Coming Soon For The Unvaccinated: A $50 Monthly Paycheck Deduction From Your Employer

Forbes – 8/8/2021

Government is applying pressure to make people conform to their vaccine plan. Employers are being recruited to enforce the mandates.

Employers are beginning to tack on a special surcharge of $20 to $50 a month to their unvaccinated workers, according to one of the nation’s largest health benefits consultancies.

To date, employers have offered gift cards, a day off from work, cash and other financial incentives to convince their workers to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

But the carrot approach is about to be joined by a stick that could cost employees up to $50 a month, , the large employee benefits consultancy that works with thousands of employers around the world.

“Employers have tried encouraging employees to get vaccinated through offering incentives like paid time off and cash, but with the Delta variant driving up infections and hospitalizations throughout the country – at the same time that vaccination rates have stalled – we have received inquiries from at least 20 employers over the past few weeks who are giving consideration to adding health coverage surcharges for the unvaccinated as a way to drive up vaccination rates in their workforce,” said , Mercer’s regulatory resources group leader.

Mercer isn’t disclosing the names of companies working on the surcharges but said the amount of the surcharge being discussed with these employers is akin to the $20 to $50 a month charges companies already charge workers who smoke.


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Everyone has been asking about GRAPHENE in the COVID shots. Is it really in there? What is it? What does it do? Etc..

Well, here is the best explanation I’ve heard. Karen Kingston has done the work. She has the skills needed to do this research, and she shows the findings for your own eyes to see.

The jabs DO have GRAPHENE OXIDE NANO PARTICLES in them – and this expert confirms that it was put in all the mRNA shots. The graphene ingredient is not openly admitted – not listed in the papers because it is a “trade secret” – but it can be found by researching the patents and the filings with the FDA and in the UK for an ingredient called “pegylated lipid nano particles.” These are nano particles with Polyethylene Glycol and graphene encapsulated in a lipid (fat) molecule. Graphene is known to be stronger than Titanium and the best known conductor of electricity.  Nano particles of graphene with Polyethylene Glycol is also known to be in Hydrogel which is in the skin patches used to brand people for identification by computer scanners. So the graphene and the pegylated lipid nano particles are, in theory, injected into people to create internet connectivity between humans and computer scanners.

Watch and listen to this interview – and be amazed.

Here is an additional video with further explanation about graphene, shedding, etc.



Digital Health Passports: The Snare that can Lure You into the One-World Cashless System

This is truly distressing. Creepy.

Various iterations of “the mark” are: Drivers license Numbers, Social Security Numbers, digital signatures, now Health Passports (“for when you need to prove who you are.”). Are Americans actually comfortable with having to prove who they are in order to buy or sell? They have accepted all the marks up to now, so they will probably continue accepting them.

God does not heal the man who chooses to be blind.

(From Health Impact News)

What if everyone ditched their smart phones? Frankly, I doubt they ever would. People are addicted to them, worse than a heroin addict.

Several new technologies that appear separate and unrelated will soon converge, creating a giant digital trap that will easily entice the sleeping masses.

The digital trap has already been set and globalist elites are using COVID to speed up the process of convergence. Most people will sleep-walk right into the trap, which will ultimately reduce them to a human QR code – trackable, traceable, and 100 percent dependent on Big Tech and big government for their existence.

I’m going to unpack each of these seemingly separate threads that will be gradually merged into a single overarching socio-financial control grid.

The most imminent agenda item needed to jump-start this system is a successful launch of digital health passports.

France, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Greece and many other nations have started mandating these passports on their citizens, many of whom are flooding into the streets to protest.

The movement toward digital health passports in the U.S. is picking up steam.

In a briefing Monday, Aug. 2, Biden’s Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeffrey Zients announced “it’s time to impose some requirements” where COVID vaccines are concerned.

When asked for clarification on exactly what COVID rules might be implemented, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said nothing is off the table.

Remember that phrase: Nothing is off the table.

This could involve rounding up the unvaccinated and placing them in isolation and quarantine camps.

An academic consortium consisting of six universities already has a contract with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to provide training for government, law enforcement, healthcare and private-sector stakeholders on how to quarantine “large portions” of rural communities.

But the drive to digitize the lives of Americans will start in the cities and move outward.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio became the first politician to jump at the opportunity to demand vaccine passports.

De Blasio ordered businesses to deny service tot he unvaccinated, which accounts for 30 percent of the city’s population. It remains to be seen how de Blasio will enforce this edict. Will he call out the police to shut down businesses not demanding a show of papers from their customers?

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is also shooting for vaccine passport mandates statewide but knows he has to be a little more diplomatic in his approach.

“Private businesses, I am asking them and suggesting to them, go to vaccine-only admission. Go to vaccine-only admission,” Cuomo said in an Aug. 2 press conference.

“I believe it’s in your own business interest,” he said, “to run a vaccine-only establishment…. We have apps, just say, ‘you have to show that you were vaccinated when you walk in the door.’”

Here’s Cuomo.

Think about what Cuomo is saying. This is INSANITY! How can anyone give credence to such stupidity? Even if the shot worked (which it doesn’t), vaccination theory claims to protect the person being vaccinated – not anyone else. They claim to protect you from being infected – not to stop you from infecting others. Think about it!

Cuomo is spouting insanity – and most New Yorkers are duly impressed with his lies and stupidity.

This is the new Americanism. Total control … otherwise called tyranny.

If New York’s business owners listened to Cuomo, they would make it impossible for non-vaxxed people to survive.

If you haven’t been preparing yourself, your mind, for this war you are already behind the eight ball. Where have you been for the past years. How have you managed to remain willingly blind to this? Better wake up! Time is short. God holds you responsible to be aware of what’s happening, for the sake of yourself and all those under your care who need to be aware.

The digital passports require people to download a scannable QR code on their cellphone that will allow businesses to know they’ve been vaxxed before they are allowed to enter and receive service. (total control)

That leads us to the second leg of the digital trap that is baking in the technological oven – a new global digital ID system that is capable of working in conjunction with the digital health passports and the new medical-vaccination complex.

The leader in this stream of tech is the ID2020 Alliance, a collaborative of more than 35 members including Accenture, Microsoft, the Rockefeller Foundation, MasterCard, IBM, the International Chamber of Commerce, MIT SafePaths and Bill Gates’ GAVI Global Vaccines Alliance.

