian servicemen who, together with Syrian servicemen, liberated Aleppo, were able to find another way to drive the terrorists out of the city, without destructive bombing.

Russian military correspondent Evgeny Davydov in now in Raqqa:

This is a ghost city at night: the streets are dark, with almost no people. People make bonfires on the roadsides to warm up. Generators are the only source of electricity. This was shot in the afternoon: there are ruins instead of residential boroughs. About 200,000 lived in Raqqa before the war. Including the suburbs, there was a total of about 500,000. It was one of the biggest cities in Syria. The Russian convoy entered the banned ISIS’s fighters’ main city for the first time. The billboard says in Arabian, “Welcome to Raqqa.” There’s a Russian flag on the armored vehicle. Entire streets gather to greet our servicemen. There are hundreds of people and their genuine emotions.

This is how the Russian humanitarian convoy is received here in Raqqa. There are hundreds of people expressing genuine emotions.

Raqqa had been occupied by ISIS with support from US and Israel military. It actually became an open training ground for hostilities. The majority of city boroughs have been destroyed. Central streets were cleared of mines but it’s still dangerous to go deep into alleys. The city is totally ruined. These are the photos of city boroughs from above. Western liberators generously used bombs and missiles. They razed residential blocks to the ground. There’s colossal destruction; traces of battle can be spotted everywhere. Burnt tanks are now heaps of scrap. Militants of the banned ISIS left Raqqa two years ago but dormant terrorist squads are still active on the outskirts. Kurdish defense squads now control Raqqa and its suburbs. The Syrian Armed Forces have no checkpoints. Those trying to return to Raqqa often die because of shells left by the militants. According to official figures, 119 people have been blown up by land mines last year alone.

Ibragim Abdel Muhammed, Raqqa resident: “We ask Russia to liberate us from the terrorists. They must be driven out of here to prevent them from stepping on our roads and reaching the Euphrates. We wait for the government forces to come here. Then, it’ll finally be safe here.”

There are now those here who have no place to go. Many of them have relatives living in the territories controlled by the Syrian government. There are jobs, and one can support a family. But it’s difficult to get there. Bridges over the Euphrates were destroyed in coalition attacks.

Abu Bashar, Raqqa resident: “We’re happy that the Russian Army is here. We hate war. With your arrival, it’s almost over.”

These are the first steps to restore peace in Raqqa. They sent two trucks with food. They gave away all the packages in a few minutes.

Vladimir Varnavsky, Russia officer: “The works to clear the rubble and mines in the city are still not yet complete. There’s a shortage of pure water, medicine, and food. In today’s action, Russian servicemen gave away several thousand food packages to Raqqa residents. Our military doctors are ready to provide with highly-qualified medical assistance to anyone that needs it.”


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US Police Get ‘Holocaust’ Training Trips to Israel, Funded by Uncle Sam

“Uncle Sam.”

Jewish groups in the United States are adept at creating mechanisms that benefit themselves and Israel at the expense of everyone else. The proliferating holocaust museums are a good example, sometimes built by private donations but then paid for and operated by the local governments. The national holocaust museum in Washington is, for example, supported by the government to the tune of $54 million per year. When one considers that the so-called holocaust allegedly occurred nearly eighty years ago in Europe, not the United States, it is a remarkable Jewish achievement to have memorialized the claimed uniqueness of Jewish suffering, which they use to create public pro-Jewish sentiment and immunity to criticism of any kind. Ergo the west’s self-inflicted blindness to Israel’s ongoing war crimes.

For those who deny that claims of the uniqueness of Jewish suffering are exploited and even promoted in order to be able to influence public opinion while also obtaining special favors from government, one might cite specific instances where that has most definitely been the case. Jewish organizations receive over 90% of discretionary grants from the Department of Homeland Security, for example. And Israel benefits from $3.8 billion in aid annually plus another $10 billion through bogus charities, trade concessions and U.S. government-funded projects approved by Congress that the American public knows little or nothing about. Jewish/Israeli state crime establishments are funded and enabled by ignorant voters in the western world.

