Russia and China Challenge Dollar Domination


By F. William Engdahl – Dec. 21, 2017

The Russian government has recently announced it will issue nearly $1 billion equivalent in state bonds, but denominated not in US dollars as is the usual case. Rather it will be the first sale of Russian bonds in China’s yuan. While $1 billion may not sound like much when compared with the Peoples’ Bank of China total holdings of US Government debt of more than $1 trillion or to the US Federal debt today of over $20 trillion, it’s significance lies beyond the nominal amount. It’s a test run by both governments of the potential for state financing of infrastructure and other projects independent of dollar risk from such events as US Treasury financial sanctions.

Russian Debt and China Yuan

Since the August 1998 sovereign default triggered by the West, Russian state finances have been prudent to almost a fault. The size of the national government debt is the lowest of any major industrial country, a mere 10.6% of GDP for the current year. This has enabled Russia to withstand the US financial warfare sanctions imposed since 2014, and forced the country to turn elsewhere for their financial stability. That “elsewhere” is increasingly called the Peoples’ Republic of China.

Now the Russian Ministry of Finance is reportedly planning the first sale of Russian debt in the form of bonds denominated in Chinese yuan currency. The size of the first offering, a testing of the market, will be 6 billion yuan or just under $1 billion. The sale is being organized by the state-owned Russian Gazprombank, the Bank of China Ltd., and China’s largest state bank, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China. The move is being accelerated by reports that the US Treasury is examining potential consequences of extending penalties, until now concentrated on Russian oil and gas projects, to include Russian sovereign debt in its sanctions warfare. The new yuan bond will be traded on the Moscow Exchange and will aim to sell to mainland Chinese investors as well as international and Russian borrowers at attractive interest rates.

Western sanctions or threats of sanctions are forcing Russia and China to cooperate more strategically on what is becoming the seed of a genuine alternative to the dollar system. The Russian yuan debt offerings will also give a significant boost to China’s desire to build the yuan as an accepted international currency.

China Petro-Yuan

The steps to begin issuing Russian state debt in yuan are paralleled by another major development towards broader international yuan acceptance vis a vis the US dollar. On December 13, Chinese regulators completed final testing in preparation for launch of not a dollar-backed, but rather, a yuan-backed oil futures contract to be traded on the Shanghai Futures Exchange. The implications are potentially large.

China is the world’s largest oil importing country. Control of financial oil futures markets until now has been the tightly-guarded province of Wall Street banks and the New York, London and other futures exchanges they control. Emergence of Shanghai as a major yuan-based oil futures center could significantly weaken dollar domination of oil trade.

Since the 1970’s oil shock and the 400% rise in the oil price from OPEC countries, Washington has maintained a strict regime in which the world’s most valuable commodity, oil, would be traded in US dollars alone. In December 1974, the US Treasury signed a secret agreement in Riyadh with the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, “to establish a new relationship through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York with the US Treasury borrowing operation” to buy US government debt with surplus petrodollars.

The Saudis agreed to enforce OPEC dollar-only oil sales in return for US sales of advanced military equipment (purchased for dollars of course) and a guarantee of protection from possible Israeli attack. This was the beginning of what then-US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called recycling the petro-dollar. To the present, only two oil export country leaders, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Qaddafi, have tried to change the system and sell oil for euros or gold dinars. The US government arranged to murder both Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi, and bomb their countries into the stone age for it). Now China is challenging the petro-dollar system in a different way with the petro-yuan.

The difference between Saddam Hussein or Qaddafi is that far more influential countries, Russia and now Iran, with China’s implicit support, are cooperating to avoid the dollar out of necessity forced by US pressure. That is a far stronger challenge to the US dollar than Iraq or Libya could ever manage.


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Trump’s National Security Speech

[Trump went from being a buffoon on a TV show (The Apprentice) to being a brainless puppet president ruled by the US Military Complex and by Israel. He has nothing intelligent to say, and nothing but war to offer the American people. The US Government has turned America into the most dangerous and hated nation in the world. -ed]

Paul Craig Roberts  December 19, 2017

What do we make of Trump’s national security speech? First of all, it is the military/security complex’s speech, and it is inconsistent with Trump’s intention of normalizing relations with Russia.

The military/security complex, using Trump’s position as President, has defined Russia and China as “revisionist powers,” Washington’s rivals who seek to put their own national interests ahead of Washington’s unilateralism. Russia and China are “revisionist powers” because their assertion of their national interests limits Washington’s hegemony.

In other words, Washington does not accept the validity of other countries’ interests if those interests are contrary to Washington’s interests. So, how does Trump expect to work with Russia and China when he reads a speech that Russia and China seek to “shape a world antithetical to our interests and values.”

“Our values” means, of course, Washington’s dominance.

Trump begins by honoring the military, police, Homeland Security, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In other words, “America first” means domination by Washington over the citizenry as well as over foreign countries.

Trump then cloaks himself in the American people who “voted to make America great again.”

Then Trump’s speech picks up the Israel Lobby’s line about a bad deal with Iran and asserts that previous administrations tolerated ISIS, when in fact they created it and set in upon Libya and Syria.

Then he attacks environmental protection and complains of illegal aliens, while ignoring the refugees Washington’s wars imposed on Europe.

In an era of neoconservative celebration of US world hegemony, Trump accuses his predecessors of losing confidence in America. This is extraordinary. When a country’s entire foreign policy is based on the assumption that it is the “exceptional and indispensable country,” how is this a loss of confidence? It is massive arrogance and hubris. The problem is not a loss of confidence by the rulers but an overbearing hubris.

Then Trump claims that through him, Americans again rule their nation.

He says that now Washington is serving the citizens. Looking at the tax bill, he must mean that citizens consist of the One Percent.

He next associates making America first with more money for the military.

Then he blames Iran for terrorism, something that Iran lives in fear of, but he does not mention Saudi Arabia’s support for terrorism or that of the US military/security complex’s which encourages terrorism as a weapon against Iran and Russia and as an excuse for its massive budget and power.

Trump then claims credit for the Russian/Syrian defeat of ISIS. It has been proved that ISIS is supported and financed by Washington. Trump’s claim is even more ridiculous than the previous claims of the Obama regime that the US defeated National Socialist Germany. Russia, which did defeat Germany, was not invited to the anniversary celebration.

Trump next demands that the countries we defend pay for it. Who are these countries and who do we defend them from? He can only mean Europe, Canada, Australia, Israel, and Japan. Is Washington defending them from Russia, China, North Korea and Iran or from the terrorists Washington creates, arms, and supplies to overthrow Libya, Syria and whatever countries Washington is successful siccing terrorists on. Apparently, some of these CIA-created terrorist organizations break loose from their creator and conduct operations on their own. So, Washington is a government that creates its own enemies.

Trump next brags on the sanctions he has imposed on “the North Korean regime.” He doesn’t mention, and I would bet he does not know, that Washington has withheld a peace treaty since the 1950s from North Korea. Washington has kept the war status open for 64 years. Having seen the fate of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, etc., little wonder North Korea wants nuclear weapons.

Trump, standing there threatening the world, says that Washington will take all necessary steps to prevent North Korea from threatening the world.

Trump then delivers the establishment’s propaganda that unemployment is at an all time low and the stock market at an all time high. So, what is Trump rescuing Middle America from if unemployment is at an all time low? What happened to Trump’s case against jobs offshoring?

This is nothing but feel-good talk. Trump is repeating the lies because the lies make him look good. What Trump should be doing is pointing out the meaninglessness of the unemployment rate, because it doesn’t count the unemployed, only those few who looked for a job in the last 4 weeks. He should be pointing out that the stock market is not a sign of a growing economy but a sign of massive money creation by the central banks of the US, EU, UK, and Japan. The massive printing of money has flooded into paper assets, driving up their price and further enriching the One Percent.

Trump says that one leg of the strategy is to “preserve peace through strength.” What peace is he talking about? In the past two decades Washington has destroyed in whole or part eight countries and overthrown democratic governments in others. Is Trump equating peace with Washington’s wars? No other country has initiated wars and invasions and bombings and aggressive military actions on other countries’ borders. Trump says that America is threatened by enemies and to protect us the military will be enlarged. He said he was overturning the “defense sequester,” something that clearly does not exist.

My conclusion is that Trump has surrendered to the real rulers of America—the powerful interest groups such as the military/security complex, the Israel Lobby, the environmental polluters, Wall Street and the banks “too big to fail.”

America is a country in which despite the hopes flyover America had in Trump, an oligarchy rules. The American people, regardless of who they elect, have no voice, no input, no representation.

The governments of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush were the last governments that were subject to any accountability. With the Clinton regime the United States entered into the age of tyranny.


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US At War With The World: Elite Commandos Deployed to 149 Countries in 2017

Nick Turse – December 17, 2017

“We don’t know exactly where we’re at in the world, militarily, and what we’re doing,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, in October. That was in the wake of the combat deaths of four members of the Special Operations forces in the West African nation of Niger. Graham and other senators expressed shock about the deployment, but the global sweep of America’s most elite forces is, at best, an open secret.

Earlier this year before that same Senate committee — though Graham was not in attendance — General Raymond Thomas, the chief of U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), offered some clues about the planetwide reach of America’s most elite troops. “We operate and fight in every corner of the world,” he boasted.  “Rather than a mere ‘break-glass-in-case-of-war’ force, we are now proactively engaged across the ‘battle space’ of the Geographic Combatant Commands… providing key integrating and enabling capabilities to support their campaigns and operations.”

In 2017, U.S. Special Operations forces, including Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets, deployed to 149 countries around the world, according to figures provided to TomDispatch by U.S. Special Operations Command.  That’s about 75% of the nations on the planet and represents a jump from the 138 countries that saw such deployments in 2016 under the Obama administration.  It’s also a jump of nearly 150% from the last days of George W. Bush’s White House.  This record-setting number of deployments comes as American commandos are battling a plethora of terror groups in quasi-wars that stretch from Africa and the Middle East to Asia.