In February 2021, ID2020 launched the Good Health Pass Collaborative to encourage a seamless convergence of all the COVID-19 vaccine credentialing apps being developed by many different organizations.

“Paper vaccine certificates can be easily forged,” the ID2020 Alliance warns in a press release. “The purpose of health credentials is to securely prove that a person has received a vaccine or PCR test. The new alliance is particularly targeting travel to ensure credentials work cross-border, cross-industry and are frictionless.”

The alliance has published a white paper on the topic for those seeking more details.

Yet another piece to the evolving techno-fascist puzzle is the new digital currency.

The world’s central banks are working on a programmable digital currency based on block chain technology. This means they will be able to track your spending and shut you off for any reason.

The International Monetary Fund posted an article on its website in July lauding India as a global leader in the drive to eliminate cash. And of course COVID was mentioned as expediting the move away from paper money. The IMF noted:

“COVID-19 has accelerated the use of contactless digital payments for small transactions as people try to protect themselves from the virus. These advances build on the India Stack—a comprehensive digital identity, payment, and data-management system that we write about in a new paper (Carrière-Swallow, Haksar, and Patnam 2021).”

As you can see in the above statement, the goal is a comprehensive digital identity, combining one’s health data and vaccine status with banking and other personally identifiable data. But this has nothing to do with health – it is about total control.

Klaus Schwab warned us ahead of time about the trap he and his elitist buddies were setting for us.

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, biological and digital identities,” Schwab told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in November 2020.

Even before that, in his 2018 book, Shaping the Future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Schwab wrote:

“Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us.

Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”

When he penned these grandiose ideas in 2018, it seemed like the pie in the sky musings of an out of touch futurist and few paid attention.

Post COVID, it’s in our faces and ready to be implemented.

The final leg of the technological program to control humanity is the Big Tech giants working together to scrub all dissident voices from the Internet. Their ultimate goal is to create a system where all users have an Internet passport, subject to periodic review of your online activity.

The Big Tech giants have already said they actively share information in an effort to crack down on “white supremacists” under the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, a body previously reserved for targeting the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

PayPal announced it will be working with the notoriously Marxist Anti-Defamation League to scour the Internet, looking for “extremists” and “anti-government” voices in order to shut off their PayPal donation buttons.

Under this social scoring system, those guilty of online infractions get publicly shamed and silenced. Information collectors are paid to snitch on their neighbors and family members. Once your social credit score dips below a certain level, you become so discredited that it gets tougher and tougher to find a job, travel by plane, train, bus or car, get loans or put your kids in the better schools.

Those providing counter-narrative information will be flagged, given a warning, and eventually blocked as disseminators of “disinformation.”

But that’s not all.

In today’s society, being removed from the Internet means you won’t be able to buy or sell online or work a job that requires an internet connection.

So the health passports, currently being rolled out worldwide, will block you from in-person shopping for food and necessities – while the Internet passport will block you from ordering your necessities online. You will essentially be left with the black market, assuming one will spring up for those deemed “unclean” and “unfit” for the modern world because of their dissident views.

All of these technologies will merge at the intersection of Big Data, big banks, Big Tech and big government. Your social credit score will now be tied not only to your Internet activity but to your bank account and your vaccine status. Banks are not safe. You should have been aware of this a long time ago. If you have money in a bank just know that you are at risk of losing it. Use your head – think of alternatives. Digital currency (like Bit Coin) is no good.

Add in advances in AI and facial recognition and millions of surveillance cameras and you are talking about a lockdown slave state that makes George Orwell’s 1984 look like a picnic in the park.

But don’t complain. It’s all “for your safety.”

People cannot be trusted to do the right thing, to believe what they need to believe, to be “good citizens.” All must conform to their masters.

Now is the time to open your eyes and wake up. But to see the danger you must first admit it exists. You must recognize its existence and stay one step ahead of the cabal’s evil game plan.

At some point the trap door will shut. It will be too late to opt out. You either comply or get shut out. You find that you’ve become an enemy of the state – which is not a bad thing unless you haven’t prepared for it. Jesus was (is) the ultimate Enemy Of The State.

These separate avenues of evolving technology is merging to create a society in which everything, and every person, is digitally tracked, monitored, and controlled like the inventory in a store. Not just the movement of their physical bodies, but their actions, behaviors, even their thoughts.

The elites are counting on us accepting this system in its early, fragmented stages. Most people think compartmentally. They don’t connect dots. They don’t want to see what’s coming.

The elites are not going to tell you upfront what all is involved in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They’re just going to tell you the parts that sound good – convenience, inclusion, safety, security.

Watch this creepy 42-second video put out by the government of Australia urging people to create a digital identity.

Once this trap door is shut, it will be very difficult to get out of its clutches. Don’t download apps. Pay with cash whenever possible. And stop sleep walking into the New World Order.


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Vaccine History – Weaponized Medicine

For over 50 years American children have been injured or killed with vaccines.  In the 5os a child typically got one or two vaccines. That was bad enough. But in 2019 doctors were giving children, age birth to 18, up to 72 vaccinations – each one dangerous. Many children were damaged. Even more are being damaged today (2021).

Today’s big news about the dangers of COVID shots (bioweapons) has gotten the attention of a larger audience – probably because it is proving to be even more deadly than vaccines of the past. But the truth is … today’s COVID news is only the latest chapter in the half-century of vaccine assault upon the public (mostly upon our children) by Big Pharma and its vaccine industry.

Here are two must see videos about the less-known history of the vaccine industry.

VAXXED 2 The Peoples’ Truth


Shots In The Dark


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Turning flu cases into COVID through manipulation—easy as pie


Jon Rappoport – August 5, 2021

Since 1988, I’ve been pointing out that relabeling and repackaging disease is standard operating procedure in the field of “pandemic medicine.”

And now we have this, from FOX News (7/25/21): “But while cases of COVID-19 soared nationwide, hospitalizations and deaths caused by influenza dropped.”

“According to data released by the CDC earlier this month, influenza mortality rates were significantly lower throughout 2020 than previous years.”

In 2020 there were 646 deaths related to the flu reported among adults, whereas in 2019 the CDC estimated that between 24,000 and 62,000 people died from influenza-related illnesses.”

You might want to read those numbers again. The drop in flu deaths was miraculous. What could have caused it?

Rochester Regional Health has issued a flu report covering the same time periods: “As of the most recent updates from the CDC, the 2021 flu season impacted a much lower number of people than usual in all major regions of the United States.”

