The Debate – Full Disclosure



The presidential debate: let’s see, what can be said about it?  Seeping shame; bilious nausea; the sense of having been personally defiled by a dirty, grotesque mud wrestle. Sadly you can’t unsee it, like a gross, invasive image of a fatal car wreck.

But the good news is the grisly thing itself – the “debate,” the source and cause of your disgust and revulsion. Understand, this was a woeful spectacle of two shallow, hollow, blithering dwarfs: Sleepy and Dopey. There could be no other sane response to that.

The point is not in what they did or what they are: the good news is that by their clownish, degraded hog-wrestle they have exposed openly, indisputably, the obscene charade that is the political system: a stark horror that craftier, more elegant and smoother spokesmen, more polished burlesques, have kept hidden from the American people for generations.

We are a blinded, despised, bamboozled nation. To keep us so is the purpose and intent of the system that rules us. From its beginnings, The US was a racket – a con run on manipulation and exploitation of its people. From Shea’s Rebellion to Make America Great Again it has jammed one vicious, rank perversion of justice after another down our throats. Lincoln knew better than to laud a government “of, by, and for the people.” It was hogwash.

The job of Presidents, Congress, and the news media has been to keep the great mass of Americans completely oblivious to the Tyranny that owns them. Our “leaders” are trained to present a wholesome, ideal image of the nation, using the deep hunger of the ignorant and powerless to identify with a heroic, victorious force to bind their loyalty in the brazen face of their endless betrayal, feeding them poison exceptionalism instead of truth.

While hirelings in elected offices composed and sang hymns of deception to the gullible people, the oligarchs and think tanks devised and implemented means and methods to simultaneously dupe and demoralize the people for their gain, to create legal mazes to abuse, degrade and pauperize, and to kill, with unified power, our every attempt to defend ourselves. History in America is a bitter saga of brutal repression and violent reaction by its legal and illegal military/police gestapos against the lives and well-being of working people. And Federal propaganda has taught workers to bow and be grateful for it. And most are.

If that were all they had done, it would be a crime as massive as any in human history, but it’s only one part, and a lesser one of its dark and devious malignity. Beyond the crippling damage done to its own, it has enslaved and brutalized, violated and shattered whole countries of simple, peasant people with its diabolical War Machine. Perhaps as criminal as anything it has done is to have cauterized the consciences of Americans to the point that they view the rape and destruction of other peoples with indifference.

This is a short list of what the criminally deceptive dignity and decorum of the US governmental process has covered. This litany of intentional, cynical evil is what generations of Presidents, vetted and empowered by the elite oligarchy that owns the parties, have brought us. This is where those poised, genteel figureheads, from the cornfed, homespun Main Street lingo of Truman, who atomic bombed Japan, and Eisenhower, who sold us to the Military-Industrial Complex and then hypocritically warned us about it, to the Oxbridge S’uthrun drawl of Clinton who oversaw the charnel house of Serbian race murder and the deaths of half a million Iraqi kids, and the elegant Harvard glosses and locutions of Obama, who lulled and soothed us through eight years of unrestrained mayhem and murder around the world.

So… good news? Well, let’s see. What if that sick farce (the debate), televised to the astonishment and consternation of any but the most hopeless morons, has exposed by its ugliness, its vacuity, its sheer, unredeemed stupidity, the sad naked truth of the pit of human folly and incompetence that is called American politics?

What if these two contemptible specimens – standard bearers of the parties, jousting for votes, has ripped the decayed masks off the oligarchy and shown what a barren, empty, dirty game US polity is, and how stupid, cowardly and false is the system and its owners, who put faith, trust, and money on these sorry, blowhard Punch and Judy puppets? And if this pageant of imbecility and buffoonery in its supreme vulgarity can awaken Americans to reality then all is not lost.

Without a major revolution in this country—not hired thugs rioting in city streets, squares and shopping malls, which cuts no serious ice and invites its own defeat, but in the minds and hearts of Americans—this country cannot stagger on much longer before catastrophic meltdown. What we still have is far too sick and rotten and moribund to continue. A new consciousness is the key to a survivable future. Americans need to recognize a different god. Instead of worshiping corrupt system of corrupt men, we must repent and turn to the real God, his law, and to his present King Jesus.

It is time to remove the blinders, and the masks. The gruesome thing (the debate) has shown what it is. And there are none so blind as those who will not see.


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