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WHO (World Health Organization) Turns Science And Logic On Its Head

Jeffrey A. Tucker – 12/25/2020

Maybe you have some sense that something fishy is going on? Me too. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

Coronavirus lived on surfaces but it didn’t. Masks work they don’t. It’s been known for decades. There is asymptomatic transmission, except there isn’t. Lockdowns work to control the virus except they don’t. All these people are sick without symptoms except they aren’t, PCR tests are key to monitoring cases of COVID but they aren’t. In fact they were never intended to be diagnostic tools. Everyone is in danger of the virus except they aren’t. It spreads in schools except it doesn’t. Does this inspire confidence in you?

On it goes. Daily. It’s no wonder that so many people have stopped believing anything that “public health authorities” say. In combination with governors and other sycophants doing their bidding, they set out to take away freedom and logic and expected us to thank them for this. At some point this year (for me it was March 12) life began feeling like a dystopian novel.

Well, now I have another piece of evidence to add to the mile-high pile of smelly fishy mess. The World Health Organization, without explanation, has suddenly changed its definition of a core conception of immunology: herd immunity. Its discovery was one of the major achievements of 20th century science, gradually emerging in the 1920s and then becoming ever more refined throughout the 20th century.

The theory (although bogus) is that vaccinations protect people from infection from symptomatic people. Also, masks are supposed to protect the wearers from others who may be symptomatic. But the “experts” have turned that science on hits head. Now the vaccinated need protection from unvaccinated. Mask wearers need protection from those who don’t wear masks. In other words, suddenly people need to get vaccinated to protect others (not themselves). And we must wear masks to protect others, not ourselves. Who can believe this? Apparently most people.

Here is another point. When a virus kills its host, it cannot migrate. The more aggressively it does this, the less it spreads. If the virus doesn’t kill its host, it can hop to others through all the usual means. When you get a virus and fight it off, your immune system encodes that information in a way that builds immunity to it. When it happens to enough people (and each case is different so we can’t put a clear number on it) the virus loses its pandemic quality and loses its pandemic threat. Each new generation incorporates that information through more exposure. This has been how communicable disease has been handled for centuries. It is the natural way, and it kills for fewer people than vaccines kill.

This is what one would call Virology/Immunology 101. It’s what you can read in every textbook. It’s been taught in 9th grade cell biology for probably 80 years. Observing the operations of this phenomenon is pretty wonderful because it increases one’s respect for the way in which human biology has adapted to and survived from the presence of pathogens.

And the discovery of this fascinating dynamic in cell biology is a major reason why public health became so smart in the 20th century. We kept calm. We managed viruses staying home when we were sick. We avoided the Medieval tendency to run around with hair on fire but rather used rationality and intelligence. Even the New York Times recognizes that natural immunity is powerful with Covid-type infections, which is not in the least bit surprising.

Until one day, this strange institution called the World Health Organization literally changed the science in a Soviet-like way. It has removed with the delete key any mention of natural immunities from its website. It has taken the additional step of actually mischaracterizing the structure and functioning of vaccines.

In effect, this change at WHO ignores and even wipes out 100 years of medical advances in virology, immunology, and epidemiology. It is thoroughly unscientific – shilling for the vaccine industry and has been doing this since the beginning of this pandemic.

What’s even more strange is the claim that a vaccine protects people from a virus rather than exposing them to it. What’s amazing about this claim is that vaccine theory is supposed to work precisely by firing up the immune system through exposure. Why I had to type those words is truly beyond me. This has been known for centuries. There is simply no way for medical science to completely replace the human immune system. It can only deceive us for profit.

Take from this what you will. It is a sign of the times. For nearly a full year, the media has been telling us that “science” requires that we comply with their dictates that run contrary to every tenet of science we’ve developed in the modern world that we can live freely and with faith in our immune systems. Then criminals took over and science and logic was murdered along with lots of people. And now the “science” is actually deleting its own history, airbrushing over what it used to know and replacing it with something misleading at best and criminal at worst.

I cannot say why, exactly, the WHO did this. Given the events of the past nine or ten months, however, it is reasonable to assume that politics are at play. Since the beginning of the pandemic, those who have been pushing lockdowns and hysteria over the coronavirus have resisted the idea of natural herd immunity, instead insisting that we must live in lockdown until a vaccine is developed.

The “pandemic” doesn’t exist except in our minds which have been deceived and manipulated.

The science has not changed; only the politics have. And that is precisely why it is so dangerous and deadly to subject virus management to the forces of politics. Eventually the science too bends to the duplicitous character of the political industry.


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Mass Exodus From Public Schools Accelerates

Mass Exodus From Public Schools Accelerates



The exodus of families from government schools continues to accelerate nationwide, sparking panic among the education establishment that has so badly failed America’s children. And contrary to government claims the trends are not just because of COVID.

