The Debate – Full Disclosure



The presidential debate: let’s see, what can be said about it?  Seeping shame; bilious nausea; the sense of having been personally defiled by a dirty, grotesque mud wrestle. Sadly you can’t unsee it, like a gross, invasive image of a fatal car wreck.

But the good news is the grisly thing itself – the “debate,” the source and cause of your disgust and revulsion. Understand, this was a woeful spectacle of two shallow, hollow, blithering dwarfs: Sleepy and Dopey. There could be no other sane response to that.

The point is not in what they did or what they are: the good news is that by their clownish, degraded hog-wrestle they have exposed openly, indisputably, the obscene charade that is the political system: a stark horror that craftier, more elegant and smoother spokesmen, more polished burlesques, have kept hidden from the American people for generations.

We are a blinded, despised, bamboozled nation. To keep us so is the purpose and intent of the system that rules us. From its beginnings, The US was a racket – a con run on manipulation and exploitation of its people. From Shea’s Rebellion to Make America Great Again it has jammed one vicious, rank perversion of justice after another down our throats. Lincoln knew better than to laud a government “of, by, and for the people.” It was hogwash.

The job of Presidents, Congress, and the news media has been to keep the great mass of Americans completely oblivious to the Tyranny that owns them. Our “leaders” are trained to present a wholesome, ideal image of the nation, using the deep hunger of the ignorant and powerless to identify with a heroic, victorious force to bind their loyalty in the brazen face of their endless betrayal, feeding them poison exceptionalism instead of truth.

While hirelings in elected offices composed and sang hymns of deception to the gullible people, the oligarchs and think tanks devised and implemented means and methods to simultaneously dupe and demoralize the people for their gain, to create legal mazes to abuse, degrade and pauperize, and to kill, with unified power, our every attempt to defend ourselves. History in America is a bitter saga of brutal repression and violent reaction by its legal and illegal military/police gestapos against the lives and well-being of working people. And Federal propaganda has taught workers to bow and be grateful for it. And most are.

If that were all they had done, it would be a crime as massive as any in human history, but it’s only one part, and a lesser one of its dark and devious malignity. Beyond the crippling damage done to its own, it has enslaved and brutalized, violated and shattered whole countries of simple, peasant people with its diabolical War Machine. Perhaps as criminal as anything it has done is to have cauterized the consciences of Americans to the point that they view the rape and destruction of other peoples with indifference.

This is a short list of what the criminally deceptive dignity and decorum of the US governmental process has covered. This litany of intentional, cynical evil is what generations of Presidents, vetted and empowered by the elite oligarchy that owns the parties, have brought us. This is where those poised, genteel figureheads, from the cornfed, homespun Main Street lingo of Truman, who atomic bombed Japan, and Eisenhower, who sold us to the Military-Industrial Complex and then hypocritically warned us about it, to the Oxbridge S’uthrun drawl of Clinton who oversaw the charnel house of Serbian race murder and the deaths of half a million Iraqi kids, and the elegant Harvard glosses and locutions of Obama, who lulled and soothed us through eight years of unrestrained mayhem and murder around the world.

So… good news? Well, let’s see. What if that sick farce (the debate), televised to the astonishment and consternation of any but the most hopeless morons, has exposed by its ugliness, its vacuity, its sheer, unredeemed stupidity, the sad naked truth of the pit of human folly and incompetence that is called American politics?

What if these two contemptible specimens – standard bearers of the parties, jousting for votes, has ripped the decayed masks off the oligarchy and shown what a barren, empty, dirty game US polity is, and how stupid, cowardly and false is the system and its owners, who put faith, trust, and money on these sorry, blowhard Punch and Judy puppets? And if this pageant of imbecility and buffoonery in its supreme vulgarity can awaken Americans to reality then all is not lost.

Without a major revolution in this country—not hired thugs rioting in city streets, squares and shopping malls, which cuts no serious ice and invites its own defeat, but in the minds and hearts of Americans—this country cannot stagger on much longer before catastrophic meltdown. What we still have is far too sick and rotten and moribund to continue. A new consciousness is the key to a survivable future. Americans need to recognize a different god. Instead of worshiping corrupt system of corrupt men, we must repent and turn to the real God, his law, and to his present King Jesus.

It is time to remove the blinders, and the masks. The gruesome thing (the debate) has shown what it is. And there are none so blind as those who will not see.


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Mainstream Media And The Families That Control The World


John Swinton (1830-1901) was the chief editorial journalist at the New York Times from 1860 to 1870 and for the New York Sun from 1875-1897. In 1880 while as a guest of honour at a banquet of leading journalists , he was offered a ‘toast to the independent press’ and he outraged his colleagues by replying:


“There is no such thing, at this state of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours, my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to  sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes”.

John Swinton


Only a mere handful of enormously rich and powerful banking families control what the world reads! They ensure that their mainstream media editorial slaves and journalistic goons concentrate on day to day trivialities and irrelevant news items so that rarely, if ever, the more important issues about what is truly transpiring is ever discussed, or the real truth about what is really happening ever gets out.

In short, all the mainstream  newspapers are only good for lighting fires or for bird-cage liners – if that!   


The Rockefellers, Rothschields, and a handful of families whose wealth and power are far above the ones we hear about on the mainstream media (like billionaires Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg, etc.) manipulate the world from the shadows. Those super elite families and operations are not mentioned in the mainstream media because they prefer to remain unnamed. But they not only control the mainstream media, they also control the governments of the world – in ways the common person can’t even imagine. Through interlocking foundations, corporations/banks, blackmailing of politicians, ownership of pharmaceutical companies, ownership of colleges and universities, and ownership of Hollywood these elite families control the whole world. When events happen – events that don’t make sense but are powerful enough to change the world but we aren’t told who is behind them – then you can know that these mega-rich families are pulling the strings from behind the curtains.

“Under the Guise of a Pandemic, We Will Create a Prison State”

Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep:

David Rockefeller Operation Lockstep

Right from the horse’s mouth. And we can see right now that it is looking just like a police state.

In some countries they are already being arrested for peacefully protesting. In some venues folks are now required to leave their personal contact details if they shop anywhere leaving them open for further visits by Police (if you happened to have been in contact with an infected person even when neither of you knew) and Police are now allowed to enter your premises without a search warrant.