Jews worldwide are benefited by this agenda. Apart from the creation of the state of Israel itself, which was opposed by most of the U.S. foreign policy establishment, a major effort to condition U.S. foreign policy to benefit Jews specifically came with the Jackson-Vanik Amendment of 1975, which made some aspects of relations with the Soviet Union conditional on that country’s willingness to let Jews emigrate. Far more outrageous was the so-called Lautenberg Amendment enshrined in the 1990 Public Law 101-167 that granted refugee status to Russian Jews even though they were not actually being persecuted or in any way endangered. Rather, Zionists saw New York as preferred fertile ground to grow their agenda. The refugee status is significant as it provided food stamps, housing, social security, Medicaid and educational benefits along with a free ticket into the U.S. to an “estimated…350,000 to 400,000 Jews [who] entered the United States …”

Holocaust education is mandatory in the US public schools of 15 states and Jewish groups are active in determining just what appears in textbooks about Israel, which means that the propagandizing about Jews and Israel begins early and continues throughout American education. Twenty-seven states have laws criminalizing or otherwise punishing anyone who advocates boycotting Israel while the federal government has similar legislation in the pipeline and has declared that criticism of Israel is ipso facto anti-Semitism.

Given all of that it is perhaps not surprising to learn that policemen in Tampa Florida are now undergoing “holocaust training,” sponsored by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League. Conveniently, there is a holocaust museum located just down the road in St. Petersburg where the first group of officers was taken to be indoctrinated.

The training is mandatory and is reported to be the first in the state of Florida, though more such initiatives will likely be in the pipeline as governor Ron DeSantis has declared himself to be the most pro-Israel head of any state in the U.S. The newscaster discussing the training also observed in passing that “holocaust awareness training” has been mandatory “for about a decade” for all federal law enforcement officers. It is not difficult to imagine what such training is intended to do in the American context. It clearly seeks to remind trainees that in Nazi Germany policemen were active in the claimed execution of Jews.

One would think that the public will eventually tire of the government and private sectors’ efforts to exploit the holocaust and monetize all things Jewish – one more tip of the hat to Jewish power in America. What it all has to do with U.S. national security or in benefiting the American people is, of course, irrelevant.

Joint training programs run in Israel are also being used to indoctrinate American police forces on how to promote Zionism. Israel’s cops are at the forefront of state violence against Palestinians as well as serving as protectors of rampaging heavily armed settlers who destroy Arab livelihoods so they can steal their land. The Israeli police are also quite good at using the “Palestinian chair” for torture when they are not shooting Arab teenagers in the back, skills that American cops are emulating.

In fact, there have been suggestions that certain policemen might well be picking up skills and pointers from the Israelis. Georgia has been experiencing a surge in officer involved shootings, nearly half of the victims being unarmed or shot from behind. As this has unfolded, the state continues to pursue a “police exchange” program with Israel run through Georgia State University.

The police “exchange programs” began twenty-seven years ago in 1992 and are paid for through grants from the U.S. Department of Justice as well as from the state and local governments. Reportedly “law enforcement from [a number of] U.S. states have participated in the program, including those from Tennessee, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.” In some states and local jurisdictions, the Israel exchange program is managed by the Anti-Defamation League, which also sponsors propagandistic seminars on Israeli “counter-terrorism” practices throughout the U.S.

There has been some concern expressed over the Israeli “us-versus-them” dual track mode of policing where the 20% of the country’s citizens that are Arab are regarded as an enemy while the Jewish settlers who prey on the Palestinians are automatically protected by police solely because they are Jewish. Lethal force is frequently resorted to on a “shoot-to-kill” basis in any incident involving Arabs and Jews, even when there is no serious threat. Some critics of the training note how that type of policing is basically racial profiling while areas on what was once the Palestinian West Bank and along the Gaza border have become free fire zones for the Israeli army and law enforcement, killing hundreds of Arabs, many of them children. Palestinians injured by policemen or settlers also obtain no redress from the Israeli courts with only 3 per cent of investigations resulting in a conviction.

Jewish groups in the United States get away with obtaining taxpayer money to promote an essentially criminal Israeli mafia. It is discouraging as it suggests that Jewish power and money will continue to prevail in the brainwashing of the American public. Holocaust training and exchanges in Israel for police officers are shameful ideas, promoted by the usual Zionist government officials who pander to the Jewish lobby for their own personal gain.


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