Now, public-school bigwigs are freaking out about what the plunge in enrollment means for their bloated government-funded budgets. In short: The government-“education” (brainwashing) gravy train is about to get a lot smaller as sensible families flee to the safety and common sense of homeschooling.

The numbers are huge. Massachusetts public schools lost almost 40,000 students this fall. New York public schools lost over 30,000. Fairfax County, Virginia, lost almost 10,000, while the the Los Angeles Unified School District lost 11,000. Some districts have lost over 10 percent. Enrollment at colleges and universities dropped by more than 15 percent over 2019 levels. And the exodus continues to grow.

Countless government-school officials are warning — falsely — that the looming declines in their budgets will supposedly hurt children. If and when the pandemic ends, they claim, there will be a rush to re-enroll children. However, the facts, data, and trends suggest the exodus will keep picking up steam with or without coronavirus.

(As parents learn that they don’t need government schools, and that children learn better and more correctly when they avoid government schools – and that educating your own children is a prime responsibility – actually a privilege – life will get better for families and children will get saved from the godless indoctrination of the schools.)

Consider that while government-school advocates are frantically trying to blame COVID19 for the fleeing families, many of the trends were actually being observed long before the virus struck.

In Massachusetts, for example, the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents reported a 5 percent decrease in enrollment since coronavirus. However, the ongoing exodus began well before COVID shut down schools.

“It may be the virus, or it may be a real systemic issue that we’re seeing some significant drop of pre-K students coming into the district,” Worcester School Committee member Jack Foley was quoted as saying by local media reports.

Despite efforts to portray the exodus as solely a response to COVID and the limitations of virtual learning, the reality is that there is much more to the story.

One of the key issues is growing awareness about the dangers of “public education” to children. With government schools becoming increasingly radical in the indoctrination and sexualization of America’s youth, the movement to liberate children and families from the nightmare has gone from the fringes to mainstream in recent years. Many of America’s most prominent and respected leaders have urged parents to ditch government schools.

The mayhem we see in America’s streets today is a direct result of indoctrination and mental abuse by government schools.

According to a recent report in the New York Times on the exodus from public schools, enrollment in private schools is actually up, too.

Families are doing the right thing by fleeing the government indoctrination system posing as an “education” system. However, as the exodus picks up speed, educational totalitarians will do everything possible to crush the movement and the freedom that enables it. Advocates of educational liberty must be prepared for the coming war.


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Did Vice President Mike Pence Just Fake His Vaccination On Live TV? (Video)

I have to say that I was not surprised to watch the “vaccination” of Vice President Mike Pence today.  I specifically paused the video to see a before and after shot of the “needle” completely disappear, not into his arm, but apparently right back up into the syringe.

Surgeon General Jerome Adams, Second Lady Karen Pence and Vice President Mike Pence all lined up to help pimp Big Pharma’s poison cocktail on Friday.

If you watch closely, you will see clearly the needle of the syringe on both Karen Pence and Jerome Adams both before and after the “injection.”  However, while the needle is visible on Pence before the injection, after it is not and there seems to be a clear attempt by the man administering the injection to hide it carefully.

Of course, both Adams and Mrs. Pence could have also been using a retractable syringe, but I think it’s noteworthy that VP Pence doesn’t even so much as blink when “pricked.”

Here’s a meme with still shots showing my observation.

This is not new.  In fact, we know they make such syringes.

Perhaps, Pence’s needle just got stuck inside the syringe.

Oh, and let’s not forget the Ontario Minister of Health’s pretend vaccination in 2019.

Notice how the nurse hides the needle with her hand? Why is there no visible needle mark on her skin. Cause it didn’t penetrate the skin? Retractable needle anyone?

Not since the hated polio vaccines of the 50s has it been necessary to apply this much pimping for unwanted vaccines.


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Vaccines: Punishing Americans For Their Sins With Their Sins

The media has been going on and on about how wonderful it is that the vaccine for COVID-19 is now “ready to save lives.” So they claim. As Christians, we need to look at the moral issues of vaccines. I read an article about how several COVID-19 vaccines are made using fetal cells.

Also, in the article, it explained there are dangers to people’s health using murdered babies in vaccines. This got me thinking about how it is such an abomination to God for Christians to take vaccines. God hates the murder of innocent life. You cannot get more innocent than a baby, and yet, they murder babies for profit and government refuses to enforce the law. It is government legalized murder. I am talking about how immoral vaccines are.

Lots of people who claim to love God are praying for God to help the vaccine makers. Just think about what they are asking God to do. They are asking God to help those who are murdering babies to make vaccines, using those dead babies in the vaccines for profit. Yikes, how lost can they be? They are asking God to benefit them as they murder babies to make vaccines that, in turn, make people sick.