“Most Americans would be amazed to learn that U.S. Special Operations Forces have been deployed to three quarters of the nations on the planet,” observes William Hartung, the director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy.  “There is little or no transparency as to what they are doing in these countries and whether their efforts are promoting security or provoking further tension and conflict.”

Growth Opportunity

America’s elite troops were deployed to 149 nations in 2017, according to U.S. Special Operations Command.  The map above displays the locations of 132 of those countries; 129 locations (in blue) were supplied by U.S. Special Operations Command; 3 locations (in red) — Syria, Yemen and Somalia — were derived from open-source information. (Nick Turse)

“Since 9/11, we expanded the size of our force by almost 75% in order to take on mission-sets that are likely to endure,” SOCOM’s Thomas told the Senate Armed Services Committee in May.  Since 2001, from the pace of operations to their geographic sweep, the activities of U.S. Special Operations forces (SOF) have, in fact, grown in every conceivable way.  On any given day, about 8,000 special operators — from a command numbering roughly 70,000 — are deployed in approximately 80 countries.

“The increase in the use of Special Forces since 9/11 was part of what was then referred to as the Global War on Terror as a way to keep the United States active militarily in areas beyond its two main wars, Iraq and Afghanistan,” Hartung told TomDispatch.  “The even heavier reliance on Special Forces during the Obama years was part of a strategy of what I think of as ‘politically sustainable warfare,’ in which the deployment of tens of thousands of troops to a few key theaters of war was replaced by a ‘lighter footprint’ in more places, using drones, arms sales and training, and Special Forces.”

The Trump White House has attacked Barack Obama’s legacy on nearly all fronts.  It has undercut, renounced, or reversed actions of his ranging from trade pacts to financial and environmental regulations to rules that shielded transgender employees from workplace discrimination.  When it comes to Special Operations forces, however, the Trump administration has embraced their use in the style of the former president, while upping the ante even further.  President Trump has also provided military commanders greater authority to launch attacks in quasi-war zones like Yemen and Somalia.  According to Micah Zenko, a national security expert and Whitehead Senior Fellow at the think tank Chatham House, those forces conducted five times as many lethal counterterrorism missions in such non-battlefield countries in the Trump administration’s first six months in office as they did during Obama’s final six months.

A Wide World of War

U.S. commandos specialize in 12 core skills, from “unconventional warfare” (helping to stoke insurgencies and regime change) to “foreign internal defense” (supporting allies’ efforts to guard themselves against terrorism, insurgencies, and coups). Counterterrorism — fighting what SOCOM calls violent extremist organizations or VEOs — is, however, the specialty America’s commandos have become best known for in the post-9/11 era.

In the spring of 2002, before the Senate Armed Services Committee, SOCOM chief General Charles Holland touted efforts to “improve SOF capabilities to prosecute unconventional warfare and foreign internal defense programs to better support friends and allies. The value of these programs, demonstrated in the Afghanistan campaign,” he said, “can be particularly useful in stabilizing countries and regions vulnerable to terrorist infiltration.”

Over the last decade and a half, however, there’s been little evidence America’s commandos have excelled at “stabilizing countries and regions vulnerable to terrorist infiltration.”  This was reflected in General Thomas’s May testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee. “The threat posed by VEOs remains the highest priority for USSOCOM in both focus and effort,” he explained.

However, unlike Holland who highlighted only one country — Afghanistan — where special operators were battling militants in 2002, Thomas listed a panoply of terrorist hot spots bedeviling America’s commandos a decade and a half later.  “Special Operations Forces,” he said, “are the main effort, or major supporting effort for U.S. VEO-focused operations in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, across the Sahel of Africa, the Philippines, and Central/South America — essentially, everywhere Al Qaeda (AQ) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) are to be found.”

Officially, there are about 5,300 U.S. troops in Iraq.  (The real figure is thought to be higher.)  Significant numbers of them are special operators training and advising Iraqi government forces and Kurdish troops.  Elite U.S. forces have also played a crucial role in Iraq’s recent offensive against the militants of the Islamic State, providing artillery and airpower, including SOCOM’s AC-130W Stinger II gunships with 105mm cannons that allow them to serve as flying howitzers.  In that campaign, Special Operations forces were “thrust into a new role of coordinating fire support,” wrote Linda Robinson, a senior international policy analyst with the RAND Corporation who spent seven weeks in Iraq, Syria, and neighboring countries earlier this year. “This fire support is even more important to the Syrian Democratic Forces, a far more lightly armed irregular force which constitutes the major ground force fighting ISIS in Syria.”

Special Operations forces have, in fact, played a key role in the war effort in Syria, too.  While American commandos have been killed in battle there, Kurdish and Arab proxies — known as the Syrian Democratic Forces — have done the lion’s share of the fighting and dying to take back much of the territory once held by the Islamic State.  SOCOM’s Thomas spoke about this in surprisingly frank terms at a security conference in Aspen, Colorado, this summer.  “We’re right now inside the capital of [ISIS’s] caliphate at Raqqa [Syria].  We’ll have that back soon with our proxies, a surrogate force of 50,000 people that are working for us and doing our bidding,” he said.  “So two and a half years of fighting this fight with our surrogates, they’ve lost thousands, we’ve only lost two service members. Two is too many, but it’s, you know, a relief that we haven’t had the kind of losses that we’ve had elsewhere.”

This year, U.S. special operators were killed in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and the Sahelian nations of Niger and Mali (although reports indicate that a Green Beret who died in that country was likely strangled by U.S. Navy SEALs).  In Libya, SEALs recently kidnapped a suspect in the 2012 attacks in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.  In the Philippines, U.S. Special Forces joined the months-long battle to recapture Marawi City after it was taken by Islamist militants earlier this year.

And even this growing list of counterterror hotspots is only a fraction of the story.  In Africa, the countries singled out by Thomas — Somalia, Libya, and those in the Sahel — are just a handful of the nations to which American commandos were deployed in 2017. As recently reported at Vice News, U.S. Special Operations forces were active in at least 33 nations across the continent, with troops heavily concentrated in and around countries now home to a growing number of what the Pentagon’s Africa Center for Strategic Studies calls “active militant Islamist groups.”  While Defense Department spokeswoman Major Audricia Harris would not provide details on the range of operations being carried out by the elite forces, it’s known that they run the gamut from conducting security assessments at U.S. embassies to combat operations.

Data provided by SOCOM also reveals a special ops presence in 33 European countries this year.  “Outside of Russia and Belarus we train with virtually every country in Europe either bilaterally or through various multinational events,” Major Michael Weisman, a spokesman for U.S. Special Operations Command Europe, told TomDispatch.

For the past two years, in fact, the U.S. has maintained a Special Operations contingent in almost every nation on Russia’s western border.  “[W]e’ve had persistent presence in every country — every NATO country and others on the border with Russia doing phenomenal things with our allies, helping them prepare for their threats,” said SOCOM’s Thomas, mentioning the Baltic states as well as Romania, Poland, Ukraine, and Georgia by name.  These activities represent, in the words of General Charles Cleveland, chief of U.S. Army Special Operations Command from 2012 to 2015 and now the senior mentor to the Army War College, “undeclared campaigns” by commandos. Weisman, however, balked at that particular language.  “U.S. Special Operations forces have been deployed persistently and at the invitation of our allies in the Baltic States and Poland since 2014 as part of the broader U.S. European Command and Department of Defense European Deterrence Initiative,” he told TomDispatch.  “The persistent presence of U.S. SOF alongside our Allies sends a clear message of U.S. commitment to our allies and the defense of our NATO Alliance.”

Asia is also a crucial region for America’s elite forces.  In addition to Iran and Russia, SOCOM’s Thomas singled out China and North Korea as nations that are “becoming more aggressive in challenging U.S. interests and partners through the use of asymmetric means that often fall below the threshold of conventional conflict.”  He went on to say that the “ability of our special operators to conduct low-visibility special warfare operations in politically sensitive environments make them uniquely suited to counter the malign activities of our adversaries in this domain.”

U.S.-North Korean saber rattling has brought increased attention to Special Forces Detachment Korea (SFDK), the longest serving U.S. Special Forces unit in the world.  It would, of course, be called into action should a war ever break out on the peninsula.  In such a conflict, U.S. and South Korean elite forces would unite under the umbrella of the Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force.  In March, commandos — including, according to some reports, members of the Army’s Delta Force and the Navy’s SEAL Team 6 — took part in Foal Eagle, a training exercise, alongside conventional U.S. forces and their South Korean counterparts.

U.S. special operators also were involved in training exercises and operations elsewhere across Asia and the Pacific.  In June, in Okinawa, Japan, for example, airmen from the 17th Special Operations Squadron (17th SOS) carried out their annual (and oddly spelled) “Day of the Jakal,” the launch of five Air Force Special Operations MC-130J Commando II aircraft to practice, according to a military news release, “airdrops, aircraft landings, and rapid infiltration and exfiltration of equipment.”  According to Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Dube of the 17th SOS, “It shows how we can meet the emerging mission sets for both SOCKOR [Special Operations Command Korea] and SOCPAC [Special Operations Command Pacific] out here in the Pacific theater.”

At about the same time, members of the Air Force’s 353rd Special Operations Group carried out Teak Jet, a joint combined exchange training, or JCET, mission meant to improve military coordination between U.S. and Japanese forces.  In June and July, intelligence analysts from the Air Force’s 353rd Special Operations Group took part in Talisman Saber, a biennial military training exercise conducted in various locations across Australia.

More for War

The steady rise in the number of elite operators, missions, and foreign deployments since 9/11 appears in no danger of ending, despite years of worries by think-tank experts and special ops supporters about the effects of such a high operations tempo on these troops.  “Most SOF units are employed to their sustainable limit,” General Thomas said earlier this year. “Despite growing demand for SOF, we must prioritize the sourcing of these demands as we face a rapidly changing security environment.”  Yet the number of deployments still grew to a record 149 nations in 2017.  (During the Obama years, deployments reached 147 in 2015.)