“Here are a few numbers to sum up the 2020/2021 flu season, running from October 1, 2020 to April 1, 2021…646 deaths were attributed to the flu.”

But in the prior flu season between October 1, 2019 and April 4, 2020, the flu resulted in 24,000 to 62,000 deaths.”

(“Hey Bob, could you do me a favor? I need a whole lot of COVID death numbers. Can you shove some of your flu-death numbers over here?”

“Sure. No problem, Bill. We work for the same agency. We’re all in this together. But if I give you thousands of flu-death numbers, I want something back. A piece of your COVID research funding. Our flu money these days would barely bankroll a junket for a dozen of us to the Bahamas.”

“But cousin. Transferring research funds is tricky. Too many eyes involved. Tell you what. How about a steak and lobster dinner, two nights at a local hotel, and one of the hookers who sits at the bar?”

“Three nights, all expenses paid.”


There you go. The old “switcheroo.”

Here are two previous articles I’ve written on the disease- relabeling/repackaging shell game:

—The disease switcheroo; they don’t teach this in medical school—

I’ve mentioned this shell game hundreds of times in articles and lectures over the years. Here I want to boil it down to a protocol that has earned the medical cartel trillions of dollars.

We begin this story with the announcement an “outbreak.” Somewhere on Earth, we are told there is a cluster of “unusual cases of illness.”

The key word is “unusual.” Otherwise, who would care? People would just say, “Forty people in Wuhan have lung congestion.” And that would spark no interest.

In Wuhan, it was “unusual pneumonia.” How so? Let’s see … how about this?

Something else must be offered, to justify the term “unusual cases.” And we get it almost immediately, while we’re still trying to figure out what makes these patients’ illness new and different:

It’s a virus! A never-before-seen virus!

Already a switcheroo is in progress. There is actually nothing unusual in the Wuhan cluster of cases. And just as we’re about to realize that, we’re hit with “new virus.” And then we forget there was no reason to look for a new virus in the first place.

Deadly air pollution has been hanging over Wuhan for a long time. It explains all sorts of lung infections, including pneumonia, a cardinal COVID symptom. And by the way, roughly 300,000 people in China die every year from pneumonia.

The “new virus” is trumpeted. But of course, as I’ve demonstrated many times, it hasn’t actually been found. No one isolated it. The so-called genetic sequencing of it never happened. How could it be otherwise? No one has an isolated and purified specimen of the virus to allow it to be analyzed.

Accepting “new virus” as fact produces this situation: a list of very familiar clinical symptoms can now be called “unique” … because the cause is unique.

Suddenly, cough, chills, fever, fatigue, congestion, shortness of breath—which have been called flu, or just infection, or other names—are now COVID. That’s the big switcheroo.

Next step: provide a diagnostic test for “the virus” that would automatically spit out false-positives like water from a firehouse. That would be the PCR test. I’ve taken the PCR apart six ways from Sunday and exposed it as a fraud.

With the PCR test in hand, the switcheroo is deepened. That list of familiar illness symptoms—taken together with the test—paints the picture of millions of cases of a “new plague.”

All this fabrication is on the order of—“Hey, Jim, sales of our widget number 6 are in the toilet. What can we do? Unless…let’s call it widget number 7, put it in a new box…”

People say, “But there ARE mysterious COVID cases that can’t be explained away as repackaged lung infections…”

Of course there are. When you make the net big enough, it will sweep up groups of unrelated cases that seem impressive. But when you move in close enough, you discover, for example, poisonous vaccination campaigns, and toxic pesticides, and lagoons of feces in giant pig factory-farms. These and a thousand other such breaches of health laws can cause illness and death.

I first caught on to the switcheroo strategy in 1987, when I was doing research for my first book, AIDS INC. Scientists in Africa were investigating a “new” outbreak among people who, “incidentally,” were suffering from protein-calorie malnutrition, hunger, starvation, and poor sanitation.

The scientists, cheap con artists that they were, called this health problem “wasting syndrome,” then “Slim disease,” and finally “AIDS.” Rampant drug abuse was common. They announced the cause was HIV—a virus no one had found or isolated.

And lurking in the background, if you needed another cause of illness and death, there was the infamous World Health Organization’s mass smallpox-vaccination campaign in Africa, one of the most dangerous mass medical experiments ever carried out on a population. That campaign had wrapped up injecting millions of people a few years before the discovery of “AIDS.”

Aha! Another smoking gun vaccine.

The smallpox vaccine campaign was so dangerous that, at a secret WHO meeting in Geneva, a decision was made never to use that vaccine again, because it had caused smallpox (or something that looked like it).

In 1987, I combed through volumes of medical journals at the UCLA bio-med library, and discovered that the single most prevalent cause of T-cell depletion (“AIDS”) in the world is MALNUTRITION (often caused by drug use).

Malnutrition, hunger, starvation, toxic vaccines, grinding poverty, war, fertile farm land stolen from the people by major agricultural corporations, toxic chemicals used to produce farm products, toxic medical drugs…all repackaged as a new disease caused by a new virus, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).

I then went on to study every so-called high-risk group for AIDS. I found that in each group, all the “AIDS symptoms” could be explained by non-viral causes.

At that point, I realized I was looking at a classic intelligence-agency-type covert operation, applied within the medical universe. The virus was the cover story. It was being used to hide ongoing government and corporate crimes. For example—forced vaccination and starvation.

A con is a con.

Only the disease-names are changed, to protect the guilty.

Here is the second article on the scam:

—Massive number of flu cases are re-labeled COVID cases—

The number of COVID cases has been faked in various ways.

By far, the most extensive strategy is re-labeling.

Flu is called COVID.

We don’t need charts and graphs to see this. It’s right in front of our eyes.

The definition of a COVID case invites flu in the door. There is nothing unique about that definition. For example, a cough, or chills and fever, would be called “a case of COVID.”

A positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 would also be required, but as I’ve shown in my recent series on the test, obtaining a false positive is as easy as pie.

All you have to do is run the test at more than 35 cycles (amplifications). Most labs run the test at 40 cycles. A cycle is a quantum leap in magnification of the swab sample taken from the patient. When you run the test at more than 35 cycles, false-positives come pouring out like water from a fire hose.

So…with ordinary flu symptoms plus false-positive PCR tests … voila, you have a COVID pandemic.