Abortion is the gangrene of healthcare. Either doctors will wise up and stop participating in it, or it will kill healthcare as gangrene will kill a body that has it. As a Christian, I refuse to take vaccines.  Even if they were not dangerous, I would not take them. If they were perfectly safe, it would be a greater atrocity if I would try to benefit from the murder of someone, especially an innocent baby. If the vaccine hurts whoever takes it, at least he is getting what he deserves.

The harm to people from the vaccine using murdered babies is like God’s judgment. Who knows, maybe if enough people get sick from vaccines with murdered babies in them, people will stop murdering babies. If they do not, we will deserve even more punishment from God. This COVID-19 panic and deception have been causing healthcare to self-destruct. Doctors and other healthcare professionals that allow the use of murdered babies in vaccines deserve to see the destruction of that system.  It is murder for money.

If you inject vaccines into your patients, you are part of the murder. It does not matter what else you do in that clinic, the money from murder makes its way to you. It really is a disgrace what people will try and explain away, especially people who claim they love God.

In the Bible, we can read about when the priests would put false gods in the Temple and worship them where they were supposed to worship God. God got very angry. The worship of some false gods, such as Moloch, involved child sacrifice. Those people murdered babies hoping to receive a blessing from it. Not much is different now, except for one thing. I do not recall reading that the Moloch worshipers consumed the babies. The people that participate in the vaccine cults sacrifice the babies and then put them in their bodies. Sadly, our country is even sicker than the Moloch worshipers.

We deserve God’s punishment. I would rather have a bullet shot into me than a vaccine made from murdered babies. At least I stand before God I can say I refuse to do that. It would not surprise me if the vaccine cult brings God’s judgment down upon themselves. The push has been to give the vaccines to healthcare workers first. They are basically laying their heads down upon the chopping block and daring God to drop the ax.

If healthcare workers end up getting sick or dying from the vaccines, it really will be them being punished by their sin for their sin.


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What No One Is Saying About The Lock Downs

You Have Been Warned!

One thing Corbett didn’t mention is that the whole COVID scare scam is an outright  invention of a few super rich people (like Bill Gates) with their own agenda. They want to weaken the people both mentally and physically – and ultimately their goal is population control (to kill millions of people). They are brainwashing people through false news, false tests, and hospitals and politicians they are paying off. Sadly, it appears that most people don’t bother to investigate the false claims.

The “pandemic” is an illusion, a lie. It’s an invention of powerful people using mass media to create fear. If you accept their fear without asking questions, you are helping them sell their lies and hurt people. If you don’t stand against them you will be complicit in the crime. You will miss your chance to stand for truth.


1. Why do the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2. The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed.

Psalm 2:1


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What Happened To Flu This Year?



No Flu This Year?

Is there no flu this year? Or is the common seasonal flu now being called “the second wave of COVID?” 

Remember, the common cold virus, the flu virus, pneumonia virus, the s0-called COVID virus, just about any virus, are all now being called “COVID.” That has proven to be the plan of the purveyors of panic. They chose to use the corona virus due to its commonality and universality. It is everywhere. And it fit their need for a virus to be used for experimentation and exploitation – thus, it was chosen as their usable and adaptable (and misunderstood by the public) germ for scaring and programming the public, like the AIDS scare, the HIV virus, the polio virus, zika and ebola. All used to panic the public to get them ready for vaccines and to create revenue for the hospital industry. For example, if a case is declared COVID-19 the hospital receives $13,000 from the government. If that COVID-19 patient ends up on a ventilator, government reimbursement goes up to $39,000.

Hospitals are misreporting all kinds of deaths (including pneumonia, common cold, and flu) as COVID so they can receive thousands of dollars of government reimbursement for each case or death they list as COVID.

Don’t expect any honest answer from health authorities.  They have the fear running strong, so strong that people are submitting to the fraudulent PCR tests and needless lockdowns that are causing economic havoc to their lives, and to mask mandates that do more harm than good.  

What is it all about?

Is it simply about vaccine profits for Big Pharma?

Or is it also about getting people accustomed to arbitrary orders from petty tyrant governors and vaccine promoters?  Isn’t what we are experiencing a takeover of our lives by the executive part of government and Big Pharma?

Or is it about reducing human fertility?  Experts report that the vaccine contains anti-fertility elements that will make a percentage of the female population infertile. Bill Gates confirmed that the vaccine program would help lower global population. Why is there no public discussion of this?  There are also expert concerns about the novelty of the way the vaccine is supposed to work.  It is an approach never before used and has not had sufficient trials to know the consequences.  