All of course in the name of your safety & happening elsewhere as we speak. And based on a crisis that has a death rate of 0.2%, no worse than seasonal flu.

You can find the pdf file link to the Rockefeller Foundation’s blueprint for what we see happening right now – the actual document hereScenarios For the Future of Technology and International Development – published 2010. (The lockstep operation begins at page 18).

As I’ve been saying, these people haven’t hid their plans. They’re right there in plain sight if you want to look.

Unfortunately most folk prefer to keep on listening to mainstream fairyland media and ignore what’s really going on right under their noses. Guess who owns mainstream fairyland?

The scenario of martial law is described in a futuristic manner in this Rockefeller Foundation document, as a scenario that’s already happened:

“One important — and novel — component of our strategy toolkit is scenario planning, a process of creating narratives about the future based on factors likely to affect a particular set of challenges and opportunities”. (document intro)

From the Foundation’s statement of purpose:

“The Rockefeller Foundation supports work that expands opportunity and strengthens resilience to social, economic, health, and environmental challenges — affirming its pioneering philanthropic mission, since 1913, to “promote the well-being” of humanity.”

Now interestingly, 1913 is the year they passed the Federal Reserve Act & heisted the Federal Reserve which is their private corporation and not a state banking system … their statement would be better worded “promote the well-being of we the bankers”:

In 1913, a Senator, Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather to the Rockefellers, pushed the Federal Reserve Act through Congress just before Christmas when much of Congress was on vacation.

When elected, Woodrow Wilson passed the FED. Later, Wilson remorsefully replied (referring to the FED), “I have unwittingly ruined my country”.

Note also JFK threatened to remove their monopoly on banking & interest profiteering in 1963, the same year he was assassinated.


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Exposed: There’s a new federal court to handle all the expected COVID vaccine-injury claims

Jon Rappoport – 9/21/2020

The simple truth is: the US government is anticipating many people will be filing claims for compensation when their family members are harmed or killed by the COVID vaccine.

Of course, the government isn’t coming right out and admitting that.

The press will tout the usual excuses for injury and death. “He died from COVID, not the vaccine.” “Well, there was just one bad batch of vaccines.” “Because COVID is such a dire situation, and we’re rushing to save lives, a few mistakes are inevitable.”


This new federal vaccine court for COVID will operate exactly like the present system for paying out claims for vaccine injury to children. Citizens have to jump through many absurd hoops and navigate all sorts of red tape, to try to get compensation from the federal government. The system is set up that way. It’s your basic bureaucratic nightmare.

The language that establishes the new COVID vaccine court is found in the Federal Register, 3/17/20, buried in section 14 of a document titled: “Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19.”

Here is the relevant passage in that document:

“Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program…Section 319F-4 of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C. 247d-6e, authorizes the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) to provide benefits to eligible individuals who sustain a serious physical injury or die as a direct result of the administration or use of a Covered [COVID] Countermeasure [e.g., a vaccine]. Compensation under the CICP for an injury directly caused by a Covered Countermeasure is based on the requirements set forth in this Declaration, the administrative rules for the Program, and the statute. To show direct causation between a Covered Countermeasure and a serious physical injury, the statute requires ‘compelling, reliable, valid, medical and scientific evidence.’ The administrative rules for the Program further explain the necessary requirements for eligibility under the CICP…”

(The US military’s webpage that explains the CICP to US soldiers is here.)

A quick piece of important history. In the mid-1980s, vaccine manufacturers were facing a blizzard of law suits from parents of vaccine-injured children. The very nervous manufacturers told the government they were going to get out of the vaccine business. The financial hit was going to be too deep.

The government said WAIT. Meetings were held. A plan was devised. A law was passed exempting the manufacturers from financial liability.

That’s the precise model for this new COVID vaccine court. And it’s based on the same unstated confession that existed in the 1980s: there are and will be MANY vaccine injuries.

Bottom line: the government expects many COVID vaccine injuries.

[And vaccine injury is not something from which a child can heal. When the shot enters the body the damage cannot be undone. That bell cannot be un-rung]

That’s what they aren’t telling you. They’re just preparing. With a new vaccine court. To handle injury and death of children and adults.

That should not give you a warm secure feeling.

Quite the opposite.

Yes, the government knows exactly what’s coming when they approve a COVID vaccine. And now, so do you.



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Man’s System Is At War Against Jesus


The masks mark people as citizens of an evil system. Those who like masks are not just simple minded dupes – they are advocates for Statism which is idolatry against Christ.

Americans in general have believed the myriad of lies from government and its institutions like news media, schools, colleges, and churches – institutions that twist and re-invent our history and the Bible. These people have lost their ability to recognize truth. Their entire perceptual apparatus derives from strategically directed propaganda creating the corrupted citizen personality. They trust the government to tell them what’s best for them. They comply with orders without question. As a result, those who wear the mask will also take the shot. And that will be the end of them. They will not be as they used to be physically or spiritually.

It’s pretty clear to anyone who can still actually think that the COVID plandemic, along with several destructive events of 2020, are calculated steps to usher us further into a godless and mindless society where nothing makes sense and you don’t care.  The people in control are convinced — or rather, by our indifference and ignorance to their deceptions, we have convinced them! — that we can be manipulated into anything. Therefore they had no hesitation in going for broke and implementing total chaos in the world by calling this mild flu (the corona flu) “a disastrous plague,” and correctly calculating that most people won’t really know or care whether it’s true or not.

How obtuse have Americans become? When President Trump created the $13 trillion emergency pandemic fund scheme, it helped take your attention away from the lies and crimes federal and state governments are committing.

In America we were already controlled by advertisers who know how to keep us amused, entranced and distracted, so it was a relatively small step to convert us into puppets on strings, ready to take into our bloodstreams shots designed to make us sicker and maybe kill us, as well as literally change us (our DNA) into some kind of chimera (an organism consisting of two or more tissues of different genetic composition, produced as a result of genetic engineering.).

Now despite all sorts of revelations about government lies concerning this fake pandemic by which they have locked down the world, the social restraints remain in place – possibly indefinitely.

It’s a long string of lies that Americans have swallowed throughout their lives that have emboldened their government to openly deceive and manipulate them. This, in part, is why today the income breakdown in the U.S. is 1 percent fabulously wealthy and 99 percent paupers. If not striving mightily to make ends meet, we paupers are the increasing number of people standing by the side of the road now begging for government food.