At a recent conference on special operations held in Washington, D.C., influential members of the Senate and House armed services committees acknowledged that there were growing strains on the force. “I do worry about overuse of SOF,” said House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, a Republican.  One solution offered by both Jack Reed, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Republican Senator Joni Ernst, a combat veteran who served in Iraq, was to bulk up Special Operations Command yet more.  “We have to increase numbers and resources,” Reed insisted.

This desire to expand Special Operations further comes at a moment when senators like Lindsey Graham continue to acknowledge how remarkably clueless they are about where those elite forces are deployed and what exactly they are doing in far-flung corners of the globe.  Experts point out just how dangerous further expansion could be, given the proliferation of terror groups and battle zones since 9/11 and the dangers of unforeseen blowback as a result of low-profile special ops missions.

“Almost by definition, the dizzying number of deployments undertaken by U.S. Special Operations forces in recent years would be hard to track.  But few in Congress seem to be even making the effort,” said William Hartung. “This is a colossal mistake if one is concerned about reining in the globe-spanning U.S. military strategy of the post-9/11 era, which has caused more harm than good and done little to curb terrorism.”

However, with special ops deployments rising above Bush and Obama administration levels to record-setting heights and the Trump administration embracing the use of commandos in quasi-wars in places like Somalia and Yemen, there appears to be little interest in the White House or on Capitol Hill in reining in the geographic scope and sweep of America’s most secretive troops.  And the results, say experts, may be dire.  “While the retreat from large ‘boots on the ground’ wars like the Bush administration’s intervention in Iraq is welcome,” said Hartung, “the proliferation of Special Operations forces is a dangerous alternative, given the prospects of getting the United States further embroiled in complex overseas conflicts.”



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“Sorry Chump, You Didn’t Have It In Writing”

At a time when the United States is convulsed by anti-Russian hysteria and demonization of Vladimir Putin, a trove of recently declassified Cold War documents reveals the astounding extent of the lies, duplicity and double-dealing engaged in by the western powers with the collapsing Soviet Union in 1990.

I was covering Moscow in those days and met some of the key players in this sordid drama.   Ever since, I’ve been writing that the Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Foreign Minister, Eduard Shevardnadze, were shamelessly lied to and deceived by the United States, Britain, and their appendage, NATO.

All the western powers promised Gorbachev and Shevardnadze that NATO would not expand eastward by ‘one inch’ if Moscow would pull the Red Army out of East Germany and allow it to peacefully reunify with West Germany.  This was a titanic concession by Gorbachev: it led to a failed coup against him in 1991 by Communist hardliners.

The documents released by George Washington University in Washington DC, which I attended for a semester, make sickening reading (see them online).  All western powers and statesmen assured the Russians that NATO would not take advantage of the Soviet retreat and that a new era of amity and cooperation would dawn in post-Cold War Europe.  US Secretary of State Jim Baker offered ‘ironclad guarantees’ there would be no NATO expansion.  Lies, all lies.

Gorbachev was a humanist, a very decent, intelligent man who believed he could end the Cold War and nuclear arms race.   He ordered the Red Army back from Eastern Europe.  I was in Wunsdorf, East Germany, HQ of the Group of Soviet Forces, Germany, and at Stasi secret police HQ in East Berlin right after the pullout order was given.  The Soviets withdrew their 338,000 troops and 4,200 tanks and sent them home at lightening speed.

Western promises made to Soviet leaders by President George W. H. Bush and Jim Baker quickly proved to be empty.  They were honorable men but their successors were not.  Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush quickly began moving NATO into Eastern Europe, violating all the pledges made to Moscow.

The Poles, Hungarians and Czechs were brought into NATO, then Romania and Bulgaria, the Baltic States, Albania, and Montenegro.  Washington tried to get the former Soviet Republics of Georgia and Ukraine into NATO.  The Moscow-aligned government of Ukraine was overthrown in a US-engineered coup.  The road to Moscow was open.

All the bankrupt, confused Russians could do was denounce these eastward moves by the US and NATO.  The best response NATO and Washington could come up with was, ‘well, there was no official written promise.’  This is worthy of a street peddler selling counterfeit watches.  The leaders of the US, Britain, France, Belgium and Italy all lied.  Germany was caught between its honor and imminent reunification. So even its Chancellor Helmut Kohl had to go along with the West’s prevarications.

At the time, I wrote that the best solution would be for the demilitarization of formerly Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe.  NATO had no need or business to expand eastward.  Doing so would be a constant provocation to Russia, which regarded Eastern Europe as an essential defensive glacis against invasions from the West.

Now, with NATO forces on its western borders, Russia’s deepest fears have been realized.

Today, US military aircraft based on the coasts of Romania and Bulgaria, former Warsaw Pact members, probe Russian airspace over the Black Sea and the vital strategic port of Sevastopol.  Washington talks about arming chaotic Ukraine.   US and NATO troops are in the Baltic, on Russia’s northwestern borders.  Polish right-wingers are beating the war drums against Russia.

In 1990, KGB and CIA agreed to the principal of ‘not one inch’ eastward for NATO.  Former US ambassador to Moscow, Jack Matlock, confirms the same agreement. Gorbachev, who is denounced as a foolish idealist by many Russians, trusted the Western powers. He should have had a battalion of New York City garment district shyster lawyers to document his agreements in 1990.  He thought he was dealing with honest, honorable men, like himself.

Is it any wonder after this bait and switch diplomacy that Russia has no trust in the Western powers?  Moscow watches US-run NATO oozing ever eastwards. Today, Russia’s leaders firmly believe Washington’s ultimate plan is to tear apart Russia and reduce it to an impotent, pauper nation.  Two former Western leaders, Napoleon and Hitler, had similar plans.


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Bitcoin: The Greatest Story Ever Sold


by Cognitive DissonanceDec 17, 2017

“Sell the sizzle, not the steak.” – Oldest sales trick in the book

“Resistance is futile. You must assimilate” – The Borg


Once I discover what triggers or motivates a person, and then figure out how to activate it, I can sell anything. And it doesn’t even need to be a product or service they previously wanted.

Case in point …. life insurance.

I sold life insurance for almost ten years and made a decent living while doing so. I never forced anything on anyone and quickly canceled the policy if they decided later it was not what they wanted.

Very few did. I had the second lowest lapse/cancel rate in my region.

You want the customer to decide on their own volition, and with minimal prompting on your part, that they want; no, they need what you are selling. Once this occurs, you are simply an order taker filling the expressed need(s) of the customer.

To do so you sell the sizzle, not the steak.

I wasn’t selling life insurance. I was solving a financial ‘problem’ everyone has, but often doesn’t recognize as a problem.

I am not bragging, but rather pointing out something very few people consider. We are all heavily influenced by (psychological warfare) sales techniques deeply rooted in all sales pitches delivered by skilled practitioners. And the number one most powerful technique employed is to plant a seed of fear that leverages the customer’s own emotional triggers.

Taken to the extreme level, once a person is triggered within carefully controlled and presented parameters, anything is possible. The key is to get them to turn off the critical thinking component of the mind (while letting them believe they have not) and ramp up the emotional coefficient (while supporting their belief they have not) all while encouraging them to believe it’s their own genius idea. So…what does this have to do with Bitcoin?

In a word…everything!

Whether by design or natural evolution, and possibly a combination of the two, the Bitcoin ‘story’ pushes all the right buttons needed to ignite a stampede of exponential proportions. And what a story it is.

A small group of intrepid anarchists/libertarians/misfits/geeks/geniuses led by the mysterious and still unknown Satoshi Nakamoto created and developed Bitcoin and the supporting blockchain to thumb their noses at the global banking hierarchy/governmental control conglomerate/conspiracy, freeing the financially oppressed and liberty suppressed underclass to rebel against the new world order and bring chaos reigning down upon the Empire by undermining their control mechanisms, the insidious central banking cesspools and their worthless fiat currencies.

Or something like that.

If you take several steps back and attempt to see the big picture, it sure sounds to me like a deliciously naughty Tom Clancy novel or even an episode from Star Wars titled “The Rebels Strike Back”. What wannabe star fighter pilot wouldn’t love to stick it to the man by buying Bitcoin?

And if you just so happen to become filthy rich in the process, so much the better. Once you become the richest man on the planet you will rain itty bitty Bitcoin pieces upon the starving masses and save the world from those fat cat bankers and various sociopathic leader scum.

No feat of narcissistic imagination could get any better than this real life fairly tale of a story. Destroy the world to save it while becoming wealthy beyond imagination, all by doing little more than pushing a button and HODLing. Heck, sell the house, the car, even the wife, whatever it takes to buy more Bitcoin to fight the evil elite and save humanity from itself.

Obviously I am exaggerating a bit. But judging from the various pro Bitcoin rationalization articles I’ve read over the last few months of Bitcoin’s parabolic rise, I’m only exaggerating a little bit.

The most valuable currency in the world is belief, whether in an ideology, a physical entity or even a supreme being. If you can combine all those and more, you have on your hands a rip-your-face-off social movement that knows no upper limit … right up until it does.

This is not to say Bitcoin is fake. Down  through the ages almost every conceivable good was used as money, from sea  shells, to tobacco, to olive oil, to tulips, to metals. On the contrary, Bitcoin is as real as any other ‘currency’ simply because those who own, trade, spend and HODL (Hold On for Dear Life) Bitcoin believe it to be real. This is no different than widespread faith and belief in the almighty US Dollar, Japanese Yen or English pound, other than the official virtual currency(s) is backed by the mighty American military machine.

Which, I might delicately add, a military that’s (eventually) turned loose upon any entity, foreign or domestic, that threatens to undermine our faith and belief in the almighty US Dollar.

Let’s see what we have here.

A ‘currency’ that is rather difficult to spend at your local Five and Dime, therefore you are mostly limited to holding or trading it, is restricted to 21 million units in total of which 12 million is presently available with a viable value many orders of magnitude less, is blindly supported by a group of rabid HODLing believers who are now filthy rich if they consider holding and trading as riches.