Keep in mind that, overwhelmingly, most so-called “COVID cases” are mild. In other words, they’re indistinguishable from ordinary flu.

But there is a rabbit hole here, and we can go down that hole much farther. The next question is: what is a flu case? What is it really?

Researcher Peter Doshi did much to answer that question. In December of 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published his shocking report, which created tremors through the halls of the CDC, where “the experts” had been telling the press that 36,000 people in the US die every year from the flu.

Here is a quote from Doshi’s report, “Are US flu death figures more PR than science?” (BMJ 2005; 331:1412):

“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”


You see, the CDC created one overall category that combined both flu and pneumonia deaths. Why? Because they wanted people to think the pneumonia deaths are complications stemming from the flu.

This is an absurd assumption. Pneumonia has a number of causes.

But even worse, in all the flu and pneumonia deaths, only 18  were confirmed to be influenza.

Therefore, the CDC could only say, with assurance, that 18 people died of influenza in 2001. Not 36,000 deaths. 18 deaths.

Doshi continued his assessment of published CDC flu-death statistics: “Between 1979 and 2001, [CDC] data show an average of 1348 [flu] deaths per year (range 257 to 3006).” These figures refer to flu separated out from pneumonia.

This death toll is far lower than the old parroted 36,000 figure.

However, when you add the sensible condition that lab tests have to actually find the flu virus in patients, the numbers of annual flu deaths plummet even further.

In other words, it’s all promotion and hype.

But we’re not finished yet. Because…what test were researchers using to decide there were 18 cases of honest flu, in which a virus was found and identified? Answer: unknown.

It’s quite probable the test didn’t really isolate a flu virus at all. It only identified some marker that was ASSUMED, without proof, to point to a flu virus.

If so—ZERO cases of actual flu were found in the population.

Instead, what we had was “flu-like illness.” Chills, cough, congestion, fever, fatigue; the ubiquitous symptoms that describe about a billion cases of illness, every year, worldwide.

The cause of those billion cases? There is no single cause. Instead, there are many factors, ranging from sudden weather changes to air pollution, hay fever, malnutrition, sub-standard sanitation…on and on.

That being the case, we can now say: Many, many cases of FAKE FLU are being relabeled FAKE COVID.

Now we’re getting real. Simply stated, we cannot trust the medical/drug industries to be honest with us when there is million$ in play for them in selling treatments.

The medical cartel “discovers” (markets) huge numbers of so-called unique diseases—each disease with a purported specific cause: virus A, virus B, virus C…

For each virus, there must be at least several highly profitable drugs that supposedly kill the germ. And for each germ, there must be a vaccine that prevents the disease.

Billion$ and trillion$ in rewards follow.

And so does CONTROL. Control of minds.

Because the population is tuned up by ceaseless propaganda to believe in the rigid one-disease one-germ notion.

And when the time is right, the medical cartel can even claim a new germ is decimating the world, and they must “destroy the village in order to save it.”

Which is the psychotic fiction we are in the middle of, right now.

The Holy Church of Biological Mystic Faith needs your support. Give them your time, your money, your livelihood, your future, your loyalty, your faith, your health, your life.

If you do, you are their most important product.





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The “Vaccine” War

The first casualty of war is truth”  – Aeschylus (525 BC – 456 BC)

[I believe it.

And, yes, we are in a war today – a war for our minds. A war in which only one side realizes that it is a war. It is unannounced. The rulers war against the public – it is the nature of man’s government. But the public is dazed – in a stupor – thinking that its adversaries are its saviors. – ed]


Jon Rappoport – August 3, 2021

I don’t believe governments are telling the truth about how many people have taken the COVID shot. I think they’re lying. Inflating the numbers because they’re desperate; far more people than advertised are refusing the vaxx.

In every war, spies and other hired hands try to demoralize the enemy. This is standard operating procedure. Inflating key numbers is one strategy.

In this vaccine war, the ace in the hole is obvious: if enough people say NO to the shot, it’s over. A tidal wave will engulf the governments and their corporate allies.

If people believed, say, that only 30% of Americans have taken the shot, and that number is holding steady, despite all the new mandates, morale would shoot up to a new high.

It always feels better to be on a winning side.

If most Americans knew that massive anti-vaxx protests are taking place in France and Germany and other countries, their attitude would shift. If most Americans knew that in Australia, the most fascist pro-vaxx government in the world is sweating bullets, because despite horrendous lockdowns and vaccine mandates, despite cops and soldiers on the streets, Aussies are still going to the beach…that knowledge would bolster spirits.

If people opposed to the vaccine and/or the mandates could get an accurate count on how many posts and how many videos and how many accounts have been censored by social media, worldwide, because those posts express opposition to the vaxx … people would see how large the resistance really is.

Here’s a report from “As of August 1, 2021, China had administered about 1.67 billion doses of coronavirus COVID-19 vaccine, whereas about 4.18 billion doses of the vaccine had been applied worldwide.”

I don’t believe it. I don’t think the global organization and the logistics are that good. People who’ve traveled extensively know how diverse and spread-out the global landscape is. They know how inefficient many, many governments are.

The world isn’t one huge well-lit modern pharmacy with people lined up and techs administering the jabs.

As several people have pointed out, the unvaccinated are a control group in this vast COVID vaccine conspiracy. If a year from now, millions and millions of us who didn’t take the shot are obviously still healthy, that’s not going to sit well with the vaccinators-in-charge or the pro-vaccine crowd. They don’t want a vibrant control group. They want compliant robots.

Then there is this, from Stat News, July 21: “Millions of unused Covid-19 vaccines are set to go to waste as demand dwindles across the United States and doses likely expire this summer, according to public health officials…”

“Currently, states have administered 52.36 million fewer doses than have been distributed to them, according to federal data.”

“A significant tranche of Pfizer doses is expected to expire in August… Given waning domestic vaccine demand, those doses are unlikely to be fully used before they must be tossed.”

“’We’re seeing demand [for the vaccine] falling off across all the states,’ said Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.”

So which sets of statistics should we believe? Those that pump up the numbers of people who’ve taken the shots, or those that show millions of vials going in the trash? I think the latter stats are the true indicators. Officials are less likely to confess to them.

Out in front, the movie called COVID VACCINE is being hailed as a brilliant blockbuster, but at the back end, ticket sales are dropping off a cliff.

There are reasons for that. One is: People are having very serious and severe injuries from the shot; they’re dying; and their families and friends know about it.