Why the rush for a vaccine with so many issues when there are two known inexpensive cures for Covid?  HCQ and ivermectin are inexpensive proven cures with far fewer side effects than the vaccine. Yet “health authorities” in league with Big Pharma prevent their use.  

Why? Because knowledge of this would diminish public fear and ignorant compliance to the lies of the media and the medical industry.

British health authorities claim that a new more highly contagious strain of Covid has broken out. This frightens people, but no claim has been made that the new strain—perhaps only the seasonal flu—has a higher death rate.

The presstitutes keep the fear pressure on.  300,000 dead Americans are claimed.  But the CDC’s own data shows that almost all the deaths ascribed to Covid corresponded to the presence of 2.6 comorbidities.  In other words, if a person dies, the death is blamed on Covid regardless of the cause.  Why do the presstitutes hide this information from the public?

Keep in mind that the PCR Covid test is known to be inaccurate and produces a high percentage of false positives and thus a high number of “cases.” So a higher rate of testing equates to a higher rate of false positives “cases.”

You can tell that this crisis is being manufactured, because these issues are prevented from being publicly examined.  Instead, social media and print, TV, and NPR presstitutes ban all mention of the many experts who take issue with the controlled explanations.

Notice that the media are not Covid experts but they claim to have the only correct explanation. 

How is that possible?  How can media possibly know anything when expert opinion is suppressed? The presstitutes are simply reading scripts handed to them.  

The Covid hype has all the hallmarks of a conspiracy.


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Groundbreaking Study Shows Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children


This study adds to a growing list of published peer-reviewed papers that compare the health of vaccinated children to the health of unvaccinated children. These studies suggest we have long underestimated the scope of vaccine harms, and that the epidemic of chronic illness in children is hardly a mystery.

Unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. The study — “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination” — by James Lyons-Weiler, PhD and Paul Thomas, MD, was conducted among 3,300 patients at Dr. Thomas’ Oregon pediatrics practice, Integrative Pediatric.

This study adds to a growing list of published peer-reviewed papers that compare the health of vaccinated children to the health of unvaccinated children. These studies suggest we have long underestimated the scope of vaccine harms, and that the epidemic of chronic illness in children is hardly a mystery.

The study the CDC refused to do

Since 1986, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been legally obligated to conduct safety studies and issue a safety report on children’s vaccinations every two years. In 2018, it was determined they had never done so. It is therefore incumbent upon non-governmental groups to do the work the CDC refuses to do.

As the leading governmental organization driving vaccination among Americans, the CDC refuses to incriminate themselves in the epidemic of childhood chronic illness. It is a classic case of the fox guarding the henhouse. They are complicit in creating an evidence vacuum to deliberately manage against the possibility of the public turning against vaccination.

Since the Lyons-Weiler and Thomas study demonstrates that vaccinated children have more chronic illness and were also more likely to get respiratory infections, those who downplay vaccine risks will be sent into another round of apoplectic machinations to attempt to deny the results.

Despite the rigor with which this study was conducted, expect critics to do anything but cite opposing science. They cannot because they have not published such studies. Instead, expect critics to draw from a hackneyed playbook to draw the attention away from these scientific findings by directing ad hominem attacks on the authors, criticizing the journal where it was published, and claiming that the study design was not sound.

Study results based on relative incidence of office visits

The Lyons-Weiler and Thomas study was conducted among pediatric patient records spanning 10 years, from Thomas’ practice in Oregon. Instead of using odds ratios of diagnoses in the two groups, the authors found that the relative incidence of office visit was more powerful. Even after controlling for health care exposure, age, family history of autoimmunity and gender, the associations of vaccination with many poor health outcomes were robust.

Unvaccinated children have less fever, seek 25X less pediatric care outside well-child visits

The study found that vaccinated children in the study see the doctor more often than unvaccinated children. The CDC recommends 70 doses of 16 vaccines before a child reaches the age of 18. The more vaccines a child in the study received, the more likely the child presented with fever at an office visit.

There is a jaw-droppingly large difference in office visits in perspective — children who received 90 to 95% of the CDC-recommended vaccines for their age group were about 25 times more likely than the unvaccinated group to see the pediatrician for sickness.

Compared to their unvaccinated counterparts, vaccinated children in the study were three to six times more likely to show up in the pediatrician’s office for treatment related to anemia, asthma, allergies and sinusitis. The striking charts below show age-specific cumulative office visits for various conditions among the fully vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.

No ADHD among unvaccinated

In a stunning finding sure to rock the psychiatric community, not a single unvaccinated child in the study was diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD,) while 6.3 per 100 of the vaccinated group were diagnosed with ADHD.

Vaccinated 70% more likely to have any respiratory infection

Vaccinations do appear to make recipients more generally susceptible to infections, so it is ironic, yet not surprising that the vaccinated children in the study appeared at the doctor’s office for respiratory infections 70% more often than the unvaccinated. This finding is likely why vaccinated children present to the pediatrician so often with fevers. Your grandmother was right when she asked why kids these days seem to be sick all the time, despite heavy vaccination.