Do I have that right? Did I miss anything?

Seen from the perspective of a veteran salesman, I’m insanely jealous I didn’t come up with this idea myself. The best I’ve ever managed was to come up with the idea of visiting pet sitters several years before it went mainstream. It was my severe allergy to cats that prevented me from taking it nationwide. Permanent post nasal drip isn’t conducive to begging Silicon Valley angel investors for funding.

Color me cynical, but I’m now old enough to recognize dirty tricks when they come around for a second, third and fourth airing. And Bitcoin stinks of reverse psychology skullduggery squared to the infinite power. But the amazing thing is this doesn’t invalidate Bitcoin in the least, and may actually lend even more sizzle to the bold Bitcoin steak.

I was hoodwinked by an unknown three letter agency and all I got was this stupid tee shirt.

How do you get someone to eat the peas they claim to hate? Dress them up as jelly beans and pay them obscene amounts of fiat to consume them. Pretty soon everyone wants to eat their peas and keep them too.

I seem to remember article after article outlining how every official fiat counterfeiter and central bank pusher in the world was proclaiming the virtues of virtual currency while decreeing physical cash, currency and coin as evil incarnate. The howls of distrust and revulsion among every single breathing human being, other than the fiat conflicted and consumed, about the loss of cold hard cash were hard to ignore.

Clearly the average Jane and Joe did not wish to part with their small cache of cash, regardless of whether the majority of their actual ‘wealth’ was little more than ones and zeros safely tucked away in the cloud, secure fluffy white cumulonimbus we can only hope.

While Bitcoin has been around since 2009/10, only in the last few months has it entered the public mind with stories of instant millionaires whose road to success was scratching off the winning lottery ticket rather than growing their wealth the old fashioned way, by lying, cheating and stealing as the elite have done.

But while Bitcoin has blazed the trail of consent to more widespread distribution via the greed button, the heavy yeoman’s psyops work is actually being done by the introduction of hundreds of competing cryptocurrencies. While many feel they have missed the Bitcoin train, there is still plenty of virtual crypto lottery tickets, freshly mined daily, that are waiting to be scratched. The once reluctant mind has turned positively manic with excitement.

Mission accomplished.

You see, Bitcoin doesn’t actually need to be fake or fatally flawed in order to act as the messenger carrying the impregnated cryptoseed stealthily implanted, then germinated, within the minds of the teaming masses. The more Bitcoin billionaires there are, the more the masses will yearn for a piece of the crypto pie. Just a few crumbs are all I want dear sir.

For those unaware of this sales technique, predictive programming is its name and cognitive leverage is its game, a fact well known on Madison Avenue, in Langley, Virginia and Fort Meade, Maryland. The CIA in particular uses this, and many other techniques, on a regular basis throughout the world to depose leaders, ignite revolutions and plant subtle memes to be used now or later.

Only the terminally naïve believe the CIA restricts its nefarious activities to foreign soil. From its perspective, the CIA sees itself as the behind-the-scenes defender of the “American Way” and it will use any and all tools at its disposal to do so. Not only will it manipulate foreign perceptions, but also domestic views and ideas that form our own reality.

Either we make our own reality or we live within someone else’s creation. The CIA and various other three letter agencies are tasked with creating our reality for us and they will use any means available to do so.

Since it is becoming increasingly obvious to anyone with two working brain cells that the almighty dollar is under increasing pressure from all points of the compass, it stands to reason this dollar assault is considered a national security issue and will be confronted, and defended, both directly and indirectly.

Here’s the thing I keep coming back to. While many people love to believe all government is grossly ineffective, incompetent and wasteful (and much of it is) the CIA and others of the same breed employ delicately precise and blunt force trauma overkill to the nth degree. Combine this with a deep state presence whose only goal is to maintain or increase their power and you have a mixed cocktail of intoxicating proportions.

Even if Bitcoin in particular, and blockchain in general, were not created and/or enabled at birth by the CIA/NSA etc. doesn’t mean they remain pure as the driven snow. If Bitcoin really is such a threat to the established financial empire, as the cryptomaniacs claim it to be, why hasn’t the establishment taken direct and effective steps against it long before now? Think on that!

Regardless if the blockchain is a distributed network that cannot be stopped, all one must do is outlaw the use and/or conversion of Bitcoin to the local coin of the realm to immediately stop it. Since this has not occurred to date, one must surmise there is a reason for not doing so.

All the police state needs to do is cry national security and the curtain comes down on the Bitcoin stage. You do not need to destroy the rebel force in order to render it ineffective.

While the deep state and its minions are rarely of one mind about a multitude of issues, witness the constant infighting and jockeying for position, nothing clears the mind or clarifies its purpose like the certain knowledge of imminent demise. If Bitcoin, blockchain and the hundreds of other cryptocurrencies were the mortal danger loudly advertised by the Bitcoin ideologies, it would be squashed in a New York minute.

You don’t openly mess with the system without repercussions.

I fully and readily admit I have no crystal ball to see into the machinations of the deep state, nor any awareness of its true goals and end game. Nor need I see the skunk in the blockchain woodpile to know he is there. I can smell him.

All threats to the Empire, whether real, imagined or artificially created, are directly and/or indirectly confronted into extinction or assimilation. An aware and open-minded examination of the social revolts and uprisings of the 60’s and 70’s in the US exposes the counter intelligence programs of subversion, infiltration, control and even genesis of these threats that rendered all of them ineffective, distracted, distorted and ultimately mute.

Since Bitcoin and blockchain has not to date been significantly impeded, one must surmise it is serving the purpose of the Empire to continue to exist. As hurtful to the ideology and the ego as this thought might be, I strongly suspect Bitcoin and its ilk are not what they appear to be.

So, if you must, go for the gusto my friend, drink deep from the intoxicating waters of easy wealth. Just remember something that many will forget in their mad rush to Bitcoin/blockchain riches.

The easiest and most effective way to dull the rebel mind is to shower it with wealth and power. The catch is … you must become one with the Empire to enjoy it.

Resistance is futile. You must assimilate.


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Russia’s and Syria’s Victory Against Western Sponsored Terrorists


December 15, 2017

It’s hard to overstate the historic significance this week of Syria’s victory against foreign-backed mercenaries.

We can dismiss Western official narratives that the nearly seven-year war was some kind of “pro-democracy uprising.” The conflict was nothing of the sort.

It was a classic American-led covert war for regime change, of the kind that dozens of countries around the world have been subjected to over the decades.

In Syria, the criminal enterprise involved the clandestine support from Western governments and their regional partners to a whole host of mercenary groups. These groups were not Syrian citizens fighting for freedom. Rather, they were extremist self-styled jihadists who descended on Syria from all over the world; armed, paid and directed by a US coalition of governments, to carry out the most horrific violence against civilians.

The supreme irony here is that the Americans, British and French, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel were sponsoring Al Qaeda-type terrorist mercenaries, despite their ostentatious false claims of fighting against terrorism.

[The US wanted control of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan so they could surround their real target, Iran. Putin knew this and stopped the US-backed terrorists in Syria.]

The geopolitics of Washington’s arrogant hegemonic interests meant that the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad – being an ally of Russia, Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah – was targeted. For decades, in fact, the Americans had been plotting regime change in Syria, along with their trusty British accomplice.

When Russian President Vladimir Putin determined to intervene militarily in the Syria War in October 2015, the Syrian state was nearly teetering on collapse after nearly five years struggling against the Western-led assault on the country. Putin acted on request from Damascus for help. The Russian intervention dramatically turned the war. In just a little more than two years, the Syrian state was salvaged and the foreign-backed terror army has been eradicated.

Last December, Syria’s second biggest city, Aleppo, was liberated by the Syrian army and Russian air force. The residents of Aleppo were liberated from a reign of terror under the cult-like barbarians whom the West lionized as “pro-democracy rebels”.

Russia’s role in Syria’s victory is nothing short of heroic. We should acknowledge too the valiant role of Iran, Hezbollah and Iraqi militia who also rallied to support the Syrian army. But Russia takes pride of place in rescuing Syria from the US-led international criminal conspiracy to destroy that country and install a regime suited to Washington’s imperialist interests.

The celebration is bitter-sweet. It is estimated that up to 400,000 people died in the war. Nearly half the population of 24 million were displaced. The financial cost of rebuilding Syria’s obliterated infrastructure is put at $200 billion. The country is in ruins because of the US-led war for regime change. Washington, London, Paris and their cohorts should be prosecuted to pay for the reconstruction.


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Washington Post Urges Increased US Spending for Militarism and Warmaking

by Stephen Lendman – 12-12-17

What’s euphemistically called defense spending is all about funding America’s war machine – always active, never idle, inventing enemies to attack.

No real enemies have existed since imperial Japan formally surrendered in 1945. Yet America is permanently at war directly or indirectly – at home on streets in minority communities turned into battlegrounds, abroad in multiple theaters, new ones pending.

The Washington Post (WaPo): “The Pentagon and the welfare state have been locked in brutal combat for decades, and the Pentagon has gotten clobbered.”

“Protecting the country was once the first obligation of government. No more. Welfare programs – Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and other benefits – dwarf defense spending. As a result, we have become more vulnerable.”

Fact: The neocon Washington Post is connected to America’s intelligence community, mainly the CIA, operating as its virtual house organ, promoting militarism and warmaking, deploring world peace and stability.

Mackenzie Eaglen is a resident fellow at the hard-right American Enterprise Institute’s Marilyn Ware Center for Security Studies.

She works on defense strategy, defense budgets, and military readiness – earlier worked on these issues with House and Senate officials, as well as at the Pentagon’s Office of the Secretary of Defense.

WaPo quoted her saying “(t)he United States now fields a military that could not meet even the requirements of a benign Clinton-era world.”

“The services have watched their relative overmatch and capacity decline in almost every domain of warfare…for nearly two decades.”

“As rival nation-states have accelerated their force development, the Department of Defense has stalled out, creating a dangerous window of relative military advantage for potential foes.”