No matter where you look you find the stories don’t add up. None of this makes sense, but most people are accustomed to not expecting things to make sense. So the criminals in office carry on.

All those lies we chose to ignore and/or believe have constructed the lie we are trapped in today, which is that this is “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” In reality we have become — or perhaps have been for a long time — a nation of sniveling cowards who condone killing babies and taking pride in US military indiscriminately killing and maiming innocent people while stealing their land and their property.

And always remember that the object of all police operations is to protect the politicians and the property of the banks, because that’s who pays their salaries. Any of their actions that damage the public, we already know so well, are always recorded under the inactionable phrase “collateral damage,” which the Jews always remind us is “the cost of being free,” which we now know always refers, not to our freedom, but to their license to commit crime.

What really matters? Well, those things that get us through the day and keep us warm and happy. So the main thing is always having enough money to maintain our politically correct lives. And therein lies the tale of our demise.

The reason the world population followed along with the absurd pandemic plan in such an orderly fashion was the repetition from all those other times when they knew their leaders were lying to them, but they decided not to object. They decided it was more prudent, less risky, and more profitable to lay low and not draw attention to themselves. This formula has led us to where we are today.

Aspects of the vaccine: false promises, obligatory poison adjuvants, prevents oxygen molecules from binding with your blood, can’t breathe.

Aspects of the mask: Reduced oxygen intake triggers asphyxiation, cancer, heart failure, can’t breathe. Isn’t that what George Floyd said when he was dying from a combination of fentanyl overdose and a cop’s knee on his neck?

Relax. Just take the shot. Everything will be OK. Hasn’t your government always looked out for you? Really?

The people who run the world have inherited their lofty positions through crime. Willingness to kill and steal is the quality that makes a politician and a mobster. Frederic Morton said as much in his puffy biography of the Rothschilds. So we should not be surprised that the people running the world today are an entrenched criminal class. It would be illogical to think otherwise, no matter what kind of misleading education they have confused you with.

I have often said that the most essential people in an election are the middle of the road dummies who barely pay attention to the political goings-on of their nation. They are the ones who can listen to a newscast several times a month, talk casually with friends, and vote for absolutely anyone – the person who catches their eye or ear with a catchy phrase. Voters make themselves complicit in the crimes of government.

As a result now we are all marching toward the death of culture – culling to please the masters of our destiny who care far more about the trinkets their bottom line can buy than they do about the babies who are left to be murdered by those whose twisted compulsions have overcome their own common sense.

With what we now know about carcinogenic triggers in the polio vaccine, the phony epidemic that was falsely called AIDS (supervised by Dr. Fauci, I might mention), and the number of people killed by sepsis by visiting hospitals, it should come as no surprise that blind belief in your doctor can frequently be a fatal disease in and of itself.

What kind of electronic witches’ spell has been cast over the minds of the world to compel them to reflexively accept an improperly tested vaccine when one of the great secrets of modern medicine is that doctors’ remedies frequently cause more diseases than they cure?

This is the plan that makes Bill Gates gush and twitch with anticipatory glee.

What kind of moron would take a concoction that they freely admit is not even a real vaccine, but something that will alter our DNA and turn us into genetically modified human beings? It sounds like a new, more efficient Jewish model of enslavement.

And the day is now here when the monsters in charge of government insist that we cannot trust our “lying eyes,” and we must see and hear what they tell us to see and hear. We are tortured mentally and bullied into denying what is actually before our faces. Like Winston, in Orwell’s 1984, was tortured mentally to the point O’Brien could hold up four fingers and make Winston think he was seeing five fingers.


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Transgender Perversion And Sodomy are Harbingers Of The End Of A Culture

Transgenderism and Sodomy are signs of a dying culture


As a nation of mentally disturbed and perverted people relies upon a godless central Beast System for guidance and support, it becomes a nation of weaklings, idiots, and cowards. Spiritual, intellectual, and physical awareness (self-reliance) provides independence; but there is more. Mental and spiritual factors are commonly overlooked and underconsidered. Ignorant people may look to centralized governmental power for both physical and spiritual security – those who fail to think for themselves or defend themselves and their interests are more likely to tolerate police state tactics, mass surveillance, heavily armed policemen, unthinkably intrusive laws, etc.

The social condition of widespread helplessness and pusillanimity can enable the growth of a powerful state. The same is true for racial/cultural diversity. Loss of self identity and connection to ancestry robs people of spiritual strength. Diverse societies are unstable and weak societies. Weak and unstable societies look to  a central power/system to provide identity. This brings societies to identify with the state rather than with ancestral ties. Diversity – the abomination of amalgamation of cultures – like widespread physical weakness, effeminacy, and timidity, is fertile soil for Statism to take root and grow. On the other hand, a society of spiritually strong men and women is protection against the idolatry of Statism. Weaklings are notorious for resorting to cruelty in pursuit of their own predilections and causes, and for preferring a lawless environment where they feel safe to practice their abominable lifestyles. Thus they gravitate to a godless central system whose rulers favor weakness and perversion.

Sodomy and pedophilia is unnatural. If someone (at least past puberty) cannot figure that out, they need help. God is the Author of Nature; Nature is the expression of God. When one sets his or her hand in mockery against the highest expression of Nature (family and procreation), that person has declared war against Nature and the God of Nature.

It does not matter what people ‘think’ or ‘feel’ or ‘believe’. It is what God knows that matters.
Homosexuality, transgenderism, bestiality, pedophilia, etc. as well as those who practice, support, or implicitly condone the same, are sick. And, they are dangerous to our children and ultimately everything that is good and clean and pure.

Women can not be men. A masculine woman is a cheap substitute for a real man. Likewise an effeminate or “gender dysmorphic” man is a cheap substitute for a real woman. A gender dysmorphic biological female can not replace a man and a gender dysmorphic biological male can not replace a woman. Both are naturally ridiculous and abominations everywhere but in Hollywood movies.

Ultimately, these shameful mindsets are mass hysteria. When teachers normalize such unnatural ideas in the minds of the young (those who are highly impressionable and easily disoriented) it is an abomination. It twists, deceives, and perverts the young, and leads them on errant paths to misery and ruin.

The normalization of transgenderism and sodomy serves another purpose. An effeminate and weak (and especially a confused and delusional) population is more inclined to look to government for guidance and authority. Thus, when a dimorphic culture and power structure seeks to normalize these bizarre behaviors and pathologies, it not only weakens the people, it strengthens systemic idolatry.