Here are the latest CDC figures I have, as compiled by Children’s Health Defense. The statistics are taken from VAERS, the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. “VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.”

Keep in mind there is vast under-reporting of injuries, because most Americans don’t know what VAERS is or are hesitant to make a report.

Some analysts have suggested that, to get a reasonably accurate count, you should multiply reported numbers by 10.

The well-known 2010 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. study of VAERS bluntly stated: “Adverse events from vaccines are common but under-reported, with less than one percent reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Low reporting rates preclude or delay the identification of ‘problem’ vaccines, potentially endangering the health of the public.”

Following the finding of that study, you would multiply the number of reported vaccine injuries by 100 to arrive at a proper figure.

The numbers of vaccine injuries and deaths are huge. In any situation other than the current fake pandemic, the vaccination program would have been stopped. Cancelled.

No matter what governments and news parrots say about the vaccine (“safe and effective”), vast numbers of injured people, their families, and the families of those who’ve died from the shot are messengers for the truth.

The truth spreads.

In a war, when combatants and civilians end up in hospitals, and when many of them lie in coffins lowered into the ground, and when the people can no longer hold a coherent story in their minds about why the war is being fought, the whole mood of a country changes.

This is no time for surrendering or joining those who claim doom is the only outcome.


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If People Get The Jab After Watching This They Are Beyond Help

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The Best Detailed Explanation Of Why PCR Tests For COVID-19 Are Frauds And Testing Labs Know It

The only real pandemic is a pandemic of quack science and PCR testing fraud

The politicians, the doctors, and the news media have conspired to lie to the public, scare everyone, and shut down businesses and even homes around the world – all based on blatant deception. How many of these devils are outright liars, and how many are simply careless fools parroting what they are told to say? Well, in the long run it doesn’t matter. They are ALL doing their part to destroy lives and literally murder millions of people with their fake, quackery “science.” Americans are proving to be fools, lemmings, sheep led to the slaughter for allowing themselves to be duped by devils with lies that are so easily detected that a child could see through them.

Listen to Mike Adams explain in simple language that anyone can follow, how and why the PCR tests are known frauds that have been used to scare the public to submit to the deadly COVID shots as well as close down the world. Doctors who give these shots, of all people, should understand this. Why don’t they? Or do they care?


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Watch Italian Dr. Warn About The Kill Shot

English Subtitles.

Click HERE or on the picture to see the video.


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CDC Plans To Abandon Its PCR Test For COVID In December

The PCR test has been universally used by CDC-controlled hospitals and testing clinics for the past year to trick millions of silly people into thinking they were in danger from COVID, duping them into wearing masks and taking the bio-weapon COVID shot (which has killed thousands of them and injured millions of them). This ruse which allowed the government to shut down the nation — that very PCR test – is now scheduled to be dropped in December 2021.

The government and news networks have obviously known all this time that the PCR test (unapproved by FDA) is a fraud and useful only to trick the public into believing an actual pandemic exists. The test has been nothing but a trick all along. So now the CDC is dropping it unceremoniously this coming December and preparing to replace it with a different test in order to continue defrauding the public.

After experiencing government’s and big pharma’s shenanigans for the past year, anyone who still trusts them must have major mental issues.

The following alert by the CDC was published in July.

07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing

CDC's Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS)

Audience: Individuals Performing COVID-19 Testing

Level: Laboratory Alert

After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

Visit the FDA website for a list of authorized COVID-19 diagnostic methods. For a summary of the performance of FDA-authorized molecular methods with an FDA reference panel, visit this page.

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.

For all whose eyes and ears are functional.


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Hospitals Are Charging Absurd Fees To Treat Minor Injuries. People Without Expensive Health Insurance Can No Longer Afford Hospital Care. No Wonder People Are Opting To Avoid Hospitals.

Posted on By Tyler Durden

Hospitals across the country have been charging ridiculous ‘trauma alert’ fees for patients requiring minimal treatment.

The fees, which can be upwards of $50,000 per patient, are billed when a hospital’s top surgical specialists are summoned – typically for the most severely injured patients.

One such case, found within court filings from a 2017 trial, revealed that a 30-year-old man who arrived at a Modesto, California hospital for shoulder and back pain following a car accident was billed $44,914 by Sutter Health Memorial Medical Center, which included a $8,928 “trauma alert” fee. The man went home in less than three hours, according to CNN.

Some hospitals are using it as a revenue generator,” said registered nurse and medical claims consultant, Tami Rockholt, who appeared as an expert witness in the Sutter Health trial.

“It’s being taken advantage of,” she continued, adding that such cases are “way more numerous” in recent years. “If someone is not going to bleed out, or their heart is not going to stop, or they’re not going to quit breathing in the next 30 minutes, they probably do not need a trauma team.”

Tens of thousands of times a year, hospitals charge enormously expensive trauma alert fees for injuries so minor the patient is never admitted.

In Florida alone, where the number of trauma centers has exploded, hospitals charged such fees more than 13,000 times in 2019 even though the patient went home the same day, according to a KHN analysis of state data provided by Etienne Pracht, an economist at the University of South Florida. Those cases accounted for more than a quarter of all the state’s trauma team activations that year and were more than double the number of similar cases in 2014, according to an all-payer database of hospital claims kept by Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration. -CNN

The underlying justification for the fees is that trauma centers should be able to recoup the cost of having a crack squad of doctors and nurses assembled when an ambulance crew reports an incoming patient who needs trauma care – even if said squad never actually swings into action.

“We do see quite a bit of non-appropriate trauma charges — more than you’d see five years ago,” according to Pat Palmer, co-founder of Beacon Healthcare Costs Illuminated, which analyzes thousands of bills for insurers and patients. Palmer says that recently “we saw a trauma activation fee where the patient walked into the ER” and walked out shortly thereafter.

Between 2012 and 2020, Florida trauma activation team cases without an admission rose from 22% to 27% – with one facility, Broward Health Medical Center counting 1,285 trauma activation cases with no admission – nearly the same number of patients who were admitted without a trauma fee.

“Trauma alerts are activated by EMS [first responders with emergency medical services], not hospitals, and we respond accordingly when EMS activates a trauma alert from the field” not hospitals, said Broward Health spokesperson, Jennifer Smith.

According to standards published by the Florida Department of Health, hospitals can declare an “in-hospital trauma alert” for “patients not identified as a trauma alert.”