“While the United States continues to field the best military personnel in the world, policy makers have asked them to do too much with too little for too long.”

Fact: With all categories included, America spends over $1.5 trillion annually on militarism and warmaking, the so-called defense budget at over $600 for FY 2018 is only one part of it. Lots more goes unreported by mainstream sources, suppressing the nation’s total spending.

It’s prioritized at the expense of ordinary Americans to make corporate predators and super-rich ones richer.

Militarism is deep-rooted in America, military bases located in most nations worldwide – for offense, not defense, for advancing the nation’s imperium. Its special forces operate in over two-thirds of the world’s countries, mostly covertly.

They perform belligerent missions, little or unreported low-profile warfare, enormous amounts of money spent on their destabilizing activities, operating in what they call a “gray zone,” under-the-radar hostilities against targeted nations or groups.

Fact: America’s only enemies are invented ones – countries threatening no one. So-called defense spending should be sharply cut, not increased, warmaking ended.

A new era of peace should be fostered, but never will as long as neocons, militarists, warmakers and profiteers run America.

Analysts like Mackenzie Eaglen promote warmaking. So does WaPo. They are against world peace and stability. They oppose America’s resources being used for homeland needs benefiting Americans, not just its privileged few.

WaPo: “Sizable increases in defense spending seem warranted to compensate for past underfunding and to confront new challenges.”

“China and Russia loom as potential adversaries; North Korea could become a global menace; the Middle East remains a cauldron of conflict; global terrorism survives; and new forms of warfare – cyberattacks, drones and space-based conflict – demand new responses.”

Fact: Washington threatens China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and other countries, not the other way around.

Fact: America transformed the Middle East into a “cauldron of violence.” Endless wars weren’t waged until America showed up, along with Israeli naked aggression against Palestinians and neighboring countries.

Fact: America poses a grave threat of using “new forms of warfare,” mostly against those who are unable to strike back hard.

As long as Washington prioritizes endless wars of aggression, humanity may be consumed by its hubris, arrogance, and imperial rage for dominance.


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Trump’s Mission Creep in Syria

By Daniel Larison – Nov. 30, 2017

The U.S. military presence in Syria is set to continue indefinitely:

The Trump administration is expanding its goals in Syria beyond routing the Islamic State to include a political settlement of the country’s civil war, a daunting and potentially open-ended commitment to undermine both Syria and Iran.

The U.S. already has at least 2,000 troops in Syria, and that number is likely to keep growing as the U.S. entangles itself more deeply in that country. An open-ended deployment in the territory of an unfriendly government that is supported by Iran would seem to be a recipe for a pointless and easily avoidable conflict. At best, it is a waste of resources and manpower in a place where the U.S. has little or nothing at stake. At worst, it is the start of a steadily expanding mission that will embroil the U.S. in yet another futile war. That will do nothing to make the U.S. or its allies more secure, and it could contribute to further instability in the region.

The justification for this continued presence is bizarre:

An abrupt U.S. withdrawal could complete Assad’s sweep of Syrian territory and help guarantee his political survival — an outcome that would constitute a win for Iran, his close ally.

To avoid that outcome, U.S. officials say they plan to maintain a U.S. troop presence in northern Syria and establish new local governance, apart from the legitimate Assad government, in those areas.

In other words, the U.S. needs to keep American soldiers in harm’s way out of fear that the government of Syria might reestablish control over the rest of its own territory. That is so ridiculous that it can make sense only in the context of our warped foreign policy discourse. Other than the US intention to continue undermining and weakening the region, there is no discernible American security interest that demands that the U.S. keep part of Syria from being returned to the control of its government. It is certainly not lawful for the US military to “establish new local governance” inside Syria. The real reason for the open-ended mission seems to be to compete with Iran for influence inside the territory of its ally, and that is as illegal as it is foolish.

It goes without saying that a U.S. military presence in Syria for any purpose has no legal justification whatsoever and has not had any for the last three years. Congress has never authorized military action there against ISIS or pro-regime forces, the Syrian government has never given the U.S. permission to operate in its territory, and our military presence there has absolutely nothing to do with defending the U.S..

Keeping U.S. forces in Syria for years to come is the very definition of mission creep. Congress should insist on the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria as soon as possible.


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UK Govt Says Russia Behind Citizens Questioning Vaccines

By Brandon Turbeville, 11-29-2017

The United States has become a laughing stock of the world as a result of its decent into neo-McCarthyism and anti-Russian hysteria. US fear mongering includes blaming Russia and Vladimir Putin personally for hacking American elections, making Hillary Clinton lose the election, trying to establish a Fourth Reich, invading Syria and Ukraine, and creating an army waiting to take over the government and burn down the country.

Russia and Putin have now taken the place of Al Qaeda and ISIS as the great bogeyman in place to scare Americans into doing whatever they’re told. Europe also has fallen in line with the American insanity proving that the virus of cultural disintegration travels both ways across the Atlantic.

But now England is attempting to leapfrog the United States in terms of the most ridiculous anti-Russian propaganda possible. This time, it is being reported by The Mirror that Russian cyber units at the behest of Vladimir Putin himself are hard at work propagandizing and attempting to convince people in Britain not to get vaccinated.

As The Mirror reports:

Russian cyber units are spreading false information about flu and measles jabs in the UK, experts warn.

Vladimir Putin is believed to want to erode trust in US and European governments.

The state-sponsored units are spreading the lies on social media to destabilise Britain, it is claimed.

The Kremlin has previously been accused of attempting to influence Brexit and Scottish independence.

Now, it is feared it is trying to create distrust over flu jabs and the MMR measles vaccine.

Chris Phillips, former National Counter Terrorism Security Office head, warned Russian cyber farms have become a threat to daily life.

He told the Mirror today: “This is all about destabilisation by external forces. War is ever changing and becoming much more cyber-based.

“For generations, governments in the UK and the West have been extremely worried about destabilisation from external forces.

No, seriously, they actually reported that. Obviously, we won’t spend time trying to debunk something that clearly does not exist since it is obvious that the real fear is that British citizens are doing more and more research on vaccination and determining that vaccines are neither safe nor effective.

Pushing collectivism and communitarian lifestyles has not accomplished what it has set out to do so the natural next step is to claim that the Russians are secretly behind a mission to ensure that U.S. and European people are under-vaccinated so that they presumably die of some sort of measles plague.

The propaganda is as stupid as it sounds, but it’s also incredibly dangerous. While many may be tempted to laugh at the “Russians are trying to destroy our way of life and anything contrary to what we tell you is Russian propaganda” position, it is actually no laughing matter. What the British government is doing is equating a personal decision and the exercise of a human right as anti-government and anti-British. It is arguing that to not vaccinate or to even question the safety of vaccinations is to fall under the sway of the Russians. Now that British citizens are being warned that distrust of vaccines is a Russian tactic of subversion one can only wonder how long it will be before refusal to vaccinate is literally considered treason.

While it is fun to make jokes about how infantile state propaganda has become, we must be aware that state propaganda is reaching a point where any behavior of which it does not approve is being equated with Russian subversion and an attempt by outside forces to destroy the country.

The Mirror continues:

The Russians have long felt that the UK, America and the European Union is a major threat to them so have developed major strategies in how to interfere with politics, policy, and now it seems the interference is impacting on vital decisions in our daily lives.”

He added: “The art of being able to exert this control over a society is arguably one of the most powerful weapons available in modern warfare.

“If the Russian government, or whoever, wishes to exert this kind of influence, is able to cause difficulty in decisions, in trusting the government of the day in that country, or otherwise trusted media and news organisations, then so much the better for them.”

Security services are so concerned over the threat to public health and security that Government departments have been ordered to monitor social media and flag up risky articles.

Health chiefs have had emergency meetings over the spread “fake news” over vaccination campaigns.

Notice that the former NCTSO Chief is literally equating lack of trust in government and media organizations as a risk to national security and an example of Russian aggression. The fact that health chiefs have had emergency meetings over those questioning vaccines demonstrates that there is no such thing as a free society in Britain.

If British citizens exercise their human rights and the result is emergency meetings, propaganda, and national security hysteria, the state is clearly reacting in a manner that seeks to control free thought and free choice. This is not freedom, this is not democracy, it is a boot stamping on a human face.


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Can’t You See War on the Horizon?

Paul Craig Roberts, 11, 27, 2017

According to news reports in the British press, Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed Russia’s industries to prepare themselves to be able to make a quick switch to war production.   

Clearly, the Russian government would not make such an announcement unless it was convinced that the prospect of war with the West was real. For some time I have emphasized in my columns that  the consequence of years of hostile actions taken by Washington and its European vassals against Russia was leading to war.  

It is easy to understand that the massive US military/security complex needs a convincing enemy in order to justify its enormous budget, that the crazed neoconservatives put their fantasy ideology of US world hegemony above the life of the planet, and that Hillary and the Democratic National Committee will do anything to overturn Trump’s presidential victory. However, it is difficult to understand why the European political leaders are willing to put their countries at risk for Washington’s benefit.

Yet, they do. For example, on November 13 UK PM Theresa May said that Russia was a threat to international security and was interfering in European elections and hacking European governments. There is no more evidence for these claims than there is for “Russiagate.” Yet the allegations continue and multiply. Now the European Union is organizing former provinces of the Soviet Union—Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan—into an “Eastern Partnership” with the European Union.   

In other words, the West is openly organizing former provinces of Moscow against Russia, declared by Prime Minister May to be a “hostile state.” Russia knows that there is no basis for the allegations against Russia and regards them as identical to the false allegations against Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, and Assad in order to justify military attacks on Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Having convinced Russia that she is being set up for attack, Russia is preparing for war.

Think about this for a moment. The world is being driven to Armageddon simply because a greedy and corrupt US military/security complex needs an enemy to justify its huge budget and because the neoconservatives have an ideology of American Supremacy.