A nation of weaklings and girlie men is an invitation to Statism and Totalitarianism. The weak and cowardly will not defend themselves. They will not believe in objective right and wrong. Thus they look to government devils for validation and security. This is likely another very important reason why the Beast System that rules these cultures normalizes transgenderism and homosexuality, and now even calls masculinity “toxic.” They desire a nation of weaklings ever in distress who, devoid of spiritual strength, look to devils in power for protection against all who are still normal. The weak and confused can not defend themselves physically or spiritually. They prefer to fancy themselves enduring victims no matter how many innocents they misdirect and pervert.


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Video: Irish Doctor Speaks Out About Covid-19 Lies

September 15, 2020

Dr. Anne Mc Closkey has 35 years experience as a practicing General Practitioner in Derry, Ireland.

She first knew the pandemic was “fake” when the WHO first declared pandemic with an announcement of 4,291 deaths globally. This, she says, represents 1 death per 1.8 million people. Context is important.

Also the rules were changed around Death Certificate coding, as happened in North America and beyond, it was the first time in her professional career that she had witnessed this. It meant that COVID data could not be compared to previous outbreaks, it couldn’t be compared to “what had happened before”.

Consistent with Canadian guideline changes as described by Rosemary Frei, definitions of COVID symptomology were broad and lacking in specificity.

“Anybody with temperature or cough prior to their death, no matter what else was wrong with them, was to be counted as COVID death.”

Heart disease, diabetes, cancer and myriad other co-morbidities were falsely deemed insignificant according to the “new rules”.

“Sick, frail, elderly were taken from hospital wards not operating at capacity and shoved into the care-home sector.”

She watched people dying alone, and flatly asserts that “what happened was barbarity.” This happened “lock-step” across Europe, she says. It also happened lock-step across North America.

Citing a British medical journal, she reports that 2 out of 3 “COVID” deaths were due to state-imposed “COVID measures”, in particular, lock-downs.

Bringing context to the debate again, she says that a person has a 0.0112% per cent chance of “Dying of COVID”, but the chances are much lower if a person is under 80 and free from co-morbidities.

Finally, she makes some important observations:

First, the global response to COVID is directed at every stage by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Second, Key funders to the WHO and to Research Centers that made grossly inaccurate pandemic modelling scenarios, are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Third, the person most vocal about the need for a vaccine is Bill Gates.

Fourth, pharmaceutical companies will profit most from vaccines, but they will not shoulder the risks. Governments will be liable for costs accrued to vaccine injuries.

Fifth, she predicts that there will not be a second wave. Viruses extinguish themselves (as SARS-1 did), and currently COVID is “clinically irrelevant”.

Finally, she predicts that there will be a “testdemic” (new push for more and more testing to falsify a surge in new cases) as a pretext to locking people down again.


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Placer County California Votes to End Covid State of Emergency

Phillip Schneider –

The Placer County, California Board of Supervisors recently declared that they no longer consider the Covid-19 pandemic to be a ‘state of emergency’ requiring the most restrictive government-mandated lockdowns.

“Our case numbers are so low, it doesn’t warrant a shutdown,” said Placer County Board chairwoman Bonnie Gore.

Placer county, located in the Sacramento area, has acquired a running tally of 3,325 Covid-19 cases since February, with a total of exactly 39 deaths. The United States Census Bureau counted the Placer population at 398,329 as of July 1, 2019, placing the overall infection rate around 0.008%.

Lockdowns from Covid-19 have caused an outbreak of drug abuse, suicide, and domestic violence across the country. By forcing millions of people who were already battling depression, addiction, and abuse out of a job and isolating them in their homes, state governments have precipitated irreversible damage in the lives of many Americans across the entire country.

Masks come with their own problems too as dentists have noticed an alarming rate of gingivitis since mask-wearing mandates began, including among patients who have never had dental problems before. In response, they began calling this phenomenon “Mask Mouth.”

When the pandemic began, we were told the lockdowns would last ’15 days to slow the spread,’ specifically to prevent hospitals from becoming overfilled. However, now that those issues have long passed it seems that globalist bureaucrats and state governors are only interested in keeping America shut down until a lucrative coronavirus vaccine is widely available, which could take years.

“I think looking in the rear view mirror, we can see that emergency never materialized and we’re fully justified in calling the end of the state of emergency, and in fact I believe we have an obligation to call an end to the local state of emergency,” said Kirk Uhler, a Supervisor who represents the areas of north Roseville and Granite Bay.

We know that lockdowns are not necessary in every area, particularly in those with a low rate of Covid-19 infection. For example, Sweden declined to lock down their country from the start of the pandemic and are faring quite well in regard to immunity.


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BREAKING NEWS: Court battles against governors’ illegal shut down orders in Ohio and Pennsylvania

September 15, 2020

The organization that calls itself “Ohio Stands Up!” said it has filed suit in the Northern District of Ohio Federal Court in Toledo to remove DeWine’s emergency order. The group is represented by attorneys Thomas Renz of Fremont and Robert Gargasz of Lorain.

Organizers said the lawsuit is solely funded by donations from Ohio citizens. As of Aug. 30, donations reached $34,055. For more information, visit

“We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public,” Renz said in an email press release.

“The objective of this legal action is to force the state to honor the Constitution and to stop the lies, manipulation and fear-mongering intentionally being promoted by public health officials and elected officials.”

The attorneys said they are determined to “restore the Constitutional rights that have been stripped away by the State of Ohio’s unjustified actions regarding COVID-19.”

“The State of Ohio has consistently lied to and manipulated its citizens from the earliest stages of this pandemic,” Gargasz explained. “We insist that this nonsense end, our rights be restored, and that the actual truth be shared.”

Recently, the CDC confirmed that 94 percent of the deaths attributed to the coronavirus were from people who had as many as two to three other serious illnesses. The majority of those deaths are individuals 75 and older. Six percent of the deaths are directly from COVID-19, according to the CDC.

“The entire U.S. economy was shut down based on fraudulent models that predicted 2.2 million American deaths,” Renz said. “The State of Ohio violated the U.S. Constitution with an emergency declaration that ignores the fundamental rights of all Ohioans. As a result, millions of Ohioans are suffering financially, physically, and mentally.”