Vaccination is associated with adverse, severe and chronic health outcomes. Recalling that 54% of children and young adults in the U.S. have chronic illnesses that lead to life-long pharmaceutical prescriptions, there appears to be a profit motive for the medical industry. Tthis study should certainly cause pediatricians to pause and wonder if they are contributing to life-long chronic illness in their patients.


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The fact that the corona virus was patented by CDC proves that it was created in their labs years ago. Why? Because if the virus was natural it could not be patented. Nature cannot be patented.

On the other hand, if it was created/manufactured in the CDC labs, then it was a violation of biological weapons and international law.

Either way, it was illegal. So the whole CORONA virus industry (tests, fake “cases,” masks, vaccines, etc.) is based on lies and criminal venture. The disease and the vaccine are being sold worldwide via mass media by certain groups whose motives are profit and power.

DON’T TRUST THE PROPAGANDA ABOUT COVID!!! Use your brain, ask questions, do research. If you don’t examine the problem, and if you blindly trust the lies, and if you irresponsibly take their vaccine, and if your decision causes damage to yourself and/or your children – how will you answer for it?



Sue them for Slander!

Steve Richards – 12/9/2020

I have had enough and it is time to hold people accountable. When I am out in public and someone says I need to wear a mask, my first question is: “Why?”

“Well, so you don’t kill Grandma. What is wrong with you, Richards? Don’t you know everyone could be infected?”

Therein lies the problem. It is being assumed everyone is bad. What proof do you have that I am a threat to anyone? What evidence do you have? I demand you produce the proof that I’m infected, and that masks protect you!

The Law dictionary defines slander as: “oral defamation; spoken words that defame a person in front of others and that cause harm or some damage.” It defines defamation as: “The publication of material injurious to a person’s good name and reputation. Includes both libel and slander.”

Some governors and media people have been claiming that if you do not wear a mask, you are hurting people. Now, people are assuming all people are bad, and masks guard against them. Here is one example:

“Where is your mask?”

“What’s it to you?”

“You are infecting the place.”

This exchange I had in a store shows that the person is automatically assuming that everyone is infected, or everyone is bad. Therefore, since everyone is infected, everyone must receive the medical procedure of wearing a mask or the public will not tolerate their badness.

Of course, the soon coming accusation will be: “If you do not get a vaccine, you are infecting people.”

They are basically saying: “If you do not get a vaccine, you are bad – hurting people.”

Again, why is it being assumed I am bad? What proof do you have that I am a threat to anyone? What evidence do you have? You are making the wild accusations. I demand you produce the proof.

Anyone who tells me to wear a mask better be ready to show evidence that proves I am infected and spreading infection. No evidence, then I am going to sue them for slander. I am done with this. If you are going to claim I am a threat for not wearing a mask, you better have some proof or you are going to get sued. I am done with it. I have had it with the media whipping up the public with their wild claims to the point that a huge number of people now assume everyone is infected and everyone should be feared for no provable reason. Because they assume I am bad, I must perform the ritual they claim will make me good:  Wear a mask, social distance, and on and on it goes.

It does not work that way. If you are going to claim I am infected, you better have proof. If not, once I am suing you for slander, I am going to make you produce it in discovery. What symptoms do you claim I have? What tests do you claim were done? What doctor do you claim says I am infected? What is the name of that doctor’s malpractice insurance company?

It makes me wonder when restaurants will file their lawsuits against the people that slandered them. It has been claimed that people get infected in restaurants. What is the proof of that accusation? What test shows the infection happens in a restaurant and not Wal-Mart? If certain governors and media people are going to claim restaurants hurt people they should have proof. A slander lawsuit would require the people who are making the accusations produce the evidence. If there is no evidence, then they need to pay for the damages they caused.

Restaurants have been afraid of being sued because someone might claim they got COVID in their establishment. It is time for restaurants to demand evidence. If there is no evidence, make the people hurting the bars and restaurants pay for the damages. The time is long past that the people making these wild accusations be held accountable.

It has been said you cannot scream fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire. What is never-ending COVID coverage, if not screaming fire in a crowded theater?


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns: Don’t take a COVID-19 vaccine under any circumstances

Ethan Huff – 12/

If you are even just considering getting vaccinated for COVID-19, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a message for you: don’t do it!

The nephew of former president John F. Kennedy recently issued a public statement urging people everywhere to avoid the COVID-19 jab at all costs because it contains an untested new technology known as mRNA, the long-term side effects of which are completely unknown.

mRNA directly alters the genetic material of those who receive it, much like what happens food crops when “scientists” genetically engineer (GMO) them, like soybeans or corn to alter their DNA to make them resistant to bugs or herbicides.