The Russian government has openly shared its concern that Russia is being set up for military attack. As I have reported, the deputy commander of the Russian military’s Operation Command stated publicly the concern that Washington is preparing a surprise nuclear attack against Russia. President Putin recently called attention to Washington’s collection of Russian DNA for a US Air Force weapons lab, which implies development of a Russian-specific bio-weapon. On many occasions Russia has called attention to US and NATO bases on its borders despite previous assurances from US administrations that no such thing would ever happen.  

We have to ask ourselves why it is not the top item of public and political discussion that Washington has convinced Russia, a premier nuclear and military power, that Russia is going to be attacked. Instead, we hear of football players who kneel for the national anthem, fake news about Russiagate, a Las Vegas shooting, and so on.

We also must ask ourselves how much longer Washington is going to permit any of us via the Internet to report the real news instead of the fake news that Washington uses to control explanations. The effort by the Federal Communications Commission chairman to destroy net neutrality and other efforts underway to discredit factual news as Russian propaganda indicate that Washington has concluded that in order to war on Russia Washington must also war on truth.  


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World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist -Neocon Infestation

Phil Butler, 11.26.2017

“Average Joe”, who’s an American veteran down on his luck, he could have begun his own landscaping or mechanic business when hard times came. Only Uncle Sam preferred to put good old Joe to work for the military. It’s too bad, because Joe got a bronze star and lost a leg over there in Iraq. If Joe’s family only knew how Zionist – Neocon, pig bankers had cost millions of Americans an decent future, then maybe we’d all stand a better chance of life and liberty. But, they don’t know yet.

For a couple of years now I’ve laid awake nights trying to figure out how to convey to my countrymen the catastrophic abuse of power leveraged by Israel’s Washington based henchmen. At first, I was like most people, worried friends and enemies alike might call me an “anti-Semite” for the insinuation of Zionist lobby skullduggery. Then, a murdered and sodomized Libyan leader made fun of by a presidential candidate, and a few tens of thousands of dead kids over there in Syria, Yemen, and in Gaza, and some more in Yemen, they caused me to not care what people label me as. Seeing Netanyahu dangle US President Donald Trump like a wooden puppet in front of a live audience – well, the jig is up for most sane people I think. Realizing just how dastardly these Zionists are, that’s what spurred me to find the “Average Joe” quotient! The slap across the face that hopefully wakes some Americans up.

The All-American Hobo

Let’s profile our All-American Joe here. He just like most Americans, you know? Joe loves his country, his neighbors, and he adores all the legends of freedom and liberty, and especially the red-white-and-blue dream. Remember he’s a vet too. Even though his future got shattered and stagnated while serving in the US Army, Joe lives in the same information bubble as the rest of us. He’s wrapped up tight by CNN, Hollywood, the New York Times, and silly patriotism. Once a week Joe goes to the unemployment office, just like he’s told. Unable to get an even break, he does the house chores while his wife works at Burger King flipping Whoppers with cheese. Good old Joe sometimes has to go to the pawn shop to hock something of value, something worth less than a grocery store visit to buy Cheerios for his little kids. Yeah, you get the picture now. I am hammering on your sense of brotherhood, community, and civic pride in war heroes. You bet I am. Because I know most of your fail to care anymore. I know most of you are contented in your little bubble of existence.

But read on. This is the reality of your pathetic and lazy patriotism – Average Joe is your next-door neighbor. And Average Joe should not be contemplating blowing his brains out – but we let Joe down – Washington caused Joe to consider blowing his brains out, because we collectively turned a blind eye. We populated the halls of power in our country with liars, cheats, criminals, and the puppets of evil men, and of evil banks and corporations.

Now let me educate all the past, present, and future “American Joes” out there. Just so you know what has been happening while you slept.

While I’ve no space here to discuss properly what’s known as the “Movement for Greater Israel”, it’s important that the reader grasp the ultimate goal of new and old Zionists (see a moderate Zionism definition here). What this group wants is nothing short of the establishment of a middle east empire which encompasses Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq, as well as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Oman, Yemen, most of Turkey, and all the land east of the Nile river. Granted, this is an ambitious plan that is hard for “Joe” to grasp, but any reader can watch the news and put two-plus-two together. If Joe can accept my assertion here, then he might better understand why he is in such a fix. But let’s move on to examine the Zionist plan, stumbling blocks, and progress so far.

There are only two big problems with creating this great big land of “Greater Israel.” First, there are a lot of Arabs in the way. Second, getting those Arabs out of the way is costing Americans and the rest of the world an unbelievable price. On the first point the proxy militaries of Zion and America are rapidly subtracting Arabs from the territory. Those that cannot be cluster bombed, beheaded, shot, blasted, or otherwise butchered are simply starved to death or die of disease. The rest will probably move to Europe if the lobbies there work hard enough, and if not America has lots of free land left. And this brings us to our main point, how AIPAC, the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and hundreds of other supporters of Netanyahu’s dreams of empire robbed poor heroic Joe of his future.

The Zionist Dream

Now, you’ll recall I said that all our hero Joe needed was a chance to start up his business. Most of you reading this probably have better math skills than me, so please try and divide and subtract or multiply some numbers here. According to the most recent figures from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (which are always WAY conservative), there were 453,000 jobless veterans as of 2016. So, let’s focus on these “GI Joes and Janes” for a moment. For an initial instance, let’s assume that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Arab Spring, and the Ukraine mess are not for the benefit of “Greater Israel”. Let’s just do some math with the massive funding through tax breaks and donations for Israel’s defense industry, the IDF, and gigantic weapons loans from the US that never get paid back. Let’s pretend Americans care more about “Joe” and less about Zionists. For the moment, let’s forget the $9 billion dollar trade deficit the US has with Israel, and focus on the $38 billion US Senator Lindsey Graham and others approved for Israeli defense recently.

$38 billion dollars divided by 453,000 out of work vets, that’s $83,885.21 rounded to the nearest cent for each-and-every GI Joe or Jane out there. But I know it will take some IMPACT here for readers to share this with ALL their Average Joe friends out there. Let me spell this out. No funds for the IDF to blast Palestinians to smithereens453,000 new businesses and zero unemployment for down and out vets. Yes, Utopia, I know. But let’s continue, because this is just the chump change the Zionists levy from us. I won’t break down the private funding direct to the IDF. I will not harp about the star studded galas and auctions Hollywood and high society hold to shower gifts of “BILLIONS” on Israel. Read this article and discover those. Now, it’s time to return to the big picture, and to the role of Zionists in the wider world’s affairs. Let’s assume logically that the enemies of Israel, especially Arab nations, were the real cause for the so-called “war on terror” initiated after the 9/11 attacks by then US President George W. Bush.

Understand, I am not the first analyst or journalist to presume Israel and the Zionists have been behind recent wars. And I am not just talking about admitted anti-Semites like Louis Farrakhan, who always called the Twin Towers attacks a false flag operation. Forget wild eyed conspiracy theories for the moment, and instead look at evidence inside books like “The Zionist War on Terror Creates More Terror”, by Christopher Bollyn. A short excerpt from Bollyn serves to set the stage for my last assertion here:

“As long as Western governments and societies allow themselves to be deceived about the true nature of terrorism, the “War on Terror” and the threat it is meant to eradicate will only get worse.  For our political leaders and media to go along with false-flag deceptions and to flail away at phantoms is to ensure that the “War on Terror” will go on for a very long time.  The only way to liberate ourselves and our nations from this madness is to expose the true source of terrorism.”

Without bombarding you with 9/11 theories and anti-Israel rhetoric, it’s completely fair to say hard liner Zionists in Israel, America, and across Europe have played a major role in brewing conflicts in the Middle East. If we can admit that Greater Israel is part of this chaotic stew of destruction, then it is far easier to show “Average Joes” everywhere just what the cost of American and Israeli policies is. For the sake of this argument, here are some even more amazing “if” figures.

Since the so-called “War on Terror” was launched, experts claim that the United States has squandered in between $3.2 and upwards of $5 trillion dollars. I think it’s fair to assume that it has cost Americans more than $4 trillion since 2003, so let me run with this figure.

I Want My 80 Grand Back!

Yesterday I was on hold with the Social Security Administration for 47 minutes on an international call to solve my initial retirement payments. While I waited the robot in charge of calls-on-hold kept telling me, “We provide benefits to over 50 million Americans, so these are very busy times. We are sorry for your long wait”. At that moment, this article was on my mind. I thought to myself over and over, “fifty million … fifty million into $4 trillion or so?” As I type this I am recalling over 40 years of hard work. I’m thinking about my fellow fifty million countrymen, and all the hard work I saw those “Average Joes” doing over the decades. And I am thinking about the $900 bucks a month my retirement gets me. I think I am “Average Joe” perhaps, and I am thinking $4 trillion divided by 50 million. What is that figure? Wow, it comes out to $80,000 dollars! Now let me frame (or hammer) this in.

Without a war to destroy all of Israel’s neighbors and enemies the people still alive who helped build and fuel the American dream could EACH have a lump sum payment of 80 grand! Eighty thousand dollars, what could the average retired person do – buy a small house – never pay rent again – get that eye surgery so desperately needed – live a little bit longer or more comfortably – start a business – survive instead of subsist! I am now thinking about an aged couple I know back home in South Carolina, and about the cat food I once caught them eating a couple of days before their US Treasury checks arrived. I’m thinking about my US veteran retired friend, who has to go to the VA to be treated like an animal. I am thinking about my own $900 dollars and how I will make due abroad, with no medical insurance except what my wife can pay for. Peace and $80,000 for America’s retired “Average Joe or Joanne” – or perpetual war until Greater Israel is established. Until the Syrians are killed or pushed out of the coming “Northern Jerusalem Empire”….. Take note folks, Americans got ZERO from these lost wars.