Masks are dangerous, prevent proper breathing, and provide no real protection against this virus, according to multiple studies.

Gargasz said a rapidly growing number of Ohioans recognize this and understand that, if they don’t stand up and speak out, it could be too late because a precedent has been set.

“There is zero basis for a state of emergency,” Renz said. “Based on what we know about the consequences the emergency order has caused to the physical, financial, and mental well-being of Ohioans, and the vitality of Ohio communities, this is truly a crime against humanity, and it must not be allowed to continue.”


In Pennsylvania a court case in U.S. District Court moved for relief from Governor Wolf’s illegal shutdown orders. District Court Judge William Stickman IV sided with the plaintiffs. Stickman wrote in his ruling that the [Pennsylvania] Wolf administration’s pandemic policies have been overreaching, arbitrary and violated citizens’ constitutional rights…

The ruling found that [Pennsylvania Governor] Wolf’s restrictions that required people to stay at home, placed size limits on gatherings and ordered ‘non-life-sustaining’ businesses to shut down were unconstitutional.

In this case, the judge made his ruling strictly on Constitutional grounds. His conclusion is worth reading:

“…even in an emergency, the authority of the government is not unfettered. The liberties protected by the Constitution are not fair-weather freedoms — in place when times are good but able to be cast aside in times of trouble. There is no question that this Country has faced, and will face, emergencies of every sort. But the solution to a national crisis can never be permitted to supersede the commitment to individual liberty that stands as the foundation of the American experiment. The Constitution cannot accept the concept of a ‘new normal’ where the basic liberties of the people can be subordinated to open-ended emergency mitigation measures. Rather, the Constitution sets certain lines that may not be crossed, even in an emergency. Action taken by Defendants [Governor Wolf] crossed those lines. It is the duty of the Court to declare those actions unconstitutional. Thus, consistent with the reasons set forth above, the Court will enter judgement in favor of Plaintiffs.”

United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, US District Judge William S Stickman IV, County of Butler et al v. [Governor] Thomas W Wolf et al.



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THERE IS NO PANDEMIC. THERE NEVER WAS. Wake up and see what is happening. The government and the news media are lying. They have an agenda – and it is NOT to protect the public.

Even the “official” inflated statistics from the CDC (see graph above) show that the so-called pandemic is false. Their stats indicate that the disease peaked in April and has died in August – a normal pattern for the typical annual flu season.

This week the CDC quietly updated the death count of COVID 19 to admit that only 6% of the claimed COVID-related deaths recorded in the United States ACTUALLY died from COVID.

The other 94% had 2-3 EXISTING comorbidities (they were dying from other causes). So of all the people listed by the CDC as COVID deaths, 94% died from other illnesses (comorbidities) – not from COVID. And the overwhelming majority of deaths from comorbidities were among the elderly.

That’s 9,682 actual COVID deaths in a country of 327 million. That’s .0000296%. And in reality the numbers are probably even fewer than that.


Comorbidities (from the CDC website):

… conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause. All others (94%) had other serious diseases (“comorbidities” – i.e., they were dying from other diseases). IN ADDITION to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. COVID-19 was listed as an incidental, not the cause of death. But the politicians, news media, and hospitals are being paid (bribed) to deceive the public.

For CDC data on comorbidities:


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Polio Vaccination—Still Causing Polio After All These Years

Vaccination programs, for over 50 years, have falsely claimed to be safe and effective.

Children’s Health Defense – 9/24/2019

It is exceedingly rare for the public health community to admit to any problems with vaccination. Every so often, however, circumstances force officials into making just such an acknowledgement. The current debacle seeping out into the news—which is actually a long-running tale minted anew—is that oral polio vaccines are “spawning virulent strains” of polioviruses. The alarming surge in vaccine-derived polio cases presents vaccine planners with a “quandary” or “conundrum”—because “The very tool you are using for [polio] eradication is causing the problem.”

The oral polio vaccine (OPV) is in use around the world and constitutes the “workhorse” of global polio eradication efforts due to its low cost and ease of administration. The OPV contains live but weakened polioviruses that match up to wild polioviruses. Vaccine researchers have long known that these OPV-derived viruses can themselves cause polio, particularly when they get “loose in the environment.” In settings with poor sanitation and iffy hygiene, the vaccine viruses can easily “find their way into water sources, and onto contaminated hands or foods,” where they can then launch a self-perpetuating chain of transmission. Researchers concede that an OPV virus “can very rapidly regain its strength if it starts spreading on its own,” acquiring “mutations that make it basically indistinguishable from the wild-type virus.” In other words, there is no meaningful difference between a wild and OPV-derived poliovirus “in terms of virulence and in terms of how the virus spreads.”

The conundrum

Until recently, the OPV was trivalent, containing three vaccine serotypes corresponding to the three types of wild polioviruses (types 1, 2 and 3). In 2015, however, global public health agencies declared wild poliovirus type 2 eradicated and, in 2016, they decided to oversee a closely coordinated 155-country “switch” to a bivalent oral vaccine that includes only types 1 and 3. The ostensible rationale for this global maneuver was to take vaccine-derived type 2 virus out of the running; if wild type 2 viruses had disappeared, “the thinking went,” it would be “unethical to expose children to the risk the vaccine viruses posed,” particularly since type 2 had been responsible for close to 90% of the vaccine-derived polioviruses circulating since the year 2000. However, in a what-could-possibly-go-wrong scenario, the lingering background presence of the type 2 vaccine virus has prompted a spectacular backfiring of the “switch,” with vaccine-derived polio outbreaks emerging in numerous countries.

In an astonishing admission, a CDC virologist has stated that due to the stop-gap use of the new type-2-only vaccine, we have now created more new emergences of the virus than we have stopped.

Outbreaks unsquelched

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is a combined effort of the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Rotary International. In pre-“switch” computer modeling, the GPEI’s scientific advisors predicted that some vaccine-virus-derived outbreaks would inevitably occur. However, they confidently asserted that they would be able to “quickly squelch” any such outbreaks through—what else?—the “judicious use of a new live vaccine…effective against only type 2.” In effect, they advised taking a “gamble” that the monovalent vaccine “would not spawn new outbreaks of its own.”