Not all hospitals appear to be taking advantage. At Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota, it’s “very rare” not to admit a trauma alert patient. Last year, around 5% (42 out of 828 cases) were non-admitted trauma alert patients, according to Dr. Michael McGonical, the center’s director who runs The Trauma Pro blog.

If you’re charging an activation fee for all these people who go home, ultimately that’s going to be a red flag,” he said.

That said, while hospitals may bill trauma fees, insurance companies are drawing lines.

Reimbursement for trauma activations is complicated. Insurers don’t always pay a hospital’s trauma fee. Under rules established by Medicare and a committee of insurers and health care providers, emergency departments must give 30 minutes of critical care after a trauma alert to be paid for activating the team. For inpatients, the trauma team fee is sometimes folded into other charges, billing consultants say.

But, on the whole, the increase in the size and frequency of trauma team activation fees, including those for non-admitted patients, has helped turn trauma operations, often formerly a financial drain, into profit centers. In recent years, hundreds of hospitals have sought trauma center designation, which is necessary to bill a trauma activation fee. -CNN

“There must have been a consultant that ran around the country and said, ‘Hey hospitals, why don’t you start charging this, because you can,” said Marc Chapman, founder of Chapman Consulting, which challenges large hospital bills for auto insurers and other payers. “In many of those cases, the patients are never admitted.


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VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021

Still trust the news media and the hospitals? You better decide soon before it is too late. Once you get the jab you can’t get it back out.

Remember – only about 1% of the actual injuries and deaths from the COVID jabs get reported as such. Many hospitals are paid to not record injection deaths/injuries. And main stream news is totally scripted, censored, and controlled (paid off). The paid-off devils in government, news media, and the doctors are literally murdering people for money.

Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) included 463,457 reports of injuries and deaths, across all age groups, following COVID vaccines — an increase of more than 25,000 compared with the previous week.

The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021, a total of 463,457 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 10,991 deaths.


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Dire Warning from Dr. Charles Hoffe

Dr. Charles Hoffe Explains In Detail How The COVID Jab Causes Blood Clots.

Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, wrote to Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C. provincial health officer, in April 2021 with serious concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. One of his patients died after the shot, and six others had adverse effects. While their small town had no cases of COVID-19, Hoffe said the vaccine was causing serious damage and he believed “this vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19.”1

Hoffe was quickly accused of causing “vaccine hesitancy” and local health authorities threatened to report him to the licensing body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. He was also told by government health authorities that he could not say anything negative about the COVID-19 vaccine,2 but the issues Hoffe was seeing compelled him to speak out anyway.

Blood Clot Formation With mRNA Vaccines ‘Inevitable’

Hoffe created the video above to explain how mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can affect your body at the cellular level.3 In each dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine are 40 trillion mRNA — or messenger RNA — molecules.

Each mRNA “package” is designed to be absorbed into your cell, but only 25% stay in your arm at the site of the injection. The other 75%, Hoffe says, are collected by your lymphatic system and fed into your circulation. The cells where mRNA is absorbed are those around your blood vessels — the capillary network, which are the tiniest blood vessels in your body.


When the mRNA is absorbed into your vascular endothelium — the inner lining of your capillaries — the “packages” open and genes are released. Each gene can produce many COVID-19 spike proteins, and your body gets to work manufacturing these spike proteins, numbering in the trillions.

Your body recognizes the spike protein as foreign, so it begins to manufacture antibodies to protect you against COVID-19, or so the theory goes. But there’s a problem. In a coronavirus, the spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule, Hoffe says, but when you get the vaccine, “it’s not in a virus, it’s in your cells.” The spike protein, in turn, can lead to the development of blood clots:4

“So it therefore becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium, which means that these cells, which line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, now have these little spiky bits sticking out.

So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form, because your blood platelets circulate around in your vessels and the purpose of blood platelets is to detect a damaged vessel and block that damage when it starts bleeding. So when a platelet comes through a capillary and suddenly hits all these covid spikes that are jutting into the inside vessel … blood clots will form to block that vessel. That’s how platelets work.”

62% of Recently Vaccinated Patients Have Evidence of Clotting

Hoffe spoke with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired professor, microbiologist and infectious disease and immunology specialist who, along with several other doctors and scientists, formed Doctors for COVID Ethics. Bhakdi has also warned that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor on platelets.5

The subsequent activation of the platelets can lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), i.e., a pathological overstimulation of your coagulation system that can result in abnormal, and life threatening, blood clotting, as well as thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) and hemorrhaging.

While some of the blood clots you may have heard about associated with the COVID-19 vaccines are the large variety that show up on MRIs and CT scans, Hoffe states that the variety he’s referring to are microscopic and scattered throughout the capillary network, so they won’t show up on any scan.

The only way to find out if this predictable mechanism of clotting is happening is with a test called D-dimer. D-dimer is a protein fragment produced by the body when a blood clot dissolves. It’s typically undetectable or present only at very low levels, buts its level may significantly rise when the body is forming and breaking down blood clots.6

According to Bhakdi, “Now a number of German doctors have been measuring the D-dimers in the blood of patients before vaccination and days after vaccinations and with respect to the symptoms they have just found out that triggering of clot formation is a very common event with all vaccines.”7

Hoffe has been conducting the D-dimer test on his patients within four to seven days of them receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and found that 62% have evidence of clotting.8 While he’s still trying to accumulate more information, he said:9

“It means that these blood clots are not rare. The majority of people are getting blood clots and they have no idea that they even have them. The most alarming thing about this is that there are some parts of your body, like your heart and your brain and your spinal cord and your lungs, which cannot regenerate. When those tissues are damaged by blocked vessels, they are permanently damaged.”


‘The Worst Is Yet to Come’

As Bhakdi explained, post-vaccination it’s possible to end up with so many blood clots throughout your vascular system that your coagulation system is exhausted, resulting in bleeding (hemorrhaging).10 Hoffe now has patients who get out of breath much more easily than they used to because “they’ve clogged up thousands of tiny capillaries in their lungs.” This is only the first problem, as it can lead to more significant, permanent damage. Hoffe noted:11

“The terrifying thing about this is not just that these people are short of breath and can’t do what they used to be able to do. Once you block off a significant number of blood vessels to your lungs, your heart is now pumping against a much greater resistance to try to get the blood through your lungs.”