This is harsh, I know. It seems a bit conspiracy theoretical too, I understand. But after three or four years of research and analysis, and roughly twelve to fourteen hours a day hard at it, I’ve made my diagnosis. If killing and chaos, if the economical warfare and crookedness of our political processes are the illness, then rampant Zionism is the contagion. From my perspective western societies have been literally infected by an insidious flesh eating bug, a blood sucking tick that spreads a bigoted and elitist disease that will eventually destroy us all. Like the small, seemingly harmless little tick, the animal driving American policy breeds more animals in the blood it extracts from its host. And you think my affront on Zionism dastardly or inappropriate? Then go and do your own pathology work. Look at the patient in his eyes, check his pulse, listen to that frail heartbeat, see his suffering, and try and cure humanity yourself. All I know is, “Average Joe” has not even been made aware of the Zionist/Neocon parasite that has cost him everything.


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America, Beaten, Down for the Count

Journal NEO Collage 7754Gordon Duff  11-27-2017

The world knows America is done for. Trump isn’t making America great, he is dancing on the corpse. We could give dates, 9/11 or back in 1913 when America took on an illegal Rothschild central bank. Perhaps it really is 1913 and the America of today, is the result of bleeding that began then.

It is always about debt. When nations take on a central bank – and all central banks are foreign owned, all controlled by the Rothschild family – their institutions crumble: the family, morality, the courts, their media, all are targeted.

We have seen this time and time again. 9/11 was critical. Look at the endless wars sweeping the world that it began, proxy armies, phony terror groups and teeming millions of refugees.

For America it announced the largest robbery in history, $10 trillion in assets, enough to buy the entirety of Europe, simply “disappeared.” Only days before 9/11 it was learned that $2.4 trillion was missing from the US military budget alone, according to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. What few realize is that the group investigating that problem, in their entirety, were killed on 9/11 during the incident at the Pentagon.

We call it an incident because calling it a terror attack or even an airline crash is unsupportable.

Then we ask, who does such a thing? Who would take down America, destroy their government, collapse their economy as in 2008, and allow a nation to be led by “leaders” who appear to be clinically insane? Why do we never name the culprits? Who are the “usual suspects”?

Let’s look at what happened in America while the world watched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq – two wars America has technically lost, but were waged for reasons no one is talking about.

By the end of 2007, America’s 5 leading investment banks were bankrupt, having “misplaced” trillions in assets. Most major corporations were the same, broke, hopelessly, to the extent that the Down Jones Industrial Average had to be reconfigured as the leading companies in America were no longer viable.

If you track such things as credit card debt or home mortgages, you see a different story. Between 2008 and 2010, unemployment in America rose more than 10%. Personal savings collapsed and personal debt rose to unimaginable levels while key industries like arms, oil, and pharmaceuticals (informally known to have immense power over government) made record profits. Wealth was being transferred from the middle class to a small number of elite families.

While the interest rates dropped to almost nothing during Bush 43’s presidency, millions of America’s families sought to protect assets through buying homes that would normally have been unwise, over priced, unaffordable, while media pundits pushed the idea of ballooning real estate markets.

Soon, those homes stood empty. High dollar homes had the walls and wiring and plumbing torn out as angry homeowners packed up and moved in with relatives or simply joined the millions of homeless.

House payments and college loan debt across America ballooned. People were forced to sell and live with a lifetime of debt. Similarly, retirement savings typically lost 72%. A million dollar 401k that would return $5000 a month for life was now only worth a little over $200,000 with an income potential of $200 a month. America’s middle class would work into their mid to late 70’s, with skilled and management retirees sentenced to a decade of menial labor on behalf of the banks that organized the crash.

This, of course pushed the younger generation into military service. With few available jobs, and those were paying well under poverty level, military pay was the highest around. Kids found themselves deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan year after year.

Was this a plan? Was it known that America’s military would exhaust itself, losing its NCO corps, its best officers, its equipment failing? Now they would be exposed to Cold War era enemies and weapons. America herself spent billions on munitions and equipment that now are in the hands of terrorists around the world.

Worse still, is the idea of betrayal. When the Syrian War came into focus, something amazing happened. It became exposed that Washington, along with Saudi Arabia and Turkey, were financing terror groups, al Qaeda and ISIS. Israel was benefiting from it all.

Worse still, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel, formerly assumed to be a “hate/hate” confrontation, now came into focus. Saudi Arabia and Israel, it seems, had been cooperating, not since the 1980s but as early as 1970.

Thus, when Saudi Arabia coordinated the OPEC oil embargo on the US, pushing oil price to stratospheric levels, all based on US aid to Israel during the 1973 War, we see that it might well have been coordinated too.

More recently, it has become known that Saudi Arabia had a major role in 9/11. If they have been close to Israel all along, and if we review issues of 9/11, such as who benefits, it becomes clear that everything since that day has not only benefited Saudi Arabia but Israel as well.

In fact it has become clear that almost all world terrorism, the Paris attacks, Boko Haram in Africa, certainly ISIS – all of it – has benefited Israel and Saudi Arabia.

This may well lead to a hypothesis that interests attributed to the Israeli state actually benefit the Rothschild family more than Israel itself.

But these schemers may be facing unintended consequences. If results are an indicator, Israel faces a unified Syria, Iraq and Iran with powerful Pakistan, Turkey and superpowers Russia and China moving rapidly toward forming a regional power alliance.

Israel is far from secure, anything but. What does exist is endless trillions in debt, the promise of war for another decade or more, chaos, distrust, balkanization around the world, poverty and disease. The signs are clear. This is the business model of the world’s banking system. This is what is meant by “globalism.”


[This is what comes of any nation or group of nations that sell their souls to the Beast System. That system devours and poisons them. America is no exception. She is in bad shape. Her citizens are being dumbed down, to the point of not knowing the meaning of normalcy, or whether they are male or female. -ed]


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Poppy Output Hits Record High In US-Controlled Afghanistan

[America is currently under a huge plague of deaths and health problems from opioid addiction. Most of the opioids are coming from the heroin harvested from poppies grown in Afghanistan.

Previous to the US invasion and takeover of that country, the Taliban governors had almost totally eliminated the poppy farming and heroin trade. Now, the us military is facilitating poppy cultivation again, and heroin (and related opioids) are again a major problem in the world thanks to the US.  -ed]


Rachel Blevins –

The opioid crisis has killed thousands in the United States, and as more than 100 Americans die every day, opium poppy cultivation has hit a record high in Afghanistan in 2017. Coincidentally, President Donald Trump’s troop surge in Afghanistan has essentially been completed, boosting the number of service members on the ground from 11,000 to 14,000, the Pentagon said this week.

We’ve just completed a force flow into Afghanistan,” Marine Lt. Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff Director, said at a news conference. “The new number for Afghanistan is now approximately 14,000—might be a little above that, might be a little below that, as we flex according to the mission.”

Coinciding with the completion of the troop surge, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and Afghanistan’s Ministry of Counter Narcotics released a report claiming that the “area under opium poppy cultivation increased by 63% since 2016, reaching a new record high.”

The total area under opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan was estimated at 328,000 hectares in 2017, a 63% increase or 127,000 hectares more compared to the previous year. This level of opium poppy cultivation is a new record high and exceeds the formerly highest value recorded in 2014 (224,000 hectares) by 104,000 hectares or 46%. Strong increases were observed in almost all major poppy cultivating provinces.

The report also noted that opium poppy cultivation both intensified and expanded to new regions in 2017, decreasing the number of poppy-free provinces in Afghanistan from 13 to 10, and increasing the number of provinces affected by opium poppy cultivation from 21 to 24.

Reasons  for the massive 2017 increase in opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan: Rule of law-related challenges, such as political instability, lack of government control and security, as well as corruption, have been found to be main drivers of illicit cultivation. also impact farmers’ decisions, for example scarce employment opportunities, lack of quality education and limited access to markets and financial services continue to contribute to the vulnerability of farmers towards opium poppy cultivation.

As a result of the increase in 2017, the report acknowledges, “The significant levels of opium poppy cultivation and illicit trafficking of opiates will probably further fuel instability, insurgency and increase funding to terrorist groups in Afghanistan. More high quality, low cost heroin will reach consumer markets across the world, with increased consumption and related harms as a likely consequence.”

As TFTP has previously reported, a former British Territorial Army mechanic, Anthony C Heaford released a report two years ago, and a series of photos, which he says proves that British and American troops are harvesting opium in Afghanistan.

It is also no secret that Afghanistan opium production has increased by 3,500 percent, from 185 tons in 2001 to 6,400 in 2015, since the US-led invasion.

Not only is the increase in opium poppy cultivation hurting civilians in Afghanistan and fueling the same terrorist groups the United States claims to be working to defeat, it has made Afghanistan responsible for producing 90 percent of the world’s opium supply.

That supply is having a direct effect in the United States where more Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016 than were killed in the Vietnam War. That number has only continued to increase in 2017, with more than 100 Americans dying every day—meaning that opioids are killing more Americans than car crashes and gun deaths combined. Donald Trump is expected to declare the opioid crisis to be a “national emergency”.

When the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001, the excuse was to eradicate the Taliban—but the Afghanistan War has become the longest war in U.S. history, and President Trump has admitted that the United States’ strategy for the region does not include an exit anytime soon.

The Afghanistan War has cost American taxpayers more than $1 trillion over the last 16 years, and it has resulted in more than 31,000 civilian deaths. While the media does not publicize it, and most politicians won’t acknowledge it, the record number of deaths from opioid overdoses in the U.S. is a direct result of the record-high opium cultivation in Afghanistan—where U.S. troops are literally guarding the plants.



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Decline of American Might In The Middle East

[The US and Saudi Arabia have schemed together to control world international trade in “petrodollars” (US Dollars backed by the promise of military support from the US providing that the participating countries agree to use only the US Dollar for oil trade). This scheme gives Washington power over the oil-consuming nations. However, now China, Russia, and Iran are leading a movement to establish an alternative trade currency (the Chinese Yuan – CHY) for countries who wish to break free of slavery to the the US Petrodollar. If this succeeds it will weaken the US hold over the world, and the US will probably respond with more sanctions and larger wars to eliminate competition to their Petrodollar .  -ed.]