In Africa, at least, the gamble has failed. The frequency with which type 2 vaccine-derived outbreaks are occurring has far exceeded projections—and the rush to administer the new monovalent type 2 vaccine appears to be exacerbating rather than stemming the problem. In an astonishing admission, a CDC virologist has stated that due to the stop-gap use of the new type-2-only vaccine, “We have now created more new emergences of the virus than we have stopped.” Another vaccine expert has remarked, “if you just keep trickling in with a little bit of [monovalent] vaccine every time you think you have a problem all you’re doing is reseeding [more transmission chains].”

Although the WHO describes polio as just one of the possible causes of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), African labs have been isolating type 2 vaccine virus in case after case of AFP.

There had been no cases of wild poliovirus on the African continent since September 2016, but by July 2019, the WHO was cautioning that there was a high risk of ongoing type 2 vaccine virus spreading across Africa. Outbreak investigators have been documenting an uptick in circulating vaccine-derived  poliovirus type 2 in both human and environmental samples since mid-2017 (two years after the “switch”), generally obtaining human samples either from children presenting with acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) or from “healthy community contacts.” Although the WHO describes polio as just one of AFP’s possible causes, African labs have been isolating type 2 vaccine virus in case after case of AFP.

To date, surveillance reports have noted the presence of the vaccine-derived type 2 poliovirus in Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, and Somalia. In Nigeria, type 2 has spread from the north of the country to Lagos—Nigeria’s largest and most densely populated city. In Ghana, soon after investigators found type 2 vaccine viruses in sewage in the capital of Accra, a toddler 400 miles away was diagnosed with vaccine virus paralysis—representing Ghana’s “first ever” reported outbreak of type 2 vaccine-derived poliovirus.

On September 19, ABC News announced a polio outbreak in the Philippines, caused—as confirmed by WHO and UNICEF—by “vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2.” The “outbreak”—which has thus far affected just two children and some sewage samples—is unfolding two decades after the WHO declared the Philippines to be polio-free. Blaming the situation on the decline in public acceptance of routine vaccination—following the rollout of a dangerous dengue vaccine that killed as many as 119 children in 2016-2017—the two global health agencies have sternly asserted that the only way to get back on track with polio is to vaccinate at least 95% of children under age 5. The Philippine government is complying, launching an aggressive polio vaccination campaign.

In other countries ranging from Myanmar to Indonesia to Papua New Guinea, surveillance programs are also reporting cases of paralytic polio resulting from circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1.

Meanwhile, the Gates Foundation is pushing hard to get the [new oral] vaccine into the field as soon as possible, speculating that it will have a lower risk of transmitting vaccine virus—however, the Foundation cautiously notes that the only way to know for sure will be to use the vaccine.

New and improved = same old, same old

The presence of type 2 vaccine viruses “over a widening swath of territory” in Africa and elsewhere is apparently disheartening to polio eradication enthusiasts, but not to worry, they have another ace up their sleeve—another new and improved polio vaccine! In fact, two new polio vaccines are in the works. One is a “novel” genetically engineered oral vaccine supported by the Gates Foundation; the second is an inactivated vaccine hypothesized to be “powerful enough to end outbreaks.” As the WHO’s lead polio researcher has stated, “The race is on” to deploy at least one of the two vaccines under the WHO’s “emergency use protocol” by as soon as mid-2020—even before licensure. Conveniently, the new oral vaccine’s manufacturer, Bio Farma, will soon “have the capacity to make 35 million doses a month.” Meanwhile, the Gates Foundation is “pushing hard to get the [new oral] vaccine into the field as soon as possible,” speculating that it will have a lower risk of transmitting vaccine virus—however, the Foundation cautiously notes that “the only way to know for sure will be to use the vaccine.”

Whether in Pakistan, Africa or the U.S., it is time to stop equating public health with vaccination and time to admit that vaccination programs often leave new and worse problems in their wake than those they were intended to solve.

Eventually, the global public health community has set a goal of ending all use of the OPV and switching over to exclusive use of the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) administered via injection, making the assumption that the IPV is incapable of causing vaccine-derived polioviruses to circulate. However, as Children’s Health Defense recently described, from the 1950s on, the U.S. has witnessed serious cases of paralytic polio induced by both types of polio vaccine—injected and oral. Similarly, a reporter describing the glitches with the “switch” observed that “Even children who have received IPV…can be infected by and transmit the vaccine viruses” [emphasis added].

In Pakistan, where wild polioviruses are still on record as circulating, some citizens in poor communities are refusing the oral polio vaccine, questioning a one-trick public health charade that never does anything to address more pressing health threats such as lack of running water and sanitation. Rather than respond to these reasonable concerns, the government has taken to jailing uncooperative parents, while the latter resort to “hiding their children or using fake finger markings to pretend they have been vaccinated.” Whether in Pakistan, Africa or the U.S., it is time to stop equating public health with vaccination and time to admit that vaccination programs often leave new and worse problems in their wake than those they were intended to solve.


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The Press in His Pocket: Bill Gates Buys Media to Control the Message

9/3/ 2020 – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Board Chair, Children’s Health Defense

A Columbia Journalism Review expose reveals that, to control global journalism, Bill Gates has steered over $250 million to the BBC, NPR, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, the New York Times, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde, Center for Investigative Reporting, Pulitzer Center, National Press Foundation, International Center for Journalists, and a host of other groups. To conceal his influence, Gates also funneled unknown sums via subgrants for contracts to other press outlets.

His press bribes have paid off. During the pandemic, bought and brain-dead news outlets have treated Bill Gates as a public health expert—despite his lack of medical training or regulatory experience.

Gates also funds an army of independent fact checkers including the Poynter Institute and Gannett —which use their fact-checking platforms to “silence detractors” and to “debunk” as “false conspiracy theories” and “misinformation,” charges that Gates has championed and invested in biometric chips, vaccine identification systems, satellite surveillance, and COVID vaccines.

Gates’s media gifts, says CJR author Tim Schwab, mean that “critical reporting about the Gates Foundation is rare.” The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation declined multiple interview requests from CJR and refused to disclose how much money it has funneled to journalists.

In 2007, the LA Times published one of the only critical investigations on the Gates Foundation, exposing Gates’s holdings in companies that hurt people his foundation claims to help, like industries linked to child labor. Lead reporter Charles Piller, says, “They were unwilling to answer questions and pretty much refused to respond in any sort of way…”

The investigation showed how Gates’s global health funding has steered the world’s aid agenda toward Gates’ personal goals (vaccines and GMO crops) and away from issues such as emergency preparedness to respond to disease outbreaks, like the Ebola crisis.