The end result can be pulmonary artery hypertension, which is basically high blood pressure in your lungs, because the blood can’t get through due to the many vessels that are blocked. “People with this usually die of right-sided heart failure within three years,” Hoffe said. “So the huge concern about this mechanism of injury is that these shots are causing permanent damage and the worst is yet to come.”12

As he noted, while some tissues, like your liver and kidneys, can regenerate, others, like your heart, cannot. An increased risk of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, has already been seen among young males who receive an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.13 “They have permanently damaged hearts,” Hoffe explained, adding:14

“It doesn’t matter how mild it is, they will not be able to do what they used to do because heart muscle doesn’t regenerate. The long-term outlook is very grim, and with each successive shot, it will add more damage. The damage is cumulative because you’re progressively getting more damaged capillaries.”

Because of the risk of the formation of blood clots in your vessels, Bhakdi went so far as to say that giving the COVID-19 vaccine to children is a crime: “Do not give it to children because they have absolutely no possibility to defend themselves; if you give it to your child you are committing a crime.”15

Spike Protein Damages Human Cells

The key causative agent causing damage from COVID-19 vaccines appears to be the spike protein. Scientists from the University of California San Diego created a pseudo virus, or cell surrounded by the spike proteins that did not contain a virus.16

Using an animal model, the researchers administered the pseudo virus into the lungs and found the virus was not necessary to create damage. Instead, the spike protein was enough to cause inflammation, damage to vascular endothelial cells and inhibited mitochondrial function.

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,17 has also spoken out about the dangers of the spike protein used in COVID-19 vaccines.

In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection, and in its wild form it’s known to open the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and, Malone said, “is active in manipulating the biology of the cells that coat the inside of your blood vessels — vascular endothelial cells, in part through its interaction with ACE2, which controls contraction in the blood vessels, blood pressure and other things.”18 Bhakdi also described this as “a disastrous situation” paving the way for clotting:19

“This is a disastrous situation, because the spike protein itself is now sitting on the surface of the cells, facing the bloodstream. It is known that these spike proteins, the moment they touch platelets, they active them [the platelets], and that sets the whole clotting system going.

The second thing that should happen, according to theory, is that the waste products of this protein that are produced in the cell, are put in front of the ‘door’ of the cell … and is presented to the immune system.

The immune system, especially the lymphocytes, recognize these and will attack the cells, because they don’t want them to make viruses or viral parts. And the viral parts are now being made in locations where viral parts would never, ever reach [naturally], like the vessel wall in your brain …

If that ‘tapestry’ of the wall [i.e., the lining of the blood vessel] is then destroyed, then that is the signal for the clotting system to [activate], and create a blood clot. And this happens with all of these vaccines because the gene [the instruction to make spike protein] is being introduced to the vessel wall.”20

Physicians Forbidden From Countering Narrative

Equally as disturbing as the potential harm caused by experimental mRNA vaccines is the censorship going along with it, such that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), which regulates the practice of medicine in Ontario, issued a statement21 prohibiting physicians from making comments or providing advice that goes against the official narrative — basically anything “anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown.”22

The statement was released, according to CPSO, because physicians, in isolated incidents, have been spreading blatant misinformation via social media, which is undermining “public health measures meant to protect all of us.” But if a physician is unable to speak freely, the independent relationship between doctor and patient ceases to exist, and so does the doctor’s ability to act in the best interest of the patient.

Hoffe certainly experienced this but is still speaking out, putting his patients first and trying to get the word out that, he believes the COVID-19 vaccination program should be stopped until the causes of the many injuries and deaths are understood.23 The tragic question is, how many others with similar concerns have been intimidated into remaining silent?


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Graphene face masks dangerous; and we’re living in a graphene world [1]: “Graphene — What Is It? …Graphene is the thinnest compound known to man at one atom thick, the lightest material known… the strongest compound [ever] discovered… the best conductor of heat at room temperature [2]… the best conductor of electricity known… potentially an eco-friendly, sustainable solution for an almost limitless number of applications. Since the discovery…of graphene, applications within different scientific disciplines have exploded, with huge gains being made particularly in high-frequency electronics, bio, chemical and magnetic sensors, ultra-wide bandwidth photodetectors, and energy storage and generation.”

On May 28 [3], I wrote and posted an article about toxic graphene-containing face masks. Since then, the subject of graphene has blown up across the Internet.

There are now claims that COVID test swabs and even vaccines contain the substance.

A group of Spanish researchers report they’ve analyzed a vial of COVID vaccine and found it’s virtually nothing but graphene oxide—98-99% [4].

I’m reserving my opinion about that. If true, it would mean the vaccine criminals were asking for their crime to be discovered. They weren’t trying to hide the graphene in the vaccine; they were parading it for anyone to see.

I hope another independent research group analyzes another vial of COVID vaccine and reports their findings.

Meanwhile, we are suddenly living in a graphene world. The substance is everywhere. This reminds me of the massive introduction of GMO farming in the 1990s. The strategy is familiar in industry: flood the market with a new “miracle” product; when doubters start reporting on serious health risks and damage, claim they’re crazy [5], while preparing to combat law suits that will drag on for decades. [5a]

Actually, that’s been the strategy of the COVID vaccine makers; except in their case, they’re legally exempt from liability. [6]

On the subject of graphene, here is a link to a stunning July 8 press release [7] from Innerva-Bioelectronics.

I strongly recommend reading the whole release. The first paragraph:

“INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, a company at the intersection of medtech, deeptech and digital health dedicated to developing the world’s first GRAPHENE-BASED INTELLIGENT NEUROELECTRIC SYSTEM, today announced a collaboration with Merck, a leading science and technology company. The aim of the collaboration is to co-develop the next generation of graphene bioelectronic vagus nerve therapies targeting severe chronic diseases in Merck’s therapeutic areas through INNERVIA Bioelectronics, a subsidiary of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics.” (emphasis is mine)

They’re not just talking about “vagus nerve therapies.” This enterprise is an attempt to create a whole new frontier for global medical experimentation and treatment, in order to “cure diseases that are presently incurable.” At the center is graphene.

The phrase “intelligent neuroelectric system” suggests the corporations are planning to superimpose their own automatic nerve inputs and responses, in the body, on top of the body’s natural nervous system. To put it another way, they want to replace “deficiencies and errors” in the natural nervous system with their own catalog of preferred stimuli and responses. If the extreme dangers of this reprogramming aren’t obvious to you, think it through. Take a prime natural physical system that is already automatic and sideline it in favor of a new ironclad automatic system. And you have a running start on an AI Pavlovian human.