“This intervention can be compared to genetically modified foods, which are also very controversial,” Kennedy says. People can be genetically modified too.

Unlike most vaccines whose damage is not always permanent, mRNA genetic damage is “irreversible and irreparable,” Kennedy notes.

You can learn more about mRNA vaccine technology at this link.

“Even though the media and politicians are currently trivializing the problem and even foolishly calling for a vaccine to return the country to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, but also in terms of genetic damage,” Kennedy says.

Kennedy: COVID-19 vaccines are a “crime against humanity”

As opposed to older vaccines, many of which can be “detoxified” following injection, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines live on in perpetuity inside the body. The damage they cause, in other words, is forever.

“You will have to live with the consequences because you will no longer be able to be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body,” Kennedy explains, comparing the genetic damage to the type that causes Down syndrome or cystic fibrosis.

mRNA is almost like a continuous vaccine “engine” that repeatedly vaccinates a person for the rest of his or her life. Because of this, there is no way to “fix” or “cure” any problems that arise.

“This clearly means: if a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, no one will be able to help you, as the damage caused by this vaccination will be genetically irreversible,” Kennedy warns.

“As experienced physician Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg said: Actually, this ‘promising vaccine’ for the vast majority of people should be banned because it is genetic engineering!’”

In other words, getting vaccinated for COVID-19 means that a person will become a GMO zombie, of sorts – a chimera – with no opportunity to go back to his old self. It sounds a whole lot like the mark of the beast from the book of Revelation, would you not agree?

In the past, Kennedy has warned that traditional vaccines are already bad enough, causing serious brain damage that for many is irreversible. And Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are far worse than that, he says, which is why nobody under any circumstances should take them.


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Florida forcing labs to report number of PCR test cycles—game changer


If the governor of Florida handles this breakthrough correctly, it could be the beginning of the end for one widespread piece of COVID test fakery

And the beginning of the end of “rising case numbers”

As I’ve reported, COVID testing labs never tell doctors or patients how the PCR test is run.

This means the number of cycles is a secret.

A cycle is a step up in amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient.

As even Tony Fauci has asserted, tests run at 35 cycles or above are useless. They’re misleading. The results tend to be positive, meaning the patient is deemed “infected with the virus.” But this is false.

However, as I’ve also reported, the CDC and the FDA recommend that the test should be run at up to 40 cycles. This is a direct hustle. It ensures false positives and higher COVID case numbers—used as justification for lockdowns.

Now, the state of Florida is doing something unheard of. It’s demanding that labs report the “cycle threshold” for every test they run.

Here is the relevant wording in a release from the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, and the state Department of Health, dated December 3, 2020:

“Cycle threshold (CT) values and their reference ranges, as applicable, must be reported by laboratories to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately.”

“If your laboratory is not currently reporting CT values and their reference ranges, the lab should begin reporting this information to FDOH within seven days of the date of this memorandum.”

We can assume there is only one reason for this order. The Florida governor and the Department of Health are aware that tests run at 35 cycles or higher are useless and misleading, and they want to stop this crime.

Imagine what happens if the trend of “new COVID cases” in Florida soon takes a sudden dip and keeps on falling—because labs are finally telling the truth. Because their deceptive test results are being rejected. The con will be exposed.

And imagine other states following Florida’s example.

As always, the devil is in the details. I’m sure many labs will try to avoid reporting. They don’t want to be exposed as the charlatans they are.

Memo to Florida Governor DeSantis: Don’t let the labs weasel out of this one. Don’t let them give you excuses. Don’t let them off the hook. Failure to report true facts during a public health crisis is felony. Charge a few labs, drag them into court. Put fear of prosecution into state labs. You’re on the right track. You’ve made a major breakthrough. You see the con at work. You don’t want your state to be pressured into lockdowns based on fake case numbers derived from deceptive tests. Now make sure your enforcement personnel crack down on reluctant labs. Go the distance. If labs have equipment pre-set for the number of cycles, and they don’t know how to get inside the equipment to find that number, bring in pros who will do the job for them. I believe you’ll uncover a major scandal. Much of that equipment will be pre-set for 40 cycles. Keep updating the public on what you discover. Blow this crime wide open. Keep a very close eye on your public health officials. Among them, you’ll find agents who don’t want the truth to emerge. They’ll try to sabotage your good efforts every which way they can.



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Oregon doctor who refused to wear mask has medical license suspended


The Oregon Medical Board suspended the license of Dr. Steven LaTulippe who said he refused to wear a mask in his clinic and encouraged others to do the same.

LaTulippe announced at a rally on Nov. 7 that he and his staff never wore masks and explained that the coronavirus has been around forever and is a “common cold.”