“They’ve dodged our questions and sought to undermine our coverage,” says freelance journalist Alex Park after investigating the Gates Foundation’s polio vaccine efforts.


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A Reversal! Italian mayor suggests imposing penalties for WEARING a face mask when ‘unnecessary’


These days, going out without wearing a face mask is considered poor form – and, in some places, an offense. But the mayor of an Italian town says fines should be slapped on those wearing a mask in an “inappropriate” situation.

Vittorio Sgarbi, the mayor of Sutri, is confident his unorthodox initiative will help stem the spread of pandemic-related hysteria,” as he put it, according to the TASS news agency.

[Apparently Mayor Sgarbi understands that forced mask-wearing is state-imposed terrorism and tends to create hysteria which is detrimental to people’s health. I agree. In this case the Italian public appears to be so brainwashed they don’t realize that their mayor is actually trying to help them.   – ed.]

Sgarbi, who is also a renowned art historian, cultural commentator, and television personality, told TASS he had issued a decree – yet to be approved by the Italian government – calling for imposition of a fine for wearing a mask in a situation when it’s not needed.

Sgarbi made it clear that anyone breaking his ban would not incur a harsh penalty, but that people should wear a mask only when the occasion requires. “Wearing a mask at dinner is absurd,” he clarified.

The mayor is no stranger to going against the mainstream. Ahead of the pandemic, he reportedly dismissed coronavirus as “a flu” and ridiculed those raising concerns about the looming crisis.

In mid-August, Italy mandated the wearing of masks from 6pm until 6am in all spaces open to the public where maintaining social distance is impossible. Two weeks ago, police handed out the first penalty for breach of the rule, fining a 29-year-old maskless man who argued that Covid doesn’t exist.


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“Human 2.0”? A Wake-Up Call To The World”Human 2.0″? A Wake-Up Call To The World

Dr. Carrie Madej, DO (Doctor Of Osteopathy) is a Internal Medicine Specialist in McDonough, GA and has over 19 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Kansas City Univ Of Medicine Bioscience College Of Osteopathic Medicine medical school in 2001. She completed a residency at Mercer University The Med Center Of Central Ga. She currently practices at Phoenix Medical Group of Georgia, LLC and is affiliated with Piedmont Fayette Hospital.


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Mandatory Vaccinations Are On The Way

Chuck Baldwin – 8/27/ 2020

The people who are sheepishly going along with the Covid narrative being pushed by, well, just about everyone are in deep denial about many, many things, not the least of which is the fact that the shadow government controlling this phony narrative is planning to FORCE the American people to be injected with the Fauci/Gates/Trump/Big Pharma/Covid vaccine. Those who refuse the vaccine are going to wake up in a nightmarish world where Freedom no longer exists—a world where the lack of the “mark” (government certificate, voucher or even implanted chip or digital tattoo of some sort) will mean that the freedom of work, travel and buying and selling is almost impossible. And the ones who take the vaccine will be totally controlled and monitored by the state from that day forward. 

If you want to get an idea of what these totalitarians have in mind for us, take some time to study the conditions under which the Palestinians live in the Israeli-occupied territory of the West Bank. I’m serious. Study it for yourself, because THAT is exactly what the totalitarians have in mind for anyone who refuses to accept the government’s corona vaccination. 

Virginia State officials are already promising that the corona vaccination will be MANDATORY for all Virginia residents—NO EXCEPTIONS.

State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver told 8News on Friday that he plans to mandate coronavirus vaccinations for Virginians once one is made available to the public.

Virginia state law gives the Commissioner of Health the authority to mandate immediate immunizations during a public health crisis if a vaccine is available. Health officials say an immunization could be released as early as 2021.

Dr. Oliver says that, as long as he is still the Health Commissioner, he intends to mandate the coronavirus vaccine.

The decision comes after Massachusetts said it would make the flu vaccine mandatory this year as part of a campaign to protect the state’s medical system. We suspect Virginia and Massachusetts won’t be the only states to discuss mandatory COVID and/or flu vaccination in the coming weeks, as the school year begins.


There is absolutely no doubt that Virginia and Massachusetts will not be the only states to mandate the corona vaccination. Not to mention the number of major corporations that will mandate the vaccination for all of their employees. And, no doubt, government agencies (federal, State, county and municipal) will require their employees to take the shot as well. I also look for public schools to mandate the corona vaccination for all of their employees and students. Schools already require a plethora of vaccines for incoming pupils. 

All 50 states now require children to be vaccinated for multiple diseases before they’re allowed to begin kindergarten. California requires vaccinations before kids can attend preschool or go to daycare, with no religious exemptions allowed.

Connecticut forces parents to have their children vaccinated for an astonishing 9 separate potential illnesses.

But get this: Bill Gates, the man who makes billions of dollars profiting from Big Pharma’s vaccines, refused to vaccinate his own children.

Given that the vaccination issue now impacts all families in America, directly or indirectly, you’d think it would have garnered more media attention when it was learned that vaccine champion and Microsoft founder Bill Gates refused to allow his own children to be vaccinated.

This admission came from the Gates family’s personal physician in Seattle, who was speaking behind closed doors with other doctors at a symposium last year (someone at the conference leaked the conversation, so the doctor himself technically did not violate doctor-patient confidentiality rules).

The doctor reportedly told his colleagues, “I don’t know if he (Gates) had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children.”

It also seems like Bill Gates and the elites know something about vaccines that the rest of us aren’t being told.



Well, one of the things we aren’t being told is the rampant corruption surrounding the largest vaccine manufacturers.

Under “Operation Warp Speed” the Department of Health and Human Services has allocated around $10 billion to feed into giant multinational multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical corporations – each with a track record of bribery, corruption, market manipulation, and price gouging.

The US Department of Health and Human Services itself is headed by Alex Azar – former president of pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly – which was accused of manipulating the price of insulin in the US, and fined for doing so in Mexico – Politico reported in its article, “Trump’s HHS secretary nominee boosted drug prices while at Eli Lilly.”

If COVID-19 was truly the danger we are told it is – why has the Western World placed its trust in the most corrupt corporations on Earth? Why do Western governments draw department and ministry heads from these corporations? Why is the development of these vaccines being done in secret by for-profit corporations through the use of proprietary technology rather than as an exercise in open, international collaboration?