“Doctor, we rang the bell and the patient drooled. It’s marvelous.”

Graphene toxicity requires a great deal of attention from independent investigators. Among the many topics needing clarification—the different forms of graphene, their relative toxicities, and their relative tendencies to detach from synthetic materials and enter the body.

Here is my original May 28 graphene article about masks (with new edits):

Millions of face masks officially declared dangerous

As my readers know, for the past year I’ve been demonstrating that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been proven to exist. [8] Therefore, face masks are nothing more (or less) than a mind-control ritual. [9] [9a]

However, much has been written about the harm the masks cause.

And now we have an official declaration. On April 2, 2021, Health Canada issued an advisory, warning people not to “use face masks labelled to contain graphene or biomass graphene.”

Andrew Maynard covers this issue in a article, “Manufacturers have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face masks—now there are safety concerns.” [10]

Those concerns? Masks could create lung problems.

Of course, since COVID-19 is claimed to be a lung disease, you can see where that leads: the remedy turns out to cause what it’s supposed to prevent. I could write a book detailing how many times this “coincidence” pops up in the field of medicine.

Maynard’s article traces the safety concerns to a Chinese mask manufacturer, Shandong, but points out that millions of graphene-containing masks are in use around the world, produced by a whole host of companies.

Yesterday, I saw a mask sold to a customer. It was sealed in a plain plastic bag. No manufacturer’s name, no list of materials in the mask, nothing but a bar code. Does the mask contain graphene? No way to know.

So far, it’s not clear whether the nanoparticles of graphene in the masks also contain highly destructive metals.

The mainstream literature on graphene is ambiguous and far from reassuring: ‘yes, it’s probably toxic to the lungs; perhaps not seriously so; perhaps only temporarily; there are more questions than answers.’

Why have these masks been certified anywhere in the world for public use? Why haven’t the CDC and the WHO made definitive statements about safety concerns? Why didn’t public health agencies, long ago, run/demand definitive tests to see whether, and to what extent, the nanoparticles of graphene detach themselves from various types of masks and enter the body?

At, we have, “Is graphene safe?” [11]

“But, it is the very nature of graphene that might be cause for concern: thin and lightweight, yet tough and intractable particles are notoriously worrisome in terms of the detrimental effects they can have on our health, particularly when breathed in…”

“Ken Donaldson is a respiratory toxicologist at the University of Edinburgh and he and his colleagues are among the first to raise the warning flag on graphene, at least for nanoscopic platelets of the material. It is not too great a leap of the imagination to imagine how such tiny flakes of carbon might be transported deep within the lungs similar to asbestos fibres and coal dust. Once lodged within, there is no likely mechanism for the removal or break down of such inert particles and they might reside on these sensitive tissues triggering a chronic inflammatory response or interfering with the normal cellular functions.”

Does this make any sane person feel safe about wearing a mask containing graphene particles?

“We have a new idea and a new product. It’s designed to force you to breathe in nanoparticles of graphene. Who knows what’ll happen? Try it and see.”

Yes, try it. And if you then develop a lung infection, since that is called a cardinal pandemic symptom, you could hit the jackpot and earn a diagnosis of COVID-19.

At which point the fun really begins, as you try to explain to your doctor that the cause isn’t a virus, but rather nanoparticles of graphene in your mask. If you play your cards right, you could end up in the psych ward with other “conspiracy theorists.”

“Can you believe it, nurse? I had this guy a few hours ago coughing and dripping mucus all over the place. Inflamed lungs. Classic COVID case. But he tells me he’s breathing in NANOPARTICLES. I gave him a sedative and sent him to the Crazy Pen. Where do these people get these stories? Have you ever heard of graphene? That’s what they put in pencils, right?”

“I don’t know, Doc. My cousin thinks she’s breathing in these nanos, too. I told her she needs a Thorazine drip.”

The masks are COVID-diagnosis promoters. Step one: breathe in nanoparticles of graphene. Step two: therefore develop a so-called major COVID symptom—lung infection. Step three: test false-positive on the PCR test (happens millions of times, as I’ve documented). And boom, you’re a COVID case.

In keeping with local laws, I’ve applied for a license to own a mask as a weapon. If I gain approval, I plan to seal it in a glass box and mount it on the wall next to my grenade launcher and Civil War cannonball.
















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Americans Will Celebrate “Independence Day” as CDC Reveals Almost 7000 DEAD and Half a Million Injured Following COVID Injections – And Biden Kneels Before Some of His Jew Overlords


by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As Americans gather this weekend to celebrate the July 4th Independence Day, I can’t help but ask: What are you celebrating??

Are you celebrating the fact that the CDC admits that almost 7000 people have now died following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 injections with the data they released yesterday, July 2, 2021? Maybe the almost half million injuries that people have reported following these COVID-19 injections is cause for celebration?

And don’t forget, most of the deaths and injuries are never reported. The CDC and BIG PHARMA are ordering doctors and nurses to not acknowledge the deaths and injuries from the bioweapon shot.

After all, Americans still have the “freedom” to not get these injections and choose to sacrifice their careers if their employer is mandating them. That is still “freedom,” right?

Or are you celebrating that there are now a recorded 622 unplanned abortions following these COVID-19 injections? Where is the “freedom of choice” for these unborn babies?

Or perhaps all of you who are heading out to barbecue and watch fireworks this weekend are celebrating your freedom to choose to send your children to government schools, muzzled with face masks, to learn Critical Race Theory and how to get medical procedures done to change their gender.

And of course children now have “freedoms” also to exercise their “independence.” Perhaps you are celebrating the fact that in many places your child can now choose to get a COVID-19 bioweapon shot without your knowledge or permission, and young boys now have the freedom to identify as girls and use the school’s girls’ bathrooms to sexually prey on young girls?

Maybe that’s a cause for celebrating our “independence”? Yeah, right.

I can hear some saying “well, things may not be perfect,, but at least we still live in a democratic nation where we still have the right to vote to elect our political leaders.” 

Yes, that is the mantra for celebrating being an American. Close your eyes and ignore all that implies anything different.


“President” Joe Biden kneels before Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and his chief of staff and bureau chief Rivka Ravitz in the Oval Office of the White House earlier this week.



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