2114Viktor Mikhin , 11-20-2017

The Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated that the cooperation between Moscow and Tehran and the refusal of mutual payments in US dollars could isolate the USA and “repel the American sanctions”. The Supreme Leader added, “It is possible to cooperate with Russia in dealing with large-scale issues requiring commitment and determination, and to cooperate with it logistically”.

In this context, we should not forget that China, a large oil buyer, is the key player in the crackdown on petrodollars. Beijing has already presented a new oil benchmark in CHY (right now, two benchmark contracts for crude oil, WTI and Brent, are traded in USD) and will issue the first South-African future contract by the end of this year. Interestingly, it was announced that any oil exporter who will accept payment in CHY will be able to convert them into gold at the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SHGE) and hedge the currency value of gold at the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE). That is why China needs physical gold and it has been recently buying it on a large scale.

Undoubtedly, all oil exporters, and especially those who have poor political relations with the USA, will profit from this segregation of the Chinese future market. Because any decrease of USD influence diminishes seriously the ability of Washington to wage an economic war on select states. The introduction of the oil future traded in CHY will enable oil exporters, for example Russia, Iran and Venezuela, to avoid sanctions on their oil trade.

Thus, a plan is being commissioned to bypass the United States of America right before our eyes. Reportedly, the dollar, which is a worldwide currency, constitutes the foundation of American power. It is this world currency that enables the USA to rob the whole world, making its people to pay for the overly ambitious desires of Washington. Some time ago, the USD had  been secured with the gold equivalent, which was later abolished, and now the dollar is, in fact, left without safeguards. The United States forced an agreement upon Saudi Arabia which provided for the USA’s military aid to the Kingdom and the ‘protection’ of its oil fields, though it isn’t clear against whom. Israel, an obvious suspect, has partnered with the Saudis and the US, so Israel is no threat to them. In exchange, the Saudis committed themselves to executing all their oil sales in USD and to investing their profits in US debt securities. The Saudis are now the largest holders of US national debt. By 1975, all oil-producing OPEC members were forced, under pressure from Washington, to follow suit. Consequently, the world plunged into the quagmire of petrodollars.

It is not that the leaders of oil countries could not fail to understand that it was sheer robbery by the United States but, at the same time, they could not undertake anything all by themselves because Washington crushed all such efforts, going as far as occupying the insubordinate states. Take Iraq, for example – the USA imposed unmerciful sanctions on it, making ordinary people suffer from them. The sanctions existed since 1991, and it looked like they would exist forever. However, at the beginning of the 21st century Saddam Hussein made a decision to bypass US petrodollars and instead sell oil for fresh Eurodollars on the basis of the “Oil for Food” program. The US retaliated immediately: under the pretense of democratizing Iraq, the American military occupied the country and unleashed a civil war in it, which is still ongoing. Saddam Hussein was hanged.

Another example: Moammar el-Gadhaf, leader of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, who was highly favoured by Europe and the USA, decided to introduce the gold dinar and to carry out all trade only in that currency. The punishment was instant: the so-called popular unrest was organized the west, and the Washington-imposed UN resolutions tied up, hand and foot, the Libyan leader who was brutally murdered soon afterwards. Libya is now in ruins.

However, the idea of getting rid of the USD stranglehold persisted, and right now the powerful states who are free from American influence, i.e. Russia, China and Iran, set out to implement it. The future of one more country – Saudi Arabia – a leader in crude oil production, is in danger. That is to say, the destiny of the United States, who has been taking all possible measures to keep Riyadh in its orbit, depends, without any exaggeration, on the stance of the Kingdom. That is why the current situation of the Saudis is not good. Firstly, the tradition put in place by Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal Al Saud, founder of the kingdom, to pass power from one son to another does not exist any more. Secondly, there is an ongoing unprecedented struggle for power since Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the current King, moved aside the legitimate heir and declared his wish to pass the power to his son Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud. Thirdly, the new heir, deprived of sufficient experience, has already made several grave mistakes. He has misspent large funds to support the Syrian terrorist groups, unleashed a dead-end struggle against the neighbouring Yemen, and he has an ambiguous personal conflict with Qatar. Additionally, the struggle for the world oil market led to a sharp increase of black gold prices, which resulted in a budget deficit.

To make things worse, a crisis, which is still unresolved, arose in Lebanon when its Prime-Minister left for Saudi Arabia and sent his letter of resignation from there. He explained his decision by the interference of Iran into the internal affairs of his country, Hezballah’s pressure on him and the information about the preparing assassination attempt on his life, about which he was allegedly notified by Saudi intelligence.

Currently, a new and fairly decisive round of struggle for power, instigated by Washington, unfolds in the Kingdom. Obviously, the current King, before passing power to his son, is trying to clear up his political framework and to eliminate any rivals even if they are members of the ruling Saudi family. A new Anti-Corruption Committee headed by hereditary Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud was created by a royal decree. The Committee is entitled to conduct its own investigations and make arrests, to impose travel bans, to freeze bank assets and to implement other measures within the framework of its fight against corruption.

As of November 10, two hundred and eight people were detained in Saudi Arabia as part of the initiated unprecedented anti-corruption campaign. Seven of them had been previously arrested and then released without charges. The others, as Prosecutor General of the Kingdom Saud al-Mojeb told the Al Jazeera Channel, are still under arrest. Immediately after that, US State Secretary Rex Tillerson had a telephone conversation with his Saudi counterpart Adel Al-Jubeir, during which the parties discussed the situation in Saudi Arabia or, to be more exact, the Saudi foreign minister received additional American instructions. In the meantime, Washington has been skilfully and deliberately pitting the soon to be future King against other members of the Saud family so that Mohammed bin Salman ends up alone and will have to rely only on support from the United States. This is obviously an attempt to demote Saudi Arabia as a puppet of the US.

Incidentally, the Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, one of the richest men in the Middle East (and who used to be head of the office of the Saudi finance minister) was also among the detainees. The Prince is the grandson of the founder of Saudi Arabia and a nephew of six Saudi Kings, including the current ruler. He never sought political power and preferred investments and stock market gambling. The Prince has three academic degrees, including one in philosophy. It was for the first time in the history of the Kingdom that his daughter, a Princess, was arrested.

There is one more equally complicated issue related to oil. That is, at what currency oil should be sold to China, which is still one of the biggest trading platforms for the Saudis. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia continues to demand insistently only USD currency in exchange for oil from Chinese importers. Beijing is somewhat annoyed with such stubbornness from Riyadh, for the Chinese have a wide range of oil suppliers to choose from. The Chinese authorities have been trying to bring it home to Riyadh that its dollar fanaticism can cost it quite a lot. However, the change-over from USD to CHY would deliver a blow to the United States, the main ally of the Kingdom. But Riyadh will definitely surrender sooner or later. What will happen then with the United States?

Thereupon, the refusal of several major oil producers from USD payments would deliver an irreparable blow to the United States and contribute greatly to the decline of the American empire and its hegemonistic ambitions.


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‘Increasing lethality in all areas’: US Air Force declares space a new ‘warfighting domain’

‘Increasing lethality in all areas’: US Air Force declares space a new ‘warfighting domain’

“We are moving forward with modernization in space, so we’re increasing our lethality in all of our areas of endeavor,” Air Force Secretary Heather A. Wilson told reporters Thursday. “And we are shifting to space as a warfighting domain.”

In 1967, the United States and the Soviet Union signed the Outer Space Treaty which prohibits signatories from placing nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction in outer space. The accord, however, stopped short of limiting the deployment of conventional weapons.

Wilson said Congress has proposed to increase the funding of space-related military programs even beyond the levels sought by the Air Force. Section 1605 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2018 also classifies space as a potential “combat domain.”

“It is the policy of the United States to develop, produce, field, and maintain an integrated system of assets in response to the increasingly contested nature of the space operating domain to [among other things] deter or deny an attack on capabilities at every level of orbit in space,” as well as to “defend the territory of the United States, its allies, and its deployed forces across all operating domains,” Section 1605 reads.

“Everyone agrees that space needs to be integrated, normalized as a part of a joint warfighting effort. This year’s budget… The FY18 budget proposal increases what the Air Force is proposing to spend on space by 20 percent,” Wilson added.

Defense Secretary James Mattis has made modernizing America’s capabilities in space one of his priorities in his efforts to make US Air Force “more lethal every day.” He earlier called on Congress to pass the NDAA so the Pentagon can “invest in critical warfighting capabilities, including in space.”

“Secretary Mattis has been very clear in his guidance to all the services that we are to go look at how do we increase lethality and readiness,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein, sitting next to Wilson, told reporters. “The nation expects its Air Force to own the high ground, the ultimate high ground and achieve space superiority which is like air superiority – freedom to attack and freedom to maneuver.”

Most of America’s space strategy is coordinated from the National Space Defense Center (NSDC) at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado. Its experts are already devising potential space fighting scenarios.

“We do our best as a department when we follow a logic trail that actually goes from a threat, to eventually, an acquisition. And the steps are no different for space. Access the threat. From the threat, you define a strategy. From the strategy, you define a concept of operations, or what we call Conops… From those Conops you derive requirements, and then from those requirements you then acquire,” Goldfein said. “The Secretary and I also spent an entire day with all the four and three-star leadership of the Air Force, doing a full-day tabletop exercise on warfighting in space. So we are moving forward.”

Wilson announced that the Air Force awarded a $100 million contract to the Space Enterprise Consortium last week. Under the agreement, the South Carolina firm is to work on prototypes for the Department of Defense for broad “space-related technologies,” such as “ground segment, launch segment, space segment, software and processes.”

“The most important thing is to integrate and normalize space, as part of a joint operation. The US Air Force has about 70 percent of what is in space, and my authorities are to organize, train and equip airspace forces for the conduct of combat operations when they go to the combatant commander,” Wilson said.

“And as we transition from a benign domain from which we monitor and report to a warfighting domain, this is a significant shift that we are leading as we go forward,” Goldfein added. “And so, as the Secretary said, normalizing space as a warfighting domain means we integrate all those capabilities, tried and true principles of joint war fighting in this domain as we go forward.”


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