Upon seeing examples of the colossal corruption carried out by each of these “Operation Warp Speed” candidates it will become clear that their collective appearance at the trough of $10 billion in taxpayer dollars to develop a COVID-19 “vaccine” is the capstone upon a long, sordid history of profiting at the expense of the general population’s money and even their health.

Six of the eight corporations shown in a table in Forbes’ article are Western pharmaceutical giants. They include:

*Johnson and Johnson;
*AstraZeneca and;

Four of the six are convicted – not accused of or suspected of – but convicted of criminality ranging from falsifying research, the bribing of doctors, regulators, legislatures, and even law enforcement officials, to the marketing of drugs to children for conditions not approved of by regulators, and false advertising – just to mention a few.

One company is accused of recently manipulating the stock market as part of its inclusion in “Operation Warp Speed.” The last company simply takes US government money by the billions and produces nothing.

A normal person would not likely trust a convicted criminal – recently released from prison – walking up to their front door and injecting an unknown substance into their body claiming it protects them from some sort of disease or condition.

Yet that is precisely what the West does when they roll up their sleeves to be injected by substances created by pharmaceutical corporations repeatedly convicted of the worst possible crimes such businesses could commit.

The difference of course is a criminal walking up to you on the street raises immediate red flags.

A criminal corporation hiding behind bribed doctors with clean white coats, certificates affixed to their walls, professional, clean, and well-light [sic] examination rooms, stamps of approval from government regulators, and all the other facades of modern Western healthcare – lulls the public into a false sense of trust and safety these corporations and their products do not deserve.


If you don’t think that money—and the love of it—is driving this scamdemic, you are seriously naïve. For going along with and enforcing the Covid narrative, hospitals are receiving billions of dollars from the federal government. So are State and county governments, airline companies, nursing homes, churches, businesses, just about everyone.

In other words, these organizations and corporations are being BRIBED by the federal government with billions of taxpayer dollars (or more accurately, with Fed-created/borrowed monies) to push the Covid narrative.

This is NOT about our health and safety. In fact, our overall health and safety are seriously DECLINING every day that this phony narrative continues. This is old-fashioned Crony Capitalism (also known as Fascism) being used to create totalitarianism in what was a free constitutional republic.

For example, here in Montana, Covid positives amount to less than 1% of the population. The Covid death percentage is statistically zero at .009%. For these truly normal—or even subnormal—case numbers, the State has received almost $243 million in Covid relief monies. (Almost $24 million came into our own Flathead County.) That is over $100 million more than was requested and doubtless went to local and county governments. And that is on top of the $1.25 billion already received from the Fed. FOR WHAT? 

Hospitals are empty and laying people off; government services (including the Postal Service) are slower than ever; banking institutions have closed their lobbies and shortened their work days; city councilmen, county commissioners and health boards are meeting behind closed doors and are more aloof from the citizenry than ever before; businesses are operating at half-capacity; grocery stores stay half empty; and churches are still closed. Good grief! McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants are still drive-in only. Again, FOR WHAT? 

Furthermore, I’m here to tell you that the shadow government picks the president, not the people of the United States; and Donald Trump is their man for 2020. Yep! Trump will win the November election. How do I know that? Because the power elite know that if Biden wins, there would be a monstrous uprising from Christians and conservatives against the forthcoming mandatory corona vaccinations. But with Trump at the helm, they will do what they have been doing for the past four years—and especially for the past six months: NOTHING! They will sheepishly submit to the corona vaccination just like they have sheepishly submitted to wearing those stupid masks, social distancing demands, lockdowns, shutdowns, church closings, etc.

G.W. Bush was selected by the shadow government to install the Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act and America’s ubiquitous surveillance state. Trump was selected by the shadow government to implement this mandatory vaccination—America’s version of the mark of the beast—and the acceptance of a “new normal” totalitarianism.

And think of this: Americans are willingly surrendering their liberties without a gun being taken. The corona vaccine will make everyone who takes it a slave of the state whether they own a gun or not.

Right now, the one world-renowned figure that is leading the resistance to this Gates/Fauci medical tyranny is Robert Kennedy Jr. 

It doesn’t matter if Kennedy is the son of former U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy Sr. and the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy—both lifelong Democrats. He is putting the vast majority of Republicans, conservatives and evangelicals to shame in his fight to resist this medical tyranny now being waged against us.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a “criminal” according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has vowed to bring the immunologist and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to justice.

Fauci became a household name in recent times, but he has been a key figure in the U.S. public health sphere for decades — and according to Kennedy Jr., his criminality has had disastrous consequences.

Fauci, 79, has been the head of NIAID for a long time, becoming director in 1984. As the director, he is responsible for a large portfolio of research on established and emerging diseases. As per his NIAID bio, Fauci’s purview includes HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, tuberculosis, malaria, Ebola, Zika and now COVID-19. He also oversees research on autoimmune disorders.

According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who serves as the chair of Children’s Health Defense Fund, Fauci has “committed one of the most consequential criminal conspiracies in history.”

According to Kennedy Jr., Fauci distributes $6b annually in research grants” and he personally ensures that “studies of autism’s environmental causes never get funded.”

When in 2008 NIH’s Autism Coordinating Committee allocated $16 million to study the potential links between autism and vaccines, Kennedy Jr. says Fauci and Tom Insel, the director of the National Institute of Mental Health, killed the studies.

“They have committed one of the most consequential criminal conspiracies in history,” said Kennedy Jr. “Children’s Health Defense will bring these criminals to justice.”


The people of America (especially Christians and conservatives) have one chance—just one chance—to save this republic. They must stand up en masse—and I mean by the tens of millions—against the forthcoming mandatory coronavirus vaccination.

Already, statist “Christian” leaders are in the process of sedating Christian people into accepting the mark (or medical brand or digital tattoo or whatever symbol of state ownership Gates and Company comes up with).

And, of course, America’s larger churches and their pastors have received billions of dollars of federal tax dollars via the CARES Act and are, therefore, already bribed into compliance.

That means if Christians and conservatives are going to stand against this tyranny, they are going to have to do it without the aid and assistance from the vast majority of their pastors and church leaders. But do it they must, because there will not be a second chance if they do not.

I don’t know how to say it any plainer: To submit to the forthcoming mandatory corona vaccinations is to submit to our own enslavement.


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