Category Archives: Articles

Coming Soon For The Unvaccinated: A $50 Monthly Paycheck Deduction From Your Employer

Forbes – 8/8/2021 Government is applying pressure to make people conform to their vaccine plan. Employers are being recruited to enforce the mandates. Employers are beginning to tack on a special surcharge of $20 to $50 a month to their … Continue reading

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Everyone has been asking about GRAPHENE in the COVID shots. Is it really in there? What is it? What does it do? Etc.. Well, here is the best explanation I’ve heard. Karen Kingston has done the work. She has the … Continue reading


Digital Health Passports: The Snare that can Lure You into the One-World Cashless System

This is truly distressing. Creepy. Various iterations of “the mark” are: Drivers license Numbers, Social Security Numbers, digital signatures, now Health Passports (“for when you need to prove who you are.”). Are Americans actually comfortable with having to prove who … Continue reading

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Vaccine History – Weaponized Medicine

For over 50 years American children have been injured or killed with vaccines.  In the 5os a child typically got one or two vaccines. That was bad enough. But in 2019 doctors were giving children, age birth to 18, up … Continue reading

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Turning flu cases into COVID through manipulation—easy as pie

  Jon Rappoport – August 5, 2021 Since 1988, I’ve been pointing out that relabeling and repackaging disease is standard operating procedure in the field of “pandemic medicine.” And now we have this, from FOX News (7/25/21): “But while cases … Continue reading

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The “Vaccine” War

“The first casualty of war is truth”  – Aeschylus (525 BC – 456 BC) [I believe it. And, yes, we are in a war today – a war for our minds. A war in which only one side realizes that … Continue reading

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If People Get The Jab After Watching This They Are Beyond Help

Gary G. Kohls, MD – July 31, 2021 Here is a must-watch, totally-truthful, science-based video for anyone who is considering getting a Covid-19 shot. Almost 20,000 Covid vaccine deaths have been recorded in the European Union (July 17, 2021). In the, US the … Continue reading

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The Best Detailed Explanation Of Why PCR Tests For COVID-19 Are Frauds And Testing Labs Know It

The only real pandemic is a pandemic of quack science and PCR testing fraud The politicians, the doctors, and the news media have conspired to lie to the public, scare everyone, and shut down businesses and even homes around … Continue reading

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Watch Italian Dr. Warn About The Kill Shot

English Subtitles. Click HERE or on the picture to see the video. ________________________________________________________

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CDC Plans To Abandon Its PCR Test For COVID In December

The PCR test has been universally used by CDC-controlled hospitals and testing clinics for the past year to trick millions of silly people into thinking they were in danger from COVID, duping them into wearing masks and taking the bio-weapon … Continue reading

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Hospitals Are Charging Absurd Fees To Treat Minor Injuries. People Without Expensive Health Insurance Can No Longer Afford Hospital Care. No Wonder People Are Opting To Avoid Hospitals.

Posted on By Tyler Durden Hospitals across the country have been charging ridiculous ‘trauma alert’ fees for patients requiring minimal treatment. The fees, which can be upwards of $50,000 per patient, are billed when a hospital’s top surgical specialists are … Continue reading

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VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021

Still trust the news media and the hospitals? You better decide soon before it is too late. Once you get the jab you can’t get it back out. Remember – only about 1% of the actual injuries and deaths from … Continue reading

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Dire Warning from Dr. Charles Hoffe

Dr. Charles Hoffe Explains In Detail How The COVID Jab Causes Blood Clots. Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, wrote to Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C. provincial health officer, in April 2021 with serious concerns about COVID-19 … Continue reading

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Graphene face masks dangerous; and we’re living in a graphene world

Jon Rappoport – July 12, 2021 [1]: “Graphene — What Is It? …Graphene is the thinnest compound known to man at one atom thick, the lightest material known… the strongest compound [ever] discovered… the best conductor of heat at … Continue reading

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Americans Will Celebrate “Independence Day” as CDC Reveals Almost 7000 DEAD and Half a Million Injured Following COVID Injections – And Biden Kneels Before Some of His Jew Overlords

  by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News As Americans gather this weekend to celebrate the July 4th Independence Day, I can’t help but ask: What are you celebrating?? Are you celebrating the fact that the CDC admits that almost 7000 people … Continue reading

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