“I want to expose what I call corona mania,” LaTulippe said.

[NOTE: We’ve known that masks are unable to filter the tiny viruses. Wearing a mask to block viruses is completely ineffective. All claims to the contrary are lies. People wearing masks are only showing a shameful lack of intelligence.

We’ve also known that viruses mutate rapidly. The corona virus that they claim started the “pandemic” months ago is already mutated and is now a different virus against which the vaccine will be ineffective even if it would have worked against the original virus (which it wouldn’t). The only defense against viruses is our immune systems. Any doctor worth his salt knows this. But they go along with the scam for money and in order to keep their businesses open. It has always been silly (dishonest) for pharmaceutical companies to claim to be developing a vaccine to treat a coming flu season. By the time the vaccines are produced the virus has mutated and we’ve already built up our immunity against it. If this wasn’t the case, and if the corona virus (which has been around for ages) was as deadly as they are claiming, we couldn’t have survived. We’d be extinct. Viruses have been around forever – and vaccines are only a modern thing. We survived viruses for thousands of years without modern medicine and vaccines. Use your God-given brain and think about this.

The common cold and flu are viruses we’ve lived with all our lives. Vaccines didn’t come into the picture until the 1950s – and they’ve never been anything but a hoax and a scam for profit. I and my family never took a flu shot, and I always advised against it. It doesn’t take much intelligence to see the fallacy of flu shots. So why do people continue to fall for the lies? It should make you very skeptical of anyone promoting the vaccines along with the bad science behind them.

It is obvious that most doctors will compromise themselves and promote vaccines when their overlords tell them to, or when there is profit for them. Over the years the doctors, clinics, and Big Pharma that have pushed vaccines have proven that they are liars and criminally guilty of duping people who trust them and don’t think their doctor would mislead them. The result is that people’s health is being assaulted, children are getting their lives ruined. See THE REAL HISTORY OF VACCINES. The vaccines are causing untold damage and death. -Ben]

Dr. LaTulippe says: “I and my staff, none of us, not once, ever wore a mask in my clinic.” “Take off the mask of shame!”

Members of the Oregon Medical Board voted Thursday to revoke LaTulippe’s medical license indefinitely.

The board also found that LaTulippe told patients seeking his guidance in July not to get tested if they were asymptomatic, and that wearing a mask is ineffective – contrary to what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advise.

The board therefore found the doctor “constitutes an immediate danger to the public, and presents a serious danger to the public health and safety.”

The perpetrators of disinformation cannot allow a doctor who speaks truth to remain in business. It is like the Jews who could not allow Jesus, who spoke truth, to remain alive.

“I’m very interested in sound medical practice, and I’m interested in good science,” LaTulippe said. “And when science and medicine become perverted with corrupt politics, then I’m up for a fight, and that’s what made me go to that rally and say what I said.”


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Crazed Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Says “It’s Time to Cancel Everything”

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti told his city Wednesday night that it’s time to hunker down and “cancel everything” due to rising Covid cases.   (Lies!)

Of course Garcetti wasn’t talking to any of his fellow elites in California who continue to dine in swanky restaurants as they tell the peasants to stay home.

“The next three months are going to be the most difficult in the public health history of this nation,” Garcetti said. “The latest data is nothing short of alarming. In the last month alone, our daily infections have tripled, our hospitalizations have more than tripled and are at a new peak.”     (More Lies!)

Garcetti scolded Americans for spending time with their families on Thanksgiving.

“These numbers don’t reflect the Thanksgiving effect of time spent together with families when many people were gathering and traveling in defiance of public health warnings,” he said.

Garcetti warned that if the people of Los Angeles don’t listen to his crazed demands, “We will run out of hospital beds here in Los Angeles by Christmas.”

(Who still listens to this guy? They claimed the same thing last Spring when hospitals were actually empty.)

He continued, “It’s time to hunker down. It’s time to cancel everything.”

Recall, Garcetti last Summer authorized the city to shut off water and power to homes and businesses that were hosting large, unauthorized gatherings.

Neurotic megalomaniac Eric Garcetti also warned Los Angeles against touching dry sand on the beaches.

Garcetti has warned Los Angeles residents that it’s time to “hunker down” amid the holiday season, with travel only being allowed for “essential” people, like police, doctors, and the press.

“My message couldn’t be simpler,” Garcetti said at a Wednesday night press conference. “It’s time to hunker down. It’s time to cancel everything. And if it isn’t essential, don’t do it.”

The mayor has also warned residents that “gatherings” are prohibited. “Don’t meet up with others outside your household. Don’t host a gathering. Don’t attend a gathering,” he said.

Violating the city’s pandemic orders is declared a misdemeanor and can be punishable with fines or even imprisonment.

Thousands of Los Angeles residents received an emergency text message ahead of the mayor’s press conference that warned: “all persons living within the City of Los Angeles are hereby ordered to remain in their homes.”

More cities and states will follow this example of fear mongering and lying. It is insane for anyone to believe these criminal stage puppets are concerned about the citizens.


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Obama would take the COVID vaccine on live television if Fauci assured him it was safe (what does that mean?)

Jon Rappoport – 12/4/2020
SiriusXM, The Joe Madison Show, Obama: “I promise you that when it’s [the vaccine] been made for people who are less at risk, I will be taking it, and I may end up taking it on TV or having it filmed just so that people know that I trust this science…People like Anthony Fauci, who I know, and I’ve worked with, I trust completely😉…So if Anthony Fauci tells me this vaccine is safe, and can vaccinate, you know, immunize you from getting COVID, absolutely, I’m going to take it…I understand, historically, everything dating back all the way to the Tuskegee experiments and so forth, why the African-American community would have some skepticism, but the fact of the matter is, is that vaccines are why we don’t have polio anymore.”
There’s no risk here, because people like Obama will be jabbed with a shot of saltwater, a placebo, masquerading as the real thing.
The real thing, the RNA COVID vaccine, poses all sorts of dangers. No RNA technology for a drug or vaccine has ever before been approved for public use.
Efforts in the past to bring the technology to market have failed, owing to adverse effects. The basic effect has been auto-immune reactions. The body attacks itself.
Obama is grandstanding. He’s looking for publicity any way he can get it, as he re-enters the political scene standing right behind his former assistant, Joe Biden.
Maybe Joe can appoint Obama to the post of press secretary, to stand up on television once a week to deliver messages to the nation. Just like old times.
Unless the building tsunami of vote fraud sweeps Joe away into obscurity.
Now that he’s back on the scene, Obama might feel a need to re-enforce his image as the “great peacemaker.” You know, “bridging the divide in a nation seized by a frenzy of hatreds.”
Just in case, I offer this look back at his actual record. The Guardian, “America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama’s reign,” by Medea Benjamin.
Sub-headline: “According to new figures, the US dropped nearly three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day.”
“…in 2016 alone, the Obama administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs. This means that every day last year, the US military blasted combatants or civilians overseas with 72 bombs; that’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day.”
“While most of these air attacks were in Syria and Iraq, US bombs also rained down on people in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. That’s seven majority-Muslim countries.”
“One bombing technique that President Obama championed is drone strikes. As drone-warrior-in-chief, he spread the use of drones outside the declared battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, mainly to Pakistan and Yemen. Obama authorized over 10 times more drone strikes than George W Bush, and automatically painted all males of military age in these regions as combatants, making them fair game for remote controlled killing.”
“President Obama has claimed that his overseas military adventures are legal under the 2001 and 2003 authorizations for the use of military force passed by Congress to go after al-Qaida. But today’s wars have little or nothing to do with protecting the United States.
Getting the picture?
Then there was Obama’s military adventure, in partnership with Hillary Clinton: the bombing of Libya, which turned that place from a thriving and progressing nation into a non-nation terrorist nightmare.
So, would you buy a used car from that man, or trust his assurances about a COVID vaccine?
Update: Now we have rogue’s gallery of ex-presidents who say they’ll take the COVID shot publicly, to assure everyone it’s safe: Obama, Bush, and Bill Clinton.    
Will Trump and Biden join the team? 
Bush is the perfect dupe. You see, he’s done this before. Years ago, when it was falsely announced that the country was under threat from a bio-attack of smallpox, Bush rolled up his sleeve on live television and took the vaccine.
Tommy Thompson, then the head of Health and Human Services, announced there was a vial of smallpox vaccine ready for every American, and special centers would be set up across the nation to deliver it.
Only a few centers were established. Months passed. Then, all sorts of doctors objected, saying the live vaccine was too dangerous for mass public consumption.
Tommy Thompson blithely made a new announcement. He was NOT recommending that any of Bush’s cabinet members take the shot.
The whole program collapsed.
Of course, the vaccine, which was too dangerous, was the same brew that had been given to millions upon millions of people in Africa, decades earlier.
Upon completion of the program, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued heraldic proclamations of success. Smallpox had been conquered.
A very trustworthy source told me the following: After the smallpox vaccine campaign in Africa was over, a secret WHO meeting was held in Geneva.
A decision was made never to deploy that vaccine again.
Why? Because it caused smallpox.
But don’t worry. All is well. Take the COVID vaccine. Carry the immunity certificate with you wherever you go. Flash it, smile, be happy.
Obama likes the vaccine. Bush does. Clinton does. Trump and Biden, too.
What else do you need to